Jewels for Vishnu (Siren Publishing Allure ManLove)

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Jewels for Vishnu (Siren Publishing Allure ManLove) Page 25

by Roland Graeme

  “I intend to go in really deep. No matter which position we use!”

  “Do it!”

  Corey was already pressing the tip of his erection between Kaustav’s buttocks, against his hole. “Open up,” he demanded.

  “I’m wide open for you. Get that motherfucker in me, quick.”

  “Now you’re talking. You sound just like a typical LA slut, born and bred.”

  “I want to be your slut.”

  “You’re going to be in a minute. Here goes,” Corey warned. “Relax. I’m going to slip it into you.”

  “Don’t spare me. Don’t go easy on me. Hurry. Give me your cock!”

  “Yes, sir.” As he spoke, Corey thrust. He penetrated Kaustav’s pucker with surprising ease.

  “Ah!” the Hindu yelped.

  “You asked for it.”

  “And I’m getting it. That’s some big dick you’re shoving up my ass.”

  “Too much for you?”

  “Just enough.”

  “I could always back off.”

  “Don’t even think of it. Ram it in me. All the way. Go in deep. Ah!” Kaustav cried again as Corey complied with his demand.

  “There you go, buddy. It’s all in you now. You’ve got all I have to give.”

  “It feels glorious. This is even better than what we did in the bathtub. Fuck me, Corey. Fuck me hard!”

  Corey began to hump. Kaustav’s ass constricted around his bulk.

  “Hot ass,” Corey moaned breathlessly.

  “Big dick.”

  “Take it!”

  “Fuck me!”

  “Is this one of those sex positions they describe in the Kama Sutra?” Corey asked.

  “No,” Kaustav retorted. “It’s one of those sex positions I’ve learned right here in LA.”

  “You seem to have been a fast learner.”

  “I try to be. And I’m sure there are many things you can teach me. I love you.”

  “And I love you.”

  Their declarations were punctuated by another crack of thunder.

  “The storm seems to be quite close,” Kaustav said.

  “The gods must be angry,” Corey joked. “They must not approve of us fucking.”

  “Don’t blaspheme. And for your information, the gods I worship don’t necessarily see anything wrong with sex. Rather the contrary, most of the time.”

  “Then perhaps they’re envious.”

  “Listen, you pretty white boy. It’s not a theological debate I want from you, just at the moment. It’s your cock. So shut up and fuck.”

  “Yes, sir.” Corey shut up and concentrated on the task at hand. He crushed Kaustav’s ass cheeks tightly together with his palms to increase their pressure on his ass-embedded dick. He worked himself back and forth within the other man’s squirming hole in silence, enjoying the sensations that gripped and stimulated his shaft.

  He enjoyed Kaustav’s ass, losing track of time. But when Kaustav took his own prick in his hand and began to stroke himself while Corey fucked him, Corey warned him, “Don’t come just yet.”

  “I won’t. All I’m doing is priming the pump.”

  “The pump already looks primed. Do you really like it both ways?”

  “Yes. It’s hard to decide which is more pleasurable, fucking or being fucked.”

  “Then I don’t mean to be selfish. Let’s switch. Get a rubber on that dick of yours and get it up my ass. Fuck me the way I just fucked you.”

  They switched. Once Kaustav was inside Corey, he grabbed Corey’s upraised ankle in both hands and held it high in the air, against his shoulder.

  “Oh, your ass is so nice and warm, and it feels so good around my cock,” Kaustav whispered.

  “I do like this position. I really seem to be able to open up for you,” Corey exulted.

  “Your ass is so beautiful.”

  “You like fucking that hole of mine, don’t you?”

  “Don’t talk dirty like that,” Kaustav pleaded. “It gets me too excited. It makes me feel like I’m going to come.”

  “But maybe I want you to come. Maybe I want you to come in my hot, whorey ass,” Corey taunted. “The asshole I’ve got wrapped around your big stud cock.”

  “Oh, you foul-mouthed little slut!”

  “You big-dicked fucker. A fucker, that’s what you are. Just a fucker. An asshole fucker!”

  As Corey had intended, his lewd talk inspired Kaustav to hump him harder. Corey could feel his own lust mounting, notch by notch, as his lover’s cock pounded away deep within his butt.

  “Ah, fuck me! Take me completely with your big, hard cock!” Corey yelled.

  “I must be insane, to desire you so much. You’re driving me mad.”

  “Stay in possession of your facilities long enough to go on fucking me.”

  “No, I’m getting too close to coming. Shall we switch again?”

  “God, you’re insatiable.”

  “As though you aren’t. I admit it, I can’t decide which way I like it better. Me in you or you in me.”

  “Pull out,” Corey panted. “Roll over. On your belly. Let me get on top of you and fuck you.”

  “Hurry,” Kaustav urged as he moved into the position Corey wanted.

  Soon Corey was stretched out full-length on top of Kaustav’s broad back, hammering away at him.

  “Kaustav, I could lie here on top of you and fuck you like this all night. Is it as good for you as it is for me? Do you like it?”

  “You know I do. I love it. I want you to fuck me all night. I don’t want you to stop. I could never get enough of this.”

  “I’m sure I must be hurting you. Maybe I should take it out. Just long enough to put on some more lube.”

  “Don’t you dare!”

  Corey planted kisses between Kaustav’s shoulder blades, on his neck, his ear, his cheek. “You’re a stubborn son of a bitch, aren’t you? You’d rather die than admit my dick may be too big for you to handle comfortably.”

  “Don’t flatter yourself.”

  “God, I love you, Kaustav!” Corey cried as he drove himself in and out of the other man’s body with increasing abandon. “I love fucking you!”

  “And I love it when you take me and use me like this. I really do,” Kaustav gasped in response. “Don’t stop. Please don’t stop. Keep fucking me, Corey, keep filling my hole.”

  Corey’s pelvis seemed to move as though guided by a will of its own. God knew he scarcely seemed capable of conscious thought or action! He felt almost faint and giddy with lust as the erotic sensations throbbed through him, ebbing and flowing in irregular, heart-stopping rhythms. Low-pitched, long-drawn-out, guttural moans escaped from his panting lips. It was with some difficulty that he finally succeeded in forming the sounds into coherent syllables, each one punctuated by a deep, desperate-sounding intake of breath.

  “Coming,” he gasped. “I’m coming!”

  “Me, too.”

  “Let’s shoot off together.”

  “You’d better start shooting now if that’s what you want,” Kaustav warned.

  “I am. Here goes!”

  Corey thought he would never stop ejaculating. And his release was matched by an awesome outpouring from the head of Kaustav’s overtaxed cock. Still impaled on Corey’s prick, Kaustav delivered a cum shot worthy of the great Pierce Taser himself!

  At last, though, both men were spent. They lay slumped on the bed in a tangle of sweaty limbs.

  “All right, I admit defeat,” Kaustav said. “No more, please. Another orgasm might kill me.”

  “I don’t think you have anything to worry about. I’m limp. In every sense of the word. I couldn’t get it up again, now, on a bet.”

  “Me, either. I’m exhausted. But it was worth it.”

  “Think you’ll survive?”

  “I hope so. I’d hate to think I won’t live to experience that again. Not to be vulgar about it, Corey, but that was great sex.”

  “Am I a good lay?”

  “What a way to
put it. But yes. You’re a wonderful lover. You must know you are.”

  “Oh, like any other guy, I have my good nights and my bad nights,” Corey said modestly. “I’d have to say this was one of my better ones.”

  Kaustav groaned. “I’d hate to think the performance you just gave was in any way routine. I’m not sure I could endure this kind of intense stimulation on a regular basis.”

  “Oh, you’ll get used to it. Trust me, it’ll just seem to get better every time,” Corey declared happily as he lay in Kaustav’s arms, both men trying to recover from their exertions. After a moment, Corey turned toward Kaustav and gave him a comparatively chaste post-coital kiss.

  “I imagine you must be really sleepy, now,” Kaustav speculated.

  “Yes. I do feel nice and relaxed. But talk to me for a moment. Tell me more about what you mentioned before. About the rainy season, in Madurai.”

  “Ah yes. I used to lie in bed at night, listening to the rain fall on the roof.”

  “What was the rainy season like?”

  “It was, and it is, hot and monotonous. Rain coming straight down or rain being driven at an angle by the wind. That’s about the only variant. But of course the plant life thrives on it. Everything is green, as far as the eye can see. But not one uniform shade of green. There are a hundred different hues.”

  “I wish it could see it someday. When you talk about it like that, I can almost see it, in my imagination.”

  “I’d like to show you my country some time, Corey. Tell me. Are you happy with our relationship? So far?” Kaustav asked.

  “Of course I am. How can you even ask? I mean, isn’t it obvious? What makes you think I wouldn’t be happy being involved with a fantastic guy like you?”

  “Thanks for the compliment.”

  “Now it’s my turn to ask you. Are you happy with our relationship?”

  “Of course. I do wish you’d allow me to spoil you a little. I’d like you to be my beautiful blond kept boy. My Californian trophy boy.”

  “Please tell me you’re joking.”

  “Of course I am, but as they say, many a true word is said in jest. Part of me would like to possess you, in a selfish, purely carnal sense.”

  “I’m a little too old to be anybody’s boy. And I’m a lot too independent to be kept. Even by you.”

  “Yes, I’ve noticed that about you. Your independence. It’s too bad.”

  “Well, I suppose I could allow myself to be spoiled a little. Especially in bed. But seriously, Kaustav. Did you have any reason in particular for asking me how I feel about us? I mean, are you feeling insecure for some reason?”

  “Perhaps. Your friends might think it strange that you’re sleeping with a black man.”

  “For starters, you’re not black. You’re the most delectable cocoa brown.” Corey rubbed his tongue over Kaustav’s bare shoulder and chest.

  “Ooh, that tickles. But seriously, Corey. You must admit that some people have prejudices.”

  “But seriously, Kaustav, the few people I’m really close to aren’t hung up on such things. I wouldn’t have much use for them if they were. They’d be more likely to tease me for letting myself get involved with a rich man.”

  “Your friends have some prejudice against wealth?”

  “Let’s just say they have a healthy skepticism about it. Oh, not about money in and of itself. But of what having a lot of money can do to people. You do seem to be the kind of exception that proves the rule. You aren’t arrogant. You don’t seem to have much of a sense of automatic entitlement.”

  “I try not to take my material success for granted.”

  “Speaking of prejudices, Kaustav, I’ve always heard that India is still a rather-conservative society. I know that must be an overgeneralization.”

  “But there is some truth in it.”

  “What about your people? I mean, here in America, some black men criticize other black men who get involved with white women—or with white men, for that matter, if they’re gay. They see it almost as a form of racial betrayal.”

  “How very odd.”

  “I agree. I can’t see the point of making such a big deal out of skin color. What about in India?”

  “Every culture has its prejudices. My family, back in Madurai, would throw a collective fit if I were to show up there with a male lover in tow. And they would throw a second collective fit if I showed up with a white boy. And you’re not just any white boy. You’re the whitest white boy I’ve ever seen. You’re so white you’re practically bleached.”

  “I could spend some time in a tanning salon, if that would help.”

  “No, don’t change anything about yourself. You’re perfect just the way you are. When I see a handsome man on the street, I say to myself, ‘Yes, of course he is beautiful, but so what? Who cares? He is not Corey.’ You are the man I want in my life.”

  “Am I?”


  “Bleached and all?”

  “In all seriousness, the difficulty—in my family accepting you, I mean—would be the fact that you are not a Hindu. Not so much the fact that you are what is sometimes called a white devil.”

  “Oh, so I’m a white devil, am I? What a charming expression. You make it sound as though my ancestors were slave traders.”

  “I’m sure that, on the contrary, they were eminently respectable.”

  “Thanks for the vote of confidence.”

  “Although I do recall you telling me that your people are rednecks. Are they hillbillies? Do they drive pickup trucks with Confederate-flag decals on them, shoot wild animals in the woods, and brew illegal alcoholic beverages?”

  “You’ve been watching too much American TV.”

  “It amuses me to think of you as my pretty, blond redneck boyfriend who may not be very smart but who is very good in bed. I’ve never seen you angry, Corey. If I insult you enough, will you become angry so that we can have a fight and then kiss and make up?”

  “You’d better be careful what you wish for. This insult business can work both ways. Maybe it ‘amuses’ me to think of you worshipping cows. You big dumb black bastard.”

  “Who are you calling a big dumb black bastard?”

  “You. What are you going to do about it?”

  “Nothing. As insults go, that’s a very feeble one. I am black, and we both know that I am big—big where it counts. But I also happen to be extremely well educated and very intelligent.”

  “Modest, too, aren’t you? Okay, if it’s going to take more than that to piss you off, let me see what else I can come up with. Oh, I know. You degenerate rich bitch. You oppressor of the working classes. You tycoon.”

  “Now that I resent. Those are fighting words, as they say in your American Western movies.”

  “Yeah? So now what are you going to do about it?”

  “This.” Kaustav rolled on top of Corey, holding him down on the bed under him with his weight, and grabbed his wrists, pinning them down against the mattress. “I think I will fuck your pretty white ass with my big black cock. I think the rich, degenerate tycoon will turn the staunch representative of the working class into his submissive little blond bitch. You can submit to me willingly, or I will take you by force. It is your choice.” Kaustav was trying his best to look stern, but Corey could see the mockery in his eyes.

  “Um. I kind of think I like the ‘taken by force’ option.”

  “I am going to ravage your white ass and make you my plaything.”

  “Anything to promote the cause of interracial harmony. Go ahead. Ravage away, if you think you can take me. If you think you’re man enough. Oh, and while you’re at it, you might as well go ahead and do some pillaging, too, if you’re in the mood.”

  “Are you making fun of me?”

  “Yes, I am, as a matter of fact. For an exceptionally well-educated and intelligent man, you do seem to be awfully slow on the uptake.”

  “You’ll pay for that.”

  “I’m waiting.”

bsp; Corey didn’t have to wait long.

  Chapter Fourteen:


  Kaustav began to firm up his plans for the dinner party he was going to throw in honor of the festival of Diwali. He showed Corey the elegant engraved invitations he’d had made. As the invitations rather floridly put it, the guests were not only invited to a dinner party in celebration of the Hindu holiday. They were also invited to be the first to see “an extraordinary new set of deity jewelry, created especially for Lord Vishnu the Preserver,” and to meet the creator of the jewelry, one Corey Oliver.

  Kaustav had the idea of enclosing one of Corey’s business cards with each of the invitations.

  “Then the guests will know, ahead of time, exactly who the guest of honor is,” Kaustav said. “But remember to have a few in your pocket, to pass out at the party in case anybody loses the card or wants an extra one to pass on to someone else. I hope to drum up some business for you.”

  “You’re quite an astute businessman.”

  “I try to be. Although this is a private party, not a business function, when people see the statue they will realize how talented you are. They’ll tell other people, and you should be able to reap some benefit from it.”


  “I don’t flatter. I am honest. You are talented. I’m very proud of you. I want to show you off to my friends.”

  “Now you’re making me a little nervous. I hope I can live up to all of this advance publicity. I wouldn’t want to let you down.”

  “Don’t be absurd. My friends aren’t intimidating. They are ordinary people. You’ll like them, and they will like you.”

  “I hope so. What do you think I should wear?”

  “Whatever you feel comfortable in. Oh, but you should make a point of wearing some of your own jewelry. And you might lend me that portfolio of yours, the one with the photos of your pieces. Should I ‘just happen’ to leave it lying around and should some of the guests ‘just happen’ to notice it and leaf through it, well, so much the better.”

  Corey laughed. “You’re incorrigible.”

  “My dear Corey, I am thorough. There’s a difference.”

  The two men further agreed that Corey should plan on spending the night of the party at Kaustav’s house instead of driving home afterward.


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