Martine, Missy - Changing Their Wolfen Heritage [A Wolfen Heritage 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Martine, Missy - Changing Their Wolfen Heritage [A Wolfen Heritage 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 8

by Missy Martine

  “No, he only said she was half-breed.”

  Latan watched his brother carefully. “So, are we in agreement then? We get Remus to spend some time with her so he’ll lose any doubts he has, and then we make our move. We can forget the mating thing and just see what develops between the three of us.”

  Ethan grinned. “Little bro, that’s the smartest thing you’ve said in the past five years.” He ducked, laughing, when Latan threw a handful of leaves at him.

  “Somebody’s visiting,” Latan said quietly. They’d chosen their hiding spot well. With Kaugh’s office being on the corner, they’d managed to position themselves so they could watch the back windows and front door at the same time. Latan watched as a familiar looking woman exited her Jeep and walked into the office. “Who is that, Ethan?”

  “Uh, Mitchell, her name’s Mitchell. I think it’s Arlene, no, wait, Alice. Her name’s Alice Mitchell. She’s the realtor from Kenyan that helped Michael rent the building for his new office.”

  “I don’t remember—”

  “Wait, she’s coming out.” As they watched, a tall man with dark, unkempt hair and a bushy beard got into the Jeep with Alice. “From Remus’s description, that has to be Marty Dyer.”

  “We’ve got to follow them.” Latan had barely finished his words before he shifted into his wolf and glanced over to make sure his brother was ready to follow. Together, they took off in the cover of the trees, keeping the four-wheel drive vehicle in sight.

  * * * *

  Tania watched as the two magnificent wolves ran off toward the road. Latan’s wolf was the bigger of the two, solid gray in color, while Ethan’s coat was a mixture of black and gray. They were beautiful and masculine at the same time. Her fingers fairly itched to slide through their shiny coats.

  She’d been hiding in her spot even before the brothers showed up. The ability to mask her scent had kept them from spotting her. She smiled as she thought back to the conversation she’d overheard. Remus is the one that has a problem with me. Latan and Ethan want me. She felt a chill run over her body. Oh, God, I want the two of them so badly. They’re making me want things that just aren’t possible. She stared toward the running wolves. No time to worry about it now. Her eyes closed, and she took a deep breath and looked down at the ground. “I need you to help me out, Kit. You need to follow the guys and see what Kaugh’s man is up to. Don’t let me down. A lot of people are counting on you.”

  * * * *

  Where the hell are they going? Latan sent his thoughts to Ethan as they stayed out of sight following the realtor and Kaugh’s man. It hadn’t been hard to keep them in sight. They’d been driving slowly. She’d turned off the main road early on then gone about two miles before turning onto this dirt lane. The dense forest made it easy to stay hidden. They’d been on this trail for a couple of miles now, and Latan could hear the sound of a nearby stream. He and Ethan came to a stop as they rounded the bend and spotted a cabin in a small clearing. As they watched, Alice stopped and parked in front, and then she and Marty got out. The two stood in front of the structure for a minute talking and then went inside.

  We need to move closer so we can hear what they’re saying. Ethan’s words came through clearly in Latan’s mind. Both wolves crawled closer to the small cabin, careful to stay hidden in the fallen brush. After about a twenty minute wait, the two people came back outside. Latan strained to hear their conversation.

  Would you look at that? Ethan’s words had Latan turning his head to see what had captured his brother’s interest. He was shocked to see a small black cat crossing the dirt road, heading toward Alice and their quarry. Is that Tania’s cat? Latan ignored his brother’s question and looked around carefully to see if he could spot Tania. It didn’t make sense for her cat to be this far out by itself. When he didn’t see her anywhere, he turned his attention back to the small feline.

  “Oh, look at that,” Alice squealed. She bent down and held her fingers out toward Kit. “Come here, kitty.” She looked up at Marty. “Do you think it’s a stray?”

  Marty bent down, and the cat immediately jumped into his arms. He chuckled and ran his hand over her back. “No, it’s not a stray.” He stood up, with Kit cuddled close to his chest. “She’s too well fed to be a stray.” His eyes narrowed as he stared at Alice. “Are you sure there aren’t any other houses around here?”

  “Absolutely not,” she replied, shaking her head. “This lot includes seventy acres of surrounding forest, and I don’t think there’s anything closer than a few miles outside this property.”

  “That’s good.” Marty smiled as he continued stroking the cat.

  Latan felt rage building in him at the sight of the large man’s hands running over Kit. He turned and looked at Ethan when he heard a low-pitched growl coming from him. What’s wrong?

  He’s got his hands all over her!

  Latan turned his gaze back to the cat cuddled in Marty’s arms. He felt shock when his wolf sent one word through his mind. Mine!

  “So, did you like the cabin, Mr. Dyer?” Alice asked. “It’s the only listing we have that even came close to your specifications.”

  “Yeah, I like it, but the price is way too high.”

  “Not if you compare it to other dwellings in this area with the same space. It has three thousand square feet, including the rooms underground.”

  “I didn’t pay much attention when we were down there. Are all the rooms the same size?” he asked.

  “Yes! They’re the same size as the two bedrooms upstairs but without the closets.”

  “Why the hell did they build bedrooms underground?”

  She laughed. “You would have needed to meet the former owner to understand. They aren’t meant to be bedrooms, more like survival rooms, which is why it has that special little feature I showed you. The poor man was convinced the world was coming to an end, and he wanted a safe place for his family to go in case of disaster.” She smirked. “He built this place himself but didn’t think it through very carefully. There are no provisions for bathrooms or food storage in the survival rooms.”

  “What did you say the family wants for this place?”

  “They have it listed at two hundred twenty thousand, and that includes the surrounding acreage.”

  Struggling to control his wolf’s rage, Latan watched as Marty leaned down and rubbed his beard against Kit’s head.

  “Tell you what! You tell them I’m willing to pay one hundred seventy thousand, cash, but the offer’s only good for the next twelve hours.”

  Alice looked at him for several moments and then smiled. “I’m sure they’ll be willing to accept your offer, Mr. Dyer. I know they’re anxious to finish settling their father’s estate.”

  “Well, that’s a good thing then.” He raised Kit up and nuzzled his face against her nose. “I think I’ll take this little lady home with me. What do say, kitty? Wanna come live with me? I think I’d like coming home to you every night.” Suddenly, Kit stretched out and sank the claws from all four feet into his arm. “Shit,” he screamed as he lost his grip on the tiny beast.

  Latan could feel his wolf settle down as he watched Kit scamper across the road and disappear through the trees. He turned back and watched Marty shake his head, a sad look on his face, before getting into the Jeep with Alice and driving off.

  Both brothers shifted as soon as the Jeep was out of sight. “What do you think Kaugh wants this place for?” asked Ethan.

  “I don’t know, but it’s remote, easily guarded, with nobody around for miles. That can’t be good for the wolves. We need to get back and let Remus know what’s going on.”

  “Are we gonna tell him about Tania’s cat being here?”

  Latan looked thoughtful for a moment. “No, it would just make him even more suspicious of her.” He gave his brother a grin. “What we’re gonna do is pay little Ms. Schoolteacher a visit. I think it’s about time she answered a few questions!”

  Chapter 3

  Mali pulled up and
parked outside Michael’s office. He sat there for a moment trying to get his wolf under control. Last night had been a struggle, keeping the beast from claiming its mate. He didn’t know how he would get through the next few days working so closely with Melissa on this job. I’ve gotta think of something really wicked to do to Remus as payback for making me wait like this. He chuckled, took a deep breath, and then got out of his truck to head inside.

  Walking into the nearly empty office, Mali glanced around, looking for Melissa. Her scent filled the air, bringing his wolf right back to the surface.

  “Hello, I’ll be right down,” she called out from upstairs.

  He groaned softly as he felt his cock begin to harden. Just the sound of her voice had his jeans feeling too tight. He watched as she came hurrying down the stairs, his breath stopping at the sight of the smile that came over her face when she saw it was him. God, you’re so beautiful! “Hey, Sunshine, you’re looking really pretty today.” She was wearing a pastel pink, sleeveless summer dress with a scooped neckline that showed just a hint of the rounded tops of her breasts. His mouth began to water at the thought of what lay hidden beneath the dress.

  “Thanks, Mali.” Melissa lowered her eyes as a flush spread up her neck into her cheeks.

  He smiled. “You ready for me to get started on the office?”

  “Well, um.” Melissa gripped her hands together in front of her and began to look very nervous. “There’s a slight problem.”

  “Honey, what’s wrong?” The anxiety was rolling off her in waves, and his wolf was pushing at him to do something to calm her down.

  She sighed. “The movers got the dates mixed up, and they delivered my personal furniture this morning. I had to either let them bring it in or risk it being taken back to their warehouse and left until they had another delivery coming this way.” She gave him an apologetic look. “I let them take it upstairs. I’m afraid it’s gonna make it pretty difficult for you to get the work done.”

  Relieved it was nothing more serious, he shook his head and smiled. “Not a problem, we’ll just find a way to work around it.” He walked over and took her arm. “Let’s go up so I can take a look and see what needs to be done.” Without waiting for her to respond, Mali pulled on her arm, leading her up the stairs. When they reached the second floor, he looked around.

  Melissa sighed. “See what I mean?”

  Releasing her arm, Mali stepped forward to get a better idea of what all she had. There was a full-size bed with mattress and box springs already set up, but without any bedding, a dresser with mirror, and a small table and two chairs. “Sunshine, this won’t be any problem at all. I can just move everything to one side of the room and cover it while I do the work on the other side. Is that okay with you?” He turned to get her response and found her staring at his ass.

  “Oh, uh, sure, Mali, whatever you want.”

  He grinned, feeling very wicked. “Whatever I want?” His grin got even bigger when her face turned a dark shade of red. The smell of her arousal brought his wolf surging to the surface, demanding that they claim their mate. To hell with it! Remus said I had to wait to mate her, not that we couldn’t make love. He held out his hand. “Come here, Sunshine.” When she didn’t move, he walked slowly toward her. He put his hands on her shoulders, pulled her close, and murmured her name against her lips. The scent of her arousal got stronger, nearly overwhelming him as it rose up around them. Flames of desire dancing in her eyes took his breath away. Taking a deep breath, he gave her one final chance to back away. “If the answer’s no, then say it now before it’s too late.”

  Melissa looked up into his eyes and trembled. “No one ever made me feel the way you do, Mali. When we’re together, I feel beautiful and desired. You’re everything I’ve ever wanted in a man.” She blushed even more. “There’s no way I’ll ever tell you no.” She slid her hands up his arms and pressed her lips to his.

  Mali growled and wrapped his arms around her. He licked at her lips, slipping his tongue inside when they opened. Her gasp of surprise allowed him to deepen the kiss. When she groaned, he gently took her bottom lip between his teeth and nipped, then let his tongue glide along the sting to soothe it. Pulling away from their kiss, Mali trailed his lips down her chin and throat, his tongue tasting the silky flesh.

  He let his hands drift down to the rounded curve of her ass and squeezed gently while his lips dipped below the neckline of her dress. He savored the taste of her milky white skin as he slowly explored her body. When her arms crept around his neck, his hands rose swiftly to the zipper behind her. He glanced down at the cleavage gradually being revealed against his chest and had to bite back a growl. He so wanted to taste every inch of his mate.

  Melissa’s arms slid down to his chest as Mali pushed her away a couple of inches. He grabbed her loosened dress and pulled it off her shoulders and down her arms. It had just begun to pool around her feet when he yanked his own shirt over his head and tossed it to the floor. Mali cupped her ass and pulled her against his hard frame, his fingers digging into her hips hard enough to leave bruises.

  Her hands tentatively settled on his shoulders and then moved down, tangling in the swirl of hair covering his chest. His breath caught when her fingers skimmed over his flat nipples and then exploded into a growl when she leaned forward and searched for the small brown disc with her tongue. “God, I want you,” he cried. Mali tangled his fingers in Melissa’s hair and pulled her head back. Leaning forward, he slanted his mouth over hers, his tongue demanding entrance. While he ravaged her mouth, his hands peeled the lace cups away from her skin, tearing the delicate material impatiently.

  Melissa hid her eyes against Mali’s neck when he broke the kiss to stare down at the treasure he’d uncovered. Her bountiful breasts fell free from their prison, the skin pink and unblemished. The large, rose-colored tips beaded and pushed forward as if searching for something. His fingers reached out and trailed over one of them ever so lightly. “Your breasts are so beautiful, so full. They’re begging for my lips.” He leaned forward and pressed her hard nipples against his hairy chest. She cried out and undulated in his arms.

  Mali bent down and took one large nipple into his mouth, tracing his tongue around the areola. He drew the tip between his teeth with an edge of roughness and was delighted to feel the sting of her bite against his arm in response. She arched her back, pushing her breast farther into his mouth as he let his hand slide down the soft skin of her stomach toward the silky panties covering her sex. Her knees buckled, and she began to slide to the floor when his fingers slipped beneath the elastic at her waist. Unable to go slowly, he ripped the underwear from her body before lifting her in his arms and depositing her on the bed. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a string of condoms, and then the remainder of his clothes quickly disappeared before he joined her on the naked mattress.

  Lips pressed together in a gentle kiss as he gazed into her passion-filled eyes. “You’re so beautiful. I’ve been looking for you for so long. I’d given up hope of ever finding my mate,” he whispered.

  “Your mate? I don’t know what to say, Mali. Everything’s happening so fast.” Melissa closed her eyes and sighed. “I can’t—”

  “Shh.” Mali quieted her. His tongue traced around her swollen lips while his hand traveled to her generous breast. Leaving her lips, he let his tongue glide over her chin, down her throat, and then across her chest, leaving a damp trail behind it. Her arms fluttered against his shoulders as he licked a trail around the fullness of her breast. Tightening his hand around the soft globe, he held it up and licked across the hardened tip before clamping his lips down and sucking strongly. He allowed his teeth to graze across the sensitive nub and then laved it thoroughly before moving to her other side. Her hands dug into his shoulders while he suckled at her breast.

  Mali let his tongue slide from Melissa’s nipple and roamed south along her rounded, soft abdomen, memorizing the taste of her skin along the way. His tongue stopped to dip into her dainty
navel on its way to the curls covering the entrance to her sex. Dragging his hand down, he searched between her legs to find her heat. Dipping two fingers inside, he opened her labia and watched as the cream flowed from her opening and slid down toward her ass. “You are so sexy, woman.” He inhaled the scent of her arousal deep into his lungs. “You smell so good. You’re mine, Sunshine, all mine.” Leaning forward, he extended his tongue and lapped slowly. Oh, God, my mate tastes like sweet nectar!

  Moving to lie between her spread thighs, Mali ran his tongue up and down her weeping slit before working to coax the center of her pleasure out of its hiding place. It wasn’t long before her tiny clit was peeking out from its protective sheath. He took it gently between his lips and sucked while he continued to pump his fingers in and out of her pussy.

  “Mali,” she cried, her fingers tightening in his hair.

  While his fingers played between her legs, and his lips teased her clit with gentle suction, Mali pressed his hand into the cleft of her buttock and slid his finger into a place he suspected no one had ever been before. Melissa cried out, her body shaking and thrashing beneath him. The fingers in her ass and pussy began to pump in rhythm while he nibbled on her swollen clit. Her slick channel began to contract around his fingers, and her legs came up to grip around his shoulders as her climax rolled over her.

  “Mali,” she cried out as she came.

  “That’s it, Sunshine, come for me, baby.”

  Not giving her time to catch her breath, Mali pulled his fingers from her body, grabbed her hand and placed it on his chest. “Touch me, Sunshine. I need to feel your hands on me.” He moved up to lie beside her, encouraging her to explore his skin, and sighed when she laid her hands on his chest. The wolf howled in protest when he didn’t immediately take possession of their mate, but Mali knew he needed time to cool down or he wouldn’t be able to hold back.

  Melissa took a deep breath and ran her hands down Mali’s chest in a light caress, her fingers lightly teasing the hidden nipples. She jumped and seemed startled when he grabbed both her hands and pressed them hard against his muscled torso.


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