Play-Mate_A Taboo Stepbrother Romance

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Play-Mate_A Taboo Stepbrother Romance Page 9

by Jenny Rose

  “That’s too cool of a picture not to take.” I smiled and he reached out and took my hand in his and said,

  “I’d have to say I agree but it’s not near as cool as you handing me another beer.” I smiled as I leaned up and reached into the bucket for another longneck, took my hand from his, twisted off the top and handed it to him before doing the same for myself with the last one. We sat until the sun went down and I made a pitcher of margaritas when the beer ran out just because I wasn’t ready for the drinks to end but I didn’t want to go to the store for more.

  My phone vibrated and I checked to find a message from Lance that simply said,

  “Be a good little sister.” I felt the heat rush between my thighs and my face fill with color because the words, though innocent to the naked eye were laced with tawdry under tones because until he started screwing me, he never called me “Little Sister” and I knew that he was thinking naughty things about me so that turned me on more than any dirty message that he could have sent. I placed my phone back on the table after I sent my reply then looked to Scott, took off my swimsuit cover and ran towards the water, leaving him nursing a strong tequila drink while I tried to wash my animal urges into the sea. If I stayed up there and let myself grow any more aroused there was a high possibility that I would end up sleeping with Scott and that was something that couldn’t happen right now and I was actually glad that he didn’t join me for a swim because the way I was feeling right now, I’d fuck anything that would stand still long enough.

  I headed back towards the house after my quick dip and as I neared the top of the stairs, I saw him looking at my phone then he gave me a look of total shock and confusion. Scrolling his thumb along the face of my phone, he asked looked at me and said,

  “You’re fucking your stepbrother. Holy shit, Rayne. What the hell? Are you screwing Lance? What is this shit?” I reached out and snatched my phone from him to find that Lance had replied and when I read everything in its entirety, it pretty much spelled everything out in black and white but I still tried to cover it up, though the proof was undeniable.

  “No, it’s not like that. It’s just an inside joke, that’s all.” I shrugged and laughed nervously and Scott just got up and headed down the stairs.

  “Alright, Rayne. Whatever. That’s fucked up, either way. If you are fucking him, you are a sick bitch and if you aren’t you are a twisted mother fucker for playing like that with your brother. I have to go.” I watched him walk down the steps and I called out,


  Reading the messages again, I tried to figure out how I would ever explain,

  “Be a good little sister”

  “You know I’m never good…always a bad girl.”

  “Well, bad girl. I can’t wait to come home and fill you full of this dick.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  When Lance returned, I rode in the limo to the airport to pick him up and met him in the back seat wearing no panties under my sundress, a situation of which he took full advantage in every possible way. He seemed to have missed me, too and by the way he moaned when he tasted between my thighs, I would say that he had an appetite that could only be sated by one thing and I was holding on to it in my most secret of places. Our quickie in the car was heated and rushed but seemed to be enough to hold us until I could greet him properly later and I used one of the flat television screens as a mirror so that I could fix my hair and apply some lip gloss. I’d become a mess during our savage session but I was more than alright with that as long as I could fix it so that I didn’t have “sex hair” and give Hannah no reason to be suspicious.

  “I bought a house.” He said it as casually as if he were telling me he’d ordered Chinese and I looked to him with surprise and slapped him on the arm.

  “Why are you just telling me now?” He chuckled and said,

  “Well, you kind of took any chance of conversation off the table as soon as I got in the car, Ray.” I suppose he had a point but,

  “You could have called me, ass.” He laughed.

  “Alright, ass. I guess I see where you’re coming from but I wanted to tell you face to face because it’s kind of an awesome house. Come here and check out these pictures.” He pulled his phone from his pocket as I raked my fingers through my hair and decided that I could pass inspection. We did live on the beach after all and disheveled hair sort of went with the territory. I really should dial down the paranoia that I’m going to give myself away before I give myself away and tear up the entire family because I’m an incestuous whore. Dial it down, Rayne.

  He showed me a ton of photographs of an incredulously large estate with fourteen bedrooms, sixteen bathrooms, two kitchens, an indoor and outdoor pool, full gym, indoor theater and even had stables stocked with horses and tack. I was in authentic awe of the images that I’d just seen and kind of hated them all at the same time because now that meant that Lance would be leaving the summer home for good and that was something that I wasn’t looking forward to at all. I forced a smile as I fought tears as I told him how beautiful everything looked and he tilted my chin so that I would look at him and said,

  “Beautiful Ray, tell me what’s on your mind.” I smiled and sniffled and just said,

  “It’s silly. Never mind.” He stared at me and I knew from years of experience that he wasn’t going to give up until I told him what thoughts were troubling my mind and I sighed and said, “It’s just so official now. You are leaving and this, whatever it is, will all be over soon and I’ll be going back to school without you so it just bums me out that you won’t be around as much.” He leaned down and kissed me softly and said,

  “You never know what the future holds, little sis.” I looked at him and said,

  “Please don’t call me that. It’s kind of creepy.” He laughed and slid his fingers under my skirt to the warmth that remained between my thighs and slowly traced the outside of the treasure that he’d found.

  “But letting your brother tongue fuck you in the ass in the back of a limo isn’t creepy?” I slapped him on the arm.

  “You aren’t my brother, stop saying that.” He kissed me with enough power to push me back in the seat as he slowly slid his fingers into me, causing me to moan as I grabbed at the back of his head. He raised up to look at me and said,

  “I’m your brother in every way that it matters, Ray. I know what makes you smile, how to make you laugh, what pisses you off and most of all, I’m who you can trust with anything under the sun but I’ve wanted to be so much more than that for such a long time that I can’t remember not wanting you. In Aruba, I couldn’t help myself and I had to make sure that what I thought I was seeing in your eyes wasn’t in my imagination because I had hoped for so long to see you look at me like that.” I thought I might cry so I just kissed him and slowly ran my hand from the back of his head, down his neck to his shoulder, where it rested and he sat back up to look at me. “Things won’t always be like this, Ray. We won’t always have to hide.” He kissed me lightly and I was swept up in a whirl of emotions that I never knew existed within myself and I was one hundred percent certain that I was in love with Lance.

  The car dropped us off and I tried not to look like a dreamy eyed prom princess as we walked into the house but I couldn’t help but feel like I was floating as I drifted across the hardwood floors of the living room on my way to the bedroom where I planned to lie across my bed, hug my pillow and smile into it while muffling cries of excitement but I was stopped by Hannah instead.

  “How was the ride? Was the limo nice? I’ve never ridden in a limo, you know.” Lance reached around the sofa and hugged her over the shoulders and said,

  Well, we’ll have to remedy that before I move.” Her head snapped around as the words seemed to have stung her cheek and she said,

  “Explain yourself, young man.” He smiled as he dug his phone out of the pocket of his slacks, which fit the shape of his ass so well that it took everything in me not to go over and grab it. Showing her the
pictures, he smiled as he watched the expressions on her face keep growing and growing in animation until finally she couldn’t contain herself and she reached over and slapped him on the shoulder.

  “Lance, this is beautiful! I can’t believe you own this wonderful estate! Rayne, have you seen the pictures?” I was in the kitchen searching for something to drink and saw the orange juice. I called out,

  “Yep” then made sure that there were no witnesses before I drank it straight from the carton. After taking a few long swigs, I replaced the cap and put it back in the refrigerator after having satisfied my thirst and not leaving a dirty dish in my wake. I walked to my room and Lance winked at me as I disappeared around the corner and I really wished that my mother would go back to her own house and leave us with the few remaining days that we had left. Technically, the beach house was hers but still, she had a perfectly good home in Dallas that was just sitting there and she could be in it instead of here with us. Never before had it bothered me that she was with us because it had always been the norm but now it was just too inconvenient for me to pull off amazing sex with my stepbrother while my mother was in the house.

  From the hall, I heard a knock on my door and Lance’s voice asking,

  “Hey Ray, have you seen my headphones?” He pushed the door open and closed it behind him before rushing to my side and wrapping his arms around me, enveloping me with his large frame as he kissed me passionately. Stepping back, he reopened the door and smiled as he said in a louder than needed voice, “Never mind, I think they are on my desk.”

  I fell back onto my bed, aching for his touch yet still wet from our encounter in the limousine earlier and I decided that a shower was the best way to remedy the situation so I began to gather my things as I lightly hummed to myself. Hearing Hannah and Lance’s voices in the kitchen, I could hear that they were talking about taking out the boat and trying their hand at catching a few fish. Hannah was a better angler that she appeared and Lance had held the record for the largest flounder caught in the gulf three years running in the annual Flounder Fest. Then I heard him say,

  “You know what, Hannah? I think we should just buy another boat. We have the extra slip at the dock and a new boat is just what you need in a time like this. Divorce can be hard and I just want you to know that you can count on me for anything you need. You’ll always be family to me.” My heart almost stopped as I tried to comprehend what I was hearing. Was my mother divorcing Jason? Why had no one told me yet Lance knows? I walked into the living room and simply said,

  “What did you just say?” Hannah’s head snapped around and she suddenly looked completely mortified as her hands flew to her mouth.

  “You weren’t supposed to find out this way.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  My mother sat me down on the couch and Lance sat on the other side of me and I prepared myself to hear the words, “Lance and I are having an affair” but all she could say before bursting into tears was,

  “Jason and his fiancé are expecting a baby. Isn’t it wonderful?” My heart sank for my mother and I was still confused as to why Lance was privy to information that was apparently supposed to be a secret. Lance saw my suspicion and immediately piped up with,

  “Everyone just thought that it would be best for you not to know until you finished school and since I’m actually helping Hannah with her lawyers, I was in on the secret so please don’t be mad.” He gave me those eyes and he knew that I wouldn’t be able to even start to get upset before he melted any ice in my stare. This meant that Lance knew that the bond keeping us from being together was about to be severed and kept it from me as I fretted over the fact that we were legal siblings and he never once said a word. We still had the history that tied us together and made us thick as thieves and there was nobody else in the world that I trusted and loved the way that I did Lance so my inner struggle was still a very valid concern in my mind and the fact that Hannah still looked at him as her son was also part of the part that made it so hard. It would break her heart if she found out and I’m sure that she would more than likely disown me and keep him as her son then send me to be Jason’s daughter. Maybe I was reading too much into it but I didn’t really see how her divorce would really open any doors for Lance and I, especially since he’d just bought a home in California and I still had a semester in Florida.

  “So, you mean to tell me that you knew that they were getting divorced the entire summer…” my eyes widened and my voice raised a few degrees to show that he knew what I was getting at without letting Hannah know that I was asking him if he knew they were splitting when he joined me in my bed that night, “and you didn’t say a word to me about it? Not a single word? All summer?” He gave me a silent, apologetic look and said,

  “Ray, I had to keep it secret for your own good. Hannah thought that it would disrupt your studies if you had family troubles on your mind while you were trying to finish school and I thought she was right.” I tried not to show him how upset I was and focus on my mother for the moment, dealing with him when we could be alone and I could raise my voice. I just looked at him and repeated,

  “All fucking summer.” He knew what I meant and I could see it in his eyes but he also kept cool about the situation until later. “Hannah could give two shits about my ‘learning to cook’ and wouldn’t care if I dropped out now and became a stripper as long as I was creative with it so don’t blame my studies on the two of you keeping this from me. Is there something else that I don’t know about that you feel like I ought to know now that everything is coming out into the open?” My mother looked at me and with the saddest eyes, held out her hands and took mine into hers, clapping softly over them as she looked as if she was trying not to cry.

  “I never wanted to hurt you, Raynie. I want you to know that but sometimes things happen and you never meant for them to and once they start, you don’t know how to stop them.” My heart once again beat in my chest as if it were trying to escape and I prepared myself to hear the words as I glared with Lance as I felt my heart break. I couldn’t believe what I was about to hear and by the look on Hannah’s face, I couldn’t think of anything else that she would feel like she had to protect me from so I just looked at her and said,

  “Yeah? What is it?” I looked into her eyes, then off to my right where I stared at Lance with a hateful stare that would kill him a hundred times if I could hurt or maim with ferocious intent. I began to shake my head slowly, looking at him with disapproval as she said,

  “I’ve been sleeping with Scott for almost two years now.” My head snapped forward and my heart had never felt such relief as I was so overjoyed that my mother was not sleeping with Lance.

  “What?” It still hurt since Scott had failed to mention that he was banging my mom as he was doing me all over the place when I got home and he also never mentioned it when he became so disgusted by the fact that he thought I was sleeping with Lance. Who screws someone and her mom? What mom screws the first guy to ever be inside of her daughter? I had to get some air so I walked to the back door and down the steps toward the beach, letting the door slam behind me as I took in a large breath and took the stairs two at a time and took off running down the beach, first in a slow jog and before I knew it, I was running as fast as my legs would carry me. I ran away from the house and towards the outer edge of the cove and heard the soft pat of the sand behind me and knew that it was Lance without having to turn around and check. Drawing deeper on my emotional confusion, I pushed myself harder and kicked sand high into the air behind me as I tried to maintain my lead on him but I would bet that if I looked behind me I would see that he was barely even trying. Proving me right, he waltzed right up beside me and without a word, said everything that he needed to; that he was here for me if I needed him and like always, would be at my side when I needed a friend. I could always count on Lance and it hit me that I was running not for the loss of a great love but for the freedom needed to pursue another and my mind couldn’t figure out how to process the inf
ormation without a brisk jog first. Slowing to a stop, I placed my hands on my knees and caught my breath and with my head down and shoulders heaving, Lance assumed that I was crying but when I raised up and he could see my face and the expression in his eyes changed from concern to relief.

  “I know that’s got to be fucked up to hear, Ray. I’m sorry. I never knew she was going to say that. I mean, I knew that they were both seeing someone but I didn’t know it was Scott, I swear.” I rushed to his arms and he spun me in a slow circle as we kissed and my toes traced a small circle in the sand as I slightly drug the sand with my foot.

  “I could give a damn about Scott, you idiot. Don’t you see what this means?” He looked at me and tilted his head in confusion, reminding me of a puppy for a brief moment.

  “No, I don’t guess I do.” I smiled as I said,

  “We don’t have to hide anymore, Lance. We can let them know about us if they aren’t married anymore. We aren’t stepsiblings if they aren’t together and now we can come out of the shadows.” I hugged him and kissed him once more and he smiled, saying,

  “It doesn’t look like you are too worried about hiding right now, Miss Incognito.” He was right and I realized that we were only a shoreline’s curve away from being in Hanna’s eyesight should she so choose to walk a short piece down the beach and I took a step away from him and looked to him.

  “What are we doing, Lance? What’s going on with us, huh? Is it just a summer fling then we go on about our lives? Was it goodbye sex? Like, ‘even though we won’t be family anymore, we can have sex before we go on to live completely separate lives, never to see each other again’ sex or what? I’m so twisted up inside, Lance.” I took a few steps towards the shore and stood ankle deep in the water, kicking at the waves when they rolled ashore.


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