It Took Billy

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It Took Billy Page 8

by Miguel Lopez de Leon

  As I have stated, my associates and I have previously attempted to stop Chaos several times. We have always tried to bypass dealing directly with his cult, and simply tried to find and confront him directly. However, Chaos has always managed to somehow sense our approach and flee; relocating himself and his followers to one of his cult’s many other locations. And even if we have studied him, his powers, and his history, he still always manages to evade us. Now, however, for the first time, my colleagues and I have managed to shield our energy from Chaos and are using the element of surprise on our side. Not only will my experience here be a study in how this dark organization works, and reveal the disturbing truth of it, it will also allow me to get as close as possible to Chaos himself and attack him when he is at his most relaxed and vulnerable. Since he and I have never met face to face—despite my trying to get close enough to capture him—there is no reason to think that he would recognize me on sight. Finding Chaos is not an easy task at all and can take years to even come up with an accurate lead. Now, by being newly able to shield myself from him from within his own cult, the demon will come to me.

  As I’ve been writing this, the other new recruits have also been on the stone floor, writing, and settling into their sleeping bags. Now I hear a soft music filling the hall. I’m not sure where it’s coming from. Something is not right.

  This music has a dark enchantment woven into it, and I can feel my own energies being assaulted—this music is cursed.


  I was correct about the music. Until I have more time to study it, I have blocked myself from its effects. It sounds like nothing more than calming instrumentals, but before I blocked myself from its energy, it brought to mind the fake, evil story of the five sisters, and how they murdered Lenaru. It must be a form of brainwashing.

  As I knew would be the case, the dramatic succession of events in Billy Ranter’s journal are not what other members experience when joining The Chaos of the Five. The experiences in Billy’s journal were specifically made to seem fantastical, to act as enticing propaganda. The actual experience of being recruited is nothing like Billy’s. There are no eternal fires, or one-on-one encounters with Chaos. In fact, it was already revealed to the new recruits that Chaos is not even on the premises, and that until new members have proven themselves worthy, they are not even allowed the great honor to be in the same room with him. After trying to sense Chaos myself, I know that they are telling the truth. He is nowhere near us. Eventually, he hopefully will be, but as of now, he is not.

  So this is the reality for a new recruit: sleeping bags, cursed music about a fake story you already know, and Chaos is not even here.


  The sun has still not risen. A few of the older, established cult members who were guarding the new recruits, insisted that everyone sleep. I managed to rest for a few hours, and the dim light from the scattered bare lamps is providing more than enough light.

  Although I can hear the instrumental music that continues to play on a loop, I know I am essentially deaf to its effects. I have been observing my fellow new recruits and have not noticed any adverse reactions in them either. Some are awake now as well, also writing in their journals.

  I’m not exactly sure what time it is. One of the first things the older members did was take away any new member’s devices. Phones, laptops, pads, and even watches were confiscated.

  Before I proceed any further, it occurs to me that I should explain why I am here alone. While the new enchantments that my associates and I have placed on ourselves allow us to be cloaked from Chaos’s senses, we are still taking precautions. Our mystic order is based on the energies of the earth, and while the cloaking works well to conceal those energies when we are apart, when we are in the same location, those same energies grow and react to one another, making us all more powerful together than we are apart. Unfortunately, that surge of power also makes it easier for Chaos to sense us. It is crucial that does not happen. If he senses us, he will flee. To keep him from escaping, I need to get physically close enough to him, to cast an enchantment. It is for this reason that the four other mystics in my group are nowhere near this location—although they are tracking me. But my mission is clear. I must become a trusted cult member, wait until Chaos appears and I am allowed to be in his presence, and then signal the other four mystics of my order, so they can track my location. Once I know they’re near, I’ll cast my enchantment to stop Chaos from escaping, then the other mystics and I must weaken him as much as possible. We already know that we cannot destroy him—he is an immortal part of this world. But if we can weaken him enough, we can dramatically disrupt the pain and suffering that he’s causing. And while we fully realize that standing up to Chaos will inevitably lead to more pain and fighting, once it’s over, the terror that he creates will be significantly lessened for a long period of time. At this point, it’s the best we can hope for.


  Honey bread. I was prepared for this.

  Although the older cult members are handing out loaves of honey bread, and glasses of water, we are all still in our sleeping bags on the hard, stone floor. The same instrumental music is playing, and the sun is shining in through several windows. The doors all seem to be shut and bolted though.

  As I look around, all the new recruits are eagerly eating the honey bread. Some even seem to be saying a little prayer of sorts, before happily consuming it. It’s as if this was a solemn and significant occasion in their lives.

  Some of the senior cult members, who keep referring to themselves as our “older brothers and sisters,” are moving closer to me, holding onto their baskets of bread.

  My “older brother” came and went, and handed me a small loaf of bread, and a glass of water. Thanks to Billy’s journal, I’ve spent the past couple weeks taking a potion that should nullify its effects. I noticed that our “older siblings” were watching us, as we all ate the bread—so I followed the other recruits’ examples. I pretended that having my first loaf was a special event in my life. Then I ate it with gusto and emitted fake moans of enjoyment. It was easy to copy the sounds that all the other recruits were making around me.

  How did it taste? Honestly, it was just bread. And it didn’t even taste like honey. It was slightly sweetened—but that’s it. It was not delicious. Actually…it was a little dry. The people around me, however, were not immune to its drug-like effects, and seemed to be enjoying it immensely.

  I noticed that after consuming the bread and water, most, if not all the people around me, seemed to have calmed down considerably, like they had been given tranquilizers. I mimicked their subdued behavior—letting my jaw hang slightly open, staring aimlessly around the hall. I noticed that our handlers simply watched us. They were leaning against the walls, as most of the recruits began to tranquilly write in their journals, or stare into space.

  So here I am, sitting on my sleeping bag, acting much calmer than I actually feel.

  As I glanced around at the other glazed-over recruits, the constantly playing cursed music got much louder. Although I do not feel it, the combination of the bread and the music must be very effective. The men and women around me—all different ages and ethnicities—seem to be going numb. Our superiors are not wasting any time assimilating us into their organization. Why would they? The recruiting process was so intricate and detailed, that at this point, it makes sense for them to simply start “brainwashing” us as soon as possible.

  When I first made contact with the recruiters over the internet, I knew that there would be several safeguards they would have in place, before they revealed anything specific about the cult. They had to make sure that the people they were communicating with online were truly interested—as opposed to faking interest or lying outright. The authorities must have been trying to infiltrate this cult left and right, but after I experienced the cult’s safeguards, I now see that trying to do that would be pointless.

  After w
eeks of communicating with an online recruiter who had established a friendship with me, the topic of Billy’s journal was finally brought up. Before that, all we were talking about were books, movies, television shows, food—random topics to instill a sense of familiarity and trust. Now keep in mind, I had already set up a fake, and thorough, online identity. I knew that they would research me.

  I told my new friend that I had heard of Billy’s journal—most everyone had—and that I had even read it. I said that I thought it was fascinating, but like so many other people, I assumed it wasn’t real. So began my secret recruiter’s long, online process of “grooming” me. He assured me that he knew it was real. Apparently, a friend of a friend had seen, saw, read, heard something that validated it, etc. Finally, after I swore that I was wholly interested in learning more about The Chaos of the Five, my new friend asked me to video chat. When I agreed, I came face-to-face with a very pleasant looking man. He was around my age, friendly, and as familiar and average as could be. But even through the computer screen, I could feel the supernatural energy surrounding the man. I’m not sure if the energy was coming from him directly, or from a power-object near him. Either way, we continued with our casual discussion, and he once again asked me why I was interested in the cult, if I really wanted to join, etc. As I answered, I felt the energy field I had placed around me fluctuate. Had I not had that shield surrounding me, the man would have instantly known I was lying. Not only do I think he would have known if I was lying, my real intentions would have also become clear to him, and any progress would have immediately stopped. I also realized that I was not looking at the man’s real face. After proving my loyalty and commitment to him, and after several more video chats, things began to move quickly.

  Eventually, I met with one of the man’s friends, and she led me to a public coffee shop for a brief meeting with ten other recruits. We all left the café and walked over to a large van with dark, tinted windows. Before entering the vehicle, we all handed her our phones, watches, and electronics. Once we were in the van, they placed blindfolds on us. After that, it felt like we were driving for hours. Still in blindfolds, they led us out of the van, to what I assume was an underground room. We had walked down several flights of stairs, before it leveled off. Then despite all my powers and preparations, the last thing I remember was smelling a strong floral scent in the air. When I opened my eyes, I was in this hall, with over a hundred other new recruits. I was sprawled out on a sleeping bag, with nothing but a journal and pen next to me.

  I have no idea how long I was unconscious. It could have been hours, or days, I’m not sure. I know that we were all definitely searched, but I expected that. I assume that they also checked for any hidden microchips or tracking devices. In this day and age, it would be standard procedure. After enchanting this journal, and taking stock of my surroundings, I started writing my entries. But, as of now, I have no idea where I am, or how I got here. I know that the other four mystics are keeping track of my life-force and energy pattern. I also know that they’re doing it from a far-off distance and that if I wanted, I could mentally signal them.

  During the online chats with my recruiter, I expressed that I wanted to go to the main location described in Billy’s journal. I assumed that this was a popular request, but judging from this hall, it might have happened—though I can’t be sure. The stone walls and thick wooden doors certainly fit the description in Billy’s journal.

  It’s a very effective assimilation plan. After waking up in the hall, everyone would still be shaking off the effects of whatever knocked us out in the underground room. Then before that wears off, they fill the room with cursed music, and then feed you the bread. And this is all done to people who have proven that they want to be here in the first place. Even if a special agent, or undercover police officer, did manage to somehow infiltrate the main hall, once the cursed music played, and the honey bread—which they make certain you eat—had entered their system, they would have been rendered docile. The thing with this cult is that it’s steeped in dark, supernatural energy. No amount of conventional preparation would, or could, enable someone to defend themselves against it. If not for my powers, I would be helpless right now.

  Before the new recruits ate their calming meal, there were mumblings about a series of tests that new members had to do to prove their loyalty to the cult. Apparently, these tests are mandatory, and must be completed before one is deemed worthy to be in the same room as Chaos. I’m not sure if this information is accurate, but enough of the new recruits seem to think that it is. Some of them even excitedly thought that these supposed tests would be similar to the rituals that Billy Ranter described in his journal—but I highly doubt it.

  Why these recruits would even want to recreate those disturbing events is beyond me.


  It must be about late afternoon, and all the newcomers around me are adequately dazed. Our handlers gave us more dry bread, and water, and the music has been playing on a never-ending loop. Without its mesmeric effects, the music has given me a headache.

  Shortly after everyone had consumed their bread, a very charismatic young woman entered the hall. She introduced herself as Kate. Knowing that the new recruits were still not used to the effects of the sedative bread, she asked everyone to remain sitting on their sleeping bags.

  Kate, maybe in her mid-twenties, and obviously some kind of higher-ranking individual, then began telling us the story of the evil sisters, and how they murdered Lenaru. What was truly disturbing about Kate was how likable she was. Despite the words coming out of her mouth, she had a sweet, relaxed voice, and a pleasant face. Her hair was tied in a loose ponytail, and she looked like she had just come from a fun lunch with her friends. Her manner was both warm and inviting, but not at all heavy-handed or overly familiar. She just seemed like a very intelligent, friendly woman. Like someone you’d bump into in line at a coffee shop and strike up a brief conversation with.

  After Kate finished telling us the story of the five sisters, she began enthusiastically speaking about how we should offer up all our pain and suffering to them. And not just physical pain, but also any emotional torment we might feel. She cheerfully told us about how the seasons needed our sorrow, and our turmoil, and how it was a huge honor to worship and serve them. Toward the end of her speech, Kate spoke about Chaos—the high priest who was responsible for all this wonderful worship. She assured us that Chaos was very proud of each of us, and that he was thrilled that we were all here. She said that we were all united as one entity under Chaos and the five sisters, and that the bond we all shared with them was our one true path to power, and a special type of immortality.

  As I glanced around the hall, I could see that most of the newly drugged recruits were listening intently to what Kate had to say and were slowly nodding their heads in agreement.

  All in all, Kate’s presentation was light, and full of energy, and when she was done, she answered questions from the new recruits. One man asked when we would all meet Chaos. Kate laughed warmly, and said that we had to be patient, and complete our training first. One woman asked if she could have her phone back, but Kate assured her that she didn’t need it anymore and instructed her to offer her sense of loss to one of the seasons. One man asked where the bathrooms and showers were, and Kate pointed him in the right direction. Many of the assemblage shakily stood up and walked with the man toward the restrooms. Several of our handlers followed them all. Then when all the questions were asked, Kate thanked everyone for their time, and left the hall as casually as she had entered it. She reminded me of an approachable counselor at a summer camp.

  After Kate left the hall, the cursed music played even louder, and most of the recruits around me started to doze off.

  This is what this cult is really like. It’s not dramatic, fantastical, filled with great adventure, amazing creatures, or magical displays. So far, it’s just a lot of people in sleeping bags being drugged, with the same story being drilled into
their heads through different mediums. The overall messages are simple: Worship the evil sisters. Worship Chaos. Offer your suffering to the seasons. You belong here.

  Not that exciting, but very effective.


  Before instructing everyone to sleep for the night, they gave us all more bread and water. It’s clear that the people around me are becoming addicted to whatever substances we are consuming, even in this short amount of time. The qualities of the honey bread were apparently not exaggerated in Billy Ranter’s journal. Although I can tell that the individual personalities of the new recruits are still apparent, they have already become more docile and susceptible to outside influence.

  Since I read Billy’s journal, I have often wondered about the bread, and the trapped blossom-woman that he describes, and so many questions run through my mind. Was the blossom-woman indeed a follower of Spring? Is she immortal too? Are the petals from her body powerful enough to do this to so many people? If her blossoms are that potent and are an ingredient in the huge amount of bread being produced, then only a miniscule amount of her physical matter must be needed in each loaf. I say this only because there’s so much bread being consumed, and so regularly.

  Even the other so-called “good” cult, “The Honor of the Five,” also makes its followers eat the now infamous bread. And for the same reasons. To subdue its members, make them addicted, and make them susceptible to orders and suggestions. I joined this “dark” cult to get close to Chaos himself, but both organizations are just as destructive as one another.

  I’ve heard that The Honor of the Five has locations made of white marble and has venues that have been specifically built to let in a lot of sunlight. They worship the heroism of the sisters, and their real story of sacrifice and bravery. But just as Chaos had planned, The Honor of the Five is repulsed by the cult I’m now in, and the two organizations have quickly become bitter rivals. And even if the cult praising the sisters’ strength and wisdom has comparatively peaceful practices—as opposed to what is described in Billy’s journal—they still turn their followers into addicted drones. It’s all the same cult, just a different exterior. What’s more baffling to me is that the public already knows all of this. They know that Chaos is pulling all the strings, but they still ended up doing exactly what he predicted they would.


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