Jewels for Vishnu (Siren Publishing Allure ManLove)

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Jewels for Vishnu (Siren Publishing Allure ManLove) Page 15

by Roland Graeme

  “Such as?”

  “Oh, I don’t know. Your recent leisure time activities, perhaps? For example, you seem to have made quite an impression on Renesh the other night.”

  “Did I?”

  “Indisputably. When he came home, he could speak of nothing else.”

  “Well, he’s a nice kid, and I enjoyed having his company,” Corey said cautiously. “What exactly did he tell you about the time we spent together?”

  “He told me everything.”

  “Ah—Kaustav, when you say ‘everything,’ do you mean—”

  “Everything. Including the very generous gift you gave him, and what it’s used for. I must admit, I was quite intrigued by the whole concept of a piece of genital jewelry. Renesh and I have no secrets from one another.”

  “Apparently not.” Corey suddenly felt a bit warm and realized he must be blushing. He struggled to repress it, which of course only made his face turn redder. He was grateful for the soft, indirect lighting in the restaurant. But he was sure Kaustav noticed, and his dinner companion’s next words confirmed as much.

  “There’s nothing for you to be embarrassed about, Corey. As I’m sure you’ve already realized, Renesh and I are not just employee and employer. We are also friends. And since he left his home in India and came here to work for me, I feel responsible for him, to some degree.”

  “As I said before, I enjoyed Renesh’s company. I didn’t intend to horn in on your territory.”

  “But you haven’t done any such thing. For one thing, although you referred to him as a ‘kid’ a moment ago, Renesh is of age. He is a consenting adult, after all. And, for another, I thought the note I sent along with him was anything but subtle. I practically threw you two together, didn’t I?”

  “Okay, let’s not mince words, Kaustav. As you undoubtedly already know, Renesh and I slept together. You might say we put my cock rings to the torture test.”

  “Did they pass?”

  “They held up quite well.”

  “And the human participants in this test? Was it a satisfactory experience for them?”

  “Hell yes.”

  “Then what more needs to be said? I’m pleased. Pleased that you two had a good time.”

  “You aren’t jealous?”

  “Of course not. Oh, I’m very fond of Renesh. Don’t think I’m not. But I don’t pretend to have exclusive rights to him. He needs to have his own life, apart from me. And let me be honest. There is a certain innocence and vulnerability about Renesh, not only because of his youth but because he is, after all, a foreigner living here in your country, where your ways are still rather strange to him. It wouldn’t make me unhappy if he were to find himself a steady lover. Someone suitable, of course. A stable man, not one of these shallow, irresponsible types one sees so often in this town. Someone like you, perhaps.”

  “So you set out to play matchmaker and you deliberately maneuvered the two of us into each other’s arms.”

  “Precisely.” Kaustav spoke without irony or embarrassment. “It was my idea in the first place that Renesh should go to your apartment to pick up the statue. I hoped that something might develop between the two of you, and it did. You enjoyed yourself. Renesh also had a good time. What harm has been done?”

  “None, I suppose, assuming that Renesh hasn’t developed some sort of a crush on me.”

  “You wouldn’t be interested in a long-term relationship with him?”

  “I’m not saying that. It’s just that I can’t imagine myself, you know, married to the kid. Okay, to the guy, if you object the word ‘kid.’ He is younger than me, after all. More to the point, he’s obviously a lot less experienced. I wouldn’t want him to get hurt.”

  “That’s fair. Don’t worry about it. Renesh may not be as naïve as you think he is. He’s willing to take you on your own terms. That’s why it should be pleasant for the two of you to see each other again, tomorrow night. When he brings you the jewels,” Kaustav added, with a sly smile that Corey found maddeningly sexy. “I’m sure Renesh will be excited when I get home tonight and tell him about the assignment. Somehow I suspect he won’t find the chore a particularly onerous one.”

  Corey, studying Kaustav’s face, waited for a moment before responding. “You’re a rather-extraordinary man.”

  “Am I, Corey? In what way?”

  “In several ways. For one thing, I suspect it can’t be easy, in your culture, for a man to be gay. Especially a man of your social standing. There must be a lot of pressure on you to get married. To a woman.”

  “There is. But on the other hand, it’s not unusual for a man in my position to marry later in life than would be the norm here in the United States. I undoubtedly will get married, some day.”

  “And how do you feel about that?”

  “It might well be an arranged marriage. The woman would have to be suitable in terms of family, education, and social position. And she would need to accept the fact that I have certain—predispositions. Which, I trust, would not prevent me from being a good husband—and a good father, should the gods bless our union with children.”

  “I can’t imagine what it would be like, being married to a woman and having children, and still wanting to have sex with men.”

  “Well, luckily for you, my dear Corey, you are unlikely to ever find yourself in that position. You are free to do as you please.”

  “When you put it like that, though, it almost sounds like a lonely kind of freedom.”

  “Here in America, of course, gay men can either legally marry, in some states, or enter into civil unions, and they can adopt children,” Kaustav pointed out.

  “True. Is that you being the optimist and emphasizing the positive again?”

  “No doubt.”

  As he finished his coffee, Corey indulged in some perhaps overly optimistic speculations of his own. He wondered how Kaustav would react if he invited him back to his apartment—for a drink, a nightcap, ostensibly, or so Corey could show him some of his jewelry. If he was really feeling bold, Corey could even come right out with it and say something like, This has been a really nice evening, Kaustav. I wish it didn’t have to end. I wonder whether you’d like to go to my place so we can play around a little together. You know, make love, with no strings attached? Are you as good in bed as that sexy little houseboy of yours? I bet you are. And I’d love to find out!

  But Corey wasn’t feeling quite that bold. For all his friendliness, and the open way he talked about sexual matters, Kaustav had a certain aura of dignity and reserve about him, which Corey still found intimidating. Corey didn’t want to cross a line and do or say anything that might offend the other man. His reluctance had nothing to do with the fact that Kaustav was his customer. There was just something about the guy that set him apart from most of the other gay men Corey had known.

  Instead, Corey offered to pay his half of the check, which Kaustav, of course, refused.

  “You’re my guest, and this is my treat. No arguments.”

  “Then, thank you very much. It was a lovely dinner. I’m going to have to think of some way to pay you back,” Corey said. This was as close to a sexual innuendo as he dared to make, for the time being.

  “I’m sure you will,” his companion replied, with an enigmatic smile.

  And so Corey said good night to Kaustav outside the restaurant, in front of the parking valet, and went home—alone.

  Chapter Seven:

  Tamil Delights

  The following evening, in anticipation of Renesh’s visit, Corey went to the trouble of putting clean sheets on his bed. He also showered and changed clothes. He was ninety-nine percent sure that he and Renesh were going to end up in bed together again, and he wanted to be prepared.

  Corey was honest enough to admit to himself that, probably not for the first time, he was allowing his dick to do his thinking for him. He was already thinking about Joey as a potential boyfriend rather than just another trick. And yet here he was, getting aroused at the thought
of being alone with Renesh again. Well, Corey consoled himself, he wouldn’t be the first gay man who couldn’t seem to choose between two equally enjoyable sex partners. Nor would he be the first who tried to play both ends against the middle for as long as he could get away with it!

  Renesh was prompt. He was carrying a beat-up old cardboard shipping carton, which looked heavy.

  “Hi, Renesh. Are the jewels in there?”

  “Yes. In their cases. The box is for camouflage.”

  “Very clever of you. Let me put it down on my work bench for the time being. How’ve you been?”

  “Very well, thank you, Corey.”

  “Sit down. Get comfortable. Have you had your dinner?”


  “Well, then have something to drink. Beer?”

  “Yes, please.”

  “What have you and Kaustav been up to?”

  “Mr. Thevar has been busy with some important business deals. He is often up quite late at night, talking to people in other countries on the phone or on the computer. He does this late at night because of the difference in time zones.”

  “Interesting. And have you been staying up with him?”

  “No. He sends me off to bed.”


  “Alone, of course. With whom do you think I have been sleeping?”

  “I can’t imagine. But do I get the impression that Kaustav has, ah, rather been neglecting you of late?”

  “Not always.” Renesh sounded just a bit smug. He took a swig of his beer.

  “Well? Don’t leave me in the dark, Renesh. What, exactly, do you mean by ‘not always’?”

  “The other night, when it was very hot, even after sunset, Mr. Thevar took a break from his work, and we went for a swim.”

  “That sounds nice.”

  “It was. We always swim in the nude. When it is only the two of us, I mean. Or when the other guests at the house are all men.”

  “Sounds like a downright Roman bacchanalia. Am I correct in assuming that this nude swim led to other forms of recreation?”

  “You bet it did,” Renesh replied, suddenly sounding very American.

  “I’m envious.”

  “You are welcome to come to the house and use the pool any time you wish. Mr. Thevar has told me so.”

  “It isn’t the pool I’d like to take advantage of. Anyway, before I forget, I’d better lock those jewels away in the safe. And let me give you a receipt for them.”

  “Mr. Thevar did not tell me to ask for one.”

  “He didn’t have to. It’s standard procedure.”

  “I’m sure Mr. Thevar trusts you.”

  “I hope he does. But he still gets a receipt.”

  Corey got busy at his computer, typing out an itemized receipt. He printed a copy for Renesh then stored the document.

  “Now let me stash these babies safely away in the safe,” he said.

  Renesh looked quizzical. “Babies? What a strange thing to call jewels. You Americans use such odd slang sometimes.”

  Corey stacked the boxes of gemstones inside his safe and closed it. “There, that’s done. Now, do you have to get back home, or do you have time for another beer?”

  “Mr. Thevar told me I could have the rest of the evening off.”

  “How nice for you. What are you going to do? Any plans? A nocturnal nude swim, perhaps, under the stars? All by yourself, this time?”

  Renesh scowled. “You are teasing me, Corey. You know very well that I would like to stay here with you. Unless you have other plans,” he added with an unmistakable disappointment audible in his voice and visible in his facial expression.

  Corey couldn’t resist the temptation to turn the screw, just a bit. “No, I didn’t have any plans at all,” he said casually. Renesh’s face lit up. “You can hang out here with me, if you want to.” Renesh’s relieved-looking smile broadened. “But I really ought to work on the jewelry for Kaustav, especially now that I’ve got the stones to work with. You can watch me work, if you’d like to. And if you get bored, you should be able to find something to watch on television.”

  Renesh, obviously peeved, not only bit his lip, he actually stamped his foot on the floor.

  “You are mocking me, Corey. You know perfectly well that I did not come here to watch television!”

  “No? Is there something else you’d rather do?”

  “I want us to make love.”

  “Oh. Then why didn’t you come right out and say so?” Corey decided he’d better let up on the other guy before poor Renesh burst from sheer frustration. “I suppose the jewelry can wait for one night,” he deigned to declare.

  “Yes, the jewelry can wait,” Renesh retorted. “I cannot!”

  Corey was secretly delighted by this sudden, unexpected display of self-assertion on Renesh’s part. The houseboy, who was usually so polite and deferential, had more balls than Corey had given him credit for.

  “Come on,” Corey coaxed. “Come here and give me a kiss. I won’t tease you any more, I promise. Let’s go to bed.”

  Corey pacified Renesh with some open-mouthed deep kissing then led him into the bedroom, where they quickly got rid of their clothes.

  “Look, I am wearing the cock ring you gave me,” Renesh announced proudly as he dropped his crisp white cotton undershorts.

  “And very handsome it looks on you.”

  “Put on the one you wore the last time I was here.”

  “All right.”

  They had been sprawled on top of Corey’s clean blue-and-white striped sheets for only a few minutes before they were both totally aroused and anxious to do something about it. Renesh grabbed Corey’s cock in his fist and worked the huge mass of soft, spongy, but rapidly firming flesh until it almost knocked his hand away, so violently did it jerk about at his touch. Corey retaliated by grabbing Renesh’s own cock. It felt steely hard, yet springy, in his grip.

  “We both seem to be very hard,” Renesh observed. “I think I had better do something about it.”

  “Such as?”

  “I’m going to suck you, Corey. Like this!”

  “Oh, damn, Renesh!” Corey moaned in delight as he felt the familiar engulfing sensation of Renesh gulping him down completely, swallowing him deep into his surprisingly capacious throat and holding him tightly down there to soak in a warm bath of his saliva. Corey twisted around then placed his hands on Renesh’s hips and carefully squirmed farther down on the bed, rearranging both their bodies until Renesh’s groin was directly above Corey’s face, his muscular thighs brushed by Corey’s disheveled hair.

  “Let me have yours,” Corey demanded. “Suck mine while I suck yours!”

  They lost themselves in the pleasure of sixty-nining for long minutes on end. Finally, Corey inserted a fingertip between Renesh’s firm, round little buttocks, teasing his sphincter aperture while continuing to work on his cock with his mouth. Renesh’s own nonstop sucking of Corey’s cock seemed to confirm that he was enjoying the ass play. Corey, however, wanted to penetrate that butch butt with more than just his finger. He pulled away from Renesh.

  “How’s that ass of yours feel?” he asked.

  “Hot,” Renesh replied. “I liked having your finger in there.”

  “I bet you’d like having a cock in there, too.”

  “Yes, I most definitely would,” Renesh said with his habitual politeness. “You may fuck me, Corey, if you wish to.”

  “Oh, you’re going to get fucked, you pretty little Tamil boy. I’m going to fuck you just the way you like it,” Corey promised.

  He grabbed a prophylactic and put it on, then coated his aching, latex-sheathed erection with a thin layer of glistening lubricant. Renesh had already rolled over onto his stomach, waiting for Corey to get on top of him. Corey did so. He used both hands to grip and divide Renesh’s buttocks while he stabbed his blood-engorged meat between them.

  “Go in slowly at first,” Renesh pleaded.

  “Don’t worry. Here it comes. Nice and s
low. How’s that?”

  “Ah! Yes! That’s what I want! Put the rest of it in me, Corey. Please!”

  “Oh, you’re so goddamn tight! Like a virgin! Such a hot, tight, horny piece of ass!’

  He could feel Renesh shuddering under his weight, responding to Corey’s possession of him. They had fallen into a steady fucking rhythm now, with Corey’s loins thudding against Renesh’s flattened ass cheeks each time he made a new deep thrust and pierced the tender anal membranes that shrank from the pressure of his plowing cock, only to contract and grip the big dick again when Corey pulled back and prepared to thrust down again.

  Corey grunted. He was getting close to coming, and despite the intensity of the pleasure that ass was giving him, he was now eager to experience the even-greater delight of orgasm. He shoved himself into Renesh’s asshole—once, twice, three times in rapid succession. On the fourth downstroke he felt a quick, fierce tingle, like a slight electric shock, in his balls. He began to unload halfway through his fifth thrust, gasping and clinging to Renesh with both hands as the hot sperm finally came to a boil deep within his body and foamed through his prick into the reservoir tip of the rubber, deep within the dark, hot interior of the Tamil stud’s body.

  Corey worked his cock in and out of his partner’s butt several more times but then gradually slowed to a complete halt. Breathing hard, the two men rested. It was now almost dark in the bedroom. The sun had set, and Corey hadn’t been in any position to turn on a light. He reached out, groping for the switch of the lamp on his nightstand, and turned it on.

  “Did you come?” he whispered into Renesh’s ear.


  “Do you want to?”

  “Yes! I’m so hard it hurts.”

  “Roll over and let me suck it,” Corey urged, easing his weight off Renesh’s back. “You can come in my mouth.”

  Once he had Renesh’s dark brown cock securely lodged inside his mouth, Corey made a meal of it. He began to bob his head up and down on the thick column of flesh he’d swallowed up, working his smooth, caressing lips against the tender, super-sensitive groove that joined the head to the shaft. Renesh’s foreskin was fully retracted, and his cock knob filled Corey’s mouth and throbbed heatedly against his swabbing tongue. Corey was grunting lewdly while he struggled to get his breath, his puffed-out cheeks turning scarlet as he labored to do everything in his power to increase the intensity of the blow job. He was going to show Renesh just how good American gay men were at sucking cock!


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