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Napoleon Page 119

by Andrew Roberts

  La Révellière-Lépeaux, Louis de 72

  member of Directory 144, 209

  La Rochefoucauld-Dubreuil, Jean de 290

  La Rothière, battle of (1814) 694

  La Tour du Pin, Lucie de 285, 468n

  La Vallette, General Antoine 111

  Labaume, Captain Eugène 618, 621–2, 631

  The Crime of 1812 621–2

  labour laws, Code Napoléon 278

  Lacépède, Bernard, naturalist 349

  as chancellor of Légion d’Honneur 449

  as chancellor of University of France 746

  Lachouque, Henry 800–801

  Lacretelle, Charles de, Académie Française 244

  Lacuée, General Jean-Gérard, military administrator 61, 238, 347, 434, 569

  Lafayette, Marquis de 746, 773

  and aftermath of Waterloo 771–2

  Laffrey 735–6

  Laforest, Antoine, French ambassador in Berlin 410

  Lagrange, General Joseph 186–7

  Laharpe, General Amédée 75, 89, 91n

  l’Ain, Captaun Girod de 599

  Lainé, Joseph 687, 698–9

  Lalande, Jérôme de 124

  l’Albe, General Bacler de 251–2

  Lallemand, General Charles 775

  Lamarque, General Jean-Maximilian 743, 745

  Lamouret, Captain 731

  Lampedusa, island 323

  Landgrafenberg 418 and n

  Landshut Manoeuvre (1809) 503, 504–5, 506–8

  Langeron, General Comte Louis de 623

  at Berezina river 629

  Leipzig 682

  languages, France 279–80

  Lanjuinais, Comte Jean-Denis 8, 307, 310, 699

  Lannes, Marshal Jean 89–90, 91, 126, 344

  and revolt in Pavia 98

  in Italy 121, 122, 258

  as quartermaster-general in Egypt 163

  Holy Land 186

  at Acre 196

  crossing of Alps 253, 256

  Marengo 263, 264, 266, 267

  Austerlitz 380, 383, 388

  Jena 414–15, 418–19, 420

  in Prussia 426

  Pultusk 433

  Friedland 451, 453, 454

  in Germany 501–2, 508

  N and 509

  Aspern 514, 515

  death 516–17

  Lâon, battle of (1814) 705

  Laplace, Marquis de 16, 233, 239, 595n, 719

  Laplane, General Jean de 684

  Lapoype, General Jean 47, 51, 684

  Marengo 259, 262, 264

  Lariboisière, General Jean de 25, 617

  Larrey, Dominic, surgeon 434, 674

  and typhus 588

  Borodino 607–8

  and retreat from Moscow 624

  on N at Waterloo 756

  Las Cases, Marquis de, chamberlain 775, 809

  St Helena 779

  and N’s memoirs 790

  Lasalle, General Antoine de 415, 422

  Aspern 514

  Wagram 525

  Laumond, Jean 347

  Lauriston, General Jacques de 297

  Landshut 507–8

  as ambassador to Russia 567, 568

  in Russia 615

  Observation Corps of the Elbe 644

  Lützen 647

  Bautzen 653

  Leipzig 681–2

  Lavalette, Antoine, aide- de-camp to N 124, 144, 225, 500, 785

  and Brumaire coup 222

  on Josephine 537

  on Malet’s attempted coup 623

  and N’s return (1815) 738–9, 741

  on 1815 plebiscite 748

  Law of the Maximum (price restraints) 212

  Le Couteulx de Canteleu, Jean-Barthélémy, manufacturer 246

  Le Sueur, Jean-François, Ossian (opera) 14

  Le Tourneur, Étienne-François 72

  League of Armed Neutrality 286–7

  collapse of 296

  Lebrun, Charles-François 276, 399

  as Third Consul 234

  Leclerc, General Charles Victor-Emmanuel 151, 224

  marriage to Pauline Bonaparte 144

  and Saint-Domingue expedition 300–302

  Lecourbe, General Claude 346

  defection to N (1815) 737

  Lefebvre, Marshal François- Joseph 219, 221–2, 344n, 345

  in Poland 436, 448

  Bavarian Corps in Germany 501–2

  Landshut 503, 506

  and N (1815) 743

  Lefebvre-Desnouettes, General Charles 484, 809

  legal system

  reforms of judiciary 241

  Code Napoléon 275–9

  Legendre, General 485

  Légion d’Honneur 464

  founding of 348–50

  Maison d’Éducation 349, 746

  Legislative Body

  in 1799 Constitution 236, 244

  voting system 236

  and Code Napoléon 276

  purge (1802) 306–7

  and electorate 312

  1813 session 641–2

  and Frankfurt peace terms 686–7

  oath of allegiance to N (1815) 750

  Legitimists 528

  Legrand, General Claude

  Austerlitz 383, 384

  Eylau 442

  Aspern 513–14

  Leipzig 631, 634, 646

  Allied advance on 674

  N at 674–5

  Leipzig, battle of (‘The Battle of the Nations’) (1813) 675–7, 678–9, 680–83

  British rocket section 675, 682

  battlefield 676

  N’s mistakes at 680–81

  N’s proposals to Emperor Francis 680

  N’s participation 682

  N’s retreat from 683–4

  Leipzig campaign (1813) 648–9, 662–87

  secret meeting with Metternich in Dresden 657–9

  splitting of army by N 664

  Lejeune, Colonel, Wagram 522

  Lejeune, Louis-François, painter 382, 433

  Lemarois, General Jean 684

  Lenoir, Richard, businessman 315

  Leoben, Preliminaries of (1797) 139–41

  Léon, Comte (Charles Denuelle) (illegitimate son of N) 400, 534, 796, 807

  Lepic, Colonel Louis, Eylau 443

  Lestocq, General Anton von 426, 436

  at Eylau 438, 444

  Friedland 455

  Leuchtenberg, Josephine of (daughter of Eugène) 653

  Levasseur, Octave 761, 766, 767

  Lévis, Duc de 536

  Lezay-Marnésia, Adrien de, prefect 689

  Liébert, General Jean-Jacques 335

  Ligny, battle of (1815) 754, 755

  Ligurian Republic, N’s constitution for 142

  Limoelan, Joseph Picot de, Chouan 287, 288

  L’Inconstant (ship) 729–31

  Linois, Admiral 296

  Lion, Dieudonné 507

  Lithuania 581–2

  Liverpool, Earl of 776, 777–8

  as Lord Hawkesbury 333, 431; peace negotiations (1801–2) 294–5, 296, 297, 300; on press freedom 316

  Livingston, Robert, American negotiator 325, 326

  Lloyd’s of London 430

  Lobanov-Rotovsky, Prince Dmitry, and Tilsit 456

  Lobau, General Georges Mouton de, Count 370–71, 596

  Landshut 508

  Waterloo 765

  local government 555–6

  reforms 244–5

  administrative reforms 279

  Lodi, Italy, storming of bridge at 90–91

rgne d’Ideville, François 719

  Lombardic Republic 95–6

  Loménie de Brienne, Étienne-Charles de, finance minister 26

  Lonato, battles of (1796) 111, 112

  Louis (Bourbon), King of Etruria (Tuscany) 286, 291

  Louis, Prince of Bavaria 501

  Louis XV, King of France 5

  Louis XVI, King of France

  attempted escape from France (1791) 36

  captured by mob (1792) 38–9

  execution 41

  Louis XVIII (Comte de Provence), King of France 248–9, 805

  restoration (1814) 710, 713–14

  policy errors 726–8, 732

  flees Paris 737

  and return of N 737

  Louis-Philippe, King 806

  Louise, Queen, of Prussia 424

  and Magdeburg 460–61

  death 549

  Louisiana Purchase 324–6

  Louisiana territory 286

  Louvre, Musée du, art treasures from Italy 88

  Lovell, Daniel, Stateman 310

  Loverdo, General Nicolas 734

  Lowe, Sir Hudson 809

  governor of St Helena 786–9

  and N’s illness 792, 798

  and O’Meara 792

  Lübeck, capture of 421, 422

  Luccesini, Marquis Girolamo de 299, 422

  Lullin de Châteauvieux, Frédéric xxxvi

  Lunéville, Peace of (1801) 290, 291, 292–3

  violations of 313–14

  Lusignan, General Marquis de 127

  Lusigny, armistice proposals (1814) 703

  Lützen, battle of (1813) 646–7, 650–51

  Luxembourg Palace, N and Josephine at 227

  luxury trade 469

  revival 248

  Luynes, Duc de 242

  lycées, establishment 280–81


  The Hero’s Return (play) (1799) 206

  surrendered (1814) 708

  N at 736

  Lyons, Consultation of 305–6

  Macdonald, Marshal Jacques 210, 344, 345, 526, 744

  Wagram 519, 524–5

  Russia 596, 609, 634

  Lützen 646, 647

  Bautzen 652

  Leipzig 665, 677, 681, 683

  Katzbach 672

  Château-Thierry 700

  and N’s abdication 711, 716

  in command of armies (1815) 773

  Mack von Leiberich, General Karl, at Ulm 367–8, 373

  Macnamara, John, Elba 725, 728–9

  Macon, General Pierre 376


  El Dos de Mayo revolt against Murat 480, 481

  recapture of (1808) 494

  Magdeburg 413, 415, 644

  surrender of 422

  to Westphalia 460–61

  Maghrebians 188 and n

  Mahmud II, Sultan 572

  Maillard, Colonel 37–8

  Maingault, Louis 779

  Mainz 413, 693

  Maitland, Captain Frederick, HMS Bellerophon 775, 776, 777, 778

  Malcolm, Admiral Sir Pulteney, St Helena 791

  Malcolm, Lady 791

  Maleszewski, Colonel 575

  Malet, General Claude-François de, attempted coup (1812) 622–3

  Malmaison château 207, 468, 473, 537

  N at (after Waterloo) 773–4

  Malmesbury, Earl of 324

  Maloyaroslavets 617

  Maloyaroslavets, battle of (1812) 618–19, 620–21

  Malta 162, 286

  N’s administration 167–8

  British control of 297, 323

  and Peace of Amiens 307, 308–9

  Order of Knights of St John and 308


  in Egypt 170–71, 172–3

  Gaza City 188

  Manhès, General Charles 394

  Manin, Doge Ludovico, Venice 139

  Manning, Dr Thomas, visitor to St Helena 791–2

  Mantua 98

  siege of 100–101, 108–9, 110, 114–16, 118, 123, 125–6

  fall of 128–9

  maps 412

  Poland 426

  Spain 474

  Marbeuf, Comte de 5, 6, 9, 10

  Marbot, Jean-Baptiste de 206

  Austerlitz 388, 389

  Eylau 442

  Marchand, General Jean-Gabriel, Friedland 454

  Marchand, Louis, valet 730, 800–801, 802, 809

  St Helena 779

  Marengo, battle of (1800) 259, 260–61, 262–9

  campaign 250–59, 254–5

  analysis 267–9

  visit to battlefield (1805) 362

  Marescot, General Armand de 485

  Maret, Hugues-Bernard, foreign minister 209, 566, 567, 808

  and abdication 715–16, 718

  and support for N’s return 729, 741

  and N’s second abdication 774

  Maria Carolina, Queen of Naples and Sicily 358, 394, 460–61n

  Maria Feodorovna, Dowager Empress of Russia 458, 460n

  María Luisa of Parma, Queen of Spain, and Godoy 475, 480

  Marie Antoinette, Queen of France 38–9, 41

  Marie Louise, Archduchess of Austria 533, 665

  marriage to N 539–43

  birth of son 564–5

  at Dresden 574–5

  and Malet’s attempted coup (1812) 623

  provision for regency of 640

  character 704

  Joseph and 706

  flight from Paris (1814) 709

  provisions for after abdication 714–15

  moves to Vienna 715

  affair with Neipperg 724–5, 741

  and N’s return (1815) 740–41

  refusal to leave Vienna (1815) 747

  on N in exile 780–81, 799–800 and n

  marriage to Comte de Bombelles 807

  marriage to Neipperg 807

  Markov, Count, Russian ambassador 321

  Marmont, Marshal Auguste de 25, 89–90, 344, 345, 744, 808

  as aide-de camp to N 47

  in Egypt 163, 200

  and training for invasion of England 357–8

  Austerlitz 380

  Wagram 519

  Znaïm 526

  in Spain 566

  Salamanca 599–600

  Lützen 646, 647

  Bautzen 652

  Dresden 669

  at Töplitz 672

  Leipzig 677, 680, 682

  and Lâon 705

  and capitulation of Paris 709, 711–12

  Marshals of France

  appointment of 344–5

  declared for N (1815) 743

  Martín Diez, Juan 482

  Masséna, Marshal André 53, 75, 344, 345

  in Italy (1796) 75, 89, 91, 109–10, 111, 115–16, 119–20

  and pillaging 85n

  Castiglione 113

  at Rivoli 126–7

  besieged in Genoa 249, 252, 256–7

  conquest of Naples 394

  in Germany 502

  at Landshut 503, 507

  Aspern 514, 515

  Wagram 522, 524

  created prince 531

  and N (1815) 743

  Mathis, Baroness Christine de 535

  Mattei, Cardinal Alessandro, papal negotiator 129

  Mauduit, Sergeant Hippolyte de 758

  Maximilian-Joseph IV (Maximilian I), Elector (King) of Bavaria 366–7, 394–5

  Mazis, Alexandre de 35

  Meaux, Allied armies at 702

  Mecklenburg 644

  medals, commemorative 120, 131r />
  Marengo 268

  for invasion of England 328

  for Austerlitz 393–4

  Medina del Rioseco, battle of (1808) 485

  Megrigny, Baron 719

  Mehée de la Touche, Jean-Claude-Hippolyte, spy 332

  Melas, General Michael von 249, 251, 256, 257, 258–9

  Marengo 259, 265

  Melbourne, Lord 310

  Mellini, Rosa, companion to Letizia Bonaparte 806

  Melzi d’Eril, Francesco 95, 257, 306, 362

  Méneval, Claude-François de, private secretary 17, 471, 472–3, 779, 809

  memoirs xxxv

  on Russia 563

  Menil, Colonel Baron Paul-Alexis de 773

  Menou, General Jacques-François 64, 174

  in Egypt 163, 201, 203, 297

  Merlin de Douai, Philippe, member of Directory 147, 209

  Merveldt, General Count Maximilian von 141, 680

  metric system 279

  Metternich, Prince Klemens von 4, 320, 500–501

  on Josephine 70

  first meeting with N 410–411

  and Talleyrand 500

  and Treaty of Schönbrunn (1809) 533

  on Russian campaign 570

  meetings with N at Dresden 574, 657–9

  and Russia 616

  proposal for peace settlement 640

  N’s view of 652

  and Prague peace conference (1813) 655, 659–60, 661

  and Austria in Sixth Coalition 663

  and Frankfurt peace terms (1813) 686

  N’s request for armistice (1814) 691

  and Holy Alliance 805

  Meynier, General Jean-Baptiste 75

  Michaud, General 701

  Milan 89–90, 91

  N’s triumphal entry (1796) 95–6, 98

  N and Josephine in 116

  N at (1800) 257–8

  N crowned in 361

  Milhaud, General, Eylau 442

  Millesimo, battle of (1796) 83–4, 86

  Miloradovich, General, at Borisov 629

  Minsk 585

  captured by Davout 588

  Miollis, General Sextius 529

  Miot de Melito, André-François

  French minister to Tuscany 101, 102, 123

  and Berthier 106

  and re-occupation of Corsica 124

  with N in Milan 143

  on Tuileries 299

  Mirabeau, Comte de 33

  Modena 105

  Modena, Duke of 140–41

  Molé, Comte Louis-Mathieu 640, 641, 645, 808

  as minister of justice 238, 636

  on Conseil 283

  as finance minister 470

  on new recruits (1812) 637

  and N’s return (1815) 741

  Molitor, General, Wagram 522

  Möllendorf, General Joachim von 414

  Mollien, Nicolas-François

  treasury minister 238, 548, 685–6

  and N’s return (1815) 739, 741

  Molodechno (Maladzyechna), N’s bulletin from 629–30

  Mombello palazzo, Milan, N at 143–4


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