Stephanie's Domain

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Stephanie's Domain Page 11

by Susanna Hughes

  Stephanie squirmed herself down on it. That was the last thing she could do. Her orgasm enveloped her, filled her, overwhelmed her, flung her body in a chaos of directions to meet its own hungers, satisfy its own longings as though nothing to do with her and then, satiated, threw her aside like a floppy rag doll.

  Jacqui turned the vibrator off. Looking straight into Stephanie's eyes, she brought it to her mouth and licked the glistening juices off its plastic stem.

  'Oh,' she said, 'nice.'

  'You're a quick learner.'

  'When it's something I want to learn,' Jacqui smiled. 'Did you get what you wanted?'

  'Yes.' Jacqui put the vibrator down and sprung off the bed full of energy. 'Exactly what I wanted thank you. How quickly things can change.'

  'What do you mean?'

  'If you'd done that to me yesterday I'd have run a mile.'

  'And now?'

  'Now it gives me a bloody great climax and...'


  'Makes me hot for tonight. Now I want cock. God, Stephanie, I don't believe myself.'

  'I thought you were going to save yourself for tonight.'

  'I was. But you're going away. I didn't want to miss the chance.'

  'Are you sore?'

  'Yes. But it's delicious. Every time I close my legs it reminds me of all this pleasure. I'd never have believed myself capable of this. I don't just mean having sex with you. I mean everything. Last night. And every time I come it seems to get better and better.'

  'I know exactly what you're feeling.'

  'Do you?'

  'The more you have the more you want.'

  'Seems so.'

  'It must be like a muscle. What do they say? If you don't use it you lose it? Well the opposite of that is the more you use it, the more you want to use.'

  'And now I want to use all my other muscles. I'm going to have a long hard swim. I've got to do something to cool off.'

  'Where's Terry?'

  'On our terrace in the sun, why?'

  'I want to see you both before I go. There's something you can do for me tonight. Terry in particular.'

  'Sounds intriguing.'

  'You go and swim. I'll see you in about forty minutes.' Jacqui picked up her discarded bikini and walked, naked, out of the bedroom.

  It took a little longer before Stephanie was ready. She wore a yellow jersey dress that was too hot for the Italian sun but would be good against the chill of London, and relatively sensible yellow shoes.

  The powerboat had arrived and all the luggage loaded aboard. She had heard the Lear jet circling the castle to make its final approach to the landing strip on the mainland.

  At exactly half past five, as instructed, Bruno tapped on the door of her private staircase from the cellars. Stephanie opened the latch and he came in leading Amanda by a chain attached to a black leather collar strapped tightly around her neck. Apart from this and a pair of black court shoes, she was naked.

  Bruno let the chain fall between her breasts and turned back down the staircase without exchanging a grunt or a look with Stephanie.

  'Well Amanda, we forgot about you last night, didn't we? Perhaps you thought you'd got away with it.'

  Amanda said nothing but her light brown eyes were blazing with undisguised contempt. Naked, her body looked bigger than one would expect from her appearance in clothes, but it was not fat. Though she was not tall Amanda's body gave the impression of strength, her arms and legs well muscled. Her breasts were full and firm, her buttocks long and plump but, once again, firm from muscle not flab. Her most notable feature, naked, was her waist. Despite her well developed musculature, her waist was hour-glass thin, emphasising thereby, the flare of her hips underneath.

  Stephanie picked up the chain from between her breasts and lead Amanda over to the bedside table. From the drawer she took out the nipple clips she had used on Devlin. She opened the jaws and sunk the serrated edges into Amanda's already erect nipples. Amanda appeared not to react.

  'I always keep my promises, Amanda,' Stephanie said.

  'Yes, madam.'

  'Do they hurt, Amanda?'

  'Yes, madam.' She did not add that it was the most delicious hurt she had ever felt in her life and that she could feel her sex juicing with the pleasure.

  Stephanie picked up the chain again. As she lead Amanda forward the chain brushed one of the clips and Amanda felt another frisson of pleasure-pain boil through her body. Stephanie pulled her into the corridor and down to the Clarke's bedroom. She knocked on the door. It was opened by Terry.

  'Present for you,' Stephanie said, handing Terry the chain from Amanda's collar.

  'What?' he said laughing, his eyes devouring Amanda's naked body.

  Stephanie walked into the bedroom. Jacqui was lying on the bed in her peachy silk robe reading. They exchanged 'hellos', as Terry lead Amanda towards the bed.

  'Amanda needs special attention. Since your wife was so good with Andrew last night, I thought you might like to work the same trick on this young lady, who is equally obstreperous.'

  'What a good idea,' Terry said. Stephanie could see from his eyes that he meant it.

  'She's pretty,' Jacqui said, getting up off the bed to examine the naked girl. 'What are these?'

  'Nipple clips,' Stephanie explained. 'I should have used them on you, shouldn't I?' Stephanie's hand rubbed the silk covering Jacqui's bottom as she passed.

  'I don't know.'

  Jacqui appeared fascinated by the clips. With the tip of her finger she flicked at the imprisoned nipple. Amanda winced but Jacqui could see the wave of pleasure in her eyes.

  'I want to try them,' she said opening the jaws of one and releasing the tender flesh. Amanda winced again, the pain of having them removed greater than merely wearing them. Jacqui opened her robe.

  'Do it for me, darling,' she said to Terry.

  'It'll hurt.'

  'I know,' Jacqui said eagerly.

  He took the clip and positioned it over his wife's hard nipple. The serrated edges sunk into her flesh.

  'Oh,' she moaned. It was pain but a pain that seemed to go straight to every sexual nerve in her body.

  She pulled the clip off. Another surge of passion. For a moment Jacqui was completely lost in the sensations her body was producing in reaction to this tiny stimulus. Then, quickly, she replaced the clip on Amanda's nipple and wrested herself back to some sort of normality. There was plenty of time for passion later.

  'So what has she done?' Terry asked.

  'She has a discipline problem, don't you, Amanda?'

  'If you say so,' Amanda said sullenly.

  'And she needs to be made to realise that in her time at the castle she needs to alter her attitudes. Don't you, Amanda?'

  'If you say so.'

  'Or perhaps you'd rather come with me. I'm going to London. Would you rather go home? I could ring ahead and make all the arrangements. Get your file out.'

  'No,' she said.

  'The more I think about it, the more I think that would be the best solution.'

  'No.' For the first time there was genuine fear in her voice.

  'No what?'

  'No, madam. Please don't send me back.' She tried to say it with all the sincerity she could muster.

  'So what do you think I should do instead?'

  'Leave me here, please, madam.'


  'You know bloody well.' Amanda's temper flared out of control again.

  'She is naughty isn't she?' Terry said.

  'I'm sure we can do something with her,' Jacqui said, sitting on the edge of the bed right in front of Amanda.

  'So would you like to help me out?' Stephanie asked.

  'Oh yes,' Terry said. His hand was stroking Amanda's bottom.

  'Great. Well I'll see you again I'm sure.'

  'You can count on it. And tell Devlin to call us next week. We've been talking about it, the business I mean. Will you get him to call as soon as you get back?'

  'First thing,' S
tephanie said smiling inwardly to herself. 'Bye then.'

  'And thanks for everything,' Jacqui said meaningfully. Jacqui got up and kissed Stephanie on both cheeks looking into her eyes, deep into her eyes, to try to tell her exactly how she felt. Terry kissed her too.

  As Stephanie got to the bedroom door she saw Terry drawing the thin belt out of his trousers while Jacqui sat back on the bed pulling Amanda's head down into her lap by means of the chain hanging from the collar around her neck. So much for waiting till tonight, Stephanie thought.

  Chapter Seven

  The Lear jet stood waiting at the landing strip, its engines on, the passenger ramp extended. The Mercedes drove right up to the ramp and the driver raced round to the rear door to open it for Stephanie, his eyes locked on her long elegant legs as she swung them out of the car.

  Susie, the Malaysian flight attendant on the plane, waited at the top of the steps, the kheong-sam she was wearing, in the darkest navy blue raw silk, split almost to the top of her thigh.

  'Good evening, mam,' Susie said in her light lilting voice as Stephanie stepped aboard the plane. Stephanie handed her the fur coat she had decided to take against the cold of New York. Devlin had brought it back from Russia for her on a trip last month and she had never really had a chance to wear it.

  'Good evening, Susie.'

  Stephanie selected one of the large, comfortable leather armchairs and fastened her seat belt, as Susie retracted the passenger ramp and sealed the pressurised door. The note of the engine changed as the captain saw the light that indicated that the door was closed wink up on his instrument panel. The plane began to nose forward.

  'Can I get you anything, mam?' Susie asked.

  'A dry martini, very dry with a twist. Wait till we've taken off though,' Stephanie said as the plane turned to point down the runway.

  As soon as they were airborne Susie mixed the cocktail and poured it into a triangular glass frosted by condensation, as it had been kept in the fridge.

  'The captain says we're going to be a little late in. There's a lot of traffic over London,' Susie said as she served the drink.

  'I'm in no hurry,' Stephanie replied sipping the cold viscous liquid. 'Is Norman aboard?'

  'Yes, mam.' The slightest suggestion of a frown crossed Susie's Oriental features. Perhaps she was remembering the first time Stephanie had been aboard the plane, when there had also been another passenger.


  'Is that all, mam?'

  'For the moment.'

  Susie went back to the forward cabin. As Stephanie gazed out of the circular window, the sun was setting rapidly in the west but still radiating enough light for the coast of Italy to be plainly visible, a band of foamy white between the blue of the water and the beige of the sandy beaches, where the waves broke on the shore.

  Gradually, as the light faded, the panorama closed in, until, as the plane headed up over Milan to the Alps, there was nothing to see from the windows but monstrous shapes of black, white and grey in the darkening clouds beneath them.

  Stephanie unbuckled her seat belt and stood up. Immediately Susie appeared.

  'Anything I can get you, mam?'

  'No,' Stephanie said sharply not wanting to be shepherded around the plane. 'Go back to your seat.'

  Susie looked unhappy but obeyed nevertheless.

  Stephanie walked down to the door in the bulkhead at the back of the plane. The door was locked but the small brass key was in the keyhole. Stephanie turned the key and unlocked the door.

  The wooden crate lay on the floor of the cargo compartment. Stephanie knelt, unfastened its steel latches and swung its lid open. Norman was neatly parcelled inside a black nylon body bag - exactly as the newly arrived slaves had been except that on departing from the castle it was not deemed necessary to bind the slaves as well as zip them into the bags. They were gagged, however, but not blindfolded. No light could leak through the thick black bag. There was no way he would ever know where he had been. Not even a general direction.

  'Well, Norman, nearly home.'

  Stephanie saw Norman's head move in reaction to her voice. Still kneeling she eased the zip of the body bag down over his head. Underneath he was naked, the pouch removed in the cellars. His clothes would not be given back to him until he was in the warehouse in London. There he would get his belongings and his freedom. A job, though not the same job, would be waiting for him in one of Devlin's companies. After a spell at the castle it had been found that the slaves made extraordinarily industrious workers. They were watched carefully obviously, but so far not one had re-offended; quite the opposite, they proved to be models of efficiency.

  The zip sung as Stephanie pulled it down to his ankles. 'Get up,' she ordered. What on earth was she doing? she suddenly thought. She was supposed to be having a quiet flight to London, enjoying the luxury of the plane, drinking her martini, relaxing, not interfering with one of the slaves. Was she insatiable? She answered her rhetorical question with a smile. It appeared so.

  Norman was getting to his feet, extracting himself from the tight nylon bag.

  'I'm going to take the gag out.' Stephanie unstrapped the leather gag and pulled it from between his lips.

  'Thank you, madam,' Norman said not looking at her but staring at the floor. He had learnt his lessons well.

  It was completely dark outside now. There was no way for him to get a clue as their direction. Not that it really mattered if he did. No one would ever be able to find the castle. It was a very small needle in a very big haystack.

  'Did you enjoy your stay at the castle, Norman?' Stephanie said leaning against the side of a packing crate.

  'No, madam.'

  'Do you remember oiling me in the mornings? Rubbing the sun screen on to my body?'

  'Yes, madam.'

  'All over my naked body. You had a good touch.'

  His penis began to unfurl. It always gave Stephanie a thrill to watch the effect she could have on men: it was the thrill of power.

  'Did I feel good?'

  'Very good.'

  'Come closer. Can you smell my perfume?'


  'Do you like it?'


  She reached out and touched his chest. His chest was hairy, thick black hairs. She let her fingernail trail across to his nipple. His cock reacted with a surge of blood, hardening by the second.

  'You're getting excited, Norman. Why is that? Do you find me attractive?'

  'Yes, madam. Very.' He managed to choke off the rest of what he wanted to say to her. Of course he was excited, he wanted to say. What did she expect, sitting there in front of him, her skirt hitched up on her thighs, the soft jersey dress clinging to those firm round breasts he had massaged so often.

  'You've got a nice cock, Norman. Very smooth.' But she didn't touch it.

  For a moment she did nothing. She was listening to her body, trying to work out its needs. What did it want from her? To go back into the cabin, have another martini and read the English newspapers that the crew had brought from London? Or something else? Was her excitement, the little trills of pleasure playing at her nerve ends, something she could ignore? Or had the experience with Jacqui this afternoon left its residue in her body? Was there a need?

  'Ms Curtis,' a tinny, distorted voice called over the plane's public address system, 'I'm afraid we're estimating a further half-an-hour delay on our flight time due to air traffic control problems.'

  Stephanie laughed aloud. It seemed fate had made up her mind for her.

  'Well, Norman, it looks as though you're in luck.' Norman daren't allow himself to imagine he might actually have any luck. Too many times, at the castle, he had served the guests' sexual needs while his own had been deliberately left unsatisfied. That was, and remained, after all, the ultimate punishment. In the hard metal pouches it was one he had suffered in silent agony.

  'You don't look very happy about it. I'm going to let you fuck me, Norman,' Stephanie said. It hadn't occurred to her th
at that was what she wanted until she said it. But it was. After her experience with Jacqui this afternoon she wanted cock, just as Jacqui had expressed the same desire. (By now Jacqui probably had it too with her newly energized husband.) She felt a hard pulse of excitement. It wasn't the first time she had been fucked at 35,000 feet doing 650 m.p.h. in this very place. The memory of the first time - when everything had been so new to her - increased her desire.

  Standing, she hitched up the dress and pulled down the little white panties she was wearing underneath. Norman's eyes followed every movement.

  'Do you want to fuck me, Norman?'

  'Yes, madam,' he replied quickly. Yes, madam, he thought, but you won't let me, will you. This is the last punishment, the final teasing, to remind me of all the other times. That was what he wanted to say.

  Stephanie ran the tip of her finger over the top of his circumcised cock, moving it in little circles around the slit of his urethra. A tear of fluid had appeared but her finger did not disturb it. Despite the air conditioning of the plane, the jersey dress felt uncomfortably hot. She pulled it up over her head.

  Her breasts quivered, she was naked apart from the yellow shoes. She cupped her breasts in both her hands to stop their movement.

  'Remember, Norman.'

  'I could never forget,' he said sincerely. It was true. He would never forget her marvellous body, its lines so firm and smooth, her round tits, hard nipples, the pert thrust of her arse, the long endless thighs and that forest of black pubic hair extending right down over her sex like the fur of an animal. She was an animal, a sleek, feline, sexual animal.

  In all his time at the castle Norman had played it by the rules. He had only been whipped twice and both times that was for the pleasure of a guest. He'd obeyed. He'd taken his punishment. He tried to take this punishment too.

  Stephanie slipped her hand down between her legs, searching in the dark forest until her fingers found the opening and delved into her cunt. It was wet. She pulled her finger out again.


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