The Profiteers

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The Profiteers Page 41

by Sally Denton

  “Forget that Pollard”: Woolsey, quoted in Klein, Shock Doctrine.

  “President Obama was considering clemency”: Helene Cooper, “Obama Turns to Biden to Reassure Jewish Voters, and Get Them to Contribute Too,” New York Times, September 30, 2011.302 “doubts”: Baker, WhoWhatWhy, March 7, 2013.

  “never expressed interest”: The Jonathan Jay Pollard Espionage Case.

  “With little fanfare”: Aaron Klein, “Exposed: Secret Memo Reveals Pollard Sentence a Sham,” WND, February 23, 2015.

  “The recent disclosures” . . . “any harm that may”: Lauer and Semmelman op-ed,

  “was surely inspired”: McFarlane, February 9, 2012, letter in support of Pollard’s release, quoted in Klein, Shock Doctrine.

  had once agreed: Economist, “Caspar Weinberger.”


  “fiery ball” . . . “After the ash”: Quoted from marketing material of Magic World,

  “a clear contradiction”: Jamal Elshayyal, “Secret Files: US Officials Aided Gaddafi,” Aljazeera, August 31, 2011.

  “the logic of an impoverished”: Paul Lewis, “U.S. Ambassador to Kosovo Hired by Construction Firm He Lobbied For,” Guardian (Manchester, UK), April 14, 2014.

  “The highway’s black vein”: Brunwasser, “Steamrolled.”

  “acted inappropriately”: Lewis, “U.S. Ambassador to Kosovo.”

  “slanderous”: Brunwasser, “Steamrolled.”

  “It isn’t every day” . . . “the local political elite” . . . “were boondoggles” . . . “not only to choose”: Ibid.

  “the case study”: Davis, “It’s a Bechtel World.”

  “Bechtel plays politics”: Greider, “Boys from Bechtel.”

  “as either a shining success”: Davis, “It’s a Bechtel World.”

  “Bechtel is a mighty”: Rep. Henry Gonzalez, Remarks made in the US House of Representatives, 1992.

  “often going to the universities”: Davis, “It’s a Bechtel World.”

  “Neither Steve”: Author interview with Philip M. Smith.

  “outside the realm”: Davis, “It’s a Bechtel World.” In 2014, the S.D. Bechtel Jr. Foundation, which is not part of the Bechtel Group Foundation, gave $25 million to the Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy as part of its plan to spend down its assets by 2020. Meanwhile, the company became a visible sponsor of some National Public Radio stations, including KNPR in Las Vegas and KQED in San Francisco, and in 2015, the Bechtel-led team at the Hanford, Washington vitrification site donated more than $590,000 to local community organizations.

  “Bechtel has a three-point” . . . “company spinmeisters”: A. C. Thompson, “Inside Bechtel’s Spin Machine,” ZNET Communications, May 10, 2004,

  “engages in the political process” . . . “The implication that Bechtel”:, April 29, 2003.

  “The first thing they did”: Author interview with Laton McCartney.

  “errors on more” . . . “preposterous” . . . “corporate networking”: Labaton, “Role in Scuttled.”



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