Daughter Of Ethos: Deadly Betrayal Book 5

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Daughter Of Ethos: Deadly Betrayal Book 5 Page 21

by L M Lacee

  Jarrod said. ‘Warrior Fenthic’s mind is calm and contented. He would like to stay here but like Leota, worries about abandoning his squad brothers.’

  Avana said. ‘His mate will be coming soon to Terra, she is Terran and a midwife.’ Worriedly, she told Peyton. ‘They are destined for each other, if they do not meet they will remain alone. We must not let that happen. In yentas to come, their children are going to lead this planet.’

  Peyton hugged Avana, who had ceased to be alarmed each time one of the females hugged her.

  ‘Calm Avana, I will make it happen. The mating is up to them, but I would suggest you let Nina know, so she will be aware of it.’

  Avana gave her a nod as Peyton smiled, looking across the room at the three Warriors. ‘Now for these three, what of them?’

  Jarrod laughed, a sight that still amazed Avana. Lately he always seemed to be ready with a smile or a touch, a kind word as he did earlier. It made her needar happy to know she had chosen well. When she had followed through on her quest to meet Peyton and her family all those luneras ago.

  He said now. ‘Grathum thinks to leave that little girl here, of course he is wrong. His needar and heart have already been stolen by her, as has the heart of the Warriors, Hutmans and Nithcott.’

  ‘Who?’ Avana asked.

  ‘Rion and Tunera. All three have a secret wish to be instructors, they all have skills in tactics and warfare well advanced of most Warriors, apart from the Elites and Warmaster. Their combined knowledge of weapons is amazing and a little frightening. They would like to ask Netta to teach them her knife skills and Terran combat training. I am sure they will when they are more settled.’ Jarrod smiled again when he said. ‘It will take them time to, how do you say, open up and trust. They do seem comfortable, more so than I thought they would with Netta and Lady Esther, also interestingly enough Lady Suna. These three males need the construct of home and the Star Daughter’s presence to heal properly.’

  Peyton grimaced when he told her that and then laughed in defeat. ‘Of course they do.’ She murmured as she closed her eyes, letting her mind run over Jarrod’s information. ‘I cannot place them in my guard, they would not cope and it would be cruel to ask it of them. I think they should become instructors, and it will help Hawk out. He says he needs more instructors. What of Grathum, he has taken the longest to heal, and he is a father now. So where does that leave him?’

  Jarrod looked up through the glass ceiling to the purple sky and watched the shades of lavender glide through the air. ‘He will not cope far from Prime, as time moves on he will establish a presence, which will grow as Dilly grows.’

  Avana said. ‘And her sister.’

  Peyton queried. ‘Sister?’

  ‘Oh yes, a little five-year-old named Opal who has refused all offers of a family. She has in her mind the male she wants for her father, and that male is Grathum. I have a feeling I will have to keep an eye on her, she has the beginnings of a gift.’

  ‘Should we ask Mama to look?’ Jarrod asked her.

  Avana thought about it. ‘Yes, I was going to bring it up at another time.’

  Jarrod told her. ‘I will do so, when we go home.’

  ‘So,’ Peyton said. ‘Grathum and two daughters. I think he will be my new Commander for the Armee training centers. Like you Jarrod, I believe he will be well suited for the administration side of running a center he can hold classes as he wants. What do you think?’

  Jarrod confirmed her thoughts on Grathum. ‘That will give him the stability and it will play to his strengths, he is natural leader, to lead or Command the training centers will be exactly what he needs.’

  Peyton nodded, then said. ‘We will surround him and the other two with females that they will have to deal with each day. That should help them discover that not all females are like the ones they have known in the past.’

  Jarrod smiled and took Peyton’s hand in his. ‘I have never known of a more delightful and thoughtful ruler. Yes, it is the ideal position, he can be with his brothers and have his daughters.’

  Avana said, ‘He should live on Prime.’

  Peyton agreed. ‘There are plenty of vacant apartments on Prime. The three could share with the little ones. I think we will get someone to keep house for them. Someone who is a female and a little older, we may have to enlarge an apartment to accommodate them all but that is for them to decide.’

  Jarrod and Avana both looked to where Peyton was staring and saw Esther and the Warriors with Dilly now on Grathum’s knee. Knife had his head on Nina’s knee and she was petting him, which put him in a state of bliss.

  Avana asked, surprise lacing her voice. ‘Did you mean Esther?’

  ‘Dearle stars no, I was thinking Suna and her Henri.’

  Esther sat with Lott by her side, talking to the Warriors, and every now and again one of them would almost smile. Slowly their faces were losing the tight bland expression they had arrived with. It was delightful to see.


  Avana nudged Peyton. ‘Watch!’

  She directed her attention to a small girl walking in from outside. She was around five and wore dusty overalls, her face was covered in dirt and her auburn hair had come out of its ponytail.

  She came to a stop just inside the doorway, it appeared the weight of the world was on her small shoulders. Her eyes were shadowed with despair, as though getting through each day was a burden. She shoved her hands into the pockets of her red overalls and kicked at the floor with one grubby sneaker while her eyes swept the room.

  Peyton could tell the instant she saw him, it was as though the sun shone for the first time in her young life. Her shoulders lifted and her eyes brightened and then narrowed in determination, as her chin notched up. She marched to where the three Warriors sat.

  Suna had moved to get a cleaning cloth she stood now with her arms folded and watched the young girl go into battle. She looked over at Peyton, who raised an eyebrow and mind-sent.

  These males are yours to look after if you and Henri wish to. They desperately need your love and wisdom. Sadly they are unprepared for what lies in store for them.

  Suna retaliated. You think I love?

  Peyton laughed. Yes deeply. Oh, by the way, I have a gift for you when we return home. To accept or not is your choice as always.

  Is that so?

  Peyton just laughed again and flicked her fingers. Instantly she, Avana and Jarrod could hear the voices from the table. Avana looked at her and Peyton hunched her shoulders. ‘You might want to forget, I can do that.’

  Avana and her brother both laughed. By this time the little girl had reached the table. She struggled to climb onto the chair and before anyone could help her, she managed to wiggle her way on to it. Then, huffing a little, she continued to climb onto the table. Dusting her hands together, she stood tall, slammed her little hands onto her hips, bent over and looked Grathum in the face and yelled. ‘WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?’

  Startled at the intensity of the demand and the demand itself. His eyes widened and to his credit, Grathum did not react as expected to the five yenta old. Instead he replied. ‘I do not understand little one, what do you mean?’

  Opal cried. ‘I have been waiting and waiting for you and you have not been coming. Where have you been, did you not want me?’ Her lips trembled and her eyes shone with tears.

  Grathum murmured softly. ‘If I had known you were here, little warrior. I would have come sooner. I am sorry you had to wait for me.’

  ‘Well I have, forever and ever.’

  Peyton rose and walked over to the table with Jarrod and Avana following. ‘Greetings Opal.’

  ‘Greetings Star Daughter, I am his.’

  ‘Is he aware?’ They both looked at Grathum as he asked. ‘Aware of what?’

  Peyton smiled. ‘Congratulations, you are a father again. This is Opal, she is five yentas old, and apparently she has been waiting for you.’

  Netta cheered. ‘Yea, for you.’

  The males
sat dumb-founded as Opal stood with her hands still on her hips and tears rolling down her chubby cheeks, leaving tracks in the dirt.

  Tunera said with panic edging his voice. ‘She is leaking, Grathum, do something, you have caused her to leak.’

  Grathum summed up the situation and did the only thing he deemed appropriate, deciding as it had worked for Dilly there was no reason it would not work for Opal. He swept her into his arms and cradled her against his enormous chest. Reassuring her with words he had heard Netta use moments ago while discussing Specialist Darby.

  ‘Do not do that Opal, it is most distressing for Uncle Rion and Uncle Tunera. You have to understand they are sensitive males.’

  Rion and Tunera softly growled at the word sensitive. She sniffled. ‘Why?’

  ‘It hurts their hearts.’

  ‘Does it hurts yours Daddy?’

  He looked at Nina, who whispered. ‘Daddy is another way of saying Papa.’

  ‘Thank you.’ He looked down at Opal. ‘Most definitively it hurts my heart, as it does when Dilly leaks water.’

  Opal sighed as her little arms wrapped round his large neck. ‘Okay, Papa.’

  Nina asked again. ‘What say you Madam Peyton?’

  ‘I say it is a done deal.’

  ‘Good, I’ll do the paper work.’

  Netta asked. ‘There is paper work now?’

  After that everyone sat around eating and talking, giving advice to each other and fussing over the children. Peyton was sipping the fresh coffee Nina had placed in her hand as she mind-sent to Netta and Esther.

  Suna is going to look after the three Warriors and the girls.

  Esther looked over at the almost smiling Assaen. Does she know?

  She does, she is warring with herself about it now.

  I see.

  Also, I am going to offer her and Henri eggs. They are unable to have young!

  Netta said. Sorry to hear that. Maybe that is what put a burr under her saddle.

  Seriously, cowboy terms.

  Your point?

  None that I can think of. I am going to offer Grathum command of the training center that Hawk is always busting my chops about. See, it is contagious!

  Netta smirked as Esther said. Sounds like a good idea.

  I think so.

  Netta asked. Think he will do it? What of the others?

  Rion and Tunera will remain on Prime with him and teach. Leota will go to Scholaach and Fenthic will remain here to help set up the outpost.


  Peyton smiled on seeing the twins as Keylan was placed in her arms. ‘There you are, have you had a nice visit?’

  Keylan babbled as the girls answered her. ‘We all did, what did we miss?’

  Netta and Avana kindly filled them in. Suna sat a little away, drinking her tea, thinking over what Peyton had said.

  Peyton gave Keylan her bottle and softly murmured. ‘We will have to figure out someone to watch over the males and girls.’ She saw Suna’s head jerk from the corner of her eye. ‘Maybe a female who likes children and is mated, so she will not be a threat to them. Someone who wishes to be useful and will not mind caring for three grown shattered males, and two little girls.’

  ‘Hard call.’ Esther said as she too looked at Suna.

  Peyton sighed. ‘I know, it is a crucial time for the three of them. They have just started to realize they need to be part of life again, and of course there are the girls now. I suppose I will have them stay with us for a while, at least until we find the right female. Well, Esther are you ready to come home. I have missed you and the children are desolate without you.’ She managed to look pitiful as she said this.

  Ignoring the look Esther replied. ‘Yes, we are ready. Lott and I miss our own bed.’ She smiled quietly to herself, then looked at Peyton. ‘And you, we missed you and the young ones, everyone terribly.’

  Peyton’s dry. ‘I am sure you have.’ Was again ignored by Esther and everyone there. Peyton asked the girls. ‘So girls are you packed, the shuttle will be here soon.’

  ‘We are going home?’ Enara asked just to make sure she really meant it.

  Peyton looked at Suna. ‘Yes, I think you have learned everything you needed to. What say you Suna, coming home?’

  ‘I think that it is time. I miss my Henri and the girls miss their brothers.’

  Esther said casually as the girls raced away to get their packs and trunks. ‘Are you wanting to find employment or just stay home?’

  Suna looked at the three males who were listening intently to Nina. ‘I am thinking I could help those five who seem in need.’

  Peyton smiled. ‘It is a good fit Suna, they need you desperately, as do their girls. To have an auntie such as you would be an absolute bonus.’

  Netta agreed. ‘It would be an unbelievable family unit.’

  Suna asked. ‘What happens when they find their mates, as they will?’

  Avana gently reassured her. ‘Not for many yentas. They need time to adjust, to learn who they are now, who they will be. Only then will they find their mates.’

  Peyton told her. ‘And when they do, you will have more people to love, your family will grow.’

  ‘To teach and impart your wisdom to.’ Esther dropped into the conversation. ‘After all, that is one of our higher purposes, is it not?’

  Suna bowed her head. ‘It is Omperea.’ She walked over to the three males and sat next to them and quickly fell into conversation. The males looked more relieved the longer they listened to Suna talk.

  ‘I’m betting she was packed before we arrived.’ Netta said with a laugh.

  Esther grinned in return. ‘I won’t take that bet.’ Peyton beamed as she told them. ‘Well, I better go and say hello to one of my fathers.’

  Esther raised her eyebrows as Peyton handed her Keylan and asked her. ‘I hope you are packed?’

  ‘For days.’



  Peyton walked outside and looked up into the sun-filled sky and called to the largest sun.


  Suddenly the world dimmed and a tall male in the shade of purple appeared. He looked to be in his early forties with long golden hair. He greeted her in his a bass voice that made the world tremble.

  ‘Greetings Daughter.’

  Peyton said lightly. ‘Softer please Purponna you’re scaring my people.’

  Suddenly Grathum and his brothers flowed from the hall and surrounded her, cutting her off from the tall, lean male who stood there with a perplexed look on his face.

  Peyton sighed. ‘Thank you, my dearle Warriors for your care, but I am in no danger. This is one of my fathers, so to speak. Purponna, the largest sun of Terra. Please Warriors, go back inside. I apologize for not warning you.’

  They froze for a moment, then four of the Warriors peeled back inside. Grathum sheathed his sword and crossed his arms. His stance one of immovable Warrior. As Jarrod hint at earlier, he trusted Peyton or more rightly the Star Daughter, therefore he would not leave her unattended.

  Avana, Netta, Esther and Jarrod eased out of the Hex and stood watching with Lott and Knife. Sighing, Peyton moved in front of Grathum and at his almost silent growl, she hid her smile. Not more than a few hours earlier, he would not have worried for her safety or shown he did.

  Purponna bowed to her, and she to him. He turned to the observers and bowed as they all returned the gesture. He lowered his voice and spoke as softly as he could. ‘Greetings Daughter, it is a pleasure to meet you.’

  ‘Greetings Purponna. I am pleased to meet you as well. Now is there anything I can do for you?’

  He laughed softly, moving sparkles of lavender in the air. ‘Daughter, you have given us so much already, what more could I or any of us ask of you.’

  ‘Thank you, my greatest wish is to make sure you are all content.’

  ‘In that dearle Daughter, you have fulfilled your wish, for we are content. I must leave, unfortunately my time in this form is limite
d. I wished only to greet you. In the future, as life flows and grows, I will be able to remain longer.’

  Peyton grinned. ‘The people wish me to tell you they enjoy your rays and your warmth. It makes them happy and helps the crops and animals to grow.’

  He blushed a deep purple in pleasure. ‘We… all of us, the suns and moons and especially the planet, enjoy the life they have brought with them. Is there anything they need?’

  Peyton yelled. ‘Nina, anything you need?’

  She walked from the Hex and took in the situation and bowed deeply before saying. ‘If is no trouble, a little more rain at night for the crops and to fill the creeks and lakes would be very much appreciated.’

  Purponna looked confused, so Nina said gently. ‘The sunlight is beautiful and warming, we love every min of it. Although we do need water, it helps the crops and animals grow, and we as a race of beings need it as well.’

  Purponna nodded his head. ‘I understand, I will go now and converse with the others. When time moves on, will you or one of your peoples be willing to converse with me? We would enjoy learning of the others of our kind and what changes there have been made while we have slept.’

  A little flustered Nina looked at Peyton who answered for her. ‘Purponna, I will arrange for that to happen, when the time comes. Go now you are fading.’

  He smiled as he became fainter and said as he left. Our daughter, know we are pleased with you.

  Then he was gone Peyton cursed she could feel herself weakening. Grathum held her as she collapsed against him. ‘Madam Peyton, what ails you?’

  She sank into his enormous arms and gave his chest a pat and faintly said. ‘It is alright. He drew power from me to appear and forgot to replace it. I will be fine, I just need food and water, scratch that coffee. Esther, coffee, please!’


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