Insta Love Alpha Male Series Box Set

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Insta Love Alpha Male Series Box Set Page 14

by Hope Stone

  I sat in my living room completely confused about what to do. It was Friday night and I obviously had to make the decision by Sunday to show up on Monday. It was a big decision and I needed reinforcements in order to make it.

  The doorbell rang right on time. I opened it. Monica walked in. Her blond hair was high on her hair in a bun. She wore a cute dress and lace-up boots, the artist look.

  “I'm here, what's the big emergency that you needed me to bring two bottles of red and a pep pizza with extra cheese?” she said, holding up the items.

  “You are my savior. Come in,” I said, grabbing the wine from her. Monica was my best friend, an artist that was still struggling to make it in the New York art scene. But she was damn good at what she did, and I had all the faith in the world that she would make her mark eventually.

  “Something really strange happened,” I said, opening a bottle and pouring it into two wine glasses.

  “All right, I'm listening.”

  We grabbed the wine and pizza and moved to the coffee table in the living room, taking seats on pillows on the floor for our wine and pizza picnic.

  “This billionaire came into the office today for a meeting with Robert. His name is Christopher Scott and he is practically my hero. Long story short, he wants to poach me from Robert. He offered me double my salary and if I want to take it I need to show up in his office on Monday.”

  “Ah! Lydia that is incredible. Congratulations,” she said.

  “I didn't accept it yet. In fact, he didn't give me time to accept. He just kind of walked away.”

  “But if you want it you just have to show up on Monday? Girl why wouldn't you take it? He's offering you double the salary and you hate Robert,” she said.

  I couldn’t tell her the girlfriend part. I was too ashamed.

  “Because I have been at Tremont for three years. I only got promoted to Robert’s desk five months ago, and I really feel like I'm working my way up there. I have a track record at Tremont, and they're more likely to promote me faster than if I go somewhere else and start as an assistant. Who knows, I could be this man's assistant for six years before promotion. He's just as cold as the rest of them,” I said, pulling on a slice of pizza and setting it on a plate.

  “That is true. You know best what to do, but if you brought me here for my advice…” Monica said.

  “I did. Well that… and wine and pizza, girls’ night Friday. We've needed one, since we’ve both been so busy,” I said.

  “I know, it has been crazy. But I have news too.” Monica grabbed her purse and pulled out a flyer. She slapped it on the coffee table. “I finally got my own show.”

  “Oh my God! Seriously? Congratulations! I am so proud of you.” I gave her a hug, and then I grabbed the flyer.

  “It's in Brooklyn, at a warehouse gallery, nothing fancy - but that's a step. And you better be there. I don't want to hear that you have to work late no matter which boss you decide on,” she said.

  “I will be there, no matter what. It says here it's on a Sunday. I don't work on Sundays, usually.”

  “Good. Then you’re there. Spread the word,” she said, taking a bite of pizza. Then with a mouthful, she added, “So back to my advice. I think you should take this offer. First of all, it's double your salary, and that is a lot of money. You deserve that money; you are smarter than an assistant. Secondly, this guy Christopher Scott seems to be your hero. This is a chance to work for your hero and learn what he knows. It's a free education from a billionaire. Why would you turn that down?”

  “That's true. I did offer my input on something during their conversation and of course Robert demeaned me, but Mr. Scott took my thoughts seriously. He said I was right about what I said.”

  Monica dropped the slice of pizza on her plate with force. “There, that proves it. This is a boss that is going to value your input and not tell you to go do the dishes. Your current boss is an asshole. He hates women.”

  “Yeah, you're right. I should take it.”

  “Damn right you should.”

  “There is one other reason though why I'm not sure about it,” I said. I swallowed hard I didn't want to admit this to myself, but I knew that I had to.


  “Christopher Scott, he's only 34 years old. He’s never been married, and he looks like this.” I pulled up a photo of him on my phone and showed it to her. She was an artist, so she didn't know anything about the financial celebrities like I did.

  “Oh my God. This man is a billionaire? He is very, very hot. That's not fair, he has money and looks like this?”

  “Yeah, and I would have to look at that every day. I think it would get a little too distracting and in the way of my work.”

  “Maybe at first. But I think you can manage. Plus this guy is probably a playboy bachelor, treats women like crap just the way Robert does. After you get to know him I don't think his good looks are going to be that attractive anymore, his personality will override it. It's always like that with these billionaire playboys and you know it.”

  “That is also true. See, I knew that having you as a best friend was good for something. You fill me with pizza and wine and talk sense into me.”

  I had made a decision. I would be taking the job underneath Christopher Scott, and be his fake girlfriend. Am I out of my mind?

  Chapter 3: Christopher

  I wasn't surprised to see her walk in; I knew that she would. But I was bothered by it, hot and bothered. Today she wore a button-down white shirt that fit snugly over her breasts, which jiggled with every movement. A tight pencil skirt hugged her hips and ass, making her even more of a distraction. For a moment I wondered what I had done to myself. How was I going to get any work done with this incredibly sexy and smart woman walking around my office?

  “Amber, this is your replacement. You will be moved down to human resources in three days. Teach her everything you know. Miss Leary, welcome aboard,” I said quickly and then walked into my office, closing the door behind me as her soft voice said a thank you.

  By day four, I could tell that she was on top of her game. I didn't need to micromanage her, like past assistants. She was one step ahead of me at all times, already anticipating my needs. I admired that. Time was money and she saved me time. I was starting to get used to having a tasty morsel like her to look at without it interrupting the work, which was a good thing.

  The next day, she wore that green dress. The satin one that hid nothing. It clung to her skin and made every movement she made an enticing one.

  “Good morning, Lydia,” I said as I walked by her desk and into my office, noticing the movement she made in the green dress.

  “Good morning, sir. I have the QED report that you requested on Wednesday. I went through them. They are quite substantial with promising leads,” she said, following me with a stack of binders and a cup of coffee. I moved around to my desk chair, setting down my leather bag. She leaned over my desk as she put down the binders and my coffee, giving me a glimpse of her cleavage. I grabbed the coffee and turned away from her to look out the window.

  “You did? I'm impressed. Most of my assistants wouldn't take the initiative of doing that,” I said.

  “Well, I plan on getting ahead in life and you don't get ahead by not getting involved with the work. Some assistants are happy being assistants, but that's not me. This job is a stepping stone, and I want to be clear about that,” she said.

  I turned to see that she had a very serious look on her face. I grinned. She was like me, a woman that went after what she wanted at all cost.

  “I can respect that, Lydia, and it is noted. Keep up the good work and we will see about your future here at the company. I think it can be a fruitful one and it is obvious to me that you are not simply assistant material. You proved that at Robert's office when you agreed with my stock initiatives.”

  “Thank you, sir. That is good to hear,” she said.

  “And Lydia, you don't have to call me sir. Christopher is fine when
it is just us and in front of my parents, but if I'm in a meeting with clients then you can call me Mr. Scott.”

  “Very well, I will remember that. Can I get you anything else?”

  “Yes. We’re going to an event tomorrow night. Here’s my platinum. Go out and buy a suitable dress. We will be photographed and expect to be on page six. It’s a charity event. I will pick you up at eight.”

  “Tomorrow? So we’re actually doing this? The fake girlfriend thing?” she asked.

  “Yes, that’s our deal.”

  “But I want to make sure you are not expecting to sleep with me. I won’t do that,” she said.

  “Yes that is not part of the agreement. I haven’t mentioned sex at all,” I pointed out. “You are the only one that keeps bringing it up. Now, I'm done with these QED reports. You can send them back downstairs. I agree with your analysis. I want to hear more about what you thought when looking over them. Send me a write-up.”

  “Really?” She sounded shocked.

  “Yes, really. You've already done the work so I might as well use it.”

  “Thank you, sir... I mean Christopher. I'll take these back downstairs.”

  She leaned over my desk, and as she did so her bra gaped a little, giving me a glimpse of her nipple as she grabbed the binders. I quickly turned away, my cock growing instantly hard.

  “That's all for the day, Lydia. When you're finished with whatever you had on your list you may go,” I said. “I’ll see you tomorrow night for the event.”

  “Great, have a good night.” Then she turned and walked out.

  As she did so I could not stop myself from turning to watch her plump and jiggly ass as she left. I was fully hard, and I couldn't walk out of my office this way. She closed the door behind her. I made my way into my private bathroom attached to my office. I stepped inside, locked the door, and ran a hot shower. I peeled off my clothes. I had a completely full hard-on.

  I stepped into the shower and wrapped my hand around my cock. I closed my eyes as the hot water rained down on my head, and I thought about my new curvy assistant. I moved my hand back and forth, thinking about her. I moved faster and harder thinking… Lydia.

  Then I released. It was what I had needed since the first day I saw her, but it only satisfied a part of my appetite, and I had an appetite.

  After my release, I dried off with a towel, feeling much better. I had a dinner meeting with a very high-profile client, and I’d needed to get in that release before having to do that sort of work.

  I saw a very bright future for Lydia. I knew that I was going to have to promote her fairly quickly. I had seen her resume and she was more than qualified to be a junior associate at this point. I wanted her to get in at least six months on my desk in order to learn the company, but after that I was going to find a position for her as junior associate. She had obviously earned it over the years but that asshole Robert had not promoted her. I could now see it would be better for me as well. I had made a mistake by hiring her to be my assistant. She was just too damn sexy and it was starting to drive me crazy.

  I looked at the clock, which read 5:30. Most people would be gone or on their way out. I wrapped the towel around my waist and heard my cell phone ringing on my desk. I walked into my office and reached for it. Damn it. It was my father. I had already postponed dinner and they were not happy about it.

  Suddenly my office door burst open. Lydia carried several bottles of water to restock my fridge. She stopped when she saw me. They fell out of her arms.

  I was pissed. “Don't you knock?”

  “I am so sorry. I haven't seen you for a while and I thought you already left. You have that 6:30 meeting and I didn't hear you respond when I used the intercom a few moments ago.” Her eyes were directly on the towel, even though she was obviously trying to look away. Her face was a bright pink.

  “I was in the shower. That's why I didn't answer the intercom.”

  “I'm sorry. I was just coming in to restock the fridge and…”

  “That's enough excuses. Get out,” I said, answering my cell phone. “This is Scott.”

  She turned and ran out of the room, closing the door behind her. My anger didn't come from the fact that she didn't knock, but because I was now turned-on again. She had stood there with nothing between my cock and her body but this wet towel around my waist. It took a lot of restraint not to cross the room to her and pull her into my arms and kiss her. That was where my anger was coming from, that she was able to get that reaction out of me. I had never wanted a woman this badly, damn it.

  Chapter 4: Lydia

  I couldn't take my eyes off of him. Christopher was the most attractive man I had ever met in my life. I wanted him, I knew that by the end of my first day working for him, but I could not take this fake girlfriend crap too far. It was a business deal and nothing more.

  That was until he stood in front of me dripping wet with nothing but a towel around his waist. It hung low, and the treasure trail of curled body hair moved from under his belly button all the way down inside the towel. I swallowed hard, not being able to look away. His hard six-pack abs had droplets of water on them. His arms were thick and strong and muscular.

  I sat down at my desk and took a deep breath. I closed my eyes and tried to calm myself to get rid of the embarrassment.

  But within a few moments, he stepped out of his office, fully dressed. His hair was still wet, but he wore everything except a tie and a blazer. I said nothing, not wanting to keep apologizing like a silly girl.

  “I'm sorry about that in there. I shouldn't have yelled at you. You just caught me off-guard,” he said, buttoning the very top button of his shirt.

  “No apology needed. It was warranted. I was just getting my things to go for the day. I’ll see you tomorrow night and have a good rest of the weekend.” I stood.

  “You too. Have weekend plans? I mean besides our event?”

  I looked at him shocked that he asked me about weekend plans.

  “Yes, in fact I’m helping a friend prep for her art show.”

  “Your friend is an artist, which gallery?”

  “It's just a small bohemian gallery in Brooklyn, Bedford Gallery. I don't think you've heard of it. It's not like…”

  “…the bourgeoisie galleries that I go to?”

  “Oh, I didn't mean any offense. Just that she is an up-and-coming artist, not something that would be in a gallery around here. But I believe in time she will be.”

  “And you have a good sense of things… and things that make money. I believe you. It is obvious to me that you are too qualified for a position as an assistant. I have seen your resume. Your feedback on my work is essential, and I would like more of it. I need you in a junior associate position, where you can review reports for me. Not have your time taken up by mundane things like assistant daily work. You are much too valuable for that, and I can't believe that Robert had you in an assistant position. He obviously did not know what he had.”

  “A promotion? Junior associate? That is incredible. Thank you.”

  “Send me the address to your friend’s art show, I’ll meet you there. The following Sunday we have dinner with my parents.” He headed for the elevator and out of sight.

  Was he serious? I was completely confused. Who was this man? One moment he was a cold billionaire with nothing but numbers and finances on his mind, and the next he was wrapped in a wet towel. What had I gotten myself into?

  The next evening I waited in the most expensive evening gown I had ever worn. It was strappy, black, and hugged my curves.

  I’m here, the text message read. I moved to my window. A black town car waited. I took a deep breath and went down.

  “That’s a good dress. You picked well,” Christopher said as I slid into the back seat.

  “Thank you. You look good… also.” He didn’t just look good, he looked incredibly sexy and I had to sit next to him pretending to be his girlfriend, and pretending to not be turned on all at once.

p; “So I’ll give you the run-down,” he said as the car pulled onto the street. “This is a charity for the Children’s Hospital. When we arrive there will be a red carpet. We’ll get out, holding hands and being affectionate. Smile, but don’t answer any questions. Once we’re inside we will have to mingle and people will ask how we met, as will my parents. The answer is you work for me, a junior associate in training. I saw your work and poached you from another office. It was love at first sight and ever since then we can’t keep our hands off each other. Understood?”

  His wording was so robotic. “Have you done this before?” I asked.

  “No. I’m just efficient and cover my tracks. Now I need to know that you understand.”

  “Yes, I understand.”

  A moment later we were on the red carpet. He held my hand and the heat generated from that was making my body respond. I felt ashamed of it. I was the one adamant about no sex and yet my body was betraying me. I enjoyed this feeling of being his. I wanted him to own me. What is wrong with me?

  After staying silent and feeling like a trophy, which was not something a curvy woman like me was used to, we finally sat at a table with a large party of other billionaires. I was nervous.

  “So, the new girlfriend. You are quite lucky… considering,” a bitchy woman next to me whispered. Her eyes moved up and down my body. I knew she thought I was too overweight to catch a man like Christopher.

  “Considering what?” Christopher said bluntly with an angry look. The woman was startled. I didn’t think he had heard either and I definitely wasn’t expecting him to come to my defense.

  “Considering… that… um,” the woman stammered.

  “That’s what I thought.” He continued to glare at her. “You will do well to keep your thoughts to yourself. They are of no worth to me or my girlfriend, who is the smartest and sexiest woman I have ever met.”


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