Desired by the Alien

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Desired by the Alien Page 11

by Sabrina Kade


  I don’t know where Exer’s leading me, and I’m a too nervous around him to ask. What is wrong with me? Maybe it’s that there’s an alien bulldog lumbering beside me and brushing its massive head against my leg as though it wants ear scratches. I curl my fingers into a fist. I’m not quite ready to deal with that thing yet, but at least it seems friendly enough. Plus, Exer did say she would keep away the fuzzy spiders.

  But yeah, Hinda. She isn’t a woman. She isn’t a Sidyth. She’s Exer’s pet or an alien version of a pet.

  I find some comfort in that I don’t have to worry about another woman catching Exer’s eye, but then I’m worried all over again because that thought is comforting.

  We’re friends. That’s all we are. Why am I so relieved that Hinda is an alien bulldog?

  I loathe how nervous I sound suddenly. “That thing is called a what again?”

  “She is not a thing. She is an idekeiss.”


  He grunts.

  “And she’s like your pet or something?”

  “Pet? She is my friend.”

  “Of course,” I stammer, feeling like an idiot. Maybe Sidyths don’t have pets. I guess it makes sense but what other word would make the most sense? They roughhouse, and she clearly cares about him and vice versa. I don’t know what word best describes Exer’s relationship with this creature, but I like the idea that Exer is cool with the animals on Hethdiss.

  “And those other things?”

  “They are fauders.”

  “And they’re dangerous?”

  He nods. “They smell prey and follow it. They will not stop until they have it. Luckily, they’re also able to scent predators and avoid them. They scent me. They scent Hinda. We are relatively safe.” He turns, and I swear those golden eyes leave me seared with their intensity. I quickly lower my head, only to be met with Hinda’s large jewel-like eyes and massive jowls.

  I focus my attention straight ahead. “And you said you didn’t kill the fauders?”

  “I did not.”

  My eyes widen. “Not a single one?”

  “I do not find joy in killing living beings,” he says in a low hiss.

  For some reason, I grow defensive. “No one enjoys killing living beings, Exer. I assumed that when I heard those thumping sounds…”

  “I was pounding on my chest. It is a display of territory. I claimed you as my prey.”

  For some reason, I blush at this. Dang. I should be kind of offended to be saved in such a caveman way, but I’m honestly a little turned on. I’m also pleasantly surprised that Exer didn’t kill those things. Sure, I thought about celebrating earlier for giving up on his ideals, but he stuck to them in the end. When I was in danger, he didn’t kill anything. Not even those terrible giant fuzzy spiders.

  He may not be a prince from a fairy tale, but he certainly acts like the guys Ellis is always reading about those romantic comics.

  “So, I guess that means, I’m yours, right?” I’m trying to sound teasing, but I’m also trying out flirting with Exer. I’ve never really done it before, so I’m not exactly sure how he’s going to react. I quicken my pace to keep up and walk beside him, and I can’t help noticing the muscles in his upper thighs. He’s still in his shorts, so I see those incredible muscles bounce and flex with each step.

  His legs are finer and more defined than any guys I’ve seen at a soccer game.

  The corner of his mouth tilts downward. “It was a primitive display to frighten them off. Luckily, it worked because Hinda took her sweet time arriving.”

  I frown. Damn, that didn’t exactly work. I bite back a sigh. “Well, thank you nonetheless for saving me.”

  “You are welcome.”

  “You didn’t have to.”

  “I know this,” he grunts.

  “But you did anyway.”

  His pace slowed slightly, and he turns his head. “I did.”

  My heart hiccups when our eyes meet. There’s so much heat there — so much unspoken desire. Maybe I was wrong. Maybe Exer does feel something for me. I sure as heck feel something for him right now. I’m needy just looking at him. I’m seeing him in a whole new light.

  I stop abruptly, hoping he’ll do the same and to my excitement, he doesn’t keep storming ahead.

  What is this feeling? Why do I have so many dirty thoughts in my head all of a sudden? I step closer to Exer, testing the boundaries we have set between us, but he doesn’t move away. He merely tilts his chin downward until I’m standing right under him. My hands itch to touch his body. To feel his chilled skin and run my fingers down the corded muscles in his thighs. Hinda is sniffing my back, but I can’t bring myself to turn away to tell her to stop. Under the talas, I only focus on the alien before me.

  “Why did you do it?”

  He arches a confused eyebrow at my question. “Why did I do what?”

  “You saved me. You didn’t have to.”

  “That is not true. Of course, I had to.”

  Butterflies flutter around my lower stomach. I don’t doubt his words. I’m playing with fire, so I keep my hands at my sides.

  “Would you have done the same thing if it were anyone else?” I dare.

  “What do you mean?”

  I blush. Damn, now I’m coming across as really needy. And I am. My thighs are growing damp with the intensity of our closeness, and Exer’s tongue suddenly darts from his lips.

  His eyes widen. “You are aroused?”

  “Oh, yes…” I gasp, stumbling backward in embarrassment. “I mean, no.”

  “You are. I can taste you.”

  “Taste me?” I pinch my thighs together as though this somehow will calm the scent and stop the dripping between my thighs. But now that I’m lost in his eyes and his lean, muscular, frowning presence, it’s inevitable. He quickly walks back up to me, crouching down, so our eyes almost meet. Hinda attempts roughhousing, but he shoves her away with a gentle hand, never taking his eyes off mine.

  “Do dangerous situations excite human females sexually?”

  I shake my head. “N-no. Not for me, anyway.”

  “So, why are you—”

  “It’s you,” I blurt, wishing I could take these words back. Exer probably doesn’t want to hear them, but now he’s heard them, and I can’t take them back. I lower my chin, staring at the floor and Exer’s covered feet, expecting him to straighten and walk away, but there’s only a slight shifting sound.

  His hand reaches forward and takes one of mine.

  “You are aroused because of me.”

  Does he think for a second there’s another reason? I thought all Sidyths were overconfident and boisterous like Dolan. Exer sounds so vulnerable right now. Like he can’t believe what I’m saying. Oh, Mylanta. That helps me feel a little better. Is it possible? Can he care for me as much as the girls say? Can I lie to myself and say he can’t? Because looking at him now, he’s so excited about the idea of me growing aroused around him that I get more excited.

  Exer squeezes my hand. “You are aroused because of me,” he husks, rising to a standing position. He looms over me, but I’m not frightened. He lets go of my hand but immediately places each hand on either side of my hip. “You are aroused because of me.”

  I grow flustered at his new-found confidence. My weakness for a fairy tale prince is showing pretty badly right now.

  “I… I…” I must sound completely incoherent, but I’m so at a loss for words that I can’t offer much more to this conversation other than stammering.

  “Will you say it?”

  I blink, staring up at Exer. “Say it?”

  “That I arouse you. I would love to hear you say these words.”


  The corner of his mouth ticks downward, but he doesn’t exactly frown. “You asked me questions. I answered them. Will you do this for me?”

  “That’s not exactly a question,” I mutter, growing more and more flustered.

  “It is a request.”

lower my head. I guess it wouldn’t be so bad to say it out loud. I wouldn’t be lying, that’s for sure. But geez, I never imagined Exer turning my arousal against me so quickly. It was like as soon as he smelled my arousal, something in him changed. He became less standoffish and sexier. Really sexy. Panties dripping sexy.

  “You arouse me, Exer.” My voice is soft, and for a brief and terrible moment, I almost expect him to laugh. Alino would sometimes play games with me to see how much I would degrade myself to stay with him, but he never actually followed through. He thought it was funny to hear me say I was attracted to him (I never was, but I feared what would happen if I told him the truth), and he would gurgle laugh for hours about how pathetic and desperate humans are. I don’t want that to happen with Exer.

  I’d be ruined if he laughed at me now.

  Exer only shudders at my words. As though they’ve pulsed through his entire being. I glance up, and his eyes are closed, his chin tilted upward. He’s taking in my declaration to the fullest, and I can only stare at him as the light of the moons strike his sharp features. He is gorgeous. I can’t pretend he’s not. I can’t pretend I’m not attracted to him. Like I suddenly don’t want to strip him naked, pin him down or at least suck him off as a thank you for saving my life. Maybe Alino’s right. Maybe I am pathetic and desperate, but still, I can’t stop the naughty visions filling my mind.

  “Hearing that pleases me, Sloane.”

  “It… it does?” I squeak.

  “Of course it does. I have always wished to cause this reaction in you, but I had all but given up hope.”

  “Given up hope?” Great, and now I’m clucking answers back to him like a stupid parrot. “But what about Layla? Did you ever feel anything for her when she had a crush on you? If you like the smell of a girl getting turned on—”

  “I do not enjoy the scent of any human female,” he interrupts, practically hissing. “I was never interested in Lay-lah.”

  “Because of Dolan’s interest in her?”

  “No. Because I never noticed anyone but you.”

  Well, crap on a cracker. Did Exer’s words always have this effect and I never realized it? Was I so obsessed with keeping him in the friend zone because he wasn’t technically like a prince that I never accepted how sexy his voice sounds? How toned his legs are? How intense his golden eyes get when they’re focused entirely on me? Have I gotten so good at pretending Exer’s nothing special that I didn’t see how much he wanted me? That I didn’t want to accept how much I wanted him?

  I’ve denied myself for far too long. After all, Exer did save my life.

  I lean closer, finally touching my palm to his broad chest. He’s hard and chilly, but I feel the defined muscle under his shirt. He’s easily the biggest, most well-built guy I’ve ever had a chance with, and I’ve had some pretty decent action in high school. Exer is a new level altogether. It’s like I’ve gone from college to the pros. This is an all-new level of sexiness.

  Hard and soft. Intense and sweet. All wrapped in one, scaled, seven-foot package.

  “You mind if I do something to say thank you for saving my life?” And for other things like, never wanting Layla, always staying my friend until I was ready, and keeping a friend who isn’t a human woman. I don’t say that part to Exer, though, and wait patiently for his response.

  “You needn’t do anything.”

  “But I do! Please?” I’m still attempting to flirt and failing terribly, but to my shock, Exer’s flustered. The few visible scales on his shoulders splay away from the surface, and though he’s still chilly, his skin suddenly feels like a pan ready to crisp up some bacon.

  “A-all right then. What would you like to do?”

  “First,” I say, hoping I sound somewhat commanding. “I’d like you to take a seat on the stump.” Exer turns and sees where I’m pointing. He doesn’t say anything else, but sits down, watching me hungrily as I approach. “Spread your thighs.”

  “What? Perhaps you are confused,” he starts, rising to stand, but I lock my hands around his shoulders and push him back down. “Sloane, I should be the one—”

  “It’s a human custom,” I lie.

  “Sloane…” he trails off, still following my orders and settles back on to the stump and spreads his legs slightly. I lick my lips, excited to touch those massive thighs, and I’m not disappointed when I fall to my knees before him and push his knees further apart. I nestle myself between those two massive columns of masculinity and brush my fingers across his hip and then eventually hook two fingers in the band of his pants. I slide them away slowly, down his thighs and knees and toss them aside. He doesn’t protest once, but his eyes are wide with shock as the chilled air hits his cock.

  My breath catches when I get a full, unobstructed look at the gloriousness before me.

  Damn. No wonder Layla puts up with Dolan’s confidence. No wonder Dolan’s confident!

  This explains everything.

  “Sloane,” Exer croaks above my head. “What… what are you doing?”

  “Surely you’re aware that human females suck upon cock?” My mouth twitches, remembering the hilariously awkward way Layla said Dolan describes getting his dick wet.

  “I have heard these things,” Exer mutters, writhing around as I wrap my fingers around the throbbing muscle. “But I never thought… the female is supposed to…”

  “Human custom,” I promise in a sing-song voice.


  “It’s also human custom not to protest so much,” I tease. “Relax. Enjoy. Let me say thank you.”

  “I wish you to pleasure you too.”

  “And if you want, you will. Just not right now.” I smirk at him through my lashes, and at last, Exer presses his lips together. I don’t think he’d be able to say much even if he wanted to now because I’m holding his alien dick in my hands. I don’t know what’s come over me, but suddenly, the only thing I want to do is keep his cock in my grasp.

  And dang. It’s a glorious cock for sure. It’s long, thick, and more significant than any of Alino’s male friends. It’s covered in rainbow scales that look amazing when the light of the moons strike them. It’s like holding a rectangular prism; only this one is soft and hard at the same time. This is better than anything I’ve ever seen in my life and though sucking dick wasn’t always my favorite thing on the menu, I’m surprised by how much I’ve missed it.

  No one’s looked at me with longing for years.

  I move my hand from the base to the crown in a smooth, long stroke, gauging Exer’s reaction. Each scale bobs under my hand and springs free when I move higher. Exer groans at the slight ministration, but I have to remember, he’s never had anyone give him a hand job or a blow job for that matter. Is he a virgin? I’m scared to ask, and I’ve already told him to be quiet, so now probably isn’t the best time to go soul searching.

  One step at a time and this step should only include me sucking him off.

  I peer up at Exer, making sure he isn’t miserable, and his usually downturned mouth is set in an ‘o’. I can’t tell if that’s a good or bad thing, but when I stroke him while keeping my eyes locked on his reaction, I get all the answer I need. He’s enjoying this. He’s enjoying me. He’s not messing with me as Alino did. Alino would have never let things go on this long. That would have involved me touching him, and nothing disgusted Alino more than my human hands on his precious rinosc dick.

  Well, Exer is no rinosc, and he’s certainly not showing any signs of disgust right now.

  “Would you mind terribly if I put my mouth on you?” I dare to smile when I see the look of pure wonder on his face.

  “No,” he groans between my stroking. “I… I would not mind.”

  I had a feeling he wouldn’t. I don’t know many guys who would turn down a blow job. Heck, Exer’s not turning it down, and he’s never had one before.

  I move closer to the crown of his cock, watching as a bead of precum forms at the slit. I lap it up before giving myself a cha
nce to overanalyze, and I’m surprised by the taste. Guys from home almost had a bleachy taste. But Exer? He’s spicy and sweet. Almost buttery. I almost moan from the flavor of that drop alone. If human guys tasted like this, I’m sure there would have been a lot more satisfied guys on prom night.

  I lower my head, taking him inch by delicious inch. He’s big. I probably won’t be able to take him to the base, but I’m sure as hell going to do my best trying. When Exer seems to accept what’s happening to him, I pick up the pace, making sure that I don’t accidentally choke myself. I’m starting to grow a little self-conscious, when a needy groan escapes Exer’s lips, and his fist slips between strands of my red hair, fisting it gently. He’s acting on instinct now, and I have to say that his abilities are pretty right on. I like the power in his grip and the gentle way he wields this power.

  “Oh… oh, See-loan,” he groans.

  He always says my name wrong when he’s emotional. Usually, it’s exasperation or worries, but this time, I safely assume it’s passion. He’s rocking harder, leaning toward fucking my mouth with his dick, but it’s like he doesn’t quite get how yet. That’s all right. I have a feeling I’ll be able to show him later.

  He’s close. I reach out and tickle his hip with one hand and start humming while bobbing my head up and down.

  He stiffens, and I swear I hear the sound of him digging his feet into the earth.

  “See-loan!” That’s the only warning I get before he comes between my lips and chilled, creamy seed spills past my tongue and down my throat.

  I usually pull away, but he’s so milky and sweet that I keep my mouth locked around his crown until he pumps out the rest of his juices. The aftershocks rock through him, and he grunts once or twice, and that’s the sign I need to know he’s finished. I pull away, wipe my mouth and smile toothily at Exer.

  I’m all prepared to celebrate for making him feel so incredible, but as soon as Exer gathers his breath, he lunges toward me. My vision blurs, and my feet lift off the ground. By the time I get my baring, I’m on my back on the stump, and Exer’s staring down at me. His eyes are wild and sexual, almost like an animal, and it’s so hot and sexy that I wrap my legs around his waist. He jerks and a drop of his cum hits me right below the belly button.


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