Chance Encounters

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Chance Encounters Page 1

by Kathi S. Barton

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locations, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  World Castle Publishing, LLC

  Pensacola, Florida

  Copyright © Kathi S. Barton 2018

  Paperback ISBN: 9781629898704

  eBook ISBN: 9781629898711

  World Castle Publishing, LLC, January 8, 2018

  Licensing Notes

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in articles and reviews.

  Cover: Karen Fuller

  Editor: Maxine Bringenberg

  Previously released in the two book set Forever Wolf.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Kathi Barton

  Chapter 1

  Andrea hated to fly. It rated right up there with cab rides in the worst ways to travel. The man next to her was making her insane too. Not that he was bad looking…Christ no. The man practically fell all over himself being nice to her. No, it was that he was too sexy.

  When she’d sat down she spread herself out so that no one would want to sit next to her. They’d been told that the plane wasn’t quite full, but there wouldn’t be that many open seats. As he asked her if he could sit, it was on the tip of her tongue to tell him no when she looked up at him. She was nodding even as he picked up her computer bag and handed it to her.

  His thanking her politely made her tongue-tied. Not only was the man good looking, but he smelled like something that no bottle could ever do justice to. It was purely him…she knew that for some reason, and when he leaned over to put his own small bag under the seat, she whimpered slightly at the sight of his amazing muscled back and ass. Then he stood up.

  Who knew that putting a case in the overhead could be so…inviting? Since they were on the side of the plane where there were only two seats, his body…his cock…was right in front of her face. As she watched him, unable to tear her eyes from his obviously well hung body, she realized that she was staring at him when he gave a small chuckle. Turning her face away from him as he looked down the aisle at someone behind them, Andrea wanted to move to another seat; she didn’t even care if it had nine screaming kids in it. Just as she started to stand up to move, he sat down next to her and winked.

  When he pulled out a book—an actual book—and laid it on his lap, she had never been so envious of an inanimate object in her entire life. If she could be that book, if only for a few minutes, she knew that she’d have the best orgasm of her life. Turning away from him once again, she tried to get control of herself.

  Andrea did not think of sex. Well, she did, but not like she was with this man. Sex was something that one needed occasionally. And when it was done, the mutual release achieved, then the couple—if there was a coupling—would part ways and go about as if nothing had happened. Most of the time, a great deal of the time, Andrea just made sure that her batteries were fresh and that they were nearby should she need them. Which lately hadn’t been that often.

  She and men, most men, did not seem to be on the same page when it came to sex. They wanted more than she was willing to give, and consequently it left her alone with her vibrator and nothing much more. Sex with this man, should it ever happen, would be epic and fulfilling, and she was sure she’d never be the same afterwards.

  When the lights finally went off and they could take off their belts, she let out a long sigh and tried not to think about crawling over the man…well, that had its appeal as well. But she’d have to crawl over him to go to the bathroom if she wanted to risk going to the back of the plane. The flight, four hours, was going to be horrific if she didn’t get some relief soon.

  She glanced at the man sitting next to her and thought about relief, when she realized she could take her time looking him over as he’d fallen asleep already. Andrea wondered what sort of climax he could give her, and felt her face heat at the images that popped into her head.

  Andrea Marshall prided herself on the fact that she was in control. Not only did she control what went on in her job as a marketing guru, but she did in her personal life as well. And sex, no matter how itchy she got, wasn’t something she had a lot of desire for. No matter what, she took care of her own needs when they came up and to hell with a man. In most incidents.

  Money was something else she took care to control as well. She had it and didn’t spend it on anything unless she absolutely needed it or it was something for work. She was never going to find herself in a position again where it was eat or have a roof over her head. First her mother had left her high and dry a lot, and then the system had when it became apparent that her mother wasn’t coming back for her when she was ten.

  Twice in her life she’d found herself near starved and living on the streets. She’d been lucky the first time in that the police had found her before someone had raped and killed her. Being dropped in the system hadn’t been great, but she had a meal at least once a day and she’d been able to go to school. Needless to say, she’d made sure that her education came to mean more to her than it did to the teachers, who had labeled her unworthy and had nearly left her without any kind of help.

  The second time was ten years ago. Foolishly, she’d rented an apartment with a friend. She wasn’t really much of a friend, but someone who had been in the same foster home that Andrea had been. Andrea knew that she wasn’t able to support herself on her own, but taking Tammy with her to live in the apartment had been the worst mistake of her entire life.

  Rent was due every month, of course, but after the first two months, it seemed that she could never nail Tammy down for her part. Then there was the electric. Andrea paid the water and the gas, Tammy the electric because it would naturally be the largest of the three bills. Six months into their lease, not only was their power shut off, but with a three thousand dollar bill and another thousand for a deposit, it was not possible for Andrea to get it turned back on by herself. Tammy left her high and dry after Andrea confronted her on that.

  Before that, it was the cable incident. Cable was something that they’d talked about, but with her the only one working at first, it wasn’t something they could afford. Then one night Andrea had come home from work to find her roommate with a new television that took up most of one wall, and had also been hooked up to cable…cable that was being stolen from the woman who lived above them. Calling the police had not set well with Tammy, of course, but Andrea was not going to prison for stealing. It turned out that Tammy’s boyfriend of three days had stolen the television off the back of a delivery truck where he worked, and had stashed a lot of other things that he’d taken in Tammy’s room. All without, Tammy told the police, her permission.

  Three months later, with her power off and Tammy’s half of the rent never being paid, she was tossed out on her ass with everything she owned sold off for back rent, including her personal pictures of her mom and her second or third hand computer. Never again, she vowed then, and had never so much as had a man spend the night with her. She was as independent as she was a control freak.

  Thinking of that, she realized she could be getting ready for her coming week instead of sitting there thinking of things that no longer mattered.

  Pulling out her small computer, she tried to concentrate on what she was going to nee
d for work come Monday morning. She had a to-do list that she used every day, sometimes twice, and made sure there were no appointments that she had to contend with tomorrow. Usually Sundays were her day to get her house in order, but other than laundry, things were caught up at the moment. Andrea had two lists actually. One for her work, and then another one for home. And they were both followed strictly.

  Adding and subtracting things then prioritizing them as best she could, Andrea felt as if she was ready to face the job at home, so she pulled out the work list. That one, as it always did, seemed to absorb her into it until she realized that she was halfway home.

  There were seven meetings with her boss this week, and only one of them where she needed to go to the office. Andrea seldom met with him, but she needed to pick up some artwork that the client wanted her to use. Apparently he’d had another firm helping him and they had failed him terribly. Mike had asked her to come in and meet with the client to make sure that they were all on the same page. She had agreed with him on the understanding that there would be no luncheon later, nor would she meet with them on her own. Andrea wanted to be able to work on her own terms for the most part.

  Squirming in her seat, she looked over her shoulder at the back of the plane where the bathroom was. As much as she wanted to wait until she landed, that was still nearly two hours away. She decided it was do or die time. Standing up, she tried her best to not wake the man that had been sleeping the entire time they’d been in the air.

  She would have sworn that he tripped her. First, she was stepping neatly over his legs, then suddenly his foot touched hers and she went down…right into his lap. His arms wrapping tightly around her were the only thing that kept her from falling into the aisle. And they also brought her flush against his body. She could see his face was much better looking than she’d first thought, Christ, the man was an Adonis.

  His eyes were dark, almost black, his breath warm and sweet. And now that he’d pulled her head to his neck, she could tell that his skin was hot as it scorched her throat, his mouth open against her pounding pulse. When he moaned, she realized that he was rocking up into her, and she felt her own body respond to having his so close.

  There was heat between her thighs now. Her breasts swelled with the need to be suckled, touched, and she knew that her nipples were as hard as the cock that was giving her such pleasure as he rocked a second, then a third time into her. She even felt her skin stretch in anticipation of his touch, either from his mouth or his fingers, which were pulling her throat to his incredible mouth.

  When he bit her, gently but firmly, the hard punch of a short climax took her breath away when he suckled at the wound. The pain, as brief as the bite had been, was tangible in that she enjoyed it as much as he seemed to. Andrea lifted her head up to look down at him again when someone touched her shoulder. It took her several tries to pull her eyes from his.

  “Are you all right?” Andrea looked at the woman standing there. “Miss, are you all right? I can help you if you need it.”

  Help? No, she was pretty sure that she had this under control. And if she didn’t, the man beneath her seemed to know just what he was doing when he slid his hand up and under her skirt to touch her nether lips briefly.

  The woman asked her again if she was all right. Her knowing grin made Andrea nearly leap from the man and rush down the aisle. The woman, the nice stewardess that had been handing out what looked like peanuts, was staring at her, Andrea was sure, before she was able to get the bathroom door open and slam it shut behind her.

  “What is wrong with you?” she asked her reflection in the mirror above the tiny sink. Yet she didn’t quite look like the woman she had been before. “Who are you?”

  There was, of course, no answer. But she did peer closer to the image before her. The hair was what got her first. It was not a style that she was accustomed to seeing on herself. It gave her the appearance of being wanton, sexy, and something she would never have said about herself…untamed.

  Andrea took pride in the fact that her hair was always so neat, pulled tightly back in a bun. That hid the red color as best it could, and managed to tame the head full of curls that she’d been cursed with. Right now her hair was not only down, but it was a riot of curls all over her head, and she thought that it was beautiful. Even the freckles that came with such a color were now blazing across her nose, and she had absolutely no desire to cover them.

  The color in her lips was lovely as well. They were pink and full looking. The lipstick that she’d put on earlier that morning was gone now, but this color looked better than any tube of color she’d ever seen, and she wondered about it. Natural of course, but she could swear that she could taste the man that she’d nearly had sex with, and his mouth had been nowhere near hers.

  What would his mouth have felt like? Not just her mind, but her body wanted to know. Even as she stood there looking at her reflection, she could have sworn she could feel his mouth on hers. The way he’d nibbled on her throat before biting into her. His hands were large and hard…would they touch her the same way, making her as aware of that part of him as she had been his cock? The brief touch of his fingers had left her humming with need, something that she’d never felt in her life that she could recall.

  Backing from the mirror, she refused to look into it again. “Fanciful thinking. The man did not nearly make love to you in the seat. Stop that right now.”

  After giving herself a good lecture and telling herself that she was overworked and stressed out, she finished her business and washed her hands. Without looking at the mirror again, she left her hair the way it was and turned and opened the door. There was nothing she could do about it now, and messing with it would only make it worse.

  He was there. Not just there, but he was rushing her, shoving her back into the room with his hands all over her. As she fell back against the sink, she felt his hands at her ass as he lifted her skirt up and over her hips to her waist. And when his hands cupped her ass, she knew that he was going to fuck her right there.

  Her panties, small strips of lace with very little to cover her pussy, were torn from her. The small punch of a climax had her crying out, but his mouth took hers before she could do much more. And she was sure that she was planning to beg him to fuck her. As he kissed her, she reached down and pulled his belt open and tore at the snap at his pants. She needed him as much as he seemed to need her. When she tried to pull his pants down to his thighs, his boxers caught on his cock. He let her go to watch her as she struggled with getting his cock where she could see it.

  Freeing him was difficult, as he was thick and hard. His length made her mouth water and her pussy simply soak her thighs. Wrapping her hand around his girth, using his pre-cum to slide down his length, she looked up at him when he moaned. His mouth took hers again in a brutal, almost savage kiss.

  As he lifted her, pulling her up by her ass, she felt him at her entrance and nearly whimpered when his crown touched her clit. As he pulled her down over him, filling her to her throat, he turned them so that the door was at her back and he, his wonderfully hard body, was pressing her into the metal surface.

  This was not making love. It was a coupling. As he pounded her, bringing her to a fast hard climax again, he kissed her, his tongue fucking her mouth as his cock was her sheath. When he moved down her throat, she cried out again when he bit down on her breast, worried her nipple, then sucked hard enough on it to bring her again. She’d never even realized he’d bared her to him; her entire focus had been on having him inside of her. He never stopped fucking her, his cock moving in and out of her hard and fast as she wrapped her ankles around him and held on to his shoulders.

  As she held him to her, his hand moved over her mouth. Needing a taste of him, she licked his fingers and was rewarded with the fingers of his other hand sliding into her ass and bringing her again. Crying out behind his hand, his ever busy mouth moved up her neck again to her throat, and his tongue moved along her pounding pulse. As he nipped her
there, she moved her hands down then up under his shirt to his back, and dug her nails deep into him. Holding on was paramount; she knew that when she came this time, it was going to shatter her world.

  The bite took her breath away for only seconds before the most incredible pleasure washed over her and she could breathe again. As soon as she could, she screamed around his hand and raked her nails down him, feeling the slick heat of his sweat as he continued to pound her through a second and then a third climax. The moment she felt another climax taking her, she bit his fingers as one entered her mouth, and screamed again when his voice sounded in her head to come again.

  When she came this time, her entire body bowed back from the door and he filled her. Andrea was sure that she could taste his cum as he emptied inside of her, fucking her harder, his groin pressing against her clit every time he touched her. It was a branding; he was marking her, and for some reason she was glad for it.

  His hand, still at her mouth, moved and he kissed her, taking everything she had and making it his own. She knew for as long as she lived that neither her favorite vibrator nor any man would ever be able to satisfy her again. Not like this. Never again would a man fill her this way, take her so deliciously, and she’d never see a time when simple plastic and batteries would bring her to this kind of peak.

  The next time she was commanded to come, Andrea tried to hold onto her consciousness, but it was too much. Her body was spent, and as soon as he sank his teeth into her throat again, she came with him, screaming behind his hand again as she drew deeply on the wound she’d given him. Then…nothing.


  Trevor tried to move, his body begging him to rest, but his cock, no longer stiff but still hard, moved in and out of the woman. Christ, his mate…she was his mate, and he’d not just bonded with her, but he’d marked her as his own. He wanted to run screaming into the night and shout to the highest peaks that he’d found her and that she was his.


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