Night Angel (Angel Haven)

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Night Angel (Angel Haven) Page 19

by Miller, Annette

  Marshall laughed. “He does it to the rest of us, too. Maybe you’ll get him to break that particular habit. Welcome to the family.”

  “Thanks.” Karen was run into from behind as the werewolf children crowded into the room, the younger ones arguing over who got to sit on the bed.

  Karen, you awake? Rena called in her mind.

  Yeah. What’s up?

  All the people that left the town yesterday are back, and we’ve been told in no uncertain terms to leave.

  Get out of there then. I’ll see you back at Angel Haven in a couple of days.

  You sure?

  Karen watched the children and Randall laugh and talk. I’m sure. There are a few loose ends here that need to be tied up. I’ll be home soon.

  Finally, Karen clapped her hands to get their attention. “All right, gang,” she said. “The guardians are here to take you home, and Randall needs some more rest. We’ll join you tomorrow.”

  The pack children filed out, calling their goodbyes to Randall and Karen. Marshall stood, too. “I’ll let you guys have some time. I’ll be back later, little brother.”

  She shut the door behind Marshall and went to take the hand Randall held out to her. She shrieked as he pulled her down onto the bed with him.

  “You’re going to aggravate your injury,” she said.

  “Tough,” he murmured, kissing her lightly. He trailed his fingers along her arm as he inhaled her scent. “When I saw the knife, I was so afraid I’d lose you. I just want to hold you, to know you’re safe.”

  She snuggled closer, sighing as his arms wrapped around her. “I’m glad I made you keep your promise.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Oh? What promise?”

  She traced his jaw. “You promised me you wouldn’t be dumb enough to get yourself killed.”

  He grinned, his hand dropping to her shirt and opening the top button. “Want to help me heal faster?”

  Gazing in his eyes, she knew exactly what he meant. “How? Do you need some soup or something?”

  He opened another button. “I was thinking more along the lines of a little tender loving care.” He opened her shirt the rest of the way, placing light kisses on her collar bone.

  She stood, slowly peeling off her clothes. She felt her body burn from the intense hunger in his eyes. “I think soup would be better for you.”

  He smiled, pulling his power forth. “No, I think you’re just what the doctor ordered.”

  She threw the covers off, and pulling her own power out, straddled his lap. She leaned down and whispered, “Let’s make you better.”


  Karen stood and dressed. “The sun’s setting soon. The other guardians want to see you.”

  Randall carefully sat up, wincing as he felt the knife wound twinge. “Are you coming with me?”

  Karen turned to him, running her hand down his arm. “Of course. I’m your soul mate. It’s my duty to be with you no matter what.”

  He winked at her. “I can’t wait for this to be over.”

  “I know. Get yourself ready. I’ll see you outside in a few minutes.” She pointed to the chair against the far wall. “Raesheen brought your pants.” He nodded and Karen slipped out, closing the door behind her.

  As the sun began to set, Randall climbed from the bed. His nightly change was beginning, and he welcomed it. He could feel himself grow stronger as his body morphed into the gargoyle. Folding his wings tightly around him, he trod carefully through the cabin to join his brethren.

  He stepped outside, unfurling his wings to their full span. It seemed forever since he could just stand in the darkness and be himself. He heard someone coming up behind him and turned, watching his brother approach. Randall frowned. “I thought you were staying down home.”

  Marshall shrugged. “You’re my little brother. I had to make sure you didn’t need my help. We both know I’m the better fighter.”

  Randall rolled his eyes. “Thanks for your concern.”

  “Good evening,” Liam said, appearing in the darkness. “You’re feeling better?”

  “Yes. Gizel’s salve worked wonders.” He stopped and looked at the guardians, for the first time a little apprehensive about what he had to say. “My soul mate helped too.”

  The guardians all nodded, looking at each other, knowing what he meant. Marshall glanced at the cabin. “Speaking of the Angel, where is she?”

  “She’ll be out soon.”


  The guardians came around to the front of the cabin. Karen shook her head. She couldn’t believe that fairies were real and she was soul mate to a guardian of the fairy world. She couldn’t wait to tell her team and her father about all this.

  She hurried straight for Randall’s side and sighed as he put his arm around her. She stared at the guardians towering over her. “I’m not used to being the shortest member on a team.”

  Marshall laughed. “You’ll get used to it. Wait until you meet the rest of our clan.”

  “Great.” She studied their faces. “What’s going on?”

  “We were catching up on clan business,” Liam said. He stared at her. “It’s time. Tell him.”

  Randall switched his gaze between the two of them and frowned. “Tell me what?”

  “Troyington’s alive,” Karen said in a low voice. She felt his anger fuel his power, making it burn bright and hot within her. “He escaped after stabbing you.”

  “Why didn’t anyone stop him?” Randall growled.

  “Because saving your life was more important to all of us,” she said, her voice rising. “I wasn’t about to go running off to get revenge while you were leaking blood all over the ground.”

  He caressed her cheek. “I’m sorry.”

  She stared at him, trying not to smile. “Apology accepted.”

  Randall stared at the group. “So what do we do?”

  Liam stepped forward. “He’s got to answer for his crimes against my clan and Caledon’s pack.”

  “There’s no proof,” Randall said. “Without that, human law can’t touch him.”

  Karen’s mouth hung open as she stared at him. “You mean he’s going to get away with what he’s done? Are you kidding me?”

  “I didn’t say that.” Randall turned his gaze to the woods. “I said human law can’t touch him. I didn’t say our laws couldn’t.”

  Karen turned to Liam. “How do we know he’s still in the area? If it were me, I would’ve hightailed it out of here by now.”

  “The wood folk are watching him.” Liam’s face drew down into a fearsome scowl. “He hasn’t left his house since he returned.”

  “We should be there,” Marshall said.

  Karen watched Liam and Marshall take off and could only imagine what a whole squadron of guardians in flight would look like. It would surely be magnificent. She turned to Randall. “Are you ready for this?”

  He pulled her close. “I’m ready. The time has come to close this thing once and for all.”

  She checked his bandage. “It won’t be too much on you, will it? I don’t want you over doing it.”

  “Thanks to you, I’m almost completely healed. Now, hold tight to me.”

  She put her arms around his neck. “Like that’ll be a problem.”

  He gathered her in his arms, stretched his wings, and took to the air.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  The gargoyles landed near the trees, silently watching a figure move in the low light of the drawing room. The curtains on the french doors twitched, and the guardians faded into the shadows, becoming part of the woods that surrounded them.

  Marshall turned to Randall. “How do you want to handle this, little brother?”

  He flexed his fingers, staring at the house. “Wait out here.”

  Karen frowned, the tone of his gravelly voice making her shiver. “What are you going to do?”

  “I’m going to ask him nicely to come with us.” He turned to her, the look in his eyes not easing her fears. “Don’t worry. The
pack wouldn’t forgive me if I took their revenge from them.” He ripped off the bandage and silently stalked toward the house.


  Troyington crossed to the french doors, rattling them to make sure they were locked, then headed straight for the cabinet holding the whiskey he needed for dire occasions. His hand shook as he poured a generous amount of amber liquid in a glass. The alcohol burned his throat as he tossed it back and poured another.

  His men’s deaths shook him more than he wanted to admit. Maybe he had bitten off more than he could chew on this venture. The blackness beyond concealed magical creatures who wanted his blood, and Cray and Harmon had been no challenge to them.

  “How much longer before they come for me?” he asked the night.

  “Not long at all,” a voice rumbled behind him.

  Troyington whirled around, his chest growing cold. “Dupré?” he whispered, his voice shaking. “You’re alive? How’d you get in here? Everything’s locked.”

  “I’m harder to kill than you think.” Randall stepped toward him, the claws on his toes digging into the rich carpet. “For two long months, I was kept here. Did you think I wouldn’t learn how to get in and out whether or not the doors were locked?”

  Troyington backed away, his knees hitting the desk, his hand shaking as he held his drink. “So now what?” He took another gulp, trying to stop his voice from quavering. “You can’t hand me over to the authorities. Who would believe you?” He smiled. “You must be here to kill me.”

  Randall narrowed his eyes. “As much as I want to, no, I’m not here to kill you.”

  “That’s right,” Troyington snorted. “As a hero and protector, murder just isn’t an option for you. You can’t touch me, Guardian, and you know it.”

  Randall grabbed the front of Troyington’s shirt, lifting him off the desk. The glass fell to the floor, landing with a dull thud on the deep carpet. Randall held his hand close to Troyington’s face and extended his claws. “You will answer for your crimes, but not to me. It’s Caledon’s right as pack leader to decide your fate.”

  Troyington’s eyes widened as he finally saw Randall’s claws up close. They were longer than he thought, and he could clearly see in his mind them ripping into his flesh. He trembled harder, pushing against Randall, trying to get away. The harder he squirmed, the tighter Randall held him.

  “Let me go and I’ll make it worth your while,” Troyington pleaded.

  A deep growl rose in Randall’s chest and spilled through clenched teeth as he shook Troyington as though he was no more than a rag doll.

  Randall shoved him over to the french doors, the glass shattering as he kicked them open. He dragged Troyington to Liam and Marshall, dropping him at their feet. “Take him to Caledon. Karen and I will be there tomorrow.”

  The two gargoyles grabbed Troyington’s arms, carrying him into the night sky.


  Karen woke in bed alone with sunlight forcing her to open her eyes. She groaned and rolled over, realizing she’d been up with the sun on this entire adventure.

  Randall came in and sat on the bed, his hair mussed. He grinned, making her want to throw him down right there. “It’s time to go, sweetheart.”

  She ran a hand down his chest. “I know.”

  He caught her hand, lifting it to his lips. “Only a little bit more and then our time together truly begins.”

  She shivered with delight as goose bumps ran down her body. “Do we have a few minutes?”

  His gaze traveled the length of her body under the covers. “I wish we did, but we have to get to Caledon’s pack before sunset.”

  She gave a dramatic sigh. “All right. Let me get dressed.” She threw the covers back and stood, gathering her clothes. She felt his eyes on her and turned. “What?”

  He walked around the bed and pulled her into his arms. “I’ll be glad when this is over.”

  Her arms tightened around his waist. “I know what you mean.”

  He nodded, kissing her lightly. “I need to see Troyington pays for what he’s done. Then, we’re finished with all of this.”


  The sky faded from the light lavender of twilight to the indigo blue of night, and the moon’s silver light highlighted the glow from the wall sconces. Karen stood with the two Louisiana guardians on the floor of the Great Hall as Caledon’s pack gathered to give judgment on Troyington.

  Karen studied the pack leader as he stood on the low stage. His eyes were hard as he stared at Troyington, but there were lines at the corners that suggested he did have another side. His brown hair was swept back from his face, the light highlighting the few silver strands. His shoulders were broad, and his chest was wide. There was no paunch around his waist, and Karen felt if he was this imposing as a man, his wolf form would probably scare the bejeezus out of people.

  Karen’s skin tingled as the pack leader’s power rolled over her. She looked up at the rows of seats, saw every one filled, and felt the pack’s anger hum in the air. Standing behind the wolves were guardians, their wings folded tight against their backs, their eyes constantly moving.

  Troyington knelt before the pack leader, the heavy chains around his wrists fed through an iron ring on the floor. His perfect hair was tangled and dirty, his clothes grimy with mud and blood. His outward appearance may have changed, but he still maintained his arrogant attitude as he glared at Caledon.

  “You don’t dare kill me,” Troyington spat. “I’m too well known, too well connected.”

  Caledon’s eyes glowed in the low light of the hall, and a deep growl rumbled from his chest, echoing off the walls, quieting the crowd. “Do not test me, human,” he said, his booming voice echoing around the hall. “Count yourself lucky I do not gut you right here, right now.”

  Randall stepped forward, bowing before the pack leader. “Troyington has a point. An investigation could bring potential harm to the pack. His punishment bears careful consideration.”

  Caledon nodded. “Your words have merit.” He glowered at Troyington. “But something must be done about him.” He turned to the High Mother. “Bring your Oracle and captain to my private study. James, come with me.”

  Karen turned to Randall. “How long will they be?”

  He watched the werewolves as they stared at Troyington, some growling deep in their throats. “As long as it takes. He asked for the Oracle. This means he’s going to make his decision based on what she sees in the future.”

  She nodded toward the man on the floor. “Troyington’s not getting out of this alive. I could feel Caledon’s anger.”

  He folded his wings around her. “Caledon’s furious, but he won’t take a reckless course of action. He’ll do what’s best for the pack. He’s the best leader they’ve ever had.”

  Karen glanced in the direction Caledon had disappeared. “I can believe it.”

  She leaned against Randall, sighing when he held her tighter. She stared at Troyington. “I know he’s done terrible things, but I can’t help feeling sorry for him.”

  “You’ve got a kind heart.” Randall raised her face to his. “Unlike the human world, though, fairy justice is absolute. There’s no probation, no second chances. If you break our laws, you pay the price.”

  Karen nodded. As she stared at the gathering, she knew Troyington was doomed, no matter what Caledon decided. A door opened, and Caledon led his council back to the Great Hall. A decision had been made quicker than she would’ve thought.

  “Randall Dupré, come forth,” the pack leader commanded. Randall made his way down to stand in front of the werewolf leader. “Bradford Troyington, rise and hear your sentence.”

  When Troyington remained where he was, two guardians hauled him to his feet. He moved away from Randall, glaring at him.

  Caledon stared at the southern guardian and Troyington. “The Oracle has seen the outcomes for the different sentences I could deliver. Guardian, I apologize for the mistreatment you suffered at the hands of this human in my service.”<
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  Randall bowed. “I would do so again to save the lives of the pack children.”

  “And for that, you have the eternal gratitude of the northeast pack. Every realm will know you have my favor.” Murmurs filled the room, many heads nodding approval at Caledon’s words.

  Marshall stood behind Karen, his eyes wide. “Holy crap,” he whispered.

  She glanced over her shoulder at him. He looked like he was in shock. “What’s wrong?” she whispered.

  “No guardian has ever gotten a pack leader’s favor,” he replied. “Ever!”

  Caledon raised his hand, quieting the assembly. “Bradford Troyington, your sentence is this. You will suffer every torment you bestowed on the Guardian, after which you will have an ‘accident.’ This course will draw the least amount of suspicion to my pack. Sentence to be carried out immediately.”

  Thunderous applause filled the chamber. Karen’s knees went weak and she staggered, glancing up gratefully at Marshall when he stopped her from falling. They watched Randall make his way back to them. This was it. It was truly over. Randall swept her up in his arms, and she buried her face in his neck as Troyington was dragged from the room, screaming curses at them at the top of his lungs.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  “What exactly does it mean to have Caledon’s favor?” Karen asked, not sure of the entire implication.

  Randall pulled her close to him. “Every being in the fairy realm knows Caledon. He’s brought peace to a lot of disputes between races. He even has the respect of the vampire lords. Having his favor means that no paranormal creature in its right mind will hurt me. Basically, I now have the protection of one of the strongest packs in the world, and because you’re my soul mate, it extends to you, too.”


  “The sun will be rising soon,” Marshall said. “What are your plans?”

  Karen’s grip tightened on Randall’s arm. “I’ve got to go back to Troyington’s estate and get my stuff. When there’s an investigation into his disappearance, I don’t want the police to find anything of mine in that house.”


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