Martine, Missy - Changing Their Wolfen Heritage [A Wolfen Heritage 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Martine, Missy - Changing Their Wolfen Heritage [A Wolfen Heritage 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 22

by Missy Martine

  Tania laughed. “You mean the one you called a puddy tat?”

  Taynor groaned and hung his head. “Yeah, that would be the one.” He chuckled. “As I recall, you got even with me.” He grinned. “And if I remember correctly, you have really sharp claws.”

  Remus laughed with everyone else and then glanced at the clock. “Listen up, people. Once Tania’s inside, she’ll make her way to the basement where we believe Maddie and Michael are being held. She’ll shift, release them from their restraints, and then head back up the kitchen stairs. She already knows the layout from earlier reconnaissance.”

  “How will we know when she’s achieved her goal?” Lanicor asked.

  “She’ll appear in the kitchen window as a sign, and I’ll give the all clear to move in. I’ll give her twenty minutes tops, and then we’re going in anyway.” He gave them a grim look. “Be on the lookout for Elcor and Janis. They disappeared this morning. This is a search-and-destroy mission. I want no prisoners. Collect all the research data, and then get out. I’m planning on destroying the place after we get our family out. Any questions?”

  “Did you clear all this with the Council?” Vanard asked, a worried look on his face.

  “Any important questions?” Remus growled. After a moment of silence, he pushed back his chair and stood. “Then, gentlemen, it’s time to lock and load.”

  Ethan chuckled as he stood up and joined his brother. “Remus, you’re definitely watching too much late night television.”

  * * * *

  Melissa’s eyes flew open, her breath catching in her throat as she tried to focus in the dark room. For just a moment, she struggled in confusion, and then the memories of the past day came rushing back. She pushed to the side of the bed and started to stand as an overwhelming need to get away assaulted her senses. Grabbing her shoes up from the floor, she started toward the door and then stopped suddenly when it swung open.

  “You’re awake!” Ariane smiled and walked farther into the room. “Tehran thought you might be out until morning after the sedative he gave you. Sorry for using a key, but we thought it was prudent to check on you. How are you feeling?”

  “Much better,” Melissa said, warily. “Any word on Michael and Maddie?”

  Ariane ran her fingers through her long hair. “No, nothing yet.”

  As Melissa watched, tears began to leak from Ariane’s eyes. “It’s gonna be okay, Ariane. I’m sure everything will work out.” She squeezed her shoulder then ran a hand up and down her back in a comforting stroke. “I know. Remus will bring them back. I have faith in him and the others.”

  Melissa cleared her throat. “How’s Mali?”

  “He’s doing great. The tranquilizer wore off about two hours ago, and he’s just been pacing ever since. Tehran’s not sure how long it’ll be before he can shift, but he’s hopeful he’ll be back to normal in the morning.”

  “Yeah, I remember the men saying something about it lasting twenty-four hours.” She walked a little closer to the door. “I’m gonna get out of here, Ariane.”

  “What? No, you can’t,” she cried, walking closer to the door.

  “Stop!” Melissa held out her hand, trying to keep the other woman back. “I have to, don’t you understand? You’re all family, and I don’t belong here.” She sighed, struggling to keep her tears from falling. “I just wanna go somewhere I can feel safe.”

  “Melissa, you’re safe here. No one here will ever harm you. You’re Mali’s mate, and the pack protects what’s theirs.”

  “I’m nobody’s mate,” she said, gritting her teeth. “I can’t take any more of this. I’ve got to get out of here.” Melissa turned toward the door and froze. A large brown wolf sat on its haunches right inside the door. “Mali,” she whispered.

  Ariane turned and looked at the large animal. “Yes, that’s Mali.” She laughed. “He’s been having a fit to get in here. I thought Tehran was gonna have to resort to tying him to the bed so you could get your rest.” She walked slowly toward the door. “Relax, Melissa. I promise he won’t hurt you. With you being his mate, he’s driven to be near you. Just let him lie close, and he’ll be just fine. It’ll help keep him calm until the other drugs wear off.”

  Melissa watched, incredulous, as Ariane walked out of the bedroom, closing the door behind her. Her gaze moved to the large animal that watched her avidly with round, dark eyes. She started when he lumbered to his feet and began stalking toward her trembling form. “Stay,” she groaned, her hand thrown out to stop his forward motion. When his progress didn’t slow, she backed toward the bed, not stopping until she felt the mattress against the back of her knees. Exhausted, she sank down on the firm surface.

  “Damn it, Mali,” she sighed, “how could you keep this from me?” He padded over to the bed and nudged her leg with his snout. Soulful, sad eyes held her gaze as he laid his head on her knee. After a minute, she held her breath and tentatively placed her hand on his head. She grinned when he closed his eyes, let out a deep breath, and wiggled closer to her legs. Her fingers scratched behind both his ears, before sliding down his back, gliding through the soft strands of hair. “You’re so beautiful,” she whispered. “I’m gonna change my name to Alice ‘cause I’ve definitely fallen down the rabbit hole.”

  Mali opened his eyes and let out what sounded suspiciously like a snort of laughter. Melissa was about to chastise him for the sound when he moved back and then jumped up on the bed. Alarmed, she scooted back toward the headboard, watching him uneasily. She breathed a sigh of relief when he settled down on the bed, his head between his front paws.

  “Ariane says I’m your mate, but I don’t even know what that means. It sounds serious, almost like a marriage.” She ran her hand over the warm, furry head. “Why didn’t you say anything? How could you let Remus dictate our relationship? God, Mali, I loved you. I still love you, but I feel betrayed, and not just by you. Hell, my own best friend never said anything to me about what he was. But you, I trusted you, and you let me fall in love without knowing the truth,” she sobbed. Mali moved forward and snuggled closer to her body. Leaning forward, he licked the tears from her cheeks before running his long tongue across her lips.

  “Ugh.” She laughed, pushing at his head with her hands. “Get off of me, you overgrown flea bag. You’re not getting around me that easy.” Melissa moved down in the bed and threw her arm around Mali’s wolf body. Burying her face in his silky hair, she wondered what the morning would bring. “I love you, Mali,” she whispered.

  * * * *

  Tania leaned back against Latan and watched the other wolves from the pack head into the woods to move into their positions on each side of the small house where they were holding Maddie and Michael. She looked up as Ethan came to stand in front of her. He tugged on the long strands of her hair, tilting her head back farther, and then cradled her face between his hands. “I love you,” he whispered, and then kissed her hungrily, his tongue sliding against her own. She couldn’t help whimpering into his mouth. Latan pressed his heat to her back, his lips trailing down her neck.

  Ending their kiss, Ethan brushed his lips across her temple and turned her to face his brother. “I love you,” Latan growled. His fingers tangled in her hair, yanking her head back and twisting it sideways to cover her lips with his. He kissed her roughly, nipping at her bottom lip. She moved closer and rubbed against his erection while Ethan pressed against her butt. A groan escaped when he pulled away from her lips. “Be safe, and don’t take any unnecessary chances.” Latan gave her a light kiss and allowed Ethan to pull her away.

  “Be careful, baby. Remember, we love you, and you’ve got a lot to live for. You’re not alone this time. You’ve got the whole pack behind you.” He pressed his lips to hers and gripped her arms tighter. “We’re gonna follow behind you at a safe distance, but if we hear anything unusual, you can expect we’re gonna come barreling in.”

  Remus walked over, pulled her away from his two brothers, and gave her a hug. “I’m your Alpha now, an
d it’s really gonna piss me off if anything happens to you.” He grinned down at her. “You don’t wanna piss me off, trust me.” His face turned serious. “If you can’t get them out safely, abort the mission, and get your furry little butt back here, pronto. Don’t take any chances with your safety. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Alpha, I understand perfectly. Don’t worry, I’m not a rookie. I know what I’m doing, and I’ll get them out.”

  “Okay, then get moving.” Remus stepped back, giving her more room.

  “I love you guys, both of you, very much.” Tania gave her mates one last look and then let her coat slide down her arms. She was naked underneath. Closing her eyes, she reached for the magic she carried inside and felt her body begin to tingle. In the flash of an eye, she was standing on all four feet, looking up at the giant men of her new family. “Meow,” she purred softly.

  “Damn,” Remus mumbled. “I never would have believed it if I hadn’t seen it for myself.”

  Laughing inside, Tania turned and raced toward the woods, thoughts of taking out Kaugh for good feeding her adrenaline. She slowed down as she got closer, dropping down to crawl along the ground. They were looking for wolves and humans, not something as small as a cat. Her black coat blending in with the dark night should make her difficult to spot.

  Reaching the clearing, Tania stopped and listened. Hearing nothing and sensing no movement, she raced across the lit area and hid under the bushes next to the house. Her tiny feline heart beating furiously against her chest, Tania peeked out from her shrubby haven. Not spotting anyone, she looked up and then jumped onto the ledge outside the kitchen window.

  Glancing inside, she was pleased to see the kitchen was empty. The metal bars felt cold as she squeezed through them into the kitchen. She made her way cautiously along the counter and was about to jump to the floor when she heard a toilet flush. Not wanting to encounter anyone, she sprang from her perch and then raced across to the open door that led to the basement stairs.

  Hurrying down the steps, she paused twice to listen for any sounds from below. Reaching the bolted door to the room with the beds, she reached out with her mate bond and informed them that she’d reached the basement safely. Shifting back to human, she quietly unlocked the door and then slipped inside the darkened room, shutting the door behind her. Reaching over, she flipped on the lights.

  “What the hell?” Michael cried. “Who are you? What are you doing here? Where the hell are your clothes?”

  “Shh, be quiet,” she ordered. Moving swiftly, she released Michael’s restraints and then turned to set Maddie free. “I’m Latan and Ethan’s mate. We’re getting you out of here. Remus is waiting outside. All we have to do is shift and head out the back door. The pack will take care of these guys.”

  “We can’t,” Michael argued.

  “What do you mean?”

  “They gave us something that’s keeping us from bringing our wolves.”

  “Damn, I was hoping Melissa hadn’t heard correctly.” She helped Maddie stand and tied her hospital gown behind her. “All right, change of plans.” She raised her shields to prevent her mates from hearing her thoughts. “Remus and his brothers are right outside and can protect you once you get out the door. I’ll shift and let them chase me out the front.”

  “No, I can’t let you do that.” Michael growled and ran his hand through his hair. “I’ll distract them, and you get Maddie out the back.”

  “While I appreciate the sentiment, big guy, it’s better my way. I can shift, and they’ve got no hope of catching my little butt.” She frowned at the Alpha Femm. “Are you all right, Maddie?”

  “No, she isn’t,” Michael growled. “Kaugh gave her a sedative when she got hysterical about the baby.”

  Tania put her arms around Maddie and hugged her tight. “It’s almost over, sweetie. Your mate’s outside, anxious to get you home where you belong.” She looked up at Michael. “I’m gonna shift, and the two of you follow me quietly up the stairs. We don’t wanna be discovered until you’re about to run out the back door. Be ready. As soon as they chase me through to the front, you go.”

  “How can you be sure they’ll chase you and not just shoot you on sight?” Michael asked.

  She grinned. “Easy, they won’t consider me a threat.” Before they could question her further, Tania shifted into the small black cat she called Kit.

  “Holy shit,” Michael gasped, pulling Maddie closer to his side. He opened the door slowly and peered outside. “All clear,” he whispered.

  Tania stepped out into the corridor and led them toward the stairs. She climbed slowly, Michael and Maddie right behind her. At the top, she peered around the corner and spotted Marty leaning against the sink. She was relieved to see him. Of the three men who worked for Kaugh, he was the least likely to do her harm. The crazy man wanted to take her home and adopt her as a pet.

  Taking a deep breath, she strolled out into the kitchen, making sure the big man noticed her.

  “What the hell?” Marty exclaimed. “Well, hey, kitty. Did you come to see me?”

  Tania watched him walk toward her and then raced past him down the hall toward the front of the house. She breathed a sigh of relief when she heard him follow behind her. Reaching the living room, she raced toward the barred window and felt a sharp stinging pain in her left side. Stumbling, she fell to the ground and looked up into the face of Vincent Kaugh. I hope Maddie and Michael made it out, she thought, right before she fell into a black void.

  * * * *

  Kaugh entered through the front door with Sean and heard Marty’s voice coming from the kitchen. Before he had a chance to call out to him, a black cat came running across the floor. Something triggered in his memory. “Shoot it,” he yelled.

  Sean raised his gun and shot toward the running animal, hitting it on the side, just above its back leg. “Okay, so why did you have me knock out a damn cat?”

  Kaugh walked over and peered down at the struggling feline and then smiled. “Because she’s not a damn cat, Sean. She’s a shifter, and we’ve met before.” He grinned and picked up the unconscious animal. Glancing out the window, he tensed. There were wolves converging on the house, and he could see Michael running across the clearing carrying Maddie. “No,” he screamed.

  “What’s wrong, boss?” Calvin had come out of one of the front bedrooms, his gun clasped in his right hand.

  Kaugh grabbed the tranquilizer gun from Sean’s hand and looked up at Marty. “You imbecile, they’re getting away.” He turned to Sean. “You and Calvin take the front and use the bullets this time.” He started toward the kitchen.

  “What are you gonna do with it?” Marty asked, pointing to the cat.

  “Take it to a vet and have it put to sleep.” Kaugh chuckled.

  “But it’s just a cat. Can’t you just let me take it home?”

  “You really are too stupid to live.” Kaugh raised the gun and shot a dart into the bushy-bearded man. As he watched, Marty’s eyes rolled back into his head right before the big man dropped to the floor. Without wasting another second, Kaugh turned and headed for the kitchen stairs.

  * * * *

  Latan looked at Remus and growled. “I’m telling you, something’s wrong. I can’t read her anymore.”

  “All right, we move in now.” Remus pointed to Sortee. “Go let the others know we’re going in two minutes.” He looked back at his brothers. “That’ll give everyone time to get in position.”

  “I think she’s blocking us on purpose.” Ethan frowned. “There’s something going on she doesn’t want us to know.”

  “I’m gonna turn her ass red when we get her home,” Latan promised. “She’s got to...” His voice quieted when they heard a commotion coming from the clearing. Not waiting for Remus’s order, he rushed toward the house, Ethan right on his heels.

  It looked like the wolves had converged on the property at the same time, scaring the men who were standing watch. As Latan got closer, he saw Sean Cross taken down by La
nicor and his men, while Calvin Ames lay unconscious or dead at Taynor’s feet. He was about to go inside the house when his Alpha grabbed his arm.

  “Wait,” Remus cried. “This was too easy, and Kaugh and Dyer are still missing.” Before he’d finished his sentence, Michael came through the back door, carrying Maddie in his arms. Remus rushed forward, meeting him halfway across the clearing, and took his mate from her brother. “Baby, are you all right?”

  “She’s okay, Remus. They gave her a sedative a couple of hours ago, and it hasn’t worn off yet.” He looked around. “Where’s Ariane?”

  “Back at the house with Mali and Melissa.” He glanced at Ethan. “I’m taking her out of here. Bring Tania back to the house when she comes out.” Without another word, he stalked off with his mate in his arms.

  “Where is Tania, Michael?” Latan tried to conceal the fear coursing through his body.

  Michael turned and glanced at the cabin from the cover of the trees. “She’ll be coming out the front. Since we couldn’t shift, she got them to chase her through the front of the house so we could get out the back. Do you know she turns into a kitten?”

  “Yeah, we know.” Latan snorted. “She’s our mate.”

  For a moment, Michael looked stunned, and then he grinned. “That’s what she said, but I didn’t really believe it. I don’t know why I’m surprised, guys. This family never does anything normal.” He slapped Ethan on the back. “I’m happy for you. Now, I’m gonna go put my mate’s mind to rest.”

  Latan watched as Michael hurried off and turned his attention to Ethan. “I can’t just sit here and wait. I’m going in.” He hurried toward the house, Ethan hot on his heels. They stopped outside the door, and Latan looked inside. Not seeing anyone, he walked in, listening for anything that would tell him where their mate was. A sound behind them had him turning toward the stairs that led down to the underground rooms. Moving quickly, he ran toward the open door and looked down in time to see Kaugh hurrying down the last few steps, a black cat draped across his arm.


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