Insta Love Alpha Male Series Box Set

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Insta Love Alpha Male Series Box Set Page 12

by Hope Stone

  My eyes returned to the requirements. I had to promise that everything I’d find out about the Baldwins while I worked with them would be confidential. Not a problem, I read a few more lines and then my heart skipped a beat when I saw, ‘You will have to live at the Baldwin premises for the duration of your work with them.’

  A part of me was elated at the offer. But another part was worried. What if I couldn’t conduct myself in a professional manner around him? I would basically have to live with him so running into him daily was very likely. Letting out a soft exhale and then an inhale, I tried to calm myself. This wasn’t the first time I had been attracted to a man in a professional setting. I had handled myself professionally in the past and there was no reason why I couldn’t do that while working for Dominic Baldwin.

  I sent an email accepting the offer and asking when I could begin. Afterwards, I typed out my letter of resignation for the cosmetic company.

  By the time my roommate came back from work, I was already exhausted from excitement. When I relayed everything to her, she was stunned.

  “Get out of here!” she shrieked in excitement. “Are you serious?”

  “I am,” I replied, watching her pace the length of the living room.

  “You lucky dawg.” She threw a pillow at me and flopped down to the floor. I could see her mind working as she stared back at me. “So you’ll be moving in with him, huh?”

  As she talked, she dug into her pocket and pulled out her phone. After a few clicks, she sighed. “And he’s hot too.” She smacked her lips and then looked up to wink at me. “Don’t forget me when you start rolling in cash.”

  I chuckled and booped her nose. “Of course not. When I start getting paid, I’ll send you some cash as a thank you for all the times you helped cover the rent.”

  She threw her head back and laughed. “That’s cool but I’m talking about when he puts a ring on it.”

  I chuckled at the ludicrousness of her statement. “C’mon, I’m going there for professional reasons. I’m basically a modern-day governess like Maria from The Sound Of Music. I’m going strictly for the child and after I save up enough money, I can start pursuing my acting career very seriously.”

  “Okay…if you say so.”

  “I know so.”

  Chapter 7: Dominic

  Millie and I sat in the living room awaiting the arrival of her new nanny. We had already discussed it and I had told Millie that if she didn’t like the new nanny, we could have her replaced.

  As we waited, my thoughts floated back to the first time I had seen her. My heart throbbed a little unsteadily in my chest as I wondered whether I had made the right choice asking her to be Millie’s nanny. I was immediately attracted to her the moment she walked into the interview. Sure, she seemed nice and Rita trusted her…but I couldn’t deny the fact that she was easy on the eyes. Everything from her warm, caramel eyes to her full voluptuous hips oozed sensuality. I tried to force my mind to think of other things but I couldn’t help but recall the sway of her hips as she walked down my office and sat down in the seat opposite mine.

  She had haunted my thoughts since that day and while I waited for my team of experts to run background checks on her, I couldn’t help but pray that she was suitable. When the report had come back, I was overjoyed.

  Since Nancy, I hadn’t been attracted to anyone. Sure, there had been one-night flings in luxurious hotels around the city, but none of them had held my attention for more than a night.

  “Dad, she’s here,” Millie blurted, staring pointedly at the entrance of the living room. I turned and saw my chauffeur, Leo, and Amelia. I had been so caught up in my thoughts that I hadn’t heard them approach.

  “Welcome,” I called and beckoned to her to approach. She did, tugging a suitcase along. “Leave it,” I ordered. “Arthur will handle it.” I turned to Millie. “Will you please call Arthur on the intercom to come get Ms. Amelia’s luggage?”

  “Okay, Daddy,” Millie yelled and ran to the corner of the room where the intercom was.

  Amelia settled into the couch opposite me and eyed me curiously, her eyes darting from one corner of the room to another. I could tell that she was trying hard not to gape at her new surroundings.

  “So what do you think?”

  Her gaze returned to me, hovered to Millie in the corner of the room pretending to be a secret agent on the phone with Arthur, and then back to me.

  “Think? About what?”

  “This. Everything. Anything. Surely you have some thoughts about your current work situation?”

  “Oh, yeah, I like it,” she declared, and after a brief silence, she said, “And, if I’m being honest, this isn’t as big as I thought it would be.” She used her right hand in gesticulation as she talked.


  She nodded. “This is quite modest for a billionaire.” Her tongue darted out of her mouth to wet her lips and I couldn’t help but follow the circular movement with my eyes. “It’s quite elegant nonetheless. I like the minimalist décor…very soothing.”

  I gave a half nod, acknowledging her compliments about my house, but I said nothing. She fidgeted in her seat and picked at invisible lint on her skirt. It was usually a trick I used in business, especially when I needed information. The pause usually made people feel uncomfortable and that in turn made them talk; anything to fill in the awkward silence.

  “So,” breaking the silence, just as I had predicted, “who lives in this modest mansion?”

  “Millie, my daughter and Carla, my niece. She doesn’t always stay here, but she drops by from time to time. Dee is our cook and Arthur is our steward. They are not constant occupants because they have families but they stay every now and then…so, technically, they all live here.” I paused and caught her eyes. “And now, so will you.”

  She met my gaze and didn’t look away. “And you.”

  “What?” I was puzzled at her statement.

  She uncrossed her legs and fluffed a nearby couch cushion. “You failed to mention yourself. You live here, don’t you?”

  “Of course.”

  “Good,” she blurted and then added, “It would be weird if you didn’t.”

  I chuckled. For some reason, I found her statement funny.

  Just then, I saw Arthur approaching with Millie following close by.

  “Please take Ms. Amelia’s luggage to the guest room,” I instructed him and then waved Millie over. “Come and introduce yourself to your nanny, Millie.”

  She trotted over and with an outstretched hand, she introduced herself. “I’m Millicent Baldwin and I’m six years old. All my friends call me Millie.”

  Amelia cupped Millie’s hand gently. “Nice to meet you, Millie. I’m Amelia Anderson. I don’t have a cool nickname so all my friends call me Amelia.”

  “Your name is cool too…just like that.’’

  “Oh, really?” Amelia’s face lit up with genuine happiness. “Thank you so much, Millie.”

  Conversation between them was effortless and I watched with satisfaction as the two chatted. I had no doubt that Millie was going to love her.

  Chapter 8: Amelia

  I skimmed through my wardrobe looking for what to wear for dinner with Dominic. I had been in his home for almost two months and we had never had dinner together. Or any meal for that matter. There were brief discussions, mostly about Millie. Other times we talked about my dreams and aspirations but we had never had dinner together. He was always coming back from work late and long past my dinner or Millie’s bedtime.

  So when he asked Arthur to invite me to dinner, all I could think of was: Was he going to fire me?

  I tried to console myself with the thought that I had done nothing wrong…well, apart from the one time that I had gone for an audition and couldn’t get home in time.

  By the time I arrived, he had already tucked Millie in bed and even though I explained and apologized, he hadn’t said much.

  I settled for a hammered silk V-neck dress and
hurried down the stairs to the dining room. When I got there, he was already seated.

  “Good evening,” I said, trying to keep the apprehension out of my voice. I had just barely gotten this job; the last thing I wanted was to lose it.

  “Amelia,” He acknowledged my presence with a nod. His eyes dropped from my face to my V-neck and the muscles in his jaw strained as he basically gawked at me. I felt blood rush to my face as his gaze lingered on my cleavage. I mentally kicked myself as I inconspicuously tried to cover it.

  A voice in my head taunted me as I placed one palm on my chest.

  What were you thinking wearing this sexy gown?

  Nothing. It’s just a normal gown.

  If by normal you mean seducing your boss, then yeah, normal.

  I’m not trying to seduce my boss.

  Oh, stop lying to yourself, you want to get f—

  “Have a seat, please.” His voice interrupted the mental chatter in my head.

  I obliged without a word, taking the seat farthest from him, at the other end of the table.

  “You look nice,” he blurted after a moment of awkward silence. I nodded my appreciation for his compliment, all the while still wondering what this was about.

  Rising from his seat, he reached for a spoon and a plate, then proceeded to serve some of the food from the buffet spread on the table. All I could think about was why the cook would make this much food for two people. After perusing the plate, he returned to his seat. “Feel free to serve yourself some, Amelia.”

  “I’m fine.” I was still wondering why he had called me here.

  As if sensing my thoughts, he said, “I’ll go straight to the point. I wanted to ask you to marry me.”

  I felt my eyes widening and my mouth falling open at his statement. Surely he was joking? I searched his face for clues that he was joking. He wasn’t.

  He repeated his previous request. Although it sounded more like a command than a request.

  What on earth was happening?

  He cocked his brows at me, lips pursed expectantly and eyes intently staring at me. “So?”

  “So, what?”

  “Are you gonna say yes or what?”

  My eyes widened at his audacity. “Why would I say yes?”

  He dropped his fork and gave me a level stare. “Because I need to provide the judge with a feminine, nurturing figure in my life and you are suitable…”

  If I had been puzzled this time, I was utterly astonished by now. “What judge?”

  “Millie’s mom has filed a custody suit against me…and, well, I want to be prepared for the worst. She could say that Millie is not being cared for and is being neglected.”

  “Well, she isn’t,” I muttered, my head still reeling from the proposal. “I am here. I see to her needs.”

  “My lawyer and I think it would serve us well in the court if the person caring for Millie wasn’t a stranger.”

  I shook my head, as though shaking it would rid me of all the disturbing thoughts that were coursing through it. “I’m not a stranger to Millie. These past weeks, we’ve grown really close and I love her so much…I couldn’t love any biological child of mine more than I love her.” I stared at him and then at my hands firmly planted on the table. The words I had just spoken were nothing but the truth.

  Silence stretched out between us as I ruminated on the revelation. I loved Millicent…and was intensely attracted to her father. There was no reason why I wouldn’t want the best for her.

  I broke the silence with a question. “Tell me why Millicent should stay with you…why should I help you keep her?”

  He shifted in his seat and started to talk. About Millicent’s birth and how it had been the most fulfilling day of his life and how shortly afterward his business had started to gain momentum. He told me about how her mother had left when she was a few months old to chase after a richer man and how he suspected that she was going after Millicent in hopes of getting child support. He talked about he couldn’t bear losing her and his voice broke a little.

  For once, I saw him as a protective father rather than a business mogul.

  “Fine…I’ll help you…I’ll marry you.” It felt strangely fulfilling to say that.

  “Thank you,” he said as he produced a diamond ring.

  My jaw dropped. “This is too big—”

  His mouth twisted in a smile as he got up and approached my seat. Then he took my hands and slid the rock onto my ring finger. “It has to look believable…”

  Lifting my hand to his lips, he planted a soft kiss on it, one that sent sparks through my body. “Rest well, Amelia. I’ll need you to play the role of my wife-to-be tomorrow.”

  Chapter 9: Dominic

  It didn’t occur to me how much playing an engaged couple would bond Amelia and me. It had been a grueling couple of weeks fighting to keep my daughter. Amelia had been called to the stand and she had been asked questions that hadn’t even been foreseen by my lawyer. About her parents and about her past relationships. Nancy’s lawyer tried his best to make us seem unfit and despite the fact that they had no concrete evidence that proved us unfit to parent Millie, he had done a great job selling Nancy as a heartbroken mother who needed the love of her child.

  As we waited to hear the judge’s verdict, I looked over my shoulder to where Amelia was seated. Her fingers were interlinked with Millie’s, and with furrowed brows and bated breath she stared at the judge’s empty seat. In that moment, it struck me how worried she was about the judge’s verdict.

  As if sensing my stare, she turned and met my eyes, her lips lifted in a smile and something fluttered in my chest. The feeling was similar to the first day I had met her but was even more intense.

  I tore my gaze away from her as the judge’s presence was announced and stood up, along with other occupants of the court room as the judge assumed her seat.

  “After hearing both sides of this matter and after careful consideration, my ruling is as follows. I hereby grant sole physical custody to Dominic Baldwin…”

  The rest of the judge’s statement was masked by the overwhelming happiness that I felt. As soon as court was dismissed, I raced toward Millie and pulled her into a hug and then, without second thoughts, I grabbed Amelia by the waist and planted a brief kiss on her lips.

  When the kiss ended, I searched her eyes…and there I found that the attraction between us had definitely morphed into something more.

  Chapter 10: Amelia

  I was a ball of excited nerves as I stared at the ceiling in my dark room. I was exhilarated about the news I had just gotten. I had scored a small role in an indie movie. My first real acting job. I was excited but didn’t know whether I should share it with Dominic. His kiss in the courtroom had fanned the flames between us but it had also made things a little awkward. The sexual tension was so thick even his staff noticed it.

  Unable to sleep and wanting to celebrate my small success, I trotted down the stairs and poured myself a glass of wine.

  I had just taken a few sips when I heard the sound of approaching footsteps behind me. Turning, I came face to face with Dominic.

  “Why are you up?” His voice was soft.

  “I can’t sleep, obviously,” I snapped back without a second thought. The sexual frustration was beginning to wear me out.

  The tone of my voice must have shocked him because he took a few steps toward me. It was then I smelled the alcohol on his breath. It was obvious that he had had a couple of glasses but he wasn’t drunk.

  His eyes bored into me, eliciting warmth wherever they travelled. He leaned into me and gently plucked the glass from my hand. I found myself trapped between his body and the standing refrigerator. My heart was racing by this time but not out of fear. It was anticipation.

  “Why are you up, Amelia?” His voice was barely above a whisper.

  My mouth suddenly felt dry and I couldn’t help but swallow a ball of spit. “I couldn’t sleep,” I murmured back. “I auditioned for a movie…and got the ro


  He regarded me inquisitively and then added, “Is that all?”

  It wasn’t all. I couldn’t sleep because all I wanted to do was share my good news with him. Talk to him…laugh with him…make love to his beautiful body.


  “That’s not all,” I whispered.

  His raised brows probed me to say more.

  And, after wrestling with the thoughts in my head, I said, “I also felt the need to share my good news with you…”

  “And?” His lips were just above my earlobe, and his warm breath sent flutters around my stomach. “Okay, I’ll make this easy for you. Do you want to do make love? Is the tension getting unbearable for you because for me, it is…”

  My jaw dropped and I stared at him. Unsure of what I heard, I asked him to repeat his statement.

  “Would you let me make love to you?” His eyes dropped to my lips and then gently he fiddled with the strap of my nightwear that had inched away from my shoulder.

  Thoughts crashed around my head like waves crashing on rocks. I wanted to pinch myself to make sure that I wasn’t dreaming. I had fantasized about this moment on most nights since I moved into his house but never in my wildest dreams had I imagined that it would be happening. Even after the courtroom kiss.

  Instinctively, I reached for his face, touching his beard and feeling the warmth of his skin as if to confirm to myself that this was really happening and not a dream. He must have taken the gesture as an encouragement because he lowered his face into my hand, his lips trailing soft kisses on my palm.

  “Say something,” he murmured against my palms, “I know you’ve felt the same attraction that I feel for you. I’ve seen the way you look at me…and I know this is more than just sexual attraction, Amelia. I know that because I’ve been sexually attracted to other women before but the feelings I have for you…they’re more than that. I want to know your body and your soul. I want to love you.”


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