Betrayed (Keeper of the Flame Book 3)

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Betrayed (Keeper of the Flame Book 3) Page 9

by Lila Kane

“I wish I could be up there with you,” Logan says. “I don’t like this.”

  “Me either.”

  “I’ll come in the hospital with you.”

  “No, you should stay outside. There are two crystals in my mom’s room. Once I do the spell, they’re going to get stronger. And I’ll have the one I’m carrying, too. It’ll hurt you.”

  “In case you haven’t noticed, I heal pretty quickly these days.”

  “I know. Together, though, right? We do this together and that means trust.”

  This time he sighs. There’s irritation behind it. “Trust. You’re right. I’ll wait outside.”

  It sounds like a good plan until we reach the hospital and I spot the blackbird on the roof of the building.

  “What do we do?” Ryan asks when we park.

  I look around, hoping it’s just the bird and not Kane as well.

  “Shit,” Ryan hisses under his breath.


  His hands are tense on the wheel, teeth clenched.

  I reach over, not sure what to do. He’s shifting. “Ryan, no‒you can stop this. Take a deep breath.”

  “Get out, Willow.”

  “Ryan.” I stop my argument at the look on his face.

  His knuckles are white and his whole body is stiff. I get out of the car, leaving the door open, and step to the curb. The bird flutters overhead, circling.

  Cheyenne’s by my side in an instant. “What’s going on?”

  “Ryan’s shifting‒and Wes is here. What do we do?” I glance to her car, where Myra and Logan are waiting. They both look ready for a fight.

  “Stay there,” I call.

  “I don’t see anyone else.” Cheyenne grabs my arm. “Let’s get inside and do the spell. Quick.”

  I cast Logan a reassuring wave and ignore the blackbird swooping overhead as we race inside.

  “He’s going to know something is going on,” I say as we round the nurse’s station.

  “Who? Wes?”

  I nod. “And Kane. He called me this morning.”

  There’s a hitch in her step. She sends me a measured look. “And you didn’t mention this at breakfast because…?”

  “Because we were talking about Myra getting sick. Because we have a million other things to deal with. Like this spell. And the one two nights from now. And Wes. And‒”

  “Yeah, yeah. I get it.” She glances over her shoulder as we reach my mother’s room. “Lots going on. Hurry and do the spell, and then we’ll figure this out.”

  When I walk into my mother’s room, I’m relieved at the same time I’m disappointed. She’s here. She’s safe. But she’s also still sleeping. The longer she stays in the coma, the less chance she has of waking up.

  I need her. For the spell in two days and for support. I need her.

  I feel for the amethyst beneath her pillow and find it safe where I put it. I close my eyes and murmur the short spell while Cheyenne stands guard in the hallway.

  “Please wake up, Mom,” I whisper, returning the stone. “I don’t know what to do.”

  She doesn’t move. Her eyelids don’t even flicker. Something in me says it’s a good thing she’s still asleep, but I still want her here with me.

  I find the other amethyst on her bedside tray and do a spell on that one as well, though it’s not as big. With two of them in her room, though, she should be safe. I don’t think any vampires will be able to get down the hall, let alone come in here.

  “You finished?” Cheyenne asks.

  I take my mom’s hand a moment and give it a squeeze. Then I nod, steeling myself for whatever’s next.

  “I’m done,” I tell her.

  “Good. Because we’ve got company.”

  My heart races. “Who?”


  Chapter 12

  “We have to go out there,” I say.

  Cheyenne props her hands on her hips and closes her eyes, thinking. Weighing our options. When she opens her eyes again, she nods. “You’re right. You have the amethyst. Let’s just…go deal with this.”

  When we step outside, the sun is struggling to break through the clouds. I wonder for a brief moment who thought of the myth that vampires can’t be in sunlight. They seem to be doing just fine to me.

  All three of them.

  Logan and Myra are still by Cheyenne’s car. Kane is on the other side of the parking lot, leaning against a tree. Wes stands next to him.

  “This is…surreal,” I decide.

  Cheyenne nods. “I’ve lived in Shadow Hill for years. This is definitely the strangest it’s ever gotten.”

  Logan starts forward, but I shake my head. He’s practically glaring at me, but I ignore him when my phone rings.

  I pull it out of my pocket and answer. “Kane.”

  “What did you do?”

  He can feel the amethyst. That’s why he’s staying by the tree.

  “Made sure my mom’s safe,” I tell him.

  “Your mom wasn’t in danger.”

  I swallow. “I don’t believe you.”

  “What did you do?” he asks again with barely contained anger.

  “I can’t talk to you if I’m worried about what you can do.”

  “It’s amethyst, right?”


  Cheyenne glances at me with a frown. I shrug. He knows I’ve got something, no sense in lying about it.

  “Set it aside and come talk with me,” he suggests. “We’ll sort this out nice and easy.”

  Cheyenne shakes her head. I look at her with my eyebrows lifted. What am I supposed to do? If I say no, he won’t be happy. If I agree, we can buy ourselves more time.

  “Don’t even think about it,” Cheyenne says.

  “She’s right. Don’t agree to anything with him.”

  I glance over and find Ryan walking to us from his truck.

  “You’re okay,” I whisper.

  His nod is brief. “No negotiating. Just hang up the phone.”

  He sounds like Logan. But then, he’s a shifter. It’s his job. Which is why I can’t believe Wes is still helping Kane. What’s their story?

  “You’ve got the whole gang here,” Kane says. “Even a shifter. You don’t really believe I’m going to do anything to hurt you?”

  “If I agree to talk with you, do you promise? You won’t do anything to hurt anyone?”

  “I didn’t say anyone,” Kane says. “I said ‘you.’ I won’t do anything to hurt you.”

  I turn, my gaze capturing Logan’s. He’s inching closer and closer, even though I know it’s painful for him. Will Kane hurt him or Myra? And what about Ryan and Cheyenne?

  Cheyenne sets her hand on my arm. Buy some time, she mouths.

  I swallow and nod. She understands. Kane isn’t going to stop. The more time I can buy, the better chance we’ll figure out a plan. Or get the spell done. If not, Kane’s going to act sooner and someone is going to get hurt.

  “This weekend,” I say. “We can meet and talk then.”

  He laughs. I hear it through my phone and from where he stands by the tree, looking in my direction like I’m telling a joke.

  “This weekend is four days away. You really need four days to build up the courage to talk to me? Come on, Willow, you’ve got a vampire boyfriend, a werewolf standing guard next to you. A shifter on your side. I don’t believe you need to build up the courage to talk to me when you keep company like that. Let’s make it this evening.”

  I exhale. Now I’m worried. This evening is too soon.

  Cheyenne shakes her head and gestures, trying to get me to keep negotiating.

  “I need time,” I whisper.

  “What for?” Kane asks.

  I can’t tell him the truth. To put the spell back into place. To stop him somehow.

  “I just…need to prepare myself for this. I haven’t been a witch that long, I don’t…”

  He sighs. I can’t tell if it’s because he can sympathize or because he’s irritated with me.

  “Tomorrow morning, then.”

  Still too soon. Tomorrow morning is before the full moon. And far too quick for me to figure out another plan.

  “Friday,” I say.

  Kane steps out from under the tree. His face is pale from here. He makes a gesture with his hand.

  “What’s he doing?” Cheyenne asks. Then she grimaces.

  “What?” Ryan touches her shoulder. “Cheyenne?”

  “Another…werewolf. And a witch?”

  My breath clogs in my throat when I see two figures step from a vehicle on the other side of the parking lot. They’re both wearing dark clothes, nearly matching each other. The witch keeps his distance, but the werewolf continues even closer. Close enough, Ryan steps in front of me.

  “My friends,” Kane says. “And none of us want to negotiate. If they had their way, we’d take care of this right now. But we’re civilized people, right Willow? We don’t need drama when we can avoid it. Tomorrow morning, then?”

  My throat is dry. I can barely whisper my agreement, but he hears me.

  “Good. See you at 9 o’clock‒let’s meet right here.”

  I pull the phone from my ear, ending the call. Feeling like I’m in shock. I meet Cheyenne’s eyes. “I didn’t know what to do.”

  “You did what you had to do. Get her out of here, Ryan.”

  He nods to his truck and I follow him mutely, hopping in the passenger seat and fumbling for my buckle. Kane walks to meet his group in the middle of the parking lot. I clench my teeth, barely restraining myself from flinging a ball of fire in their direction as Ryan takes us away.

  I leave the amethyst in Ryan’s truck when we arrive on Main Street. I walk into the library ahead of Ryan, still in a daze. My mind is racing with a million thoughts, but none of them are productive.

  I pass the front desk and head straight downstairs to the children’s section. I find the nearest beanbag, slump into the middle of it and close my eyes.

  I have to meet with Kane tomorrow morning. It’s like Logan all over again. Except worse. Except I have so much more to lose.

  The others enter the library above. I hear voices and footsteps, and a moment later, feel a touch on my cheek.

  “You’re so quiet,” I tell Logan, keeping my eyes closed. “I didn’t hear you coming.”

  “What did he say to you?”

  I open my eyes, feeling even more miserable when I see his face. Because he doesn’t even look angry. He looks beyond worried. Logan, the man who loves me, the vampire I didn’t think had any vulnerabilities until recently, looks scared.

  My throat tightens with emotion and I press my hands over my eyes. “I don’t want him to hurt you. Any of you.”


  A sob slips out, and I feel his arms come around me. “I had to.”

  “I know,” he says, his hand running the length of my hair. “Don’t cry.”

  “I’m not.”

  He pulls my hands from my face. “Sweetheart, you are.”

  Tears burn the length of my cheeks even as I shake my head. No, I don’t cry over having to figure out what to do. I don’t care how overwhelming it is. What is wrong with me?

  “This isn’t you,” I murmur. I try to rub the tears from my cheeks, but they collide with his hands.

  “What do you mean?”

  I shift on the beanbag, suddenly restless.

  Logan captures my hands in his. “Talk to me, Willow, that’s the agreement.”

  “This isn’t you. When I came here, you were bad boy Logan. The vampire who did what it took to get what he needed.” He frowns and I shake my head, realizing how it sounds. Like I’m insulting him. “It’s not‒I’m not trying to point out what you did. I’m saying, this isn’t you. Calling me sweetheart and‒and trying to take care of me. If you‒”

  “Willow, stop. Just, hold on a minute.”

  “No.” I stand up and shove my hands in my hair, trying to draw a full breath. Instead, it feels like I’m hyperventilating. “No, you need to understand. You don’t have to be a part of this anymore. You and Myra. You got what you needed. She’s healed. You don’t‒”


  “I’m telling you‒”

  “Willow.” Logan takes my shoulders, peering into my face. “Stop right now. You need to calm down.”

  My laugh verges on hysterical. “Calm down? You don’t even know what I agreed to.”

  “Then tell me.”

  “You should get out while you can.”

  His eyes blaze with barely veiled anger. “I swear if you say that to me one more time, I’m going to be tempted to compel you to take it back. Damn it, Willow, I love you. Okay? I’m in this. And yeah, so that makes me different from the person you met. Isn’t that a good thing? I was desperate to save Myra so I did what I thought I had to do. And then I met you. My whole life is different now, and I’m not going to walk away no matter how hard you try to make me.”

  I cover my face again, feeling tears start to spill over once more. “You can’t‒” I hitch a breath, forcing words out even though I don’t mean them. “I don’t want you to say things like that. It just makes it harder. You should‒”

  “You should stop telling me what to do,” Logan murmurs, his lips near my ear. His arms come around me, hand rubbing my back. “Take a breath. Tell me what’s going on.”

  “You’re going to be mad.”

  He laughs. “Do I look mad?”

  I shake my head. “Not yet. But you will be.” I take a breath like he suggested, and meet his eyes. “I told Kane I’d meet with him tomorrow morning at the hospital.”

  His muscles tense but he doesn’t let go. And he doesn’t look mad. “You did what you had to do.”

  “He has people, Logan. Another witch and a werewolf. A team‒other people who can fight us. He’s not outnumbered like before‒”

  “I know. Like I said, you did what you had to do.”

  “Are you not listening to me, Logan? I said I’d meet with him. We’re running out of options.”

  He smiles, and even if it looks a little forced, it still calms me some. “I’m standing right here, sweetheart. I’m listening to you.”

  “What are we supposed to do?”

  “Now, that’s what I wanted to hear. ‘We.’ We’re going to figure this out. And I’m sorry, Willow, but you can’t fall apart. I wish I could let you. I wish I could let you off the hook and pick up the pieces after I solve the problem, but I can’t.”

  “I don’t want to fall apart,” I mumble, my cheeks burning. Great, now I feel like an idiot. I did fall apart. I told him to go away.

  “That’s not what I meant. I just mean…” He pulls back some and sighs. “I want to take this burden for you so you can…I don’t know, live your life. Relax. Do whatever you want to do. Be normal. But I can’t.”

  “It’s not…” Emotions choke me again. “It’s not your job to do that. I’m sorry.”

  “Why? It seems like you took on enough of my problems at the start of all this.” He smiles. “Now it’s time for me to do the same. Besides, Kane’s as big a pain in my ass as yours. I’m coming with you tomorrow.”

  I open my mouth to protest, but he presses his hand over it. “No point in arguing. He’s not going to like it, but really, does he expect anything less?”

  I pull his hand away. “Okay.”

  “No argument?”

  “I want you there. I…” I release a breath. “I’m scared. We’re running out of time.”

  “I’m sorry. I’ll do what I can to help.”

  I nod. “Thanks.”

  “What do you need right now?”

  I glance up the stairs to where our friends are waiting. “I want a few minutes of that normal you were talking about.”

  “What were you thinking?”

  I smile. “I want to see Myra’s store.”

  “It’s perfect,” I say, smiling at Myra.

  She clasps her hands together, gaze taking in the space. “You thi

  Cheyenne nods. “Perfect. Everyone goes to the diner for breakfast because that’s the only place to go unless you grab a muffin at the coffee shop. This gives them another option and more variety. It’ll work for afternoons, too. Carbs and sugar for a pick-me-up.”

  “Always so practical,” Ryan murmurs with a grin.

  But I notice he’s not looking at Cheyenne. He’s taking in the room as well, studying the counters and the floors. Checking it out. Making sure it’s up to par.

  “You’re going to need new electrical in here,” he says. He ducks behind the counter and shuffles something before standing again. “Rewire this back here. Probably‒”

  “Is that bad?” Myra asks, eyes widening. She walks over, trying to see what he was talking about.

  “Not bad. Did you have anyone come in to check the place out?”

  She shakes her head, glancing at Logan. “I hadn’t decided this is the place yet.”

  “It’s the place,” I say.

  When she continues to look at Logan, he leaves his spot by the window and smiles at her. “This is the place.”

  She captures him in a hug. His arms come around her, but he meets my eyes over her shoulder. They’re family‒and Myra isn’t sick anymore. I can’t take this away from them. I can’t.

  If cooperating with Kane keeps them safe, I’ll do it.

  “Can you look at it?” Myra asks Ryan. “Look around and make sure I’m not making a mistake? I don’t want to buy a place that’s falling apart. Or if I can’t add in the refrigerators I want, or if I can’t move the display cases to the side here‒”

  “I’ll take a look,” Ryan says.

  He’s keeping it casual, but I can see her request means something to him. I smile at him and he rolls his eyes. He’s handling it better than I would. All of them are handling this.

  “Should I, um, make an appointment?” Myra asks. “I’ll pay you, of course, however much a normal inspection would be, or‒”

  “No.” Ryan shakes his head. “You don’t need to pay me.”


  “Come on,” he says. “I’ll take a quick look now, and then we’ll be more thorough later.”

  “Right now? Really?”

  Logan walks to the window again as Myra and Ryan head to the kitchen behind the doors at the end of the counter.


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