Alphalicious Billionaires Box Set

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Alphalicious Billionaires Box Set Page 32

by Lindsey Hart

  “But- this is different. I- how are you going to tell them that we don’t even know each other and that I’m pregnant? I- I didn’t think this through. I could cost my friend her job if people find out what happened. I haven’t even told my family yet. They don’t know anything about this.”

  Ross hesitated. “Well- if no one knows then it really leaves it up to us to forge whatever path we want.”

  “Uh- like- just- just lie to everyone?”

  Ross’ lips quirked up. “I was thinking more like making something up so that your friend doesn’t lose her job and we don’t get looked at like we’re crazy. We can say that we had a one-night stand. We were buzzed.”

  “That makes us sound horribly irresponsible.”

  “Okay, so we were horny and we hooked up and this was the end result.”

  Teela’s face heated up a thousand degrees. Her va-jay-jay just happened to be on board with that whole getting hot routine because suddenly she was hot and shivery in all the wrong spots. Just because Ross said horny. Who says horny anymore? That heat is not my fault. He’s the one talking dirty. How the hell am I supposed to respond? It’s just biology. Just basic biology. Nothing else.

  “Uh- that still sounds incredibly irresponsible.” She glanced around and finally took a step towards the couch. When she sunk down, she felt a little better. Not so unprotected, hovering in the middle of the room. Not so- hot- since she was able to slam her thighs together to keep the heat from spreading.

  “No one is going to ask us anything about that. Uh- protection- fails all the time.” Surprisingly, and a little endearingly, Ross’ cheeks turned a little pink. He ruffled his hair, which was obviously a nervous gesture, but god, it was sexy when it was mussed. It was sexy un-mussed too.

  Okay, so now she was thinking about protection. And Ross. And them using protection. And everything that entailed. That heat was back, so fiery hot it consumed her entire body and no amount of pressing her legs together was going to help. Her who-ha was singing a happy song, a very happy song, a very happy inappropriate song. Her nipples tightened. They were practically cutting right through her shirt.

  “Uh- okay- well- once we get over the embarrassment of living that down, I guess your plan could work.” She rearranged her hands in her lap so she didn’t have to look at him. It was hard to get the words out of her too-dry throat. “I- my parents will die of horror and then they’ll die of happiness. My mom wants grandchildren and my sister isn’t going to give them any anytime soon.”

  “I’m my parent’s only hope,” Ross admitted. “I was pretty much their miracle child. My mom had given up on having kids. She had me when she was forty-two. I was, uh- I guess I still am, one of those horribly spoiled single child kind of person.” He laughed softly and that velvet rich sound had Teela’s insides clenching and unclenching. There may have been certain spots- spots she pointedly ignored- that got a little damp too. Or a lot. Too much. Far too much.

  Teela shook her head. She still didn’t look at Ross, who was standing in the middle of the living room. She was afraid of what would happen if she did. “So- everyone will be happy then?”

  “Probably. Even if we don’t know each other, it would cover everything. My parents will like you. I promise.”

  “Even though you’re their only son and all their hopes hinge on you?”

  He laughed softly again. He really, really needed to stop that sexy chuckle because it was dangerous. “Especially because I’m their only son. They both know that I’m dead set against ever being in a relationship again and that pretty much meant a no-go on having grandkids. I think they thought that I’d come around eventually because they’re optimists at heart, but I had zero plans on ever finding someone to build a family with. They’re going to be over the moon because really, no matter how that baby got up in there, it’s their grandkid and that’s all that matters.”

  Ross laughed softly again, probably because he’d just said up in there and it created yet another flood south of the border. He must have perfected that laugh over the years. Being an only child, he probably knew just what it took to get what he wanted. His easy charm was totally infectious, and it had taken Teela about three seconds to go from hating the guy to actually… what? Liking him?

  Teela took a fortifying inhale. I have to stop reacting like this. “How- how did you change your mind anyway? About- about this? One minute you didn’t want to believe me. You didn’t want anything to do with this baby and then- then the next you were knocking at my door at midnight, telling me you’d changed your mind.”

  When Ross didn’t immediately answer, Teela dared to glance up. He was studying her, a hint of a smile turning up his lips. His eyes shone and he was so… so- so handsome, so panty-melting, ovary combusting, dangerously charming kind of handsome, that she had to look back down before that look on his face got her pregnant a second time. Was it possible to conceive two babies- twins at different times? Probably. Teela thought she actually remembered reading something like that somewhere, but it was within days of each other, not months. Still, she was sure she wasn’t safe.

  “I…” Ross trailed off. He seemed like he was fighting for the right words.

  She had to look up, and when she did, she was hit with those gorgeous blue eyes that never failed to send shivers up her spine and turn her inside out. Her heart started a wild thumping- or rather- kicked up a few more notches from the crazy beating it was already doing.

  Ross took a step forward and then another and one more. Teela froze. She couldn’t move. Couldn’t get up and run away like she should have. She was trapped and then Ross was sitting right beside her and she had absolutely no walls built up to defend against him and those damn eyes and that look on his face, all tender and soft, like he had no walls either, or that they’d crumbled somehow, in the past few minutes.

  He reached out and set a hand on her knee. The heat from his touch went right to the juncture of her thighs. Something wild and unknown spread through her veins.

  “Because you only have one chance to do the right thing. If I didn’t, I knew I’d regret it for the rest of my life. I might not have expected this. I might not have wanted this- exactly- but- but it happened, and I had a choice. I knew I had to man up and make the right one. Not everyone in the world is out to get me. That baby in there, in you, it’s innocent. It’s mine. It’s my son or my daughter and I couldn’t turn my back and walk away from my own child. No matter what.”

  “Well…” Teela said breathlessly. “I guess- that’s- as- as a good a reason as any…” she trailed off because Ross was looking at her and the look was so intense it stole her breath and made her palms sweat. It felt like her boobs were sweating. Like everything was sweating.

  And then his hand shifted up from her knee, up to her jaw and time stood still. The world around her stopped. No guy had ever looked at her that way. She’d never seen anything close to whatever was burning in Ross’ eyes. He looked at her like he actually saw her. Not through her. Not for what she could give him. Not as a thing, as an object, as something to be taken and conquered and broken.

  Electricity sizzled in the air between them. She forgot all about steaks and BBQ and SUV’s and whatever else, including the reason she was there in the first place. It was just Ross. Ross and her and his carved cheekbones and his chiseled jaw and his beautiful lips. It was just the tension between them, thick and charged with desire and temptation.

  It was just the humming in her veins, anticipation.

  Before she even fully realized what was happening, Ross tilted her chin up and he brought his face down and then he was kissing her, claiming her, capturing her mouth with his in the first real, true, honest to god kiss she’d ever had in her lifetime.



  He’d kissed a few women in his lifetime. Okay, it was more than a few. He was on the more experienced side of the spectrum, but he’d never felt anything like that kiss before.

  Kissing Teela was like b
eing hurtled into another universe. His balls drew up so tight they nearly cut off his air supply and his groin was on fire and his cock was tenting his jeans, so hard it was like a steel rod in his pants.

  Teela pulled away. “Uh- that was…” her eyes were wide and shiny and her voice as raspy and sexy and breathless.

  “Not very good?”

  “Yeah,” she breathed. “Definitely not good at all. You probably shouldn’t ever kiss me again. You shouldn’t kiss anyone again.”

  “But practice makes perfect.”

  “Not in this case. In this case, you’re hopeless.” Her bow lips arched up into a perfect smile and god, he needed to kiss her again. He needed to do more than that. Her eyes were heavy, her lashes sweeping low and the look on her face said that she wanted to do it again too.

  He was no knight in shining armor but hell if he was going to leave a lady in distress. His hand curled around her delicate shoulder and the heat of her skin burned into his palm sending shivers skittering up and down his arms, his spine, his legs, his cock. He brought his lips back to hers and suddenly he was kissing her again and she was kissing him back and the world was spinning out of control.

  Life was supposed to be about ruts. It wasn’t supposed to be about explosions and sparks and a violent throbbing pain threatening the life of his balls and his dick. Life was about finding someone you could live with. It wasn’t about keeping the magic alive.

  He’d firmly believed that because he’d never felt that mysterious magic that movies and books and mushy romantic people talked about. Ross never felt it once. It was like a unicorn for him. Sex was like a- a trance or something. Like a routine. He found someone because he was horny, and everyone said you were supposed to find someone because that’s how life went. He’d take that someone out, have a good night, fork over ex number of dollars for a good time, bring things back to his place, or maybe hers, scratch the itch, and move on. Sometimes that played out on repeat until things went south and got shitty and made him sorry he’d ever made an attempt at it in the first place. He’d hold out, tell himself he learned his lesson before he repeated the process all over again. Eventually, it happened so many times, the whole jaded thing set in and he’d decided to break from the cycle once and for all.

  And then, Teela.

  She wasn’t some stupid cycle. She wasn’t like anyone he’d ever met. Her lips were so soft and her body was so responsive, leaning into his touch and he was palming her breast, and god, she had the most amazing breasts, and she tasted like paradise and mint and what the heck was she doing with her tongue to his tongue?

  Ross’ heart was pounding out of his chest and whatever Teela was doing with her tongue made his cock hurt because he was so fucking hard already and suddenly he was settling her back against the couch and he was leaning over on top of her and his shirt had disappeared and she was running her hands down his chest, breathing hard.

  “How are you so sculpted?” she rasped, and that question made his ego- and a few other choice places- do the happiest of happy dances.

  His happy stick jammed into her thigh and since she was wearing leggings, there was little doubt as to the shape or feel of him, even through his jeans. Her hips arched upwards and he should have used his brain and done some thinking because letting her fumble with the button on his jeans while her hips ground into him wasn’t going to help anything between them.

  He should have done some thinking but his jeans were open and Teela’s warm hand was reaching into his boxers and she was squeezing his shaft and running her fingers up and down his length and holy shit, she was good at what she was doing and he was done with thinking.

  He wanted what he wanted. It had been a damn long time and never like this.

  Lightning only struck once, and he’d never been struck before. He might never be struck again.

  Teela’s hand did things to his body that should have been illegal, it was that good.

  The warning bell going off in his head was shut right down when her hand dipped a little lower and cupped his balls.

  “We should stop,” he managed to grind out, though it took a massive amount of effort.

  Teela’s hand shifted from his balls back to his shaft. She caressed him and he saw stars. “You’re right,” she panted. “You’re probably not very good at this. It would probably feel terrible.”

  “Terrible?” He was almost irritated before he realized she was joking. Her wry smile let him know that she had a devious side, and damn, he liked it. “Is that a challenge?”

  “No. It shouldn’t be.” She kept right on stroking his cock. “I just haven’t done this in a long time. I was done with men, but people have urges and I swear these hormones only make it worse.”

  She pumped his cock and damn it, he was going to last like half a minute more if she kept on doing that. Desperate to get under her skin the way she’d got under his, he slid down, away from her hand before he went off like a bomb and peeled her leggings and her panties away. She let out a little gasp, but instead of kicking at him to get him away from her, which would have likely been better for them both, because what the hell were they doing anyway, she kicked out of her leggings and spread her legs and sweet God, she was gorgeous. Her pussy was perfect. The most perfect pussy on the planet. She was smooth and glistening and so ready for him.

  “You’re probably one of those people who doesn’t make a sound. Who comes internally and leaves a guy wondering if you even came at all.” He hooked an arm underneath her knee, spreading her further apart while he dropped his head right to where he wanted to taste her. He’d always thought foreplay was overrated, but this- this was the real deal.

  “You probably only give head because you expect it back. You look like you might need some practice- oh… oh… yes, definitely… p-practice.”

  Teela’s fingers curled in his hair. Her nails bit into his scalp as his tongue swept over her folds. She was so wet and so, so sweet. The sweetest pussy he’d ever tasted in his life. She moaned when he dipped lower, finding her entrance. He knew she’d be tight. So gloriously tight, but he brought his finger there anyway and put it inside of her. Her inner walls clenched around him and it might as well have been his cock they were clenching on because the damn thing bobbed and throbbed and his balls tingled like all that action was happening to them.

  “Oh, god, you definitely suck at this,” Teela moaned as he skimmed over her clit while he worked her gently with his finger.

  His cock was sending some desperate messages, aching to be inside of her, but he ignored it for the moment.

  “You’re not doing it right at all.” Teela’s hips bucked up into his face while he teased every single inch of her. “Not- at- oh- oh- please… not- at all- yes, right there.”

  She’d definitely proved him wrong on the whole being quiet thing and as her words trailed off and her little whimpers of pleasure took over, it was clear that she was so close, right near the edge. Her inner muscles were already clenching around him and her hips were slamming into his face and she was wet, so deliciously wet all over his mouth, his lips, his chin.

  Because he was an asshole, but also because he couldn’t wait another minute for her release before he himself lost his load all over his expensive leather couch, he withdrew and inserted two fingers together while he suckled her clit unmercifully.

  He’d never really been that into giving head. It was okay. Sometimes he even enjoyed himself, but this… this was like an out of body experience. Teela came hard on his fingers, on his tongue, on his mouth. She arched her back and cried out while her body throbbed and pulsed and shook beneath him. Her hands scrabbled at his scalp, his shoulders, anything, while she bucked and writhed and all of a sudden, his cock was kicking, spurting his own release half on Teela’s leg, half on the couch, half on his own jeans.

  A shriek filled up the house.

  Ross raised his head in time for every single person’s worst nightmare to come true. His mother stood there, her mouth hanging open.<
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  He dove for the only thing he could think of to cover himself, which was Teela’s leggings that they’d stripped away. He tried to throw them over her while she let out an embarrassed shriek and nearly kneed him in the balls. He tried to pull up his jeans and his mom slapped a hand over her eyes and whirled.

  Thundering footsteps sounded in the kitchen and his dad made a fast entrance into the room while his mom uttered blasphemous curses about sweet jesus this, sweet jesus that, mary save her this, something about god too. He was swearing and Teela was starting to cry while she fumbled with her clothes, and in the middle of it all, his dad’s words cut through the chaos right before he slapped a hand over his eyes.

  “Get the extinguisher! The barbeque is on fire!”



  “Heaven save us!” The older lady, who could only be Ross’ mom, since they shared the same eyes and nose and complexion, muttered as Ross finally got his jeans adjusted and took off racing after his dad. “Who on earth are you?”

  Ross’ steps thundered past the room. In his hands was a red canister, the fire extinguisher, Teela realized through the fog of horror clouding her entire world. Why did her luck always have to be so terrible? Why did the most amazing orgasm known to man- er- woman, have to have the world’s most mortifying ending. She wished the couch would open up and swallow her, but no sinkholes emerged.

  “She’s having my baby, mom,” Ross yelled as he disappeared towards the kitchen.

  Animated male voices drifted back into the stunned silence of the living room. Teela had to close her eyes. Tears were stinging the bridge of her nose and a few had already leaked out. Closing her eyes did nothing to keep them from falling.

  She opened them, glanced down at the couch, and when she noticed a wet puddle which may or may not have been from her, but was questionable either way, she quickly shoved her leg over the spot, hiding it from Ross’ mom before she saw it. Could it get any worse?


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