Veiled In Darkness

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Veiled In Darkness Page 4

by Valerie Twombly

  Eli stared at his leader then back at the demon. “How do you intend to help us?”

  “I know how to dig for the information. Who to ask where the child might be. If you two start asking questions…” He snorted. “You’ll get nowhere fast. Besides, I have friends in low places. Some very close to Lucifer and several who wouldn’t mind finding a way to hurt him.”

  Tegan looked to Lyzander and Seph. “Call in reinforcements and clean this shit up.” He jerked his head to Eli. “To the back room where we can talk, and Michael, you’ll join us.” The demon only raised a brow but didn’t argue. Instead, he grabbed his beer and followed, shoving a busted chair out of his way. When the three stepped into the small banquet room in the back, Tegan slammed the door.

  “Okay, we need a plan.” Eli pulled out a chair and turned it around, straddling it. Michael and Tegan followed suit.

  “So before I help you, why do you want this information anyway?” Michael asked.

  “The Angel of Death is my daughter and his mate,” Tegan jerked his head in Eli’s direction.

  “Huh, no shit. That’s the chick who Lucifer’s been trying to break.”

  Panic did a flip in Eli’s stomach, and he nearly retched. Sure, he knew Lucifer had been torturing Ashley. Had even seen her memories of it, but this was like tossing gasoline on an already burning fire. That shit went up like a freaking inferno, and there was no putting it out.

  “You will not refer to her as ‘the chick’ or I’ll rip your fucking head off,” Eli growled.

  Michael lifted the corner of his mouth and revealed a thick fang. “Like you could do any worse to me than that fucking bastard has already. Take a damn number.”

  Eli sympathized with the demon. This guy had lost his mate, same as Eli. The only difference was Ashley was still alive, and damn, he hoped she stayed that way.

  “So what’s your plan anyway––once you find the kid, that is?” Michael asked.

  Eli looked to Tegan. “Do we blackmail? The kid’s life in exchange for Ashley’s contract to be broken?” He had a slight twinge of guilt. After all, they were talking about a child. But then he remembered who the kid’s father was.

  “What the hell else would you do with the brat?’ Michael asked.

  “Right. So Michael, do you have a plan?” Tegan jumped up and paced. He always wore a path in the floor, or blew holes in shit when pissed. Right now––between Eli’s and Tegan’s moods combined––something had to give, and only the Maker knew what.

  The demon shrugged. “Lemme go back home and I’ll see what I can dig up. I’ll meet you back here tomorrow night?” Tegan nodded and Michael vanished in a poof of black smoke.

  Eli groaned. “I’m still not sure I trust him, but I guess we have no choice.”

  “Something tells me he’ll deliver.”

  “I hope you’re right.” Eli wasn’t sure how long he could stand having Ashley away from him.


  Michael adjusted the silver chain around his neck, letting his fingers slip downward to stroke the four fangs that dangled there. Memories of his beloved Thrassa being mauled by the beast shot through his mind. He’d learned of Lucifer’s orders to kill his mate after she refused the demon king’s advances, only he had come too late to save her. His anger had mingled with soul-shredding heartache, and he’d lost his mind. Now all he had to show were the fangs he’d ripped from the beast’s jaw. He’d become a legend in Hell. Not many could boast they’d killed a black, armored beast.

  Whispers among the demon world were Lucifer had placed a rather large bounty on him. Every time he entered, he had to watch his back. He’d left his people and became a loner, for fear they would face Lucifer’s wrath. He wrapped his hand tighter around the fangs and scanned the desolate landscape. There in the distance, he spotted her. She walked with a Hellhound at her side, and even he had to admit the sight of Death stirred something deep inside him.


  Hope that he’d finally be able to make Lucifer hurt.

  He watched the two for several minutes before he vanished. Moments later, he stood outside the fallen’s door. Knocking wasn’t a courtesy in Hell, so he simply turned the handle and shoved the door open.

  “I assume you have word?” The female voice asked from the darkness. Michael stepped inside, focusing on the single burning candle in the center of the table.

  “I do, but you need to show yourself before I spill.” For months, he’d allowed this female to nurture his hatred of Lucifer. Fuel his anger while she promised the start of the prophecy.

  There will come a day when the true one reveals herself. The guilty shall cause the rise of two empires and a new unity.

  Michael wasn’t sure what it really meant, but the fallen one swore the Angel of Death was the answer to their prayers. The only one who could bring back balance. Good and evil had gone unchecked for far too long, and now evil ran rampant.

  “So you believe now that Ashley is the chosen?” The angel stepped forward, and several candles flared to light the room.

  “I’ve seen her. Spoken to her mate.” He watched her move closer to him. Her breasts were encased in a black corset, and matching leather pants clung low on her hips. Her dark hair was pulled back to reveal a porcelain complexion that contrasted against her black lips.

  “She heads this way?”

  “Yes. Now, tell me how you know she’s the one.” He’d seen her wings, and while she had the markings, it didn’t mean she would bring the prophecy.

  “Sit.” She gestured to a chair. “It’s time you learned that Ashley is my granddaughter. Her fate was planned before her conception.”

  Michael listened with great intent as she told how the Angel of Death had come to be. The care and planning… The sacrifices made so that everything would lead to this.

  “I must bring her mate here so the next step can be fulfilled. Then you will help to train her.”

  He shook his head. “I know nothing of the power she wields. I’m a fighter.” His species of demon carried little magic.

  “She will need to learn to fight as well. Besides, you know every demon’s weakness.”

  It was true. Being a hunter in the Underworld did lend itself to knowledge of one’s enemies. He’d worked for Lucifer himself and gathered a vast amount of information while in the demon king’s palace. It was something he tried hard to forget and Michael blamed himself for his mate’s death.

  “I’ll do whatever it takes to bring the prophecy to completion. However, I’m not sure what it really means.”

  The angel stared at him; her green eyes flared with determination. “In simple terms, it means Lucifer has pressed his luck one too many times. His rule will be overshadowed by one stronger than him.”

  He nearly stumbled backward from the force of what she’d just said. “Are you telling me your granddaughter is more powerful than Lucifer?”

  A slow smile curled across her black lips. “Not at the moment. However, it won’t take much to unlock her full power and when it happens… Well, Hell will literally break loose.”

  He lifted a brow. “You’re holding something back.”

  “Soon enough you’ll understand. The revenge you seek against the demon king is minuscule in comparison to the punishment about to be meted out for his crimes.”

  Ashley waited for Wraith, her nerves stretched tight and ready to snap. She had no idea what to expect from Sherease. Certainly not a grandmotherly hug and home baked cookies. What did a fallen angel, who’d lived in Hell, actually look like? Wraith’s words stuck to her like Velcro. She’s batshit crazy. She glanced over at Talina who fidgeted with a pack, shoving food and water into it.

  “You ready?” Wraith jerked her out of her thoughts. She gave him the once over. His long, gray body was thick with muscle and covered with scales. His head came to her waist and the wide muzzle, along with the hard angles of his skull, made him look angry. Deep, red eyes stared back at her. Unlike the hound who had attacked her, Wraith’s he
ld a kindness to them.

  “Yes.” She’d donned a pair of jeans, tank top, and boots. A dagger strapped to one thigh, just in case.

  “Why don’t you get it over with and ask?”


  “About the hound who attacked you,” he stated calmly.

  Her pulse quickened at the remembrance, and she chewed her bottom lip. “D-did you know him?”

  “He was my uncle. Lucifer sent him to kill you, though why I’m not sure.”

  She swallowed the lump, but it refused to budge. Would Wraith seek retribution? The fact that the hound who had come after her was a relative had never occurred to her. “I’m sorry.” What the hell else did she say?

  “Don’t worry. Lucifer is responsible for his death. He’s the one who sent my uncle after you and used the hound’s family as hostages. His mate and six pups, all dead by the bastards hand.”

  Her stomach churned like the tar pits Lucifer used to torture the servants who failed to please him. Was anyone safe from his wrath? Clearly not, and why had he wanted her dead? Had he known then who she was?

  “As you can see once again, his enemies are many, and you need to do whatever it takes to bring him down.” Wraith’s voice was so cold, it sent a shiver up her spine.

  “Mistress, you must find a way to protect yourself,” Talina urged, bringing her out of the fog she’d been in.

  No kidding. She was quickly learning just how cruel and heartless the demon king was.

  “Did you tell Lucifer where you were going?” Wraith asked.

  “Hell no!”

  “What if he calls on you?”

  “I told him you and I were going to do some training. I said you were taking me out to toughen me up. He seemed pleased.”

  Wraith snorted. “Of course he would. Now, touch the top of my head.”

  “Um, what for?” She was hesitant. After all, she’d never petted a Hellhound.

  He shook his massive noggin. “I’m not asking you to pet me. Lay your palm on my head, and I’ll zap us out of here. I can get us to the outer regions, and after that we make our way on foot.”

  “Oh. Okay.” She did as instructed, and the room faded into blackness around them. Thick darkness squeezed her, and the heavy aroma of suffering––she could have gone her entire life without the knowledge that souls who suffered reeked like decaying flesh––caused her gut to roll. It was a smell she would never grow used to. When she was positive she couldn’t take anymore, the darkness released her and opened to reveal a barren landscape.

  Nothing except a rocky terrain, the remains from a long dead volcano, spread out before them. Enormous, jagged rocks littered the landscape, and one slip of the foot would cause serious pain if not death. The sky, a combination of obsidian and seasick green, was enough to make her stomach roll. A sudden streak of crimson lightning burned across the sky; it shot down and stabbed the ground with such force, the rock exploded into tiny fragments. Screams replaced the rumble of thunder.

  “What in the living hell?” Ashley cried out, nearly coming out of her skin.

  Wraith, in his usual fashion, laughed. “Death is scared of a little Hell storm?”

  “Is that what you call this shit?” No sooner had the words passed her lips than droplets of… Was that blood? It was red, but when it came into contact with the ground, it hissed and threw off steam. “Oh that doesn’t look good.” Luckily, the blood rain wasn’t coming down where they stood.

  “Well it will sting like a mother, but you’ll heal. We’ve no choice but to go into the storm.”

  She rubbed her arms as if it would help. “Can’t we wait it out?”

  The hound let out a long sigh. “You have so much to learn. It always storms in this place. There’s no waiting. No going around it. I told you this wouldn’t be an easy task. Do you want to go back?”

  She squared her shoulders. “No.” Then she looked to Talina. “I shouldn’t have brought you.”

  The girl smiled, her amber eyes lighting up. “Don’t worry about me, Mistress. I can enter the dream world and meet you on the other side.” In seconds, she was gone.

  “Okay. I’ve got more to worry about than questions now, so lead the way.”

  “As you wish.” Wraith stepped into the rain. Immediately, small wounds opened on his skin where the rain touched, but he made no sound. Didn’t even wince. Well, if the beast could take it then so would she. One foot in front of the other, she moved up beside him. The Hell rain pelted her and felt equivalent to boric acid being poured over her flesh. She bit her bottom lip so hard it began to bleed. Guilt riddled her as she witnessed Wraith’s flesh grow pinker, and then an idea came to her. There was no reason the hound should suffer. It might smart like a bitch but was worth a shot. She summoned her wings and spread them wide. The droplets hit and bounced off. No pain, no burns.

  “Ha! Look, my wings can shield you.”

  Wraith’s eyes widened. “Awesome!” He slid in close, under the protection of her left wing. While she wasn’t able to cover her entire body, she offered herself some relief by blocking the wind-driven rain.

  They made their way across shards of rock that crunched like glass under their weight. With every painful step they took, nothing changed. Not even the horizon. This shit seemed to go on forever.

  “How far till we reach the end?” No sooner had she posed the question than she saw Lucifer looming in the distance. Eli knelt at the demon king’s feet, a noose around his neck. “Oh my god!” She started to run but was held back by Wraith. She tried to jerk free of his magical hold but was stuck. “Let me go!” Her heart beat faster as Lucifer… Oh dear god, no.

  “Tell me what you see,” Wraith whispered.

  “What? You don’t see them?”

  “It’s a trick. This place finds your inner most fear and brings it to life.”

  “And you didn’t tell me this before…why?”

  “I can’t think of everything. Just ignore it and keep walking,” he said, his tone full of sarcasm.

  She glared and had to remind herself, she needed his help. When she looked back and took a step forward, Lucifer drew a sword and took Eli’s head clean off. She stifled a scream. Not real, not real. Only a bad nightmare. Sweat beaded on her brow and her parched throat nearly closed completely when Eli stood in front of her. His body transparent.

  “Why didn’t you stop him?” he asked, the look on his face one of sadness and disappointment. “You know what happens to an angel’s soul if they die in Hell?”

  Ashley rolled her lips into a tight line. Her body shook and sweat trickled down her chest then pooled between her breasts. “Wraith? What happens to an angel’s soul if they die here?”

  “It’s tortured for eternity. Demons would have a party with an angel here. Why?”

  “Lucifer just took my mate’s head, and now his soul is standing accusatory in front of me.”


  Ashley moved her wing, letting the rain pelt Wraith until his skin puckered. “You deserve that.” She marched forward. A Hellhound on one side and her mate’s screaming imaginary soul on the other. What a damn mess.

  While Eli waited for the rendezvous with Michael, he’d gone after a lead. Lyzander heard one of the Seven’s mates had been spotted in Daytona Beach of all places. Eli was willing to go. He needed to keep his mind off Ashley and maybe learn something about the bastard child as well. Perhaps even the one he hunted would have answers. He was willing to try and had no problem getting his hands dirty. His world was falling apart.

  Angels were scattered all over the place, trying to hide from Devon and his wicked brew. Trouble was nobody knew when—or if—they were exposed to the toxic mineral from Hell until it was too late. Even Eli didn’t know if he was safe from it. He’d fallen once, but that was his choice. Would he be immune now? There was no way to be certain.

  Several more of his brethren had succumbed to the darkness. Verek worked on rounding up as many of the fallen as he could find and convince
them to suffer through the pain and not feed. Once they did, it was over, especially since they far, Lucifer hadn’t sold the rest of his stash.

  No one knew why Lucifer hadn’t sold the rest of his stash. They were all holding their breath, wondering when it would happen. It was hard to trust anyone these days, considering the shape-shifting demons could take on a lost soul and transform themselves. Not even an ancient archangel could tell what they really were. Eli wasn’t sure if the person he was tracking was in fact an angel or a demon in disguise. Since the man had fled, however, he was going to assume the worst.

  Eli raised his face into the ocean breeze and let it blanket him in warmth. He opened his senses and did a sweep. The angel had passed this way not long ago. Eli let his senses follow the invisible trail and found himself standing in front of one of the local hotels. He cloaked himself to remain undetected. One major bonus of being a bounty hunter, special abilities allowed him to hone in on his target while they remained clueless. Only on rare occasions, when the one he sought was ancient, did he have trouble locating them.

  He pushed through the glass doors and stopped in the lobby. Only a few people were scattered among the chairs. A couple with two small children stood at the front check-in desk. He did a quick scan and confirmed they were all human. As he moved around a man reading a newspaper, he noticed a line in front of one of the restaurants. He caught the scent again. This time it was strong, and there was a good chance the angel he sought was inside. Eli slipped through the crowd and passed the hostess undetected. On the other side, he looked in both directions. His senses told him to go right. Skirting a waitress with a tray full of bacon and eggs, he checked the tables that were crammed full. One lone man sat in a booth by the window. Clueless, he stared out watching the people go by. Eli slipped in across from the man, letting his guard down only slightly. The man named Talbot turned toward Eli with a puzzled look on his face. He would be able to detect something, but wouldn’t know what the disturbance was.


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