The Profiteers

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The Profiteers Page 47

by Sally Denton

Dad Bechtel’s biography as a self-made man embraced in, 11–12, 24

  employee and contractor market divisions in, 9

  founding of, 8

  government ties used by, 6, 11, 12, 47–48, 55, 57–58, 72, 74–75, 76, 105, 110, 113, 120, 148–49, 152, 157–59, 160, 166, 172

  Hoover Dam as signature project for, 6, 29, 44

  as leading engineering and construction firm, 6, 12, 44

  links to US presidents by, 6, 8, 74–75, 87–88, 90, 95, 104, 113

  lobbying used by, 27, 41–42, 76, 104, 113, 128, 130, 141, 146, 148, 149, 150, 162, 173, 189–90, 202, 207, 211, 218, 224, 257, 261, 282, 291, 307

  move into international work by, 53, 57, 59

  multiyear megaproject specialization of, 9

  “mystique” as member of global power elite held by, 11

  overview of Bechtel family at, 7–9

  private ownership structure of, 45, 52, 227, 237, 219, 318

  revolving door between US government and, 6, 7, 54, 72, 99, 105, 148–49, 158, 169, 223, 294, 307

  sex and race discrimination charges against, 120, 126–27

  size of, 7–8, 47, 53

  turnkey contract used by, 49

  US foreign policy at odds with, 7

  venture capital used by, 95, 135

  workers in. See Bechtel workforce

  World War II contracts and, 50–52

  Bechtel Cabinet, 153, 157

  Bechtel Civil and Minerals, Inc., 134

  Bechtel Corporation

  alliance with Hammer in Libya, 94

  change of name to Bechtel Group, 134

  formation of, 54

  government contracts for, 57

  Helms and Kissinger as consultants for, 99

  Ivanpah, California, solar facility and, 296

  Iraq pipeline project with Saddam and, 170

  Iraq reconstruction and, 238

  Livermore management by, 290

  Peabody purchase by, 336n122

  Saudi Arabian contracts of, 59, 62, 63

  Shultz as president of, 114, 170

  Steve Jr. at, 92

  Weinberger at, 134

  Bechtel Enterprises (BEn), 218–19, 220, 221, 225, 227, 233

  Bechtel Enterprises Holdings, Inc., 95, 218

  Bechtel family

  Bohemian Grove membership of, 87, 88, 89, 114, 184

  domination in business through five successive generations of, 6–7

  overview of Bechtel succession with, 7–9

  political beliefs of, 11

  preoccupation with being out of public eye in, 8, 11, 46

  private ownership structure and, 45, 135, 227, 237, 318

  secrecy about operations maintained by, 6, 46, 57, 76, 87, 213, 219, 223, 227, 237, 296, 318

  transition between generations in, 8–9, 44, 45, 86, 91, 192, 197, 200, 295

  western beginnings of, 7

  Bechtel Financing Services Inc., 216, 218

  Bechtel Group, 111

  Bechtel Group of Companies, 138

  Bechtel in Arab Lands (Finnie), 63

  Bechtel Ltd., 197, 205

  Bechtel Marine Propulsion Corporation, 294–94

  Bechtel-McCone Corporation

  allegations of wartime profiteering lodged against, 52

  Pearson on revolving door between government and, 72, 79, 148

  defense contracts of, 51, 52, 53

  focus of, 50

  formation of, 49–50

  national laboratories and AEC contracts and, 68, 72

  number of employees in, 50

  Steve Jr.’s work at, 86

  Bechtel National Inc., 5

  Bechtel Nuclear, 294

  Bechtel Petroleum Inc., 134

  Bechtel Power Corporation, 114, 134

  Bechtel workforce

  CIA agents in, as cover, 76, 78

  Colley’s murder in Iraq and, 77, 192

  on Dad Bechtel’s railroad projects in California, 25

  deaths on Libyan pipeline projects and, 94

  as hostages in Iraq, after US invasion, 201–02

  Hoover Dam construction and, 35, 42, 317

  Jewish workers excluded from, 61, 124–25

  on Jubail new city project, Saudi Arabia, 123

  Philippines as source of, 123

  in Saudi Arabia, 61–62

  Steve Jr.’s antilabor stance on, 87

  Belgian Relief, 55

  Belgium, 121

  Benedict, Kennette, 255, 258

  ben Halim, Mustafa, 94

  Berger, Jeff, 223

  Berlin Wall, 257, 269

  Berrigan, Frida, 257, 259–60

  Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory, West Mifflin, Pennsylvania, 294–95

  Biden, Joe, 139, 301

  Bin Laden Construction, 58, 59

  bin Laden family, 219–20

  Bird, Kai, 70

  Black Canyon, 28, 31, 35, 37, 39–40

  Blackwater, 4

  Blitzer, Wolf, 174, 178

  Boeing Company, 122

  Bohemian Grove, California, 88–89, 100, 117, 184, 224

  Bechtel family’s Mandalay Lodge at, 88, 89, 97, 105, 114

  Bolivia, 98, 222–23

  Boston Central Artery/Tunnel Project (“Big Dig”), 9, 206–08, 222, 233–24, 310

  Boston Globe, 66, 207, 222, 310

  Boston Phoenix (newspaper), 208

  Boulder Canyon Project Act, 32–33

  Boulder City, Nevada, 38, 40, 41, 318

  Boulder Dam. See Hoover Dam

  Boykin, John, 148

  Boy Scouts, 54, 92, 309

  Brady, Nicholas F., 225

  Brazil, 80, 95, 121, 146, 158, 225

  “Breaking the War Mentality” (Obama), 275

  Brechin, Gray, 91

  Bremer, L. Paul (“Jerry”) III, 238, 239–40, 242, 356n238

  Brezhnev, Leonid, 101

  bridge projects, 5, 9, 22, 208, 235

  Broder, John, 246

  Briody, Dan, 161

  British Petroleum, 62, 65, 85

  Brown, Jerry, 136

  Brown, Ronald H., 215–16

  Brown and Root, 82

  Brunwasser, Matthew, 307

  Bryan, Danielle, 234, 290

  Bryza, Matthew, 210

  Brzezinski, Zbigniew, 132

  Buckley, William F., 88

  Burns, Arthur, 110, 133

  Bush, Barbara, 2

  Bush, George H. W., 13, 88, 89

  Aqaba pipeline proposal and, 171, 200

  Bechtel’s relationship with, 199, 206, 211, 212

  election of, 199

  Iraqi policy of, 198, 200

  Operation Desert Storm and, 202

  Bush, George W., 89

  Bechtel’s relationship with, 232

  environmental of, 226

  initial US invasion of Iraq and, 3

  Iran-Contra affair and, 184–85

  Iraq reconstruction plans of, 5

  Iraq War and, 1, 2, 3

  Middle East Free Trade Area (MEFTA) created by, 244

  nuclear warhead industry and, 10

  Pollard affair and, 299

  Qaddafi in Libya and, 305–06

  reconstruction of Iraq by, 5, 232, 242

  September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks and, 3, 228

  Bush, Jenna, 2

  Bush, Laura, 241, 243

  Business Advisory Council, 74

  Business Council, 57, 76, 112–13

  Business Roundtable, 112–13, 130, 247

  Business 2.0 (magazine), 218, 221

  BusinessWeek (magazine), 188, 189

  BWX Technologies (BWXT), 258

  Byrne, Malcolm, 348n186


  Bechtel’s first federal highway contract in, 25

  Dad Bechtel’s move to, 21–24

  Hoover Dam development and need for water in, 30–31

  Reagan Revolution and, 136

  California Institute of Technology (Caltech), 70

  Calvert Cliffs, Maryland, nucle
ar plant, 120

  Cameron, James, 295

  Canada, 9, 51, 87, 95

  Canavan, Francis, 306

  Cannon, Lou, 114, 132

  CANOL project, 51

  Carnegie, Andrew, 86

  Carpenter, Tom, 293

  Carroll, James, 278, 281

  Carter, Jimmy

  arms control efforts of, 163

  administration of

  election of, 116, 130

  energy policy of, 150

  foreign policy of, 160

  Iran hostage crisis and, 133, 138–39

  nuclear nonproliferation policy of, 153, 276

  nuclear power plant and, 153

  Pollard affair and, 132, 300

  Reagan’s defeat of, 133, 136, 139

  Shultz’s criticism of, 153

  Carus, W. Seth, 176

  Casey, Ralph E., 52

  Casey, William

  background of, 132

  Bechtel’s relationship with, 147–48

  as CIA director, 142, 147, 175, 189

  Israel and, 175, 178

  Reagan and, 132–33, 172

  Shultz’s friendship with, 132

  Castro, Fidel

  Kennedy’s assassination and, 81, 82

  plots against, 78, 80

  possible rapprochement with, during Kennedy administration, 81–82

  Center for Defense Information, 163

  Center for Strategic and International Studies, Georgetown University, 309

  Central Artery/Tunnel Project (“Big Dig”), Boston, 9, 206–08, 222, 233–24, 310

  Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

  Allende coup in Chile and, 97, 98–99

  Bechtel’s employment of agents from, to provide cover, 76, 78

  Bechtel officers’ moving to, 7

  Bechtel’s relationship with, 75–77, 94, 99, 128

  Casey as director of, 142, 147

  Church Committee investigation of abuses in, 128

  Colley’s murder in Iraq and, 77

  covert plots of, 79–80, 95, 96, 97–99, 128, 175

  creation of, 64, 67

  Cuban plots of, 78, 79

  Helms as director of, 80, 97–99, 162

  Indonesian coup and, 95–96

  intelligence-gathering by, 63

  Israel’s request for information from, 178

  Kennedy’s assassination and, 78, 81–82

  Libyan pipeline project and, 94

  McCone’s tenure at, 74, 78–82, 95, 97

  Middle East policy and, 4–5, 63, 65

  Mossadegh’s overthrow in Iran and, 65

  Nixon’s use of, 95, 96, 97

  Pollard’s application for fellowship from, 183

  Pollard spy case and, 174, 175, 177, 184

  Soviet Union and, 79

  Steve Sr.’s relationship with, 75–76

  transfer to Iraq of US-manufactured weapons and, 175

  Year of the Spy cases and, 184

  Channel Tunnel, 9

  Chao, Daniel, 229

  Chappel, H. G., Jessie, and Elizabeth, 46

  chemical plant construction projects, 50, 58, 87. See also PC2 petrochemicals complex, Iraq

  chemical weapons

  Bechtel’s contract to build Iraqi plant for, 198–99, 230

  Bechtel’s contract to destroy, 305

  Iraq’s production facilities for, 174, 176, 180–81

  Pollard’s intelligence on, 180

  proposed sanctions against Iraq for use of, 193

  Saddam’s use of, 168, 169–70, 173, 193, 200, 230

  Shultz ‘s policy on, 237

  Weinberger’s policy on, 161

  Cheney, Dick, 309

  Chernobyl nuclear disaster, Ukraine, 10, 216

  Childs, J. Rives, 61

  Chile, 95, 97–99, 304, 305


  Bechtel projects in, 122, 158, 208, 209, 211

  Nixon and, 89, 100

  nuclear technology sales to, 158, 274

  spying for, 252, 253

  US foreign policy and, 83

  China Syndrome, The (film), 149

  Chomsky, Noam, 96

  Christiansen, Thor, 1–2

  Churba, Joseph, 165

  Church, Frank, 128

  Church Committee, Senate, 128

  Churchill, Winston, 118

  CIA. See Central Intelligence Agency

  Civiak, Robert, 258, 264

  Civil War, 19

  Clark, William P., 142–43, 162, 172, 189

  Clinton, Bill, 207, 214–16, 246, 254, 300

  Clinton, Hillary, 301

  coal industry, 7, 30, 87, 103, 104, 121–22, 158

  Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA), Iraq, 238, 239–40

  coal-slurry pipelines, 103, 121–22

  Cochabamba, Bolivia, water system privatization, 222–23

  Cohen, Danny, 178

  Cold War, 14, 64, 69–70, 110–11, 156

  Coll, Steve, 62, 63, 209, 215

  Colley, George Jr., 64–65, 77, 192

  Colombia, 218

  Colorado River

  description of, 28

  damming of. See Hoover Dam

  state partnerships to divide water rights from, 30–31

  Colorado River Compact, 31

  Committee for Nuclear Responsibility, 268

  Committee for the Liberation of Iraq, 229

  Commission for Relief in Belgium, 55

  Committee on the Present Danger, 130–31, 163

  Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC), 197

  Commonwealth Edison, 121


  domino theory on, 75

  Eisenhower’s concerns about, 75, 83–84

  JFK’s stance on, 78

  Nixon’s stance on, 87

  Condor II ballistic missiles, 197

  conflict-of-interest questions, and Bechtel contracts, 72, 102, 103, 147–49, 173, 192, 199, 207, 237, 307

  Congo, Democratic Republic of, 80


  financing for Bechtel projects and, 110

  Hoover Dam construction and, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41

  Iran-Contra inquiry by, 185, 347n185

  lobbying for Bechtel projects in, 128

  nonproliferation legislation of, 153

  Obama’s New START proposal in, 281–82

  Shultz nomination as Reagan’s secretary of state in hearings before, 145–47

  Weinberger’s defense budget and, 162

  World War II contracts and, 51–52

  Congressional Budget Office, 82

  Connally, John, 130–31, 132

  Connelly, Ross J., 229

  Consolidated Nuclear Security LLC, 295

  Consolidated Steel Inc., 48

  Consumers Power, 120, 335n120

  Continental Gas, Inc., 26, 47, 48

  Coolidge, Calvin, 89, 118, 214

  Cooperative Threat Reduction (CTR) program, 215

  cost-plus contracts, 49, 63, 233, 262

  Cotler, Irwin, 299

  Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), 113

  Cranston, Alan, 146–47

  Croatia, 215, 216, 304

  Crogan, Jim, 201, 234

  Crowe, Frank T., 47

  background of, 32

  Hoover Dam construction and, 34–36, 38

  idea for Hoover Dam from, 31–32

  workers and, 39, 40

  Crude Vision: How Oil Interests Obscured U.S. Government Focus on Chemical Weapons Use by Saddam Hussein (Vallette, Kretzmann, and Wysham), 169, 229


  Bay of Pigs invasion and, 78

  CIA operations about, 78, 79, 81

  Guantanamo Bay facility and, 231

  Kennedy’s assassination and, 81–82

  possible rapprochement with, 81, 82

  US foreign policy and, 81–82

  Cutler, Lloyd, 145

  Dachs, Alan, 204

  Dachs, Lauren Bechtel, 93, 204–05

  Dædalus (journal), 104

  D’Agostino, Tom, 255

  in Soviet Union, 43

  in United States, 22. See also Hoover Dam

  Dart, Justin W., 88

  Davis, John, 118

  Davis, Lisa, 236, 308

  Davis, W. Kenneth, 71, 153–55, 156, 157

  Deaver, Michael, 137–38

  DeConcini, Dennis, 300, 301

  Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA), 247–48

  defense contracts

  audits of, 247

  Bechtel and, 47–48, 58, 83, 85, 160, 215, 232, 247, 294, 304

  McCone and, 66, 82, 83

  in Middle East, 58

  Weinberger in Department of Defense and, 139, 160–62

  defense industry

  Bechtel in, 309

  military-industrial complex and, 83, 88, 275

  national security and, 294

  SRI research for, 85

  US foreign policy and influence of, 83

  defense policy

  McCone’s role in developing, 66

  nuclear weapon use and, 163

  Obama administration and, 280

  Truman administration and, 66

  Defense Policy Board, 229

  Dell, Christopher, 306–08

  Dershowitz, Alan M., 185, 299

  desalination plant projects, 122, 304–05

  De Voto, Bernard, 47

  Didion, Joan, 12, 17, 88

  DiGenova, Joseph, 182, 185

  Dillon, C. Douglas, 57, 75, 112

  Dillon, Read & Company, 57, 112, 134–35, 220, 225

  disaster relief projects, 217

  hurricane Katrina and, 244, 245–48, 262

  Dole, Robert, 131

  domino theory, 75, 84, 87, 98, 100

  Donovan, William (“Wild Bill”), 56, 57, 64

  Doomsday Machine, 164

  Douglas, Helen Gahagan, 118

  Dowd, Maureen, 238

  Dowie, Mark, 8, 65, 94, 105, 121, 291

  Draper, William III, 171

  Dresden, Illinois, Nuclear Power Plant, 10

  drones, 305

  Dubai, 211, 304, 305

  Dudley, William N., 295

  Dugas, Dennis, 235

  Dulles, Allen Welsh, 56–57, 58, 59, 63, 64, 66, 67, 77, 78, 89

  Dulles, John Foster, 56, 57

  Dulles Corridor Metrorail Extension, Washington, DC, 9

  Durenberger, David, 300

  Eban Report, 182

  Eccles, David, 23

  Eccles, Marriner, 23

  Economist (magazine), 135, 136, 232, 277, 279

  Edwards, James, 155


  Bechtel projects in, 9, 60, 95, 101, 125, 139, 306

  Israel and, 141, 168

  Eichmann, Adolf, 178

  Einstein, Albert, 68, 70

  Eisenhower, Dwight D. (“Ike”), 107, 119

  “Atoms for Peace” speech (1953), 69

  Bechtel’s relationship with, 6, 74, 75

  domino theory on Communism of, 75

  McCone’s influence on, 67, 68, 71, 74, 75

  military-industrial complex and, 83, 88, 99, 104

  nuclear weapons policy of, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73

  presidency of, 57, 89, 130

  Eitan, Rafael, 178–79, 182, 346n178


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