Desired by the Alien

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Desired by the Alien Page 21

by Sabrina Kade

  Then there’s the mask on his face.

  I don’t want to think about why he’s wearing that.

  The rest of the entertainers continue to openly observe my secret admirer with nervous expressions. It’s been at least a week since Blythe was taken away by the prince and it’s only a matter of time before mask-boy claims me in the exact same way.

  The more worrisome question is, what happens when I’m taken?

  And why am I kind of excited to find out?

  All my life I wanted something new and different. I wanted to escape. My parents’ friends always told me I was the stupidest smart person they knew, and maybe they were right.

  After all, why else would I be so curious about the Sidyth with a mask over his mouth who never says anything?

  “Still staring,” Ellis smirks towards the doorway, pointedly ignoring her own silent watcher across the room.

  “Great.” I roll my eyes and try not to focus on the gigantic barbarian watching me. I have no idea what he’s up to, and I can’t decide whether I’m happy or not about having him observe me so closely. Was he asked to keep an eye on me or something? “Consider yourself lucky no one’s watching you—” and then I stop short, glancing over at Ellis’ sentinel.

  She shrugs. “I don’t know. He doesn’t seem terrible.”

  “Well, good for you,” I snort.

  I turn away from my masked secret admirer, not exactly in the mood to be on display. The past few days have been rough and confusing enough. First, being a space whore isn’t the most glamorous occupation in the galaxy, but at least I’ve come to understand the routine. An alien says to spread my legs? I spread. An alien says he wants pleasure? I give it to him. Alien says he wants to give me pleasure (it happens occasionally), and I accept it. There’s something familiar about the system, but this right now? There’s nothing familiar here.

  There’s twelve of us in this supposed Gathering Room, and Blythe’s with the former prince – or current prince. I don’t know. The other Sidyths don’t tell us anything, and their voices are low enough that I can’t always pick them up on the translator. There’re six other girls in a second lair with more Sidyths, including Alaska and Kansas’ other half of their posse – Arizona and Dakota. Alaska’s trying to be strong; she’s not used to being separated from her supposed family, but every time Sidyths talk, she’s listening very closely while pretending to be bored to death. That’s experience for you.

  Rene and Devyn – who I’ve dubbed the work out twins – don’t say much to anyone but each other. I have a feeling that if we had met before here, they would have laughed at me for being a nerd and jogged back onto the soccer field slapping fives like idiots. I can’t stand either of them, so I let them be and put on a friendly face when they ask what’s up with my secret admirer.

  Hell if I know.

  I’m still recovering from the loss of Blythe; the cute, bi-racial chick with big tits – who was taken away by Korben – the Sidyth who runs things here on this planet. And though there are mutterings she’s doing okay and Korben’s Chosen her, I don’t want to believe Blythe has been so simple.

  “Maybe he thinks you’re a troublemaker or something,” Sloane chirps, as clueless as ever.

  “Wouldn’t surprise me,” Alaska calls. “After all, York’s got a reputation just like the rest of us.”

  I turn sharply towards Alaska. Now if Rene and Devyn give me nightmares about high school, it’s amazing I can look Alaska in the face at all. She’s everything I hated about high school girls because she’s everything I’m not. Alaska’s tall, slim, tan, and stunning. And while on paper we may sound like we look alike, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Aliens look at Alaska and go “wow,” and apparently aliens look at me and say—

  “Too smart,” Alaska says, filling in my thoughts. “Everyone knows about the times you tried to escape an assignment, York.” She rolls her stunning blue eyes and flips a few blond waves over her tanned shoulder. The action is annoying because it reminds me of a hair commercial.

  “I was bored.” I can’t help snapping back. After all, she’s not wrong. I was bored. My assignment with the Entlas was so good it was a downright yawn festival, so I tried to escape. To see if an Entla had a cruel bone in his hooved body.

  The answer? Yes and no. I don’t talk about it if not asked.

  “Either way,” Alaska continues, smirking over at Kansas. “You might as well talk to your stalker. Maybe he’ll tell us what the hell’s going on. Blythe totally betrayed us.”

  “We don’t know that.” I don’t want to think about such a possibility. Blythe wouldn’t do that. She made a huge speech on the spacecraft here about being sisters and depending on each other. I had tried to play it off like it wasn’t a big deal, but her words meant something to me. I liked the idea of having someone I could talk to, and Blythe doesn’t strike me as an idiot.

  But then that Sidyth swept her away, and no one’s seen or heard more than vague assurances since then.

  “You think Blythe’s okay?” Sloane asks quietly. “The ugly one says she’s fine, but can we trust these guys?”

  “I’m sure the prince is making her pleasure him,” Alaska chimes in. “Let’s not pretend spreading for aliens is torture. It’s part of the job.”

  I can’t help but smirk. She has a point.

  “At least no one’s said she’s dead yet,” Sloane drones on.

  “Shut up. They can’t kill us unless they buy out our contracts,” Celeste grumbles.

  It’s hard not to smile when I turn and find the Indian looking chick grimacing at Sloane before smirking at me. I remember Celeste. I’ve heard about how cruelly she was treated on some of her assignments, so it’s hard not to feel a little respect for her knowing she hasn’t been broken yet.

  I on the other hand cover up my fears with bitchiness. I cover up my insecurities with smartassery, but it’s not like I lack much. My family doesn’t have financial issues like the rest of the girls here. My family’s well off. College was paid for, and I had a horse growing up. On paper I don’t belong here because I chose to be a space whore, not for the money but for the chance to find something different.

  I’ve found different, alright.

  He’s standing in the doorway.

  I should be happy I’m on an assignment with some familiar faces – lots of them. Who doesn’t know Arizona and her creepy created family? Who doesn’t know Devyn and Rene? Who doesn’t know Celeste and Blythe, or the creepy, quiet girl who never speaks at the second lair? Being stuck in a Gathering Room on a planet full of exiled Sidyths isn’t a bad situation for a space whore, and it’s great not to have to give or take pleasure around the clock with or without consent. Plus, it’s rainy here, and the land above the underground lair looks a lot like Earth, except for the strange pink and lavender fog occasionally rolling in. It’s even alright that it’s freaking close to ninety degrees here all the time because Sidyths love heat – so much that they have heat lamps – called sun rayers – blasting during all hours of the day.

  I slap my thighs and stand, ignoring how the Sidyth in the doorway straightens with my sudden movement.

  Well damn, maybe he does think I’m a troublemaker.

  “Alright, we need to make sure if Blythe ever comes back with her little prince that we get some answers. Am I right?” I turn towards Alaska and Kansas, trying not to feel intimidated. They may be pretty but I’m smart, dammit. That has to mean something. Somewhere.

  “I agree,” Sloane chirps, coming to my side.

  It’s a good and bad thing she agrees with me so readily. Luckily, it ends up mostly being a good thing, because the workout twins shrug in agreement, along with Celeste, Aoi, Krista, Rhyan, Ellis, and Layla. Eventually, we’re all standing in an awkward circle, except Alaska and Kansas who don’t move, but I know they’re listening. If they have a reputation for being experienced, I guess mine is for being smart enough to pay attention to.

  As for the last girl, the mos
t beautiful chick I’ve ever seen in my life – Lacey – she remains in a corner by herself with a sour expression.


  I take a deep breath. “I know we all kind of got to know each other on the ship. We all know why we’re here, right? No one here is completely clueless about what we’re expected to do, other than that idiot, Phoebe.”

  “Give me a break,” Kansas smirks. “No one’s as stupid as her.” Her lower lip juts out. “Maybe Sloane.”

  “Hey, I know what I signed up for!” the redhead squeals.

  “And you, newbie?” Kansas turns her attention towards the youngest looking one out of all us. Layla’s gorgeous, but she has the face of a high school reality star. “Do you know why we’re here?”

  She frowns. “I may be a newbie but I know exactly why I’m here.”

  “And that’s for what?” Alaska arches an eyebrow.

  “To entertain aliens for money.”

  “And you know what entertaining means, right?” I try not to sound bored, but I don’t want to get into details. “Entertainer is a word on the contract to draw girls in. We’re not entertaining anyone – well, I suppose we are in a way.”

  “I’m going to have to fuck aliens to get money sent home to my brother,” Layla says stiffly, and my eyes widen. “Does that answer your question?”

  That’s a good and bad thing she’s not as jaded as some of the other newbies.

  Entertainer. The term is such a joke. We’re nothing but Human Whores, sold to the highest bidder and forced to spread our legs for their pleasure. Beyond Earth, humans are nothing more than pets and playthings. Dogs and dolls. And while it’s great I don’t have to say this all aloud, I’m a little worried someone as young looking as Layla is already set and prepared to be nothing but a toy for a perverted alien’s amusement.

  “I guess now that we’re done with pleasantries, we can get this started.”

  “Hey, York. I bet Prince-y’s getting things started with Blythe right now.” Alaska frowns despite her teasing tone. “And all this bullshit about how he’s Chosen her? Doesn’t that top-heavy idiot know what that means?”

  My frown deepens further than Alaska’s. I don’t want the others—

  “It’s bad to be Chosen?” Layla asks. “Why?”

  “Get with the program,” Kansas snaps. “He’s a Sidyth. They all are. And this isn’t their home planet. The only reason we’re here is probably because they don’t want their brothers to find out what they’re up to. Humans aren’t cheap.” She rolls her eyes. “We’ll probably be sent to the surface, and they’ll hunt us for sport.”

  “Hunt us?” Layla’s humungous brown eyes widen. “But… but that’s not…”

  “I thought you said you knew what you were in for?” Alaska’s obviously enjoying shaking up a newbie.

  “I knew I’d have to have sex,” Layla snaps. “Not that I’d be hunted down.”

  “You think we’re going to die?” Sloane asks, voice cracking. “I don’t want to die.”

  “No one’s going to die.” I roll my eyes. The last thing I need is a bunch of girls crying because Alaska and Kansas are bitches. But I’m still kind of afraid of them, so I don’t turn my anger towards them, and instead round my attention back to Layla and Sloane. “You guys have to keep your shit together. We’ve got to be smart. It’s been days. Blythe’s alive. You heard the others. She’s doing okay, isn’t she?”

  “Depends on your version of okay, I guess,” Alaska calls. “Personally, I don’t think being hunted for sport is any type of okay. No matter how good the pleasure beforehand.”

  My shoulders bunch together, and I take a few deep breaths. If I start getting upset, then everyone’s going to get upset – other than Alaska and Kansas. They think they’re so great because they’ve seen it all, and while I haven’t seen every dirty corner the galaxy has to offer, I’m certainly not a newbie who can be frightened off with a few well-worded nightmares.

  “What if they’re lying?” Sloane’s eyes are wide like Layla’s. “What if we’re all going to be hunted?”

  “I guess you’re shit out of luck.” Kansas elbows Alaska who snickers into her hand.

  Sloane is not amused. “How can you be so nonchalant about this?”

  “Nonchalant,” Alaska laughs.

  “That’s a big word. Be careful you don’t choke on it.”

  “Enough!” I shout over Kansas and Alaska, cackling like mean girls in a high school movie. “Geezus, this isn’t helping. I’m telling you we need to think about this logically, and all you’re trying to do is scare each other. We need to look at the facts.” I steal a look over my shoulder, not wanting to think about a certain Sidyth listening in and mentally recording every word to be reported back to the prince.

  “Fact one. We’ve been separated from some of the others here. That’s not unusual. And though I’m worried about that little one the Toda bastard hit, I’m sure Arizona will take care of her.” I glare at Alaska, daring her to disagree because that would mean putting down her supposed family member. “Fact two. Blythe’s been taken by a Sidyth. A prince, from what we gathered. She’s been gone a few days, and we hear what the others are saying. She’s okay. Chosen or not, I want to believe she’s okay.”

  “If you knew what I knew—”

  “Fact three.” I’m barely able to interrupt Alaska without my cheeks turning pink. “Despite being put in this room and being gawked at like we’re salmon at the fish market, no one’s put a hand on us. Those are facts, ladies. Facts we can’t ignore.”

  “And the one watching you?” Ellis dares to ask. “What is your fact about that?”

  “Well…” My eyes trail curiously back to the doorway, and sure enough, the masked alien remains in the opening of the Gathering Room, arms crossed. I shouldn’t delight in how much attention he’s paying to me. I’m sure there’s a reason, and it’s probably nothing good, but I can’t stop the small throbbing between my thighs.

  “Oh God, not you too.” Alaska sneers. “Seriously, what is wrong with you?”

  “Shut up. Would you rather he come in here?” I turn around and face the masked stranger. “Hey, you!”

  “Shut up,” Sloane hisses, trying to reach for my arm. I yank it away, and Ellis quickly touches my shoulder.

  “Seriously, York,” she says. “Are you kidding?”

  The masked Sidyth’s eyes widen over the crest of his mask. I snicker and hope I’m not making a huge mistake. Because while yes, this Sidyth is definitely interested in me, no one knows exactly what for. And now I’ve drawn more attention to myself. But I can’t stand how Alaska and Kansas are acting; like they run shit because of seniority.

  It’s not my fault I’m not thirty.

  “Yeah, you,” I call to the massive stranger in the doorway. He uncrosses his arms and cocks his head to the side, acknowledging my words without any of his own. “You going to tell us what the plans are for us any time soon, or are we supposed to cool our heels up in here?”

  He doesn’t answer, but another Sidyth appears next to him.

  “Enough talking,” he rumbles. He’s bigger than the masked stranger and dude is fugly.

  It’s hard not to shudder, so I narrow my eyes. The masked one didn’t say anything or tell me to shut up. Maybe he can’t talk, and that’s fine. I’m so tired of being trapped in this room with twelve other women. We’re on a rainy planet, which I love, but we’re being kept underground. But despite everything, there’s no proof anyone’s been hurt yet. Everything we’ve experienced so far isn’t typical Sidyth behavior. Alaska knows that. I know that. Even the newbies are starting to get antsy about how unconventional this situation is.

  The rest of the group falls silent as the fugly one pulls away from the doorway, but Scary McSmallShorts remains. I still haven’t got the slightest idea what he’s thinking, but he’s still watching me. Maybe calling out to him wasn’t such a brave idea. Despite my intelligence, I’m not a bitch like Kansas or a withdrawn know-it
-all like Alaska. I don’t want any trouble simply for the sake of trouble.

  If I could just see Blythe. If I know she’s okay, I’m sure my true confidence would return. I need to know she’s okay and not being raped by one of these yellow-eyed monsters.

  Someone rests their hand on my arm, and I jump slightly, turning to find Ellis. At a few inches shy of five feet tall, she’s about as scary as a poodle, but she’s got maturity and determination I can’t help but warm up to.

  “You shouldn’t draw too much attention to yourself until we figure out what’s going on,” she says calmly.

  “We need to know if Blythe’s okay.” I nod at my own statement, and luckily Ellis agrees. So do Sloane and Celeste. Work out twins are already doing pushups in a corner, and some of the others, who I don’t know very well, huddle together and talk amongst themselves.

  I wish there was a way to bring us all together.


  Blythe is the answer to everything. If the Sidyths can’t prove the one taken from us is okay, then we’ll know to be afraid. Afraid of what, I’m not sure yet. Sidyths aren’t known for their kindness towards anything – let alone Human Whores. I’ve heard the stories, but I haven’t been with one myself, and Alaska and Kansas seem to be the most outspoken about their past experiences. They’ve been telling the others about one of their late family members – Washington – and how she was hunted down after one of the top hierarchy members chose her, and she agreed. I can’t think being Chosen is a bad thing. Dude in the doorway makes my thighs wet, but I don’t want to be dumped into a forest all Hunger Games-style while he hunts me down.

  We’re not being raped, but we’re not free either. I try to focus on some of the positives.

  There’s rain above. Cool air and oxygen. This planet is the closest I’ve felt to home, and yet I’m trapped underground with twelve other girls and a masked secret admirer.

  I want to get out, but I can’t make it past the masked Sidyth, let alone the enormous fugly one.


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