Limitless Lands: Book 1

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Limitless Lands: Book 1 Page 2

by Dean Henegar

  “Thank you, Fran. Dad loved to tease you and the other nurses before he…” the thought trailed off and Fran nodded her head at Trey, knowing what he meant.

  “How is Mr. Ty doing? Does his family make it by to visit much?” Trey inquired, trying to distract himself from the old depression he always felt in this room.

  “They’re always coming around when they can. He’s been doing poorly like your daddy. I think once your dad stopped being able to talk to the ‘ole Marine every day he just lost hope. He and your daddy had become good friends and would pick at each other for hours on end. Always fighting over which was better, the Army or the Marines,” Nurse Fran drawled.

  “Fran?” Trey began. “You mentioned your grandson is a gamer, isn’t he?

  “Oh yes Mr. Trey, he’s been working as much overtime as he can at the Kroger to save up for one of them new headsets for that game y’all made.” Fran replied.

  Nurse Fran was one of the good ones. Trey could tell she cared for her patients and from his time chatting with her, knew her home life must have been difficult. Fran’s husband had passed away from a heart attack a few years ago, and with his passing the family lost most of their income. Her daughter battled drug addiction and had given custody of her son to Fran, who was raising him on her own now. Fran’s grandson had several learning disabilities but still went to school every day while trying to help the family financially by working a low paying, part-time job at the local grocery store. Despite the personal and financial stress in the home, Fran never lost her good cheer or the friendly smile she had for her patients.

  “He may want this then, Miss Fran.” Trey smiled as he pulled a beta invite card from his wallet.

  “This code will give him a free copy of the game and access to the beta test. As for the VR gear, have him email me your address and I’ll send one of the testing units I have at the house to him. He also doesn’t need to worry about the subscription fee; the code I gave you allows for unlimited free access without a subscription.” Trey smiled as he handed over the card.

  Tears began to fill Fran’s eyes as she considered how much this would mean to her grandson. He had gone through so much with the teasing at school from his learning disability and the tight money situation.

  “I don’t know what to say Mr. Trey. This will mean the world to Nolen, my grandson. Won’t you get in trouble for giving this away? I heard what you said to Mr. Logan.”

  “No worries Fran. I won’t tell if you don’t. Consider it a thank you for all you have done for these patients. I know you don’t always get the thanks you deserve.”

  Trey thanked Fran once more for her work, took a last look at his father, and prepared to leave for the day. The medications and nanobots should have an effect quickly but standing in the room was just too difficult for him right now.

  “Bye dad. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Trey said to a father that could no longer understand him. Trey closed the door and left to head back to the office, eager to monitor the game’s beta launch progress.

  Chapter 2

  Gaming fans around the world were anxiously waiting for the beta launch of Limitless Lands. So far, there had been no leaks other than that it was the first VR game that was completely controlled by an AI. Gamers grumbled that they would have to buy new VR gear to allow for deep emersion. Starting at over $700 for the most basic helmet, the new deep emersion VR gear allowed for the game to be able to access the brain wirelessly. This enabled the player to experience the in-game sensations of touch, taste, smell, sound, and vision.

  The game itself cost $500, which was on the high end for an AAA VR title. The monthly subscription also ran $250 which was a new record for subscription fees. A wide array of cosmetic and vanity items would be offered for sale, but there was a guarantee that Qualitranos would not sell any stat boosting items, quashing any pay-to-win arguments. Those with deep pockets could buy gear from other players on the auction house by exchanging real world money for gold. Many planned to do just that.

  The high price should have killed the game before launch, except for the fact that gamers could earn real world cash with in-game currency/items/resources. Everything the player earned in game was theirs to do with as they pleased. Qualitranos was looking to make even more money from the game by taking a small 1% cut of all auction house transactions.

  The setting was said to be a typical fantasy type, but the details were vague. Fans normally would dismiss this lack of information as the game being vaporware, but Qualitranos was the most respected VR game company on the planet. The alpha of the game was completed entirely in house with employees of Qualitranos, and there were no leaked vids.

  The 100,000 beta keys were given out at random around the world. The fact that the AI was able to instantly translate text and speech into the user’s native tongue would solve any language barriers between players. With Skyfi and modern processing power, there would be no lag, even with billions of users logged in simultaneously. Speculations about the game abounded and it was announced that 1 day before the beta started, Qualitranos would make a reveal on the set of the hit show GamerVR. GamerVR was the top-rated show covering all competitive gaming events, as well as news in the industry. The GamerVR host Maxxo was chosen for the reveal interview, as viewers liked his wild personality and strange outfits.

  One day prior to beta release over 100 million gamers tuned into the live stream of Maxxo. He appeared on the screen in what appeared to be a suit made of aluminum foil and the letters AI shaved into his purple and pink dyed hair. His chair and desk were made to look like a space shuttle, and next to him was a pink fluffy couch shaped like a unicorn for his guests to sit on.

  “Welcome gamers, geeks, nerds, and freaks to this latest LIVE Skyfi cast of GamerVR. This is your host Maxxo, and today’s show is packed with more awesomeness than a new Quintuple Stuffed Oreo, so don’t you go, because there is something we must know on this show. The thing that’s on everyone’s mind and consuming everyone’s time is WHEN CAN WE SEE LIMITLESS LANDS! Qualitranos has kept a lid on all VR video or even much of a description of the game, but fear not! For those millions who are watching our cast right now, Mad Maxxo has the lowdown and a showdown with Qualitranos Public Relations Rep, Gloria Treese. Welcome to the show, Gloria!”

  A young woman walked onto the stage and patted the head of the pink, fluffy unicorn sofa as she sat down. Gloria would not compete with Maxxo in the wild outfit department, wearing very conservative garb consisting of khaki’s and a polo bearing the logo of Qualitranos. Gloria smiled and waved to the audience as she sat down.

  “Thank you for inviting me Maxxo! Those of us on the Limitless Lands team at Qualitranos are proud to reveal some information about our game to you and your viewers now that we’re one day out from beta. Ask away, Maxxo,” Gloria said, and grinned as she waited for the first question.

  “I’ve compiled, styled, and trialed the top 3 questions from our viewers on the game. Then I’m sure you brought the know, because you can’t go, until you show…some of the VR footage of the game,” Maxxo rambled in his singsong rhyming way of speech.”

  “Question 1: Gloria, isn’t the fantasy genre played out? It’s a trope for a dope; why not give us something new?

  “Question 2: Gamers want to know what classes they will have access to and what character progression will look like.”

  “Question 3: What’s with all the hype about the sensory feedback?” Maxxo sat back in his spaceship chair, the foil-like material of his outfit making crinkly sounds as he crossed his arms and waited for his answer.

  “Maxxo,” Gloria started, “to answer the second question first. There are an unlimited number of classes in the game. You’ll see familiar favorites like warrior, rogue, ranger, wizard, cleric, etc. While the players may…” Gloria paused and turned to look from Maxxo directly into the camera “or may not start with the basic classes, the AI has complete autonomy to create or evolve classes to fit each character’s playstyle.

for the fantasy genre being a played-out setting, you’ve fought orcs, goblins, kobolds, etc. before, but have you ever felt the blow from your sword hit the goblin, smelt the goblin’s foul breath, or felt the pain of a wound from an enemy weapon? That’s right Maxxo, in game you will feel and experience these things making the setting not only classic but also almost REAL for the first time ever in the history of gaming.”

  The magic, skills, and professions will work like the way learning things works in the real world. You can find or pay someone to teach you, whether it’s an npc, or another player. You can also teach someone else skills that you know and get paid for it with in game currency that you can convert to real money, and finally you can experiment. Find a better way of doing things, and the AI will reward you with new skills or experience.

  You can play Limitless Lands any way you want. Some people want to experience high adventure while slaying a dragon; some want to learn crafting and make a living in game and out of the game doing just that. Have you ever wanted to open a store? Do it! Want to create a mercenary company with your friends, or start a circus? You can! The name of the game is Limitless Lands and this game is the first one to really be just that, limitless. The only limits in game are the limits of your imagination. Of course, Maxxo,” Gloria stated in a conspiratorial tone”, you can also be a villain and rob other players or NPC’s, but just like in real life, there are consequences for your actions. Your reputation in game will affect how other players and NPC’s view you.”

  Maxxo looked at Gloria with a skeptical expression. He was known for his often-harsh reviews of games that didn’t deliver what they promised. Gloria took his skeptical glare in stride and continued.

  “As for seeing footage of the game Maxxo,” Gloria continued, “how would you like to actually experience it right now?”

  Gloria motioned behind the stage and a technician brought out one of the new deep emersion gear helmets. This one was painted in wild colors with Maxxo’s name and the GamerVR logo on each side.

  “Maxxo, while the techs get you connected, we’ll get your feed set up, so when your time in game is done the audience can see what you’ve experienced. We don’t have a lot of time, so I think most folks would like to see you fight something, wouldn’t you?” Gloria indicated to the live audience, who erupted into yells of yes! “Show us the combat!”

  “Do you have a preference on weapons, Maxxo? Let’s just go with a basic short sword to get you started. The viewers are voting right now on which opponent you get to face. Unfortunately for you Maxxo, it looks like Ogre is winning by a large margin. One more surprise I would like to reveal tonight is that due to the AI’s processing power, and its ability to tap directly into our senses, the game is the first VR title with a 5 to 1 time compression. What Maxxo will experience in the next 30 seconds is actually 2 ½ minutes in the game world.”

  The technicians had finished connecting Maxxo to the VR helmet while Gloria was speaking to the audience. The activation lights on the helmet flashed indicating Maxxo had begun his journey. True to her prediction, 32 seconds later Maxxo took off his helmet and had a shocked expression on his face. Being the professional that he was, Maxxo quickly shook it off and turned and addressed the audience in an uncharacteristically deadpan voice.

  “Folks, I don’t know what to tell you. Have a look at what I just experienced.”

  The screen began to show the scene of a small dirt trail, flanked by pine trees swaying gently in the wind. The camera turned and looked toward the ground revealing we were seeing the game from Maxxo’s first-person view. Maxxo looked at his hands and we saw that his right hand held a tarnished bronze short sword. The video was completely realistic, indistinguishable from a real live news feed. The character began to speak.

  “Woah!! This is Maxxo in game and thinking I’m insane. I’m sure you can see me but I’m sorry you can’t be me right now. I can SMELL the pine in the air, feel the wind in my face, and the sword actually has weight in my hand, man this is grand!” Maxxo began to wander down the trail explaining to the viewers what he was experiencing. The trail narrowed as it passed through a canyon. The host was obviously blown away with a virtual world that his own brain told him was real.

  While Maxxo was speaking in game the viewers began to hear a new sound in the background. Over the faint cry of birds and sounds of the trees rustling in the wind, a thumping sound was heard that steadily grew louder. Maxxo finally heard it as well, telling his viewers he could feel vibrations in the ground. He looked up as a huge figure came down the trail toward him. The viewers had apparently voted for ogre over spider, rat, or kobold. The ogre was easily 9 feet tall and wearing just a hide loincloth. Its warty skin was covered in a layer of filth while small flies could be seen flitting about its head. The ogre was humanoid in appearance with large rolls of fat covering a muscular frame. Its head was bald and its face had a dull, dimwitted, yet vicious, sneer plastered on it. Its nose leaked a green colored mucous as the ogre sniffed, then turned to look toward Maxxo. Pondering for a moment what to do with the human in front of him, the ogre bellowed a booming roar and began to stomp its way toward Maxxo.

  The sound of the ogre’s roar blasted through the speakers of the studio sound system. It was completely ear shattering over the VR headsets most viewers were watching on (internal controls, of course, kept volume to a level that did not damage hearing). The ogre slowly built momentum as it moved toward Maxxo; the pounding of its stride visibly shaking the screen. Maxxo could be seen looking about for a place to hide, realizing too late that the canyon trail was too narrow to dodge his opponent. Maxxo swallowed hard, gathered his courage and raised his inadequate sword toward the ogre. The weapon appeared a puny defense despite the ogre being unarmed. This proved true as the ogre caught up to Maxxo.

  Viewers saw a few different things at that moment depending on parental controls or the level of gore they had set on their headsets. What the unfiltered POV of Maxxo showed was the ogre’s charge reaching him and Maxxo being tossed 10 feet into the air. Maxxo landed on the ground with a huff as the wind was knocked from his lungs. He began moaning as he lay there looking at his sword arm that was lying about 5 feet away from the rest of his body, ragged bloody strips of flesh showing where it had once attached to his shoulder. Maxxo looked then to his shoulder, in shock he didn’t even try to move while his lifeblood pumped from his now empty shoulder socket onto the dusty trail in short spurts. The camera began to fade as Maxxo died in game. The last image showed the ogre picking up Maxxo’s arm and ripping a huge chunk off with his large, square, half-rotten teeth. The ogre began to walk toward Maxxo’s body chewing hungrily and smiling for the first time, anticipating making a big meal of the VR host’s virtual corpse.

  Maxxo had recovered his wits and was back to his usual self as the video ended. The audience began to murmur excitedly over what they had just seen.

  “Gloria, that was on point and didn’t disappoint! Surely the most realistic thing I have ever seen, but the pain is sure mean. I felt the hurt as my body hit the dirt. It was so real it makes me want to squeal!”

  “I do apologize for that Maxxo,” Gloria replied while showing a mischievous grin. “I did mention you could feel pain in the game. The setting you experienced was at 10% of the pain a real injury would feel like. Pain levels can be adjusted to a max of 30% for the hardcore players and down to a value as low as 1%, but not off completely. Smells, sights, etc. can all be set at different levels but never to 0. This game is meant to be experienced completely by the player. I also wanted to let your audience know that the VR gear helmet Maxxo just used will be given away to one lucky viewer today, along with beta access to the game, a free copy at launch, and a 1-year subscription all covered by Qualitranos!”

  The crowd cheered as Gloria announced the giveaway. The show’s theme music began to play, signaling that the end of the program was near. Maxxo stood and shook Gloria’s hand.

  “Thank you, Gloria, and Qualitranos for the preview an
d just to re-view, the beta starts tomorrow, but don’t you sorrow because the full release will surely follow. This is Maxxo giving this game the first rating of 10/10, would be eaten by that ogre again! When released I’ll be first in line, and not behind. GamerVR signing off.”

  Qualitranos saw preorder rates increase 40% after the GamerVR stream. Interest peaked with players learning the expensive gear they had to buy really would allow them to experience all their senses in game. The pain feedback was a concern for some parents of younger children that wanted to play. Qualitranos did allow for a 0% setting for minor players and a max 1% setting for minors only with the approval of their parent or guardian. Most people strangely said they looked forward to the pain setting and feeling all that their character could. The biggest draw turned out to be the time compression. Gamers who had busy real-world lives could experience the fun of a marathon gaming session while only having an hour or so of time spent in the real world. A 30-minute lunch break at work would become 2 hours of game time after eating a quick bite.

  Chapter 3

  A voice called once again. Noises and tones that initially were gibberish to me began to coalesce into something I could just make out. Letters scrolled down in front of my eyes and I began to recall their meaning. It felt like waking up from a dream, or in this case, waking from a nightmare.

  “Patient regaining consciousness, all vitals are stable. Frontal Lobe repairs 63% complete. Parietal Cortex repairs now at 44% and prioritized. Temporal Lobe repairs now at 33%. Baseline repairs achieved for initial contact.”

  A glowing form began to take shape in front of me. Vaguely humanoid but without any discernable features. The form spoke to me and for the first time in over a decade I understood what someone had said.

  “Mr. Raytak do you hear me? According to my data the damage to your brain has now been repaired to an extent that should enable basic communication, as well as some memory recollection.”


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