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Timeless Page 2

by Michael War

  “Better?” he asked, his green eyes showing signs of concern.

  “Yes, I am.”

  “Can walk?”

  “Yes. I think.”

  “Good, home is close.”

  The wild man got up, then extended his hand out for Marcus.

  They started their walk in silence, with occasional looks toward each other. After a few moments, the wild man spoke.

  “Daniel?” The man replied. His inflection indicated this was a question. Marcus really wasn’t sure how he could explain Daniel. He could never find the right words to do it for himself and was likely to have even more trouble now.

  “He is someone, someone I knew. His eyes were the same as yours.”

  “Love?” The man asked.

  “Yes. But not anymore.”

  The man just nodded back.

  “Do you have a name?” Marcus asked.

  “Another like you gave me Jade.”

  How fitting, Marcus thought, though he would have leaned more toward emerald than jade. But it still suited him.

  “That is a beautiful name.”

  “They also tell me how to talk like you. Still learning. It helps when more people come from cave like you.”

  Marcus stopped for a second, stunned by what he just heard. He never thought that anyone else would have been in the same predicament he found himself in. To be honest, he was a little disappointed to hear that he wasn’t the first. But he was also relieved to know that perhaps he would be able to go home. Or at least he thought they did.

  “There were others like me?” he asked, hoping to find out more from Jade.

  “Yes. Not many, but I help them go home.” Jade continued walking as he talked, keeping his eyes away from Marcus. He knew what the next question was. He had been asked it before, and it never got easier.

  “Did they all make it home?”

  Jade stopped. “No.”

  He didn’t say anything else after that. He just looked away. Marcus wanted to keep asking. He needed to know more, especially if there was a chance that something bad could happen. In the back of his mind he knew this was a possibility with everything walking around, but he let his mind trick him to thinking he was immune. But there was something in the way that Jade looked when he answered, a sadness that his emerald green eyes couldn’t hide. Now was not the right time for answers.

  They walked in silence again, until finally reaching a gathering of leaves and vines that resembled a hut. Though it was small, Marcus was impressed at the intricacy of it.

  “This is your home,” Marcus asked.

  “Yes. We will be safe. Go to cave tomorrow.”

  Tomorrow. It seemed so far away. How far, Marcus didn’t know. His watched stopped working and other than the clear night sky, he had no way of knowing what the actual time was. But for some reason, he wasn’t that concerned right now. The sky was clear and full of stars, which was something he hadn’t seen in a while. It was so serene, that simple pleasure of looking up and seeing all those twinkling delights made his worries disappear. Not completely, since he was still out in the middle of who-knew-where, but for one second, he could breathe.

  Jade laughed and shook his head. “They all do that.”

  “Do what?”

  “Look up. They all look up and never stop.”

  Marcus realized that this was normal for Jade. The sky, the creatures, everything here. Of course, it would look silly to him for someone like Marcus to be so caught up in it.

  “It’s just so beautiful.”

  Jade looked up, then back at Marcus.

  “We should go in. Creatures will start coming.”

  He lifted a section of his shelter and waved Marcus in. The space was small, but enough to sit up and possibly lie down. While this was the opposite of his bed at home, he was too tired to even think about how he didn’t have any blankets or a pillow. Or that the dirt would have to substitute for a mattress.

  Marcus shivered a bit. “So are we going to start a fire or something?”

  Jade shook his head. “Too small inside. Outside, creatures will see and come.”

  “Sorry, guess I’m just a little cold.”

  Jade moved over to Marcus and put his arms around him.

  “We keep each other warm.”

  Jade held Marcus tight, but not so much that he couldn’t breathe. It was a simple gesture, but one that Marcus truly appreciated. The space was dark, yet little bits of the moon filtered through the cracks in the leaves. A part of Marcus hoped that this was all a dream, while another was beginning to think that he might have to start calling this new land home.

  Though he felt safe and semi-comfortable in Jade’s arms, Marcus couldn’t turn his mind off. A lot of what was going on just didn’t make any sense. How in the world did a cave send him here? Plus, why would Jade live amongst such prehistoric looking animals? Everything he had read placed humans millions of years after these creatures. Not to mention that Jade is supposed to look a lot different and not like he does. Though Marcus didn’t mind that last part as much.

  Marcus realized that he needed to stop thinking so hard and just go to sleep. Answers weren’t going to come anytime soon, and especially not from Jade. Marcus knew that this muscular beast knew more than he was letting on but wasn’t about to share. As much as Marcus wanted to know, he needed Jade to get back home, even if his desire to return faded a bit every time Jade squeezed him tighter.

  Marcus nestled his head against Jade’s chest, and finally allowed himself to fall into a deep sleep.

  * * * *

  The next morning Marcus woke up expecting to be back in his bed, surrounded by the walls of his apartment. As his eyes began to focus, he realized that yesterday was not a dream, and that he really did wander into some prehistoric time loop. Or alternate universe. He still wasn’t quite sure which one was correct.

  Jade was still asleep, or at least most of him was. Marcus could feel a part of him that was fully awake poking away at him. A sly smile came across his face. How nice would it be to rub up against it, he thought? Jade was still asleep, so perhaps he wouldn’t know. Temptation got the better of him, and Marcus began to gently rub his backside against what seemed like an anaconda.

  Just a little, he thought. A little rub and nothing more. Just to scratch that itch. He motioned a little more, then stopped. Jade was fully erect, which made Marcus tingle. He decided to try once more. Before he stopped, he felt Jade’s hand move to his chest while using his big hand to give a little squeeze.

  Marcus let out a little moan. Nothing too loud but just enough to get Jade’s attention. Jade’s eyes opened wide as he saw Marcus continue to rub up against him. He couldn’t see Marcus’ face, yet he knew that Marcus was indeed turned on.

  He wanted to pull away, to stop this before it could go any farther. But he couldn’t. He had been intrigued by this beautiful man the moment he showed up in his world. Jade knew he could fall for Marcus. He was extremely lonely and the fact that he felt this connection to Marcus was too big to ignore.

  But Jade also knew the consequences of such an extreme relationship. That is why he made a pact to help those who came through the cave and nothing more. Just like his father did before him. And his mother, before she was taken. But oh, how he wanted more right now.

  Jade’s basic urges were getting stronger. He cupped Marcus’ breast once more, then leaned in a gave a little kiss on his neck. Marcus stopped. He hadn’t realized how carried away he had become. However, now that Jade was awake and seemingly into this, perhaps he could take things a bit farther.

  He turned around and looked straight at Jade. Bits of sunlight were filtering through, and one ray was hitting Jade’s eyes at just the right angle. He looked stunning. Marcus leaned in for a kiss, and Jade answered back by letting his tongue glide into Marcus’ mouth. If Marcus didn’t know any better, Jade had done this before many times. Marcus quickly dropped any further thoughts and decided to live in the moment. As they continued kissing
, Marcus decided to reach down for Jade’s massive member.

  He let his hand slide down Jade’s chest, then the stomach, and finally reached the loin cloth. Marcus peeled it back and saw what had to be cock that had previously only existed in his imagination. Jade reached down and tore off the rest of his loin cloth, then put his hand on top of Marcus’ and began to stroke.

  Marcus loved the animalistic way that Jade was taking charge and decided to let him have complete control. He was about to live a longtime fantasy and wasn’t going to mess it up.

  Jade stopped stroking and lifted his hand off Marcus. Jade then took him by the back of the head, holding his hair tightly in his gigantic fingers while plunging Marcus’s mouth down on his massive member. For a second Marcus thought it wouldn’t fit, but somehow, he managed to take most of it in. He wasn’t used to such brutality, but for some reason, he didn’t want it to stop. He wanted this man, this wild man, to take control of him. He didn’t know what was coming next, and he really didn’t care.

  Jade continued to pump Marcus’s head up and down on his cock, making his grip tighter with each move. Could this really be happening? Marcus thought. Or maybe it is a dream. Just then, the wild man heaved Marcus’s head back and lifted him up to his feet. He extended his hand for Marcus to grab and lead him outside. Whatever Jade was planning, there wasn’t room enough to do it inside. He stared directly at Marcus with those green eyes and planted an uninhibited kiss on him. As they kissed, Jade’s ample arms caressed Marcus’s back firmly then slid down to his ass, where he tore off his pants and gave him a slap across his cheek. Marcus’s head flung back, forcing him to let out a moan he had never heard before. He wanted the wild man now more than ever and hoped this moment would never stop.

  Taking his cue, Jade grabbed onto Marcus’s ass even tighter, lifting him off the ground and placing him against a tree, making sure he kept a tight grip. His large cock teased Marcus’s hole for a few brief seconds before he licked his hand, getting all lubed up. As he slid in, Marcus could not help but scream in delight. The sheer size of this man’s cock was enough to drive him insane, but the strength and force he applied with each thrust brought Marcus to his breaking point. Not once did the wild man take his green eyes off Marcus, even as sweat began to drip from his head across his well-developed chest, all the way down to his chiseled abs. Marcus was going to cum, and without even touching himself once.

  Jade was beautifully in sync with Marcus and seemed to sense that he was close. He began to thrust even harder and deeper, tightening his grip with every pump. The faster he went, the deeper he seemed to be inside of Marcus, until finally he released while throwing his head back in wild abandon. At that point Marcus could not control his senses any longer and finally freed himself from all his pent-up frustrations.

  Jade loosened his grip, but still held Marcus against him, taking him to the stream, where they cleaned each other off in between slight kisses. They then went back into the shelter and fell to the ground in exhaustion. Once again, Jade laid beside Marcus until they both fell asleep, locked together in each other’s arms. Though they were exposed to whatever was in the jungle, Marcus did not care. He had never felt so protected in his life and almost forgot about his desire to return home.

  * * * *

  Marcus woke up some time later. Again he wasn’t sure how much time had passed, but it had to be a significant amount since the sun was coming through from a different direction than he remembered. Jade was also nowhere to be found. Marcus smelled something in the air, something rather pleasant. Jade must have been outside cooking something. Marcus couldn’t remember the last time he had food. He was too busy thinking about not being something else’s dinner to even worry about his hunger.

  Marcus peeked out of the shelter and saw Jade sitting by a fire. He had something that looked like vegetables hanging over it. They smelled even better out in the open.

  “I thought we couldn’t do fire’s.”

  “Now is good. Not in dark.”

  Marcus sat down beside Jade. The smile on his face faded the moment he noticed the solemnness in Jade’s eyes.

  “Is everything okay? You look so sad.”

  Jade didn’t look at Marcus. “You must eat. Then we take you to cave to go home.”

  Marcus put his hand on Jade’s shoulder. “Well, we could wait a little bit. I mean, the cave will be there, right?”

  “You need to go home. Not safe for you here.”

  Marcus took his hand off Jade’s shoulder and put some distance between them. Jade finished cooking and placed some of the food on the leaf. He handed it over to Marcus and then served himself. They both ate in silence for a bit, but not before feelings of anger and confusion began to fill up in Marcus. He put his food down and stoop up to face Jade.

  “I don’t understand why you are being this way. I thought…I thought…” He couldn’t finish. Tears began to swell up in his eyes. Though it hadn’t been that long, Marcus had feelings for Jade. This big protector somehow managed to sweep Marcus off his feet in a very short amount of time.

  Jade stood up and walked over to Marcus. He wrapped one arm around him and wiped away tears with his free hand.

  “I want you to stay. But it not safe for you here. You belong home. Like the others.”

  A light suddenly went off in Marcus’ head. “Did you lose someone you love?”

  “Yes,” Jade answered. “Mother.” Jade began to tell a tale of how his mother found her way through the cave while chasing her dog that got loose when she had to pull her car over. She tried going back in the cave, but her naturally curiosity took over. She began to explore a bit, but not before something started chasing her. Jade’s father was out hunting for his tribe when he heard screams.

  Jade’s father ran toward the screams and fought the creature with all he had in him. He was able to kill the beast and save Jade’s mother, but not without getting horribly scraped across his chest. Jade’s mother nursed him back to health, and while she took care of him, they both fell in love. They were later bonded together in a marriage-like ceremony. Along the way, Jade was conceived.

  About eleven years had passed, and they were still together. Jade loved hearing the stories of his mother’s home, yet she never tried going back. Her life was now there with Jade and his father. One day while Jade was out picking fruit with his mother, a small growl filled the surrounding area. Jade’s mother tried to hold him still, but panic set in and he began to run. She chased after him, calling his name while begging him to stop.

  She eventually found him standing frozen in the path of a giant, lizard like creature that had its gaze focused on her son. The creature began to charge its way toward Jade, teeth in full view. As it got closer, the creature leaned in for the kill. Normally, a creature like that could outrun any human, but a rush of adrenaline fueled by the love for her son overcame Jade’s mom. She ran toward him and managed to place herself in the creature’s path.

  After that, everything became a blur. The only thing he remembered was waking up in his father’s arms. From then on, both Jade and his father vowed to protect everyone who came out of the cave and send them straight home. That way they would not end up with the same fate as Jade’s mother.

  Tears were streaming down Jade’s eyes as he told the story. It was quite a sight to see Jade so vulnerable. Up until now, he had only seen the strong side of Jade. But this side, coupled with what he already knew, made Marcus care for Jade even more.

  This time, Marcus caressed Jade. He placed Jade’s head on his shoulder as Jade continued to cry. It was the first time he had told anyone that story, and it surprised him how much he was opening up. Jade knew that he was attracted to this strange man, but now he also knew that he might be falling in love. No one before had taken such time to talk to him, to hold him. It was something he craved and wanted more of. He could see himself with Marcus forever, which is why he had to get him home as soon as possible.

  “I take you home. Keep you safe,” Ja
de said, his head still on Marcus’ shoulder.

  “Maybe you could go with me. Learn to live in my world.”

  The idea was a new one, yet the longer it stayed in his mind, the more intriguing it got. Marcus figured it would be tough at first, but Jade could possibly assimilate with a little work. But not too much, since Marcus would still want to keep what makes Jade so wonderful intact. Plus, a little of the wildness coming out every now and then wouldn’t be such a bad thing either.

  Jade lifted his head. “I must protect. I made promise to Father.”

  His voice sounded so strong, so determined, that he Marcus knew that Jade wasn’t going to be convinced anytime soon to go home. While they hadn’t been bothered by any type of creature today, the possibility was still there. Marcus was aware of it, even if he tried to push it to the back of his mind.

  “Fine, but can we at least wait one more day?”

  Jade looked at Marcus and smiled.

  “One more day.” He placed his forehead against Marcus, then went in for a soft, deep kiss. Jade loved the way that Marcus’ lips felt against his. They were so soft and supple, as was his skin. He couldn’t get enough. But he pulled away before things got too intense.

  “Come.” Jade got up and once again reached out his hand for Marcus. Marcus accepted and waited to see what Jade had in store.

  * * * *

  If anyone had been watching, it would have been such a strange sight. Two men from different worlds walking through a jungle hand in hand, occasionally stopping for a quick kiss and a little fondling. Yet there they were, carefully moving about while waiting to see what comes next. Jade had always wanted to share his favorite place with someone, which is something he couldn’t do with anyone from his tribe.

  He was already an outcast thanks to where his mom was from, even though she was the one who taught them to communicate. What made it harder was the fact that none of them understood why Jade insisted on continuing to protect the people who came through. Many of the tribe felt the less they had to do with that strange cave, the better.


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