Stray Cats [High-Country Shifters 2]

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Stray Cats [High-Country Shifters 2] Page 2

by Melody Snow Monroe

  They probably recognized she was Taryn and Kellum’s sister. Capturing her would bring her siblings into their den, which would signal their death. She couldn’t let these wolves get her for more than one reason. A wave of despair filled her veins, and panic froze her limbs.

  Move. No matter what, don’t let them capture you.

  With trembling legs and slippery palms, she climbed up onto the next higher branch, closed her eyes, and tried to focus on sending a message of help. While the women of Anterra didn’t possess the ability to speak telepathically like the men, their psychic abilities often enabled them to send signals. She prayed Malik and Cavon were on perimeter duty. The wolves wouldn’t be interested in them. It was too good to hope that a bear shifter would be nearby, but because there were so few of them left, it was unlikely. The wolves would run for sure if that giant arrived.

  “Well, well, who do we have here?”

  Her heart dropped to her stomach as she looked down at someone she guessed had been a wolf. She refused to answer. Blood pounded in her brain, and an intense ache stabbed her eye. She swallowed hard to keep the air flowing into her lungs.

  The evil-looking man stepped back as if to get a better view. “Boys, I think we hit the jackpot. Now come down, young lady, and don’t make me climb up there after you.”

  She weighed her limited options. If all five of the wolves shifted, they could easily capture her. If she climbed higher, she chanced stepping on a branch that wouldn’t hold her and possibly would result in her breaking a lot of body parts. Either way, she might die.

  Being a hundred pounds less than the shifter helped. If she climbed out onto a thin limb, he couldn’t follow. However, the branch might break. That option almost seemed preferable to being taken captive. She’d heard horror stories about what vicious wolves did to unsuspecting women.

  Where are you? She sent out another silent signal. At least the wolves couldn’t understand the lion telepathy—or so she hoped.

  The bastard at the bottom grabbed the bottom limb and pulled himself up. “I’m coming after you.”

  Stars formed on the inside of her lids, and her vision blurred. Her arms wobbled on the limbs. The wolves growled, and the man stilled. He’d placed one foot on the first limb when he looked behind him and dropped to the ground.

  She froze. What just happened? Her vision was blocked by the branches, but the flash of light confirmed the man had shifted back into a wolf. That meant only one thing. Someone had heard her plea.


  Leaves and twigs crunched as a few lions let out loud roars. She pumped a fist. Please don’t let it be Taryn and Kellum. Though at this point, she was happy anyone came to save her.

  Two lions sped underneath her. Given her restricted view, she couldn’t tell who they were, but from their scent it wasn’t her brothers. She could taste her relief. Instead of the fight she’d feared, the wolves raced off. They probably decided it wasn’t worth it for some, if not all, to die today. Taryn, she knew, could take down three or four wolves by himself.

  Her heart slammed against her chest until she was convinced the evil animals had gone. Since the men couldn’t communicate with her in their lion form, they shifted into men and gazed up through the branches. Her legs weakened from relief, and she sat on the branch.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” Malik scowled at her.

  She inhaled, knowing she needed their help if she wanted to cross into Spirit. “Let me get down, and I’ll tell you.” Thank goodness it was her two best friends. They’d understand her need to explore.

  She made it to the first branch but couldn’t quite figure out how to get the seven feet to the ground.

  Malik held out his arms. “I’ll catch you.”

  She knew he couldn’t stay mad for long. If she hadn’t grown up with these two and thought of them as brothers, she’d have been thrilled that two such handsome men had saved her. “You sure?”

  Cavon joined him. “If he misses, I’ve got you for sure.”

  That made her laugh. She sat on the branch and pushed off. Sure enough they easily caught her. “I’ll tell you everything on the way back.”

  Both men shook their heads as if they couldn’t believe she’d been so reckless, but at least they didn’t deliver a lecture. She’d given herself a stern one during those minutes in the tree.

  After they got close to one of the underground rail doorways, they stopped. “Spill.” Malik placed a hand on her shoulder.

  “I was hiding some clothes in the cave.”

  He cocked a brow. “Why?”

  She looked at the ground for a second. “I heard you two talking about going over to Spirit. I want to come.”

  “No.” There was no hesitation in his voice.

  She was afraid they wouldn’t agree. She’d be reliant on them for finding the alignment point to come back, too, which would add extra time to their stay. Knowing them, they wouldn’t want the responsibility, but since they were such good friends, she might be able to convince them. She was well aware that they lived their lives from day to day and from adventure to adventure. At least Malik did. Cavon was a lot more responsible than his older brother.

  “I only need you to help me get to the other side. I can take it from there.” She pulled the credit card and note from her pocket. “Look at this. It will buy us whatever we want.”

  The two examined the card. “You got money?”

  “Yes, and an introduction to Amy, a friend of Lara’s. She might give me a place to stay.” She couldn’t help but smile. “So will you help me?”

  Malik rubbed his chin in an exaggerated fashion as if he were trying to find a way to stop her. “What will your parents say?”

  She’d figured that out on her way to the cave. “I’m going to tell them that Madra and I are going to spend a week or two in the mountains. I’ve been there before on vacation, so they should buy that. I’m thirty years old. They can’t really say no.”

  “And your store?”

  They weren’t going to make it easy, but she appreciated they were looking out for her. “I’ll ask Rein to cover for me. She works there part time and can handle the work for a couple of days.” Cavon and Malik hadn’t said they’d help her. “You willing to take me?”

  Malik looked over at Cavon. “You think you can swing a second room at the hotel for us?”

  Her pulse soared. “That’s what credit cards are for, right?” She prayed Lara wouldn’t mind.

  They laughed. “Okay, but you know when we want to return we’ll have to come out every day until the alignment point is where you can access it.” If they could stay in lion form, they could climb a tree and leap through. She couldn’t do that.

  “I’ll tell my parents that I’m leaving tomorrow. Can I stay with you two until we go through?”

  Cavon wrapped his arm around her shoulder. “If you cook and clean for us until we depart, then we’ll consider it.”

  She grinned. They wouldn’t turn her down now. “Deal.”

  * * * *

  Sella got lucky. On the second day, the alignment point came into lion territory and was actually within her reach. Getting both of those conditions to work in her favor was a real fluke. Not wanting to break that streak, she had Malik retrieve her gear and asked Cavon to gather some diltha for settling her head and stomach when she passed to the other side. Most of the healing plant was in wolf territory, and she’d learned her lesson to stay away from those evil creatures.

  It wasn’t fair that the men would recover in a matter of hours once they got to Spirit while she’d feel like crap for a day or two if her body was in good shape. This was going to be a once-in-a-lifetime event, and she was going, no matter how bad she felt afterward.

  Cavon stood near a patch of trees that looked like every other copse. “Ready?”

  She inhaled a deep breath. The adventure of it all thrilled her. Would it be like the television shows, or would it be just another form of reality—the same but a bit differ
ent? She couldn’t see the alignment point, but the men could sense the heat as soon as they shifted. She followed the two lions and stayed close behind. It didn’t take a genius to know she was in a different place. The temperature dropped from balmy to freaking freezing in a matter of seconds.

  “Wait. I need to put on some warmer clothes.”

  By the time she got out the winter gear her flesh had prickled with bumps. She’d already donned the hot jeans and boots over in Anterra, but now she was glad she’d put them on. She wasn’t sure what to do with the empty trash bag once she emptied it, so she wadded it up and stuffed it in her pocket. While the men might be warmer being lions, if anyone saw them, there would be questions. She had the combination to the storage unit where she could give them clothes, but it was a long way to walk in just a loincloth.

  “If we see anyone, you two will have to hide.” If tourists spotted two mountain lions, tame though they were, the people would freak. She wasn’t sure how she’d explain them. No one would believe they were shifters, but they probably wouldn’t believe they were pets either.

  “Lara said just to follow the path, and I’ll end up at the ski lift. When we get close you two should head downhill and meet me at the bottom.” It sucked that they couldn’t talk back. They could communicate with each other, just not with her.

  Sella continued along the path, but she worried about getting down using the lift. Lara had told her how the ski lift worked, but until she actually saw it running, she wasn’t sure she’d be able to jump on without tumbling forward.

  Voices sounded. Crap. She turned to tell Malik and Cavon to go, but they were already out of sight. She kept forgetting about their extraordinary sense of smell and hearing.

  “Good luck,” she said to the air.

  Trusting she remembered all of the instructions, she trekked down the path. When she came to the three-way fork, she smiled. This was where Lara had gone when Taryn and Kellum happened upon her. So far, so good. Two people, a man and a woman, came toward her. To confirm she was on the right path, she stopped them. “Excuse me. Is this the way to the ski lift?”

  The woman smiled. “Yes. It’s about an hour walk. You can’t miss it.”

  “Thanks.” That was easy. People here were the same as those in Anterra—friendly and helpful.

  When she got to the ski lift, Sella stayed on the edge of the forest and watched how people got on and off. Almost everyone got off and then skied downhill.

  You can do this.

  She’d come for an adventure, and right here, right now, marked the start of something wonderful.

  Chapter Two

  Sella didn’t know why opening a combination lock had to be so difficult, but she was glad between her and the two men they were able to unlock the storage unit. Inside was a wealth of Earth items. One box contained cash, and two others were labeled either women’s clothing or men’s clothing. Lara had basically given any Anterran who wanted to come to Spirit the chance to visit in comfort. In the past, men would either look through Dumpsters or steal clothes off the clothesline, which meant arriving during the winter months hadn’t been practical.

  She almost didn’t want to leave the warmth of the unit, but life beckoned. Both Malik and Cavon had been to Spirit several times and thankfully knew the lay of the land. She had no idea what to do with all these aboveground buildings.

  Malik pressed his hands down his jacket and posed in his new outfit. “What do you think?”

  “You’re just fishing for a compliment.” She loved his carefree attitude.


  He sure did look good in Earth clothes. No one would guess he was a shifter. In fact, she wouldn’t be surprised if a few of the people mistook him for a television actor. “You look very Earthlike.”

  “Hmm. I’ll have to remember to thank Lara for the clothes. I hope we can bring some of these back with us. Next time it will be easier to dress before we pass through.”

  “Amen.” If she ever wanted to return, any one of the men could escort her and not have to worry about what to wear.

  Both men stepped outside of the unit and waved her out. “High-Country Inn is only a few blocks away.”

  Sella inhaled and slipped a hand in her pocket to make sure she hadn’t lost the letter of introduction. Lara said that if Amy was busy and couldn’t talk to her right away that she should wait in the lobby and people-watch. She loved that idea.

  As soon as they relocked the unit, she bounced up and down, partly to keep warm and partly because she was so damned excited. The cars whizzing by bothered her, and the noise was louder than what she was used to, but with her two bodyguards walking on either side she felt safe.

  They’d told her that as soon as she got settled she might not see them for a while. They didn’t have to tell her what they’d be doing. They wanted a mate, at least for a while. For some reason, they’d never found a woman in Anterra who excited them, but perhaps they’d never found a woman who thought she could handle two large men.

  Sella barely remembered the walk. Everything fascinated her. The fact people were walking close together in a line down the street was strange but neat. The only thing she’d change was to get rid of the cars. When the mode of transportation went on a rail, it was easier to keep a proper distance.

  “This is it. The High-Country Inn.”

  The structure was huge, beautiful, and tall. She inhaled, and the three of them walked inside after opening a large glass door. Her breath caught at the grandeur. She wanted to dash around and touch everything, but she forced herself to tamp down her enthusiasm. Inside, it smelled of pine, and the rich scent reminded her of home.

  Malik leaned over. “Go do your magic, room wizard.”

  She laughed. People stood in front of a counter, and Lara had told her that was where she’d find Amy. Sella slipped off her coat as she was now quite warm and handed it to Malik to hold. After waiting in line for a good five minutes, it was her turn to get waited on.

  “I’m looking for Amy Thornton.”

  “May I help you with something?”

  The girl’s nametag read Lydia. “My sister-in-law is a good friend of Amy’s and said I should speak with her personally.” She pulled a letter out of her pocket and handed it to the girl. “Perhaps you could give this to her. It explains everything.”

  “Absolutely.” Sella liked her warm smile.

  The woman disappeared. A moment later, a short, pretty woman came rushing out from the side. She glanced around. That must be Amy. Sella walked over to her. “Amy?”


  “Hi. I’m Sella, Lara’s sister-in-law.”

  Amy threw her arms around her as if they’d been the best of friends. “How is Lara?”


  Amy squealed. “Oh, my God. Come into my office. I want to hear everything. How is she feeling? Is she happy?”

  Sella could hardly catalogue all of the questions. She looked behind her. “I’m with two friends.” She nodded to Malik and Cavon. With the amount of Amy information wanted, she might be an hour, and it wouldn’t be fair to the men to have to stand around.

  Amy looked over at them and stared. Sella had forgotten her two friends often had that effect on women. So that she didn’t get the wrong idea, she dropped the S-bomb. “They’re shifters, too, just like Lara’s husbands.” Lara had shared everything with Amy after her first stint in Anterra.

  “Shifters?” She fanned herself. “Oh, my. Lara told me how gorgeous her two husbands were, but I bet they don’t compare to these men.”

  “My brothers are good looking, too.” She didn’t want to have this conversation out in the open, and Amy seemed too startled to remember she’d offered her office. “Can we talk somewhere more private?”

  Amy turned a light shade of pink. “Yes, yes. Please bring your friends with you. We don’t want them to get lonely.” She glanced again at Malik and Cavon. “They are just friends, right?”

  Sella laughed. “Yes, and ve
ry single.” And looking for a mate willing to accept their lifestyle. She waved for the men to follow.

  They spent the next half hour catching up, and Cavon and Malik added their story tidbits.

  “I can’t tell you how happy I am to finally get some closure on Lara. I’m thrilled she is doing so well. I guess with the baby on the way she wouldn’t be able to get over here anytime soon, right?”

  She acted like making the trip was simple. “No. It’s very hard on the body.” Good thing she’d taken her diltha or she would have been worse off, she bet. “The baby might be harmed in the process.”

  Amy’s eyes widened. “We couldn’t have that.” Amy finally stood. “Let’s get you settled in your room then.”

  “I have Lara’s credit card to get the men a room, too.” They’d spoken a bit about her needing a job, but Amy hadn’t committed. As long as she had the credit card, she figured she’d be okay for a while.

  “Perfect.” She winked at both men then turned back to her. “While you need to be licensed to bartend, how do you feel about serving drinks? Would that work?”

  If Amy was giving her a room, Sella wanted to pull her weight. “I’d love that.”

  “The waitresses wear black pants and a High-Country Inn T-shirt that I’ll give you. Oh, and wear comfortable shoes.” She glanced from one side to another. “Do you understand how our money system works?”

  “Lara has explained it, but someone will have to show me how to swipe a credit card.” The Anterran system might not be anything like the Earth one. For a moment, her nerves got the best of her. Maybe she was taking this too fast. “Unless it’s too much trouble.”

  “Not at all. I’ll instruct our bartender to help. I won’t give him any specifics other than to say you come from abroad.”

  She wasn’t sure where that was, but if the bartender believed it, that worked for her. She couldn’t believe how smoothly this transition was going. Without Lara’s connections, she’d have been lost.

  * * * *


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