Love Notes (Accidental Kisses #3)

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Love Notes (Accidental Kisses #3) Page 2

by Tammy Andresen

  “Hey,” the guy behind the bar called and we all turned, but his eyes were on me. “Forget these guys and come work for me.” He raked his gaze up and down me too, but his eyes were way more appreciative and far less condescending than Derek’s had been. And also…icky. He had to be at least ten or fifteen years older than me. I’d rather take Derek’s grumpy stare. At least I didn’t feel like I was being undressed in public.

  I heard Derek’s low rumble again. “Back off,” he growled out as he stepped closer to me. That surprised me. Clearly he must have liked something in my marketing pitch because thirty seconds ago I’d been the focus of his ire and now…

  I had to be honest, there was a piece of me that liked Derek’s protective side. That other guy’s gaze had creeped me out and having Tall Dark and Grumpy by my side made me feel… safe.

  I turned back to Derek. “So.” I bounced on my heels a little. I wasn’t going to ask if I was hired because they weren’t paying. And I knew I was. These guys needed me in a big way. “Let’s get back to my original question. When’s your next gig?”

  Chapter Three


  Melissa had me. And by that I meant her pitch. She’d made some really good points that even I, in my current state of negativity, couldn’t deny. I scowled deeper, my face hurting from the effort.

  The guys were all murmuring their appreciation for her words. I jammed my hands into my pockets. “Tomorrow night,” I grumbled. Then I grabbed her notebook and pen that were sitting on the bar and jotted down the address. “Seth will be there too.”

  “Great,” she chirped. “I might be able to rent a video camera from the AV department. If not for tomorrow’s gig than the next. Can I come while you guys are hanging out backstage? I don’t have the sound equipment to do a music video but I can totally do a silent one that we lay a track over.”

  “Why do you need to come backstage?” Now I was actually curious. How had Miss Preppy Skirt changed my attitude so quickly? Both about her and her skirt. Funny, because I usually liked a girl in a mini, but I had to admit, the pencil skirt was sexy in a whole different way. It showed just enough leg for a guy to know that Melissa was smokin’ hot, but the particulars were for her guy alone. She wasn’t sharing with everyone. Why did I like that so much?

  She cleared her throat. “You guys are young, attractive, cool. We want the music to draw people in but we also wants shots of you backstage just hanging out, maybe goofing around. People will want to come to your shows to be part of the band. They’ll want to follow you.”

  I knew why she’d drawn me in. She was smart. And, I had to admit, she was good. Everything she said made so much sense. Why hadn’t I thought of it? But I didn’t want to appreciate a girl now. I hated girls. Especially today. “Fine, bring the camera backstage but…” I gave her another up-and-down glare, letting my eyes linger on her outfit. “Dress like you’re hanging out with a band.”

  It was a jerky thing to say, I knew that. And I felt even worse when I saw her visibly start and look down at her outfit, her brow crinkling. “This is how always dress when I’m pitching. I’m a professional.”

  I rolled my eyes but instead of feeling good, it made me inwardly wince. That little voice was in the back of my head was saying I didn’t need to be such a jerk. “Save it for the cheerleading squad. If we’re going to project an image of cool and you’re going to be around a lot, you need to fit that image.”

  Someone touched my shoulder. I turned to see Drew giving me a hard stare. I was tall, but Drew was a big guy too and he looked annoyed. His brow was furrowed and his top lip pulled over his teeth. “Not cool. Be nice,” he said low enough so only I could hear.

  I shrugged off his hand but his warning was understood. I was about to say so when the door to the club opened and three girls walked in.

  My insides clenched as I immediately recognized Nicole in the middle of the little pack. Her eyes bore into me. And people thought I had a death stare. The girl could curdle milk with a look. At least that’s what my grandma had always said when I was a kid and made my annoyed face.

  She was wearing what I’d come to consider as her uniform—super-short mini skirt that highlighted her long, lean legs. An artfully ripped tank top meant to show extra skin, not that she wasn’t showing a ton already. And stiletto leather boots that came up past her knees. Her dirty blonde hair had been streaked with pink today and her eyes were painted heavy black with eyeliner.

  She sauntered past me without a word and gave the bartender, who was also the club owner, her best come-hither stare. “I’ll take a vodka on the rocks,” she purred.

  He didn’t even ask for her ID as he made her drink. Which was good for her because it was a fake and a crappy one at that.

  Then she turned to me putting her bright red lips on the straw and giving it a suck. Slowly she released it from her mouth and quirked a small smile. “Fancy meeting you here.”

  I wasn’t in the mood to play games. I turned away from Nicole without a word and focused on Melissa. “What do you need from us?”

  Melissa cocked her head to the side, her eyebrows shooting up. I’m sure she hadn’t expected me to direct the conversation back to her. “Um…a high-quality track and a little money for printing some posters, postcards, and business cards. I’ll find the cheapest places I can.”

  I gave a nod, about to turn away when I heard Nicole hiss through her teeth. “Who is she? She can’t be who you were with last night.”

  My eyes snapped to Nicole’s. I had a moment where I wanted to tell her she was crazy. I had been five minutes late. But then a totally different idea hit me. It was terrible, and I was an awful person for even thinking it. But I stepped closer to Melissa and without a word, leaned down.

  I heard her intake of breath, I’d surprised her. But that didn’t stop me from leaning in and pressing my lips to hers.

  She smelled amazing. There was a hint of floral to her scent but not sweet. And her lips, they were soft, full, warm, and parted beneath mine as I gently kissed them closed.

  Her mouth clung to mine as I pulled away and then went back in for another kiss. Just soft, easy, sweet. So why did I feel like I’d been hit by a truck? I’d kissed more than my fair share of girls. Had some epic makeout sessions. But something in this kiss was different. It pulled deep at my insides. And it was barely a kiss.

  I lifted my head to find Melissa staring up at me, her eyes glazed and pupils dilated.

  She’d tasted good. And I bet her hair was super silky. I had the urge to pull out the pins and tangle my fingers in the strands.

  “I knew it.” Nicole was suddenly in my face, her own twisted with rage. “I knew you were a cheating as—"

  But she didn’t finish, instead…wham. Her open palm hit my face. I let out a long breath through my nose. I was done. “Finish your drink and leave. I never want to see you again.”

  “Oh, this isn’t done—” she started.

  I didn’t let her finish. I turned and walked back to the stage. I should never have dated Nicole. I’d meant it; I never wanted to see her again.

  And honestly, no matter how good Melissa tasted, I couldn’t go there. I was done with women. Maybe forever.

  Unfortunately, my ego wasn’t sure that he agreed.

  I heard Nicole flounce off. But I didn’t bother to check where she’d gone. My eyes were trained on Melissa instead.

  Her eyes were huge, like I’d just told her Christmas was cancelled. But she didn’t say a word as she pulled an iPad out from her giant purse and connected her camera to it. She didn’t look up at the stage again as I saw her clicking and typing, moving things on the screen.

  And yes, I was performing. And yes, my eyes were glued on her and her pencil skirt with her crossed ankles and her pumps.

  Nicole had taken up residence in a booth. And she watched me watch Melissa. I’m sure she also noticed Melissa’s complete inattention to me.

  Which I was actually glad for. It should have occurred to
me before I’d locked lips with our new marketing ally but I’d risked Melissa catching Nicole’s ire. Which was scary. Like I said, that chick was crazy.

  We finally finished up our set and jumped off the stage again. Honestly, I had this intense desire to know what Melissa was doing. I had a feeling, whatever it was, I was going to find it as amazingly interesting as the rest of her. Man, I was a glutton. I’d just promised myself to stay away from chicks and I was charging over to where she sat.

  But I didn’t make it to the bar.

  Nicole was in my face in a flash. Only, in a move I hadn’t seen coming, the cat had retracted her claws and she was a kitten again. I should have known. Nicole had always been hot and cold.

  “Baby,” she purred, her arms around my neck. “I didn’t mean to lose my temper with you yesterday. I just got jealous. You’re so hot; of course other girls are going to want you. And when you were late, I freaked out. I’m just so crazy about you, you know?”

  I grabbed her arms at the elbows and gently pulled them from around my neck. Crazy was the correct word. “I can’t do this,” I said, then I tried to walk around her. But she wasn’t having it.

  Nicole stepped in front of me again. “I’m giving you another chance here.” She raised her eyebrows, her lips pursed. “You know how good it can be.”

  Yeah, when she wasn’t acting completely nuts, she was super-hot and our relationship had this intensity. But it wasn’t worth it. “I also know how bad it can be. Remember that?”

  Her eyes narrowed and her hand flew up again. I was ready this time and took a step back just as her palm flew toward my cheek.

  When her fingers met nothing but air, her whole body flung forward with the force of it and she nearly fell on her face.

  I reached out and caught her. I didn’t like Nicole but that didn’t mean I was going to let her splat on the floor.

  “Get your hands off me,” she screamed.

  I let out a long breath. So much for doing the right thing. “Go home, Nicole.”

  With a final glare, she stormed off, her two lackeys behind her. But she’d taken up just enough of my time that when I’d looked back over to the bar, Melissa was gone.

  Crap. I’d honestly wanted to see what she working on. And talk with her some more. She was interesting. More than that, she was a breath of fresh air. Smart, gorgeous, and really interesting, I wanted to know more.

  Circling back to the stage, I started breaking down the instruments to load up the van. No celebration tonight. We had class in the morning and this had been a rough day. I needed some sleep.

  But as I said goodnight to the guys and started driving back to school, my phone dinged. Pulling it out of my pocket, I saw a number I didn’t recognize. As I parked the car, I flicked the screen open.

  Hey. It’s Melissa. Drew gave me your number.

  Hey. I know, I’m a poet.

  Check out your social media accounts tonight on Facebook, Snapchat, and Instagram. You’re already getting mad hits. And here is my email so you can send me that track. Tomorrow night, you play to a packed house.

  I read it twice, grinning like an idiot. But I played it cool as I responded, Big words from a petite brunette.

  Haha, you’ll see…

  That made my grin widen. I hoped she was right and I had to eat my words. That would be amazing.

  Chapter Four


  I knew I should be paying more attention to my classes but after I posted the Echo Stream slideshow set to one of their songs, I could hardly do anything else but watch the numbers climb. I’d sponsored an ad, but I swear, it was going viral.

  I’d also called the club and got them to give a free drink to anyone who brought in an Echo Stream coupon, which they got from visiting Echo’s Facebook page.

  The marketing campaign was going even better than I’d imagined.

  Once class got out, I texted Drew’s girlfriend, Chloe. We’d met a couple of times and I liked her. She was bubbly and really nice and Drew had told me that she’d be able to help me with band fashion.

  He’d warned her I would text so when I did, she immediately responded back…

  Shopping trip!

  We went out to the Chestnut Hill Mall, which I’d never been to before because I didn’t have a car. And because I didn’t spend a lot of time being trying to be fashionable. It was a swankier shopping destination that I normally didn’t swing for.

  Chloe had this retro convertible that was so cool, I was honestly jealous. She had a cute little tank and jean shorts on, her perfect curls flying in the wind. I loved her whole style. It was adorable and casually chic. By contrast, the breeze had blown my neat chiffon out and I was sure my hair was just a mess. I’d always thought I should look professional but maybe, I could relax a little. I mean it was good to know how to dress for a job. But I didn’t have to look like that all the time. Maybe my future Harvard guy wanted a girl who could be casual or businesslike. And besides, I was honestly excited to buy clothes for the concert tonight.

  “So,” Chloe yelled over the wind. “What did you have in mind?”

  “I want to look cool,” I said biting my lip, “But nothing too revealing.”

  She nodded. “I am totally with you.” Then she tapped her chin. “I’m thinking fun and a little flirty.” She pulled down her sunglasses to give me a wink. “What do you think about a temporary streak of purple in your hair? Millie is great with that stuff.”

  Millie was Alex’s girlfriend. He’d introduced me to the entire group.

  “Okay,” I heard myself agree. I couldn’t help but think of Nicole and her pink streaks last night. Was that what Derek was into? Not that I cared. He wasn’t for me, I’d told myself as I stared at his picture all night long. Not because I was into him, but because I was working on the slideshow. I was trying not to admit that was a total lie. The other guys were hot but I hadn’t spent hours just staring at them.

  Not to mention that the kiss had been kind of mind-blowing. Amazing, really.

  “Yay,” Chloe yelled, as we exited Route 9 and pulled into the mall.

  And honestly, the trip was really fun. I did spend way too much money on a pair of already-ripped jeans. I mean who paid for clothes to be destroyed? But the way they clung to my curves made me look fantastic.

  I bought a pale purple tank with lace on the bottom and around the chest. The lace actually helped cover my cleavage while still looking good. And I’d gotten some wash-out dye for my hair. I already had a pair of strappy high-heel sandals I thought would work.

  I had to confess that the two-inch heels would make me look good if I happened to be standing next to Derek.

  Not that I wanted to date Oscar the Grouch. He was so…I wanted to say rude or inconsiderate but the only word that played in my head was hot.

  We went back to Millie’s dorm where my hair got a makeover. With Millie’s roommate’s help, not only did they add streaks of purple but they blew it out and curled it into soft waves all around my face. They also added dark liner to my eyes and purple eyeshadow. I looked like a video vixen. It was amazing.

  Not that I didn’t like my style. I did. But it was beginning to occur to me that I could have different looks. And Derek had been right. When selling bands, I should look the part. Blend into the crowd to keep the image up. I was doing this for the job. Not for the guy. Definitely not for him.

  Chloe drove me back to my dorm to pick up my camera and iPad and then we headed over to the club. The guys were ordering pizza there as they set up the equipment and did a sound check.

  Millie and Arianna came with us. I’d been so focused on building my marketing career, I hadn’t spent a lot of time doing this kind of thing. Hanging with girls, going to concerts. I suddenly felt like I’d been missing out. This was fun.

  What else had I been missing out on? Derek flashed into my mind. I’d definitely been missing kisses like the one last night. I was in college. I was eighteen years old. Did every guy I dated have to have
long-term potential? Couldn’t I just kiss a guy for the fun of it? It hadn’t occurred to me before tonight. Well, technically it had. It was part of the plan. But the reality of just making out with a hot guy was way more interesting than I factored in.

  We pulled up to the club and parked next to the band’s van, then made our way in through the back door. The quiet surprised me as we headed down a long dark hall. I’d expected to hear partying or, at the very least, the band warming up.

  They were so silent, we almost walked past their open dressing room door. They all sat, huddled on a couch, looking at Drew’s phone.

  As we walked in, Derek lifted his gaze to mine. It was no less intense but somehow, instead of judging me with hard eyes, his gaze smoldered as he ran his looked me up and down. “Hey,” he said giving me a small one-sided grin.

  “Hey,” I replied back.

  He stood and my breath caught as he crossed the room toward me. Would he kiss me again? Give me crap about my marketing? It was so hard to tell with him.

  “Did you bring your iPad?” he asked, stopping in front of me.

  “My iPad?” I tilted my chin up, my eyebrows scrunching in the middle. Whatever I’d expected, that hadn’t been it.

  His grin broadened. “I want to see the slideshow you made on a bigger screen. Is that number correct on Facebook? Did we get over one thousand followers in a day?”

  “It’s right,” I said as I ripped my gaze from his to search through my bag for the iPad.

  Pulling it out, I headed over to the couch. In a second, I had the video up. Drew grabbed the device to hold it for everyone else as Derek slid back into his seat. Without a question, without a hesitation, he grasped my hip and guided me into his lap so I could sit and see the screen too. Heat travelled from my cheeks all the way down my body as I settled against him. He felt incredibly good. So muscular, strong, and lean. And his smell. Fresh and clean with masculine undertones that made me want to bury my nose in his neck.


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