Daughter Of Ethos: Deadly Betrayal Book 5

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Daughter Of Ethos: Deadly Betrayal Book 5 Page 37

by L M Lacee

  Thank you, Mama Star.

  My Rayvan.

  ‘Yes Kosmo.’

  What are cookies?

  ‘Oh Kosmo, they are wonderful things to eat.’

  Carrick said. ‘Madam, we will go to the groomers now, if it is alright?’

  Peyton nodded. ‘Thank you Carrick it is, the sooner the better I think.’

  He took the two boy’s hands and their Prowlers went with them. All the time Draykin and Rayvan were mind talking as though they did it all the time.

  Darby asked. ‘You think that is why Draykin is speaking so much better lately?’

  Reeve grinned. ‘My heart, you did not know they talk that way all the time.’

  Darby shook her head. ‘I had no idea.’

  ‘Me either.’ Peyton said. ‘Well, it explains much. Girls your turn.’

  The three female Prowlers walked to their bondmates, Enara said. ‘Her name is Leema.’

  Enuru said. ‘Her name is Deela.’

  Heather told the two kits. ‘What beautiful names you have.’

  Thank you, Mama Heather.

  ‘Oh my.’ Heather gushed.

  Harm asked the twins. ‘How old are they?’

  Enara said. ‘Leema is six.’

  Enuru told them. ‘Deela is eight.’

  Harm said. ‘Deela and Leema, you are both welcomed to our home.’

  Suddenly Heather felt a nose nudge her arm. She turned and looked down into the face of a large patched white and brown Prowler with light purple eyes. I am Remii, I am for you.

  Heather was on her knees in seconds. ‘I am Heather, I am for you. Oh Remii, why have we not met before?’

  I just arrived from Halcyon to patrol.

  ‘Oh, I see, how old are you Remii?’

  I am thirty-five, is that not good?

  ‘Oh my bondmate, that is more than good. I am very pleased to meet you. This is my treasure, Harmara.’

  Harm nodded. ‘Welcome to our home, bond to my mate.’

  Commander, I am grateful.

  Harm introduced him to Rave. ‘This is my bondmate, Rave.’

  Remii and Rave nodded to each other. Before they could do anything more, Heather said. ‘Remii these are our girls.’

  The twins both beamed smiles at her words as Heather introduced them. ‘Enara is with her new bondmate Leema and Enuru is with her new bondmate Deela.’

  Remii bowed his head. I am pleased to meet you. The twins and their Prowlers all bowed and returned the greeting.

  Heather said. ‘So Remii dearle, do you know what is happening here?’

  All know what is taking place and about the Casmal, it is a good day. He said as he nudged her hand. Heather ran her hand down his back and beamed at Harm. ‘So happy.’

  ‘I can see that.’

  Hope had watched the twins and now Auntie Heather greet their bondmates. She sat staring at the Prowler who waited patiently in front of her. They stayed that way until Peyton sat next to her and placed an arm around the not so thin body of her daughter and asked. ‘Is there a problem?’

  Hope said. ‘I am explaining that I am having trouble sleeping by myself, she has told me she will sleep with me in my bed, so I will not be alone.’

  ‘I see, did you also tell her you snore loudly and she may have to get earplugs from Artar Kate.’


  ‘It is true.’ Reeve said. ‘The roof nearly came off our home.’

  She giggled, as did the other two girls. ‘Uncle Reeve, it is not that bad.’

  Rave asked. Is that what that noise was?

  Honor walked in and joined in the teasing. Truly, I have hidden under the bed with the twins.

  Hope laughed with everyone and finally she said. ‘Her name is Maya, and she is ten yentas old, she is my bondmate.’

  Darby told them. ‘Maya is the trader word for faith, isn’t that appropriate?’

  Peyton agreed it was. ‘Delightful and truthfully, it could not be any other way. Welcome Maya to our home.’

  Thank you, Mama Star.

  Peyton addressed the Prowlers. ‘Welcome all of you to our homes and our hearts. Remii, you are a very welcome addition to Heather and Harm’s family. I am sure Rave will be happy to share his protection duties with you. I know I will feel much better, as will her mate about Heather visiting other worlds now she has you.’

  Thank you, Beloved, I am also pleased to be here with my bondmate and my new family.

  Peyton and Heather shared a smile then Peyton said. ‘We hope you all have a good life from now on. For you kits, we expect you to grow, play and have fun.’

  Rave said. Kits I will tell you what all kits are told, you are expected to be a warning only. You are to alert us. This keeps you safe, and all your bondmates safe. Understand?

  We do.

  Good, now go to the groomers.

  Harm said. ‘We will take them.’

  Rave said to Remii. Welcome my friend. It is good to see you again. Afterwards we will talk about protection of our bondmates and the kits.

  Remii inclined his head to Rave. As you wish second. He smiled as he said. It is very good to see you again Rave, you have been busy since I saw you last.

  That I have my friend.

  The girls cheered as they all ran from the room with Harm and Heather walking after them. They heard Heather asking Remii how he knew Rave and if he was mated too and did he come from the same pride.

  Peyton grinned. ‘She will drive him crazy with questions.’

  Rave snorted. He can take it. We will reinforce the lessons for the kits in classes.

  Peyton ran her hand down his back. ‘Thank you Rave.’

  It is what we do, Beloved.

  ‘Lott dearle, we will need nannies for the kits.’

  Lott nodded. Fanharr is working on that.

  ‘No dearle, I was hoping you and Honor would take over that responsibility. Fanharr has a lot on her plate as it is. I know Salmah has been made her second, but she will be busy when Fanharr has her kits. The Prowlers like and respect you both. It would be a good fit, if you wish to do it. If you do not, say so please.’

  They looked at each other, then their bondmates, and smiled. Beloved, we are most happy to take on this duty.

  ‘Oh, I am so relieved. We hoped you would, did we not Melody?’

  ‘We did very much.’

  Peyton told the two Prowlers. ‘Could you see to the meals for the kits tonight, please? Oh, I should tell you, I have no problem with Maya and Kosmo sleeping on the beds. Now you will need to request more Prowlers to help and work with you both, but understand this, you two lead the Prowler nanny unit.’

  Just then Briark and Leiark walked in with Knife and Netta. ‘Hey, we have new people living with us.’ Peyton told them.

  Netta threw herself in a chair. ‘We met and Rayvan and Draykin begged for cookies, it was pitiful. Stop teaching them the sad face.’ She growled at Darby, who shrugged and asked.

  ‘Did it work?’

  ‘Yes dayam it. Apparently the new Prowlers have never tasted cookies. So I said I would bake tonight. Esther, can I use the kitchen?’

  Helen and Brenda stepped off the airlift. ‘Of course you can dearle, we will have eve-meal earlier than usual and we will help.’

  Helen sighed. ‘It has been awhile since we have done something fun. So let us have a cookie baking evening, just what we all need. You will all help.’

  Melody asked. ‘How did I get roped into this?’

  ‘Lucky I guess, same as me.’ Darby said mournfully.

  Peyton pointed at the smirking Netta. ‘Her fault.’

  Reeve said. ‘I will be the taster, it is the least I can do!’

  Rave eyed him, I am with my friend. We will do this for the good of the children.

  ‘If not everyone.’ A pious Reeve said with a self-sacrificing expression on his face.

  Brenda looked at both males and said. ‘Oh, of course.’

  ‘It is for the Prowlers and your sons.’ Netta gave bo
th Peyton and Darby a sad face. Very similar to the one Darby had been teaching the boys.

  They both shook their heads as Darby sighed and said. ‘Fine, for the boys.’

  Knife said as he jumped onto Peyton’s couch. Itsa for us Mama Star too. Itsa good to have cookies and share. He gave her cute soft eyes as he said to her. You like to share doncha Mama Star?

  Peyton hugged him. ‘Yes Prowler baby.’

  Me, not the baby no more.

  ‘Well okay then, I will just call you little Knife, is that okay?’

  He nudged her hand and whispered. Isa gets cuddles still.

  The twins jumped onto the couch and Briark said. We get cuddles.

  And tummy rubs and cookies. Leiark agreed.

  Pepper quietly stole over to where they were sitting. Mama Star greetings.

  ‘Oh sweet Pepper, greetings little one, come to Mama Star. I have not seen you for a while.’

  She climbed up on to the couch and nudged the males out of the way as she sat next to Peyton.

  I always wif Papa Larson, he and I fix things.

  ‘I am sure he is happy you are with him.’

  Helen smiled as she said. ‘Pepper and Larson love being together, it is endearing.’

  Peyton petted her. ‘Well Pepper, whenever you want, you can come see me and my children.’

  Kay Mama Star, we are to have babies too. She wiggled in closer and Peyton smiled, saying.

  ‘I know, so wonderful for you Pepper.’

  It will be nice to see babies, they like Keylan and Hope with no wings yet, Papa Larson says.

  Briark sniffed Pepper. His voice was a low growl as he said. You smell nice.

  Leiark sniffed her. No, she smells like her Mama Helen.

  Briark lifted his lip. Mine!

  Leiark looked at Pepper, then Briark and said. Kay.

  Knife said. Kay.

  Pepper looked at Briark and said. Maybe!

  She then snuggled into Peyton, who looked at Helen when she said. ‘Oh my.’

  ‘A concern for the distant future, I hope.’ Peyton said as kits surrounded her. ‘Yes, well, cookies it is.’

  Esther said. ‘So easy.’

  After an early meal, as promised by the ladies, everyone shared a hilarious evening of baking and tasting cookies. It was a fun way of introducing the new Prowlers to some of the people of Prime. Everyone laughed and made dozens of different cookies, when Karen, who was indeed pregnant, much to Hawk’s stunned amazement, brought her vanilla out. This challenged a fresh round of cookie making with essences no one had tasted before, courtesy of Fern and Nina.

  Avana, Rose and every female who belonged to the family ended up in Helen’s kitchen and then the real baking began. Various combinations of cookies were tried with mixed results. The Warriors and Prowlers eventually decided there were too many delightful tasting cookies to decide on a winner.

  For the Casmal, who had never had such a treat before, the cookies were a stunning surprise, as were the meals they received. For some it was too much, and several broke down needing comfort.

  There was a moment when the twins Leiark and Briark were recognized, but like all moments it passed quickly. Especially when Rage entered the kitchen, his presence overshadowed the twins instantly.

  Both Nina and Fern were shocked to find they had bondmates. It was a toss-up who was more surprised Nina, Fern or the kits. It emphasized the importance of having the Prowlers go to all the worlds to find their bondmates. This was something Melody and her Tochos were going to put into action over the next few luneras. She explained this as she sat next to Peyton, who was sitting with Darby and Fanharr in the dining area. Where they had been sent to after being banished from the cookie making process. None of them minded as they got to cuddle kits and babies and watch the older children have fun with Netta and the ladies.

  They fell about laughing as the males got handed spoons to stir while they tried to sneak cookie dough from under the noses of the females. More amusing was watching Telfor be teased by his brothers, a new concept for the three of them. Especially with Trina helping Jarrod and Rose helping Malchol think of things to tease him about. It was left to Nina to rush to his defense, and each time she did. Telfor would become still and his face would take on a stunned expression, then morph into a pleased smile. His parents looked on with contented smiles as they too got pulled into the teasing and baking.

  Peyton was pleased to see Suna and Henri arrive with Grathum and his brothers. Opal was almost unrecognizable from the scruffy young girl who they had met on Terra. Both girls were dressed in blue and yellow dresses and were very clean. Of course, much to their father and uncle’s dismay, they did not stay that way. Soon enough they had cookie dough on their hands, faces and dresses, but they were happy, which made the males in their lives happy.

  The three older girls seamlessly included Opal within their group. Much to Grathum’s surprise, he found his daughter was very sociable. Avana held Koana as she watched Lia try cookies for the first time. Lia had been absorbed into Avana’s family, much as Nina had.

  Avana sat and watched and secretly yearned for her own mate, hoping as one more brother found his one, she too may find hers. Peyton could have told her, her mate was not that far away but as she told Darby earlier. She is a Sevna, she should figure it out for herself. Darby did not agree, reminding her they had both had warnings of their impending mates. Peyton felt a little guilty about that and said she would think about it.

  They watched Avana watch the others, and Peyton almost relented until she said without looking at either of them. ‘I know what a séance thingy means females, you will be punished.’

  The sympathy Peyton felt for her left with the threat, Darby said. ‘So you say Sevna.’

  Melody murmured which stopped the fight gaining traction as she looked at the noisy kitchen with Warriors, Prowlers and females.

  ‘This is what I always imagined home was like.’

  Darby grinned. ‘I never really gave it a lot of thought, but now I see what you mean.’

  Peyton sighed. ‘Family is love and laughter.’ Avana smiled. ‘Happiness.’

  Then they all laughed as Reeve swung Hope up and over his head, accompanied by squeals of laughter. Which prompted the other males, Grathum and his brothers included, to do the same with the other children, causing more laughter and mayhem.

  Everyone sampled and discovered cookies they liked, which was most of them. Although Peyton refused the ginger ones but she enjoyed the chocolate and coffee cookies Netta made for her and guarded them jealously. Eventually everyone departed with full tummies and containers full of cookies to take to their homes or nests and to sleep the night away in peace and safety.


  Peyton woke the next morn alone. A satisfied smile stole over her face when she felt Hope in her own bed with Maya. She sighed with a mixture of relief and loss that her girl felt safe enough to remain in her own bed.

  As was her practice after showering and dressing she retrieved her coffee and moved to the balcony. ‘Greetings Jax, what has occurred?’

  Greetings Peyton. All is peaceful, the young still sleep. Lady Esther and Lott are rising as we speak.

  ‘Okay, Nina and Telfor?’

  They are happy and she has resigned her position on Terra.

  ‘She what?!’

  Lady Nina has made the happy decision to stay with Mystic Telfor on Prime.

  ‘Tuap, I am not sure that is a good idea.’

  Are you worried about your friend Nina or the coffee plants?

  ‘Well, not just the plants.’


  ‘Shoot, okay plants mostly, but I did not want that to happen.’

  I think her confidence has taken a knocking.

  Peyton laughed softly. ‘I think the saying is, taken a beating.’

  That does sound better.

  ‘So any idea what she is going to do?’

  Set up gardens and growing houses on Prime for exotic plants
and experimentation.

  Spying a vase filled with flowers, Peyton smiled and asked. ‘Jax dearle, who sent the flowers?’

  There is a holo disc.

  Peyton sniffed the fragrant blooms and picked up the compact disc. She laid it flat on her hand and a small holo appeared. ‘Oh, they are from Willian. Isn’t that sweet, I like flowers!’

  So I have heard.

  Carrick arrived to help Esther see to the children as Peyton needed to be in her office early this morn.

  When Peyton and the kits wandered into her office. Penny was already there with Aylee, Peyton smiled at the sight of the kit with Penny.

  ‘Greetings you two.’

  Penny smiled as she replied in kind. ‘Greetings you three. Did you sleep well?’

  Peyton grinned. ‘Hope slept in her own bed all night.’

  ‘Oh she did, that is wonderful, was it because of Maya?’

  ‘I think she felt safe with her there.’

  ‘That makes sense.’

  ‘Penny, did you call the meeting?’

  ‘I set it for 10:00 hours, and Peyton, Nina, Fern and Telfor are in your office with Ward and Janet.’

  ‘Wow, they are early.’

  ‘One could say that or one could say you are late.’

  Peyton nodded, then stated. ‘One could, if they did not want to keep their job.’

  Penny eyed her and grinned. ‘There is that.’

  Laughing, Peyton looked at her kits. ‘Coming in or staying out?’

  We come, tummy rubs from Fern and Nene.

  ‘You mean Nina?’

  Yes, Nene.

  ‘No Nina.’

  We like Nene.

  ‘And they say I am impossible. No comment needed from you, Lady Penny.’

  ‘None given, and I swear I am not even thinking of one.’

  ‘Yeah… yeah.’ With that, she opened the door and greeted her visitors. ‘Greetings everyone.’

  ‘Greetings Peyton.’

  ‘Nina, do you know the twins call you Nene?’

  ‘Oh I know, so does my Petal and Fern’s little Gum, all the kits do, it is so adorable.’

  Peyton mouthed. ‘Petal.’

  Nina narrowed her eyes and sotto voice said. ‘Yes, Petal, why is that more amazing than Gum?’

  ‘It just is, seriously, you cannot stand there and tell me you think it is.…’ Before she could finish a small Prowler around eight nudged Peyton’s hand.


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