Twisted Hearts

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Twisted Hearts Page 11

by Keta Kendric

  “What are you smiling about?” he asked me. I could tell by the hint of care in his tone and the smile in his eyes that he was glad that I’d regained my sanity. I’d certainly lost a part of myself, but he’d not given up on his attempts to bring me back. Although he’d never admit it, I think my actions had scared him.

  “Us,” I finally answered, trying but failing to hold back a smile. I twisted my lip, contemplating a question I wanted to ask him. “How the heck did this happen?” For the life of me, I couldn’t figure us out. We’d had chemistry from the start, but I was learning that there was a whole lot more than just chemistry between Aaron and me.

  He shrugged, “I don’t know. Although it may be hard to imagine, I do believe in God. I believe He wanted us together.”

  That was the last thing I’d expected him to say, but considering who we were and how we had come together, God was the only force powerful enough to make Aaron and me happen.

  His hands dropped away from my face and slid down my shoulders before he released me fully. He slung his leg over the motorcycle and lifted the kickstand with the toe of his boot before he gripped the handle bars and leaned the heavy machine to an upright position. He patted the seat behind him, welcoming me aboard.

  After placing my hand inside his, I climbed over the seat and snuggled in close to Aaron, wrapping my arms around his strong torso as my legs rested snug against the outside of his. I rested my head against his back and tighten my grip, enjoying the feeling of being wrapped round his sturdy frame. I didn’t recognize how tight my grip on him was until he rose to start the engine and my body lifted along with his.

  The powerful machine thundered to life, its burly roar vibrating against our bodies, reminding us of its strength. As smoothly as if he and the bike shared a connection, we pulled off. My head shot up as my neck twisted and turned. We cruised out of the parking lot, and I was sure I resembled an owl the way my neck swiveled trying to snatch glimpses of the roving scene around us.

  Once we turned onto the main highway, we shot off like a rocket. My arms tightened around Aaron’s body as the momentum sent me lurching back a notch. Once I got over the initial shock and uncertainty of being exposed on a rolling jet, I lifted my head and took in the rest of the world as it zoomed by us in flashes of vibrant colors.

  The rush from the speed and the idea that we shared this excitement together was like salve to my bruised mind. Like the beach, this bike ride was also freedom. This was the side of life that made you happy you’d survived the worst parts. Glad you’d fought through the madness because the opposite end of the spectrum made the fight worthwhile.

  Aaron had known exactly what I’d needed. I inhaled deeply and exhaled with a relieving sigh, as the ocean-misted air swished past my face. Once I settled into the free-flowing feeling of being hurtled through space atop a motorized rocket, my mind eased and my body relaxed.

  A rush of contentment settled in my vibrating belly, and I snuggled in, gripping Aaron with all the strength I had in my body. I’d never experienced this feeling before. The strong man in my arms, the powerful machine roaring under my body, the space around us, rushing by as we breathed it in. This was how it felt to truly be alive, living in a moment of true happiness. Aaron had given me this precious gift, one that I will remember, cherish, and recall when times get tough.

  We traveled over rising slopes and falling valleys. The trees bowed and swayed until the ocean disappeared and gave way to a lush, hilly countryside. Each time we descended a steep hill, Aaron would speed up and make the bottom drop out of my stomach, and I enjoyed the rush, giggling like a giddy teen girl.

  19 Aaron

  Although it had only felt like minutes, we’d been traveling for hours. I pulled into a small-town gas station to refuel and to see if Megan needed a break. I’d been too busy enjoying the scenery and Megan’s laughter to notice the name of the town which had been posted on the big green and white sign I’d failed to read miles back.

  Once I pulled in next to the gas pump and cut the engine, I took Megan’s hand to help her down. Then, I lowered the kickstand and allowed the bike to stand on its own.

  “Do you need to use the restroom or want anything out of the store?” I asked Megan. She shook her head no and it pleased me to see that satisfied smile on her face. She seemed to be enjoying this ride more than I’d expected she might.

  “Shit,” I cursed under my breath when I discovered the damn card swipe didn’t work. I pumped the gas and left Megan standing next to my bike as I walked into the station to make my payment. Megan stood with her helmet hanging off her fingers as she stared out at the scenic country view that presented itself.

  I greeted the station attendant and while giving him my pump number, the sound of loud rock music caught our attention and sent it to the opposite side of the pump that Megan stood next to. A shiny black Mercedes had driven up and parked.

  Once the vehicle stopped and the music died, the passengers’ loud voices took over. As I handed the attendant my debit card, I peeked around the pump to get a better look at them. The passenger exited the vehicle to stretch his legs as the driver stepped around to pump the gas.

  It wasn’t hard to tell that they were privileged and were likely used to getting whatever they wanted in life. Their expensive, shiny car and designer clothes spoke volumes. They were too overdressed for this small town and were likely heading to one of the larger cities.

  The driver’s face bore a deep frown when he discovered the card swipe didn’t work. Megan stood facing my bike now with her back to the men. My gaze followed the driver’s expensive leather shoes as he stepped around the pump and made his approach towards the entrance. His designer suit and perfect hair flapped in the wind. The man was polished down to his socks. His expensive watch flickered when the sun hit it just right. The douche bag probably hadn’t put in an honest day of work in his entire life.

  When he glanced back and caught sight of Megan, his steps halted, and he stood glancing over his shoulder at her for a paused moment. Keep walking, mother fucker. The bastard turned his polished ass towards Megan, intent on bothering her. She’d gotten his attention without even realizing it. A deep calming breath did nothing to remove the tension that was building inside my body.

  “Sir,” the attendant called, trying to get my attention.

  I had no idea how long the man had been calling me because I was too busy watching that asshole who was now talking to Megan. “Yes,” I finally answered.

  “Can you enter your pin, please?”

  I entered my pin number before my eyes went right back to Megan and the snobbish asshole who was standing way too fucking close to her. It was obvious she wasn’t trying to hear what he was saying, and he appeared to be one of those arrogant pricks who didn’t take no for an answer, especially where women were concerned. Once I’d entered my pin and retrieved my debit card, I headed for the door.

  “Sir, don’t you want your receipt?”

  “No,” I answered without looking back. When I shoved the door open, Megan’s gaze met mine and she froze in place. Blazing red heat flashed across my vision when I saw a hand on her arm. The bastard was too busy eyeballing her to notice the Grim Reaper lurking at his back.

  “If you want that fucking hand, I suggest you release her wrist.” Acid may as well have been dripping off my lips. I could feel Megan’s eyes on me as I was sure death flashed across my face. I stood so close to the man, the tip of my boot brushed the front of his expensive shoes. The punkish bastard backed up a few paces and threw up the hand he’d been touching Megan with. He glared up at me with wide eyes, mouth agape.

  “Sorry. I don’t want any trouble,” he said as his gaze raked over me from head to toe. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see his friend peeking around the pump at us. The asshole in front of me was still standing too close to Megan for my liking, and he kept glaring from her to me. His thoughts were displayed all over his curious face as he had the audacity to turn his nose up at m
e. He was no doubt wondering if we were together.

  “Is there a fucking reason you’re still standing here?” I asked him, my face was pinched into such a tight grimace, my top teeth grinded into the bottom. However, I was proud of my control because a seething mass of rage was dying to exit my body. The man didn’t get a change to answer me as his wanna-be-brave-ass friend stepped around the pump.

  “Is there a problem here?” the friend asked, in a raised voice as he approached and stood next to the one who’d had the nerve to touch Megan. The sight of him with his hand on her had my fucking beast roaring to be set free. I guessed they thought that the two of them together could take me, but I was ready to fuck them up if they tried me.

  The first step I took towards them was stopped by Megan. She stepped in front of me and wrapped her small hand around my clenched fist as her other hand dug into my waist.

  “Let’s go, Aaron,” she said into my chest because my blazing gaze was still on the assholes standing in front of me who seemed to be growing more arrogant by the second. They might have been arrogant, but they knew enough not to test a snarling dog. I was ready to set their fucking world on fire if they moved an inch.

  My hand skimmed up Megan’s arm after I took the helmet from her hand with the other. I set it in place on her head and buckled the chin strap. One last glare was set on the two in front of me before I gripped the handle bar of my bike and climbed over it. I’d put my back to those fucking dicks. I wanted them to try something, so I’d have an excuse to rip them apart. My fucking blood still boiled over the fact that one had put his hand on Megan.

  I didn’t have to look back to know that they were still standing there watching us. Megan took my hand and allowed me to help her onto the back of the bike. The feel of her sexy-ass legs wrapping around me and her arms sliding around my chest eased my tension. I kicked the bike to a roaring start and revved my engine before I shot off, leaving a huge gust of smoke and burnt rubber in those assholes’ faces.

  They didn’t even deserve a backwards glance from me. Besides, I was the one who had what they wanted. And if it hadn’t been for Megan, they would have been swallowing their fucking teeth. The feel of her snuggling against my back and tightening her hold around my body caused a wide grin to spread across my lips.

  Cruising on my bike had always been one of the joys in my life. It took me out of my own head, eased my mind, and relaxed my body. It made me forget about the problems living a life like mine guaranteed. It had occurred to me before, but this time I accepted that Megan did the same thing for me. She offered me a peace of mind I couldn’t get anywhere else.

  Until we’d encountered those pricks at the gas station, our time together had been perfect. Megan needed this whether she realized it or not. It had been months since I’d taken a ride on my bikes, so I guess I needed this as much as she did.

  20 Megan

  Aaron had been ready to rip those guys apart back there. I’d seen hell’s fury flash in his eyes. The trust-fund kings likely had no idea how close they’d come to a hospital visit all because one had made the mistake of touching me. The man hadn’t even given me a chance to say no to his proposal to take me out. His privileged arrogance had no doubt allowed him the freedom to say and do what he wanted.

  Now that I thought about it, Aaron had been a bit arrogant with me when we had first gotten together too. However, Aaron had enough fire in his soul to back up his arrogance. I liked seeing him being possessive over me. The idea that he was willing to fight for me touched my heart and had me clinging to him even tighter.

  There hadn’t been many people in my life that had been willing to fight for me. The few who I had encountered meant everything to me, and I would sacrifice my life to save theirs. Beverly and Laura were two of those people and was likely the reason I’d taken their deaths so hard when I thought Aaron had killed them.

  When the swirling wind slowed, and the roar of the bike decreased to a gentle rumble, I glanced around Aaron’s sturdy shoulder to see why we’d slowed down. He turned the motorcycle onto a dirt road that eventually opened to a small strip of private beach that was mostly overgrown with trees and grass.

  Aaron stopped the bike at the edge of the dirt road before it softened into sand. He shut off the engine and assisted me off the bike before he climbed off. “Let’s rest here for a while. Take in the scene.”

  My smile widened at the idea. “I’d love to. Thank you.”

  Aaron taking in a scene? I didn’t say anything, but I didn’t take him for the kind of man who would take in a scene. He was either letting me see a little more of his true self or doing this scene-taking expedition for my benefit. Either way, I appreciated the efforts he’d taken in attempting to make me feel better.

  Another shot of contentment sprang up in my body as we inched closer to the water’s edge. My tennis shoes sank into the sandy surface, making me wish it had been my bare toes flirting with the sand.

  We stood on the small sandy area that separated the tree line from the swaying water and stared out at the ocean. When tiny droplets of mist mixed with the breeze swept over our bodies, I threw my head back and let my eyes drift close before taking in a deep breath. Aaron stood motionless, staring out into the ocean with his hands at his sides.

  “Thank you for this, Aaron. I didn’t know how much I needed this until you gave it to me.”

  I stepped in front of him, stood up on my toes, and feathered my lips over his stubbly cheek before my lips fell into the groves of his. My arms encircled his strong torso as I inhaled his refreshing masculine scent and relished the feel of his strong muscular body.

  “I needed this too,” he said before he placed a kiss on my forehead. He pulled me in tighter, enclosing me into his strong hold with a throaty groan. His warm breath swept through my hair and warmed my neck.

  “I hated seeing you like that. I hate what you went through. I hate not being able to do shit about any of it.” I could hear the concern in his voice. Seeing me that broken and outside of myself had scared him. Hearing about what had gotten me to that point had added another layer to the grief he harbored for me.

  Aaron’s face nuzzled deeper into my neck, and he inhaled me before releasing a deep sigh. I enjoyed the feel of being wrapped so tightly in his arms. I felt safe, protected. The way he held on to me, Aaron made me feel precious like I meant the world to him. I wondered if he knew how he made me feel.

  I eased back, causing him to loosen his grip when I glanced up at him. I had to have a kiss. Other than that night in my condo, we hadn’t shared any passion. The breathless kiss I’d initiated, led to more, which had us seeking out body parts.

  Lust started to bubble to my surface and seep out of my body. Had Aaron noticed? Yes, he had. I believed he knew me better than anyone else. If that smile dancing in his gaze was any indication, he saw my lust and was about to turn it into burning desire.

  I went up on my toes again, and he leaned down to meet me, and our lips collided. The urgency in our kiss was apparent. This was the fifth day that we’d been together and hadn’t had sex. For me and Aaron, five days of abstinence while we were under the same roof was a miracle.

  Briefly, I backed away to catch my breath, but I didn’t stay for long. We dove right back in, clawing at each other, nipping and tugging.

  My harsh breathing sent my words out in a rush. “I’m ready, Aaron.”

  I didn’t have to explain myself to him. A quick glance into my eyes and he knew exactly what I was ready for.

  “Okay, let’s go because you’ve got my dick as hard as a damn steel support beam,” he revealed as he gripped my hand and dragged me towards the motorcycle. I had to jog to keep up with his long, quick strides. When he climbed onto the bike and reached for my hand to help me, I took the hand but didn’t move to climb onto the bike.

  Instead, I walked around his leg and stood facing him. “I didn’t mean ready when we get back. I meant, I’m ready right now.”

  If there was one thing I
knew, Aaron was going to give me some sex, and I didn’t think he cared much about where he gave it to me. He eyed me for a paused moment before his tongue slid between his lips.

  Aaron stood, leaving the bike straddled between his legs. It remained standing on the kickstands as he leaned over and gripped my waist. A deep gasp escaped me when he lifted me onto the bike with him and seated me in front of him. My legs ended up hiked up over his, my pelvic pointed upwards.

  He didn’t have to nudge me or instruct me further. I gripped the tail of his vest and inched myself closer, not stopping until the warmth of my core was snug against the hard bulge his jeans barely contained.

  He leaned down and took my tongue as my arms went up and crossed behind his neck. My hot pussy danced against his hardness as my hips automatically took on a rotating motion.

  “This shit ain’t going to work,” he said as he filled his hands with my tits, squeezing them through my shirt. It wasn’t until I felt how unsteady the bike was underneath us that I understood his statement. My eager movement and our heated passion were going to cause us to fall.

  “Let me help you down,” he husked out before nipping my neck once more. “I have an idea.”

  He didn’t have to tell me twice. He assisted me as I climbed off him and the bike. It didn’t take him but a second to be at my side. He took a moment to adjust his dick before he took off and entered the trees, gripping my hand and dragging me behind him. I giggled, but I understood the urgency of our situation.

  The short hike we’d taken took us into the cluster of trees, but didn’t completely hide us as I was still able to see parts of the motorcycle. Aaron found a small clearing lined with leaves and grass among the trees, the spot I hoped he was about to fuck me in.

  He shrugged off his black leather vest and spread it across the grassy part of the ground. Part of the ocean was still visible from our location and we were close enough to the highway, that I could hear cars passing although the trees blocked them from my view. The sound of the ocean massaging the beach’s edges was our music. Chirping birds and singing insects added to the natural harmony.


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