Uncharted Frontier EZine Issue 14

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Uncharted Frontier EZine Issue 14 Page 4

by Allan Kaspar



  In his thirtieth year and on a great noontide Zarathustra left his home and the lake and journeyed towards the mountains. Before the mountains he came to a forest of birches and oaks whose shadows swayed and stippled in the wind. Out from a hut with a smoking chimney came a man in white garments that shone like a summer’s light, too bright to cast even the merest shadow.

  “It is not too many a wanderer has come by my hut,” said the man in white.

  “I am journeying towards mankind,” said Zarathustra.

  “I hear but I don’t see; you journey well past him. It is likely you are seeking another than man,” said the man in white.

  “Perhaps,” said Zarathustra, “But mankind is what presently occupies me.”

  “Might you better seek the like of one who is truest to mankind,” said the man in white, “And this is the power and the light of whom I speak and who I love.”

  “You who cast no shadow; of what love do you speak?” said Zarathustra, and then to himself [Can you not see that you are already dead and in the embrace of that which you love?] He continued. “What love? You are the light which consumes you and out of which you cannot see,” said Zarathustra, “No it isn’t what you have sought that is in my seeking.”

  “Mark my words,” said the man in white, “That which you seek will bring you only pain and sorrow. Mankind is thus.”

  “Now that rings true,” said Zarathustra with a chuckle. The man in white smiled back and they shook hands.

  Zarathustra turned away to walk the goat’s path into the mountains.

  Thus began Zarathustra’s over-going.

  Die Morgenrote

  The cave smelled of old air and bones. A serpent coiled in the rocks awaiting the better season. On the first morning the sun rose to fill the cave with light but other than that briefest hour the cave was dark. It was the same all other days with the twinkling of stars and the occasional moon at night. And this sameness recurred day after day for more than a year. Nor was it any different in Zarathustra’s mind for the song of his thinking played again and again, never differing. “Is this all there is to mankind?” he cried out one day. The sound echoed off the walls and stirred the serpent who uncoiled and then recoiled.

  After a time an eagle came to perch on the lip of the cliff before the cave. It returned sometimes each day and sometimes not. Zarathustra sought meaning in this. Then he saw that this was not a prophetical sign; just the way of the eagle. And he thought on this way and wondered whether there was just such a way for mankind…a better way; a higher way; a way mankind could soar towards…without burning from the heat of the sun like Icarus. But this way would not come to Zarathustra so he continued on his mindful journey, noticing that the song that played in his head had changed ever so slightly.

  Der Wanderer und sein Schatten

  “Thus spoke Zarathustra.” The walls rang with the sounds and Zarathustra’s song skipped a beat which went straight to his pounding heart. Yet he realized that this statement had not come from him. He looked around the cave. The serpent had not stirred; the eagle preened a wing as before.

  “Are you not tired of singing the same song,” came a question from the same voice.

  “It is but my shadow,” thought Zarathustra who wondered how his shadow could have found him in this diaphanous cave. “I had not noticed your leave taking,” said Zarathustra to his shadow.

  “I am the spirit you freed upon taking up your solace here,” said Zarathustra’s shadow, “but I am called back for it seems you have lost the love for both light and shadow.”

  “Ah,” said Zarathustra, “it is you the goddess of Parmenides who has come to bid me an unconcealing. I knew it at once.”

  “For a man seeking mankind with only one tune playing in his head it is an unconcealing you could not yet have had,” said Zarathustra’s shadow.

  “What then if not to bring thinking to the thinker? To unconceal that which this broken tune has so often wound round in my mind and eye,” said Zarathustra.

  “The broken tune is mankind,” said Zarathustra’s shadow.

  “Is it mankind’s eternal curse that which was, is, and will be? Over and again into the forevers of forever?” asked Zarathustra.

  “It is not towards mankind which you seek,” said Zarathustra’s shadow.

  “Another has said that to me and I believed him not. Oh free spirit why should I believe it from you?” asked Zarathustra.

  “Because you believe it for yourself. You travel on a path apart from mankind,” said Zarathustra’s shadow.

  Zarathustra’s heart beat in sameness; and in the depths of this vessel he knew that his unconcealed shadow spoke truly. “But I love mankind,” he said.

  “You love the thought of mankind,” said Zarathustra’s shadow.

  “The ideal that is not real,” said Zarathustra. “Then it is beyond man which I seek. But I do not seek the power and the light as did the white robed saint in the forest. His is a going-under but that which looks beyond which can be seen. I cannot seek there for I find nothing of sustenance in this power and light.”

  “Then let it be an unconcealing that comes from out of mankind. Take no truck from the power and light but comb the concealed directly from the hair of mankind,” said Zarathustra’s shadow.

  “Then you will take leave from me once more. I must seek an unconcealment of man before I can think beyond mankind,” said Zarathustra.

  “I will not return for a very long time…” said Zarathustra’s shadow.

  “It is not time that is the meaning for this unconcealing. It is the unconcealing that is the thing and the manner of its becoming is only in and from time.”

  Thus spoke Zarathustra.

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  Contributor Bios

  Short Fiction

  Richard Lawrence -- Merlin: The Mirror and the Monster part 2 -- Richard has been featured several times in Uncharted Frontier now. His stories are generally based on previous experiences. The Mirror and the Monster represents the fourth story in his “Merlin Saga,” which first appeared in our April 2013 issue, the first story being titled Satanspawn.

  David Rutter -- A Collection of Poetry -- David Rutter is a Los Angeles based writer of poetry, fiction and theatre. This year his work has been published in Haggard & Halloo, The Wilderness House Literary Review, Subliminal Interiors, Dressing Room Poetry Journal, Clean Sheets, Leaves of Ink, Eskimo Pie, Eunoia Review, The Los Angeles Review of Los Angeles, Vagabonds, The Stray Branch and most recently, the Los Angeles Times. He is not writing a screenplay.

  Allan Kaspar -- Ben Franklin: Time Traveller -- Allan Kaspar is a Technical Writer by day and a fiction writer in whatever spare time is left. Since the birth of his daughter, Allan has been hard at work on his latest novel, and trying to find a literary agent. He’s been published in Uncharted Frontier EZine, Mentality Magazine, and Games for Windows Magazine.

  Christopher Ketcham -- Zarathustra’s Bildungsroman -- A Prequel -- Christopher is a student of philosophy and has published his first work in the edited text Frankenstein and Philosophy, Open Court Books. His chapter was: Frankenstein and Zarathustra: Godless Men. Congratulations, Christopher!


  Karen Degler -- Inviting (COVER) -- Karen Degler provides affordable portrait photography sessions including children and animal sessions. Karen also enjoys capturing nature’s beauty near her home in Berks County. Karen can be found via her Facebook page, Photos by Karen where showcased work can be found including a summertime horse shoot. Congrats on your first appearance and making our cover, Karen!

  Sarah Katharina Kayß -- Inside Photos/Art -- 1985 in Koblenz (Germany), studied Comparative Religion and Modern History in Germany and Britain. In autumn 2012, she became a PhD candidate at the War Studies Department of King’s College London. Her artwork, essays and poetry have appeared in literary magazines, journals and anthologies in Germany, Switzerland, Austria, the Un
ited Kingdom, Italy, Canada, New Zealand and the United States. Sarah is a recipient of the Austrian-VKSÖ Prize (2012) and winner of the manuscript-award of the German Writers Association (2013). She edits the bilingual literature magazine The Transnational (former: PostPoetry) and lives in London.

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  We hope you enjoyed our November/December 2013 issue! It’s been a great year for Uncharted Frontier EZine, and we’re really looking forward to 2014 and our continued growth! Til next issue, enjoy the Frontier!


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