Paper or Plastic

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Paper or Plastic Page 44

by Mackey Chandler

  Roger was just in from a three planet hop and the two tons of coffee he'd offloaded here was the last of his local cargo. He also had five tons headed back to Earth.

  They'd found beans from the planet Shoaladin put even Jamaican Blue to shame and Rog had a big mug of Sho-Joe in front of him. The rest of the space would be filled with exotic goods and the still profitable diamonds. Their prime agent on Earth, Hy Schumacher's daughter, Rachel, would be disposing of it all through their companies.

  "What do you think of the layout?" Josh asked, sweeping his fragile Champagne flute in an arch, to indicate the entire establishment. The domed ceiling was a hundred and sixty meters across, without a supporting beam. It could show blue skies and clouds, a starry night, or with the seats tilted back, it was a huge projection screen.

  "Very tasteful," Roger had to admit. "You know I like the music." A Jazz quartet was pumping out some serious improvisation and nodding at each other in satisfaction. The audience was as quiet as an Earth audience would be in a concert hall, not at all like a cabaret crowd. Even the serving people were careful to clear the glasses and dishes away quietly.

  "Well, we knew you'd be in, so we scheduled them with you in mind, or at least Martee did," Josh admitted. "I don't deal with the acts that much, just movies and the supply side of the club. The guy on the bass though? Would you believe he is a local?"

  "Amazing," Roger said, looking closer at the native. "So how many franchises do you have like this?"

  "Six on Palmotave," Martee answered. "There are five cities over a half million population, which is our target market and one about half that size on a big island, that is really isolated. But we put one there anyway, because it was a tourist destination even before we opened up. It's a tropical island, on a world where the other cities all have a long winter. This makes fifty-two clubs on thirty-six worlds. But I'm pretty sure you have an interest in them too," Martee explained. "I can ask accounting for a printout and see what your stake is if you are interested."

  "Nah, don't bother. I know you have so many subsidiaries and overlapping layers of ownership, you probably have an interest in the boots I have on. However it splits out you're doing a marvelous job with them."

  "We've got the managers mostly trained. It's easier after the crowds settle down. At first they don't know how to act. They have no idea about applause, or how to deal with the wait-staff and tipping was a real hard concept to get across, but Josh insisted on keeping it, but on top of a decent wage. I think we'll stay here and take a break until Abigail arrives," She put her hand on the little bump, that was showing on her tummy, "and then we'll probably do it again on another world, as long as it's still fun." She directed that at Josh, like a question.

  "Yes, let's do at least one more. But you promised me a trip to see a real live dinosaur and I have a few other things I've read about I want to see."

  "Yes Dear, but I know you," she said, giving him a little prod. "You'll want to catch a breeding pair of huge carnivores and bring them back for a zoo."

  "A petting zoo maybe," he admitted. "Teach the natives to stay on their toes and not be so trusting. Charge 'em a quarter-Em piece to get in the pen with the T-Rex and ten Em to get out." he speculated, with an evil grin.

  Rog kept looking at the stage and asked with casual indifference, like it didn't really matter, "If I get tired of playing merchant and take a really long trip in along our galactic arm, are you guys game to come along?"

  Martee and Josh looked at each other with a big smile. There was no need to say anything out loud.

  "Of course, somebody with a bit of sense has to be along to keep you out of trouble," Josh pointed out. "What do you have in mind?"

  "Well, there is an airless world mentioned in the records from Trishal, that they visited a few hundred years ago. It's like a lot from about a hundred thousand years back, a bunch of craters with a little residual radiation. But one man habitat with no damage, no bodies or bones either. It must have been empty already when they fought, so the fighters didn't bother with it. And it is so old the alphabet varies from modern Trishan."

  "The team who explored it, couldn't figure out what most of the machinery was intended to do. They took some pics, didn't take anything apart and there it has been, ignored in the archives ever since. I'd bet there's some serious money to be made from it, if you had somebody who could reverse engineer some of it." He made a point of peering hard at Josh.

  "Incurious fellows aren't they?" Josh asked. "I don't suppose we really need the money, but it never hurts to have a bit more. And the technology, whatever it is, might be nicer to have than the money. Little Josh has never been to anything but a few tame worlds. The experience would be good for him. He's in bed already, incidentally. He knows he's going to see his uncle Rog at breakfast."

  "Why don't you make another trade circuit or two, to let Abigail get past diapers," Martee suggested, "if you are sure you want to travel with a couple who have two obnoxious children and a pair of ferrets."

  "I'm already building the ship special for it," Roger assured them. "There will be lots of extra room, so you can configure your quarters any way you please and room for a nanny and crew, so we don't have to rough it. In fact I had in mind a substantial staff. I figured an exploratory vessel should have redundant drives and a few other safety features an honest merchant doesn't need. We’ll carry several auxiliary vessels and lots of empty hold to bring back interesting stuff. It's quite a project, so the timing with Abigail being born should work nicely."

  "Hmm… that probably means it has enough firepower to blow a world to bits, I assume?" Josh asked.

  "Well, at least a middling moon," Roger agreed. "You still have your FN and a couple belts to bring along for ground squirrels and other nuisances, don't you?"

  "It must be packed away somewhere. I believe Martee has everything in storage organized on the computer. We'll start gathering the sort of things we'll need, off in the back of nowhere. Agreed Dear?" He asked Martee.

  In answer she lifted her dainty teacup and held it up for a toast.

  "Excellent!" Josh agreed and tapped his champagne flute against it to make them ring.

  "All right!" Rog announced, reaching in with his mug. "I've always wanted to have an adventure!"


  The Last Part - Other Kindle Books and Links by Mackey Chandler

  April (first in series)

  April is an exceptional young lady and something of a snoop. She finds herself involved with intrigues that stretch her abilities after a chance run in with a spy. There is a terrible danger she and her friends and family will lose the only home she has ever known in orbit and be forced to live on the slum ball below. It's more than a teen should have to deal with. Fortunately she has a lot of smart friends and allies. It's a good thing because things get very rough and dicey.

  Down to Earth(sequel to April)

  April seems to make a habit of rescues. Now two lieutenants from the recent war appeal to her for help to reach Home. The secret they hold makes their escape doubtful. North America, the United States of North America, has been cheating on their treaty obligations and a public figure like April taking a very visible vacation there would be a good way to remind them of their obligations. Wouldn't it? Her family and business associates all think it is a great idea. She can serve a public purpose and do her rescue on the sly too. But things get difficult enough just getting back Home alive is going to be a challenge. It's a good thing she has some help. Why does everything have to be so complicated?

  The Middle of Nowhere

  April returns home from her trip down to Earth, unhappy with what she accomplished. Papa-san Santos is finishing her rescue of the Lieutenants, Her traitorous brother is dead and so many things are uncertain. The Chinese and North Americans both continue to give her
and Home a hard time. But April, Jeff and Heather are gathering allies and power. China, trying to steal Singh technology, gets its hand slapped badly by Jeff and the Patriot Party in America is damaged, but not gone. Their project on the moon is not so easy for North America to shut down, especially with the Russians helping. Heather proves able to defend it forcefully. They really didn't know she owns a cannon. The three have their own bank now, Home is growing and April is quickly growing up into a formidable young woman, worthy of her partners.

  Family Law

  You know people who love their dogs. They put them in their will. They forgo vacations to stay home and take care of them.

  Can a dog love back or is it simple self interest? Affection or love? Unconditional or a meal-ticket? What if you dog could talk back? Would your dog be less lovable if he could tell you what he thinks like your spouse? If he complained his kibbles were dry and boring would your affection wear thin? I don't want to touch on what a cat might tell you...

  Is the dog part of your family or property? Who should decide that for you? How much more complicated will it be if we meet really intelligent species not human?

  Humans don't have a very good history of defending the interests of others. Even variations of their own species. How will they treat 'people' in feathers or fur? Perhaps a more difficult question is: How will they treat us? Usually the people who answer these sort of questions have no desire to be on the pointy end of things. They are just minding their own business and it is thrust upon them. This story explores those questions

  Common Ground and Other Stories

  A book size collection of seven short stories by Mackey Chandler.

  Link to full list of current releases on Amazon:

  Mac's Writing Blog:




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