My Melody (Downtown Book 3)

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My Melody (Downtown Book 3) Page 16

by West, TJ

  “No. I want you to climb in bed with me.”

  He can’t be serious. I chuckle, “Sorry, Sexy, not enough room.”

  “Don’t fucking care,” he grunts. “You’re here and I want you in bed with me.”

  Well, how on earth can I say no to a man in pain? I’d do anything for him, so I scootch my way on top of the bed and snuggle as close as possible. I turn on my side so he can put his arm around me and I can drape my arm across his chest. It’s pretty hard to get comfortable. “This is awkward and uncomfortable.”

  “You’re in bed with me. That’s all I care about.” I can feel and hear the beat of his heart. It’s the most soothing sound ever. We don’t talk for a few minutes, just catching a breath, savoring the moment. I don’t care how uncomfortable I am, I would be happy lying here with him for the rest of my life. He breaks the silence by saying, “I thought I’d never see you again. That picture of me and Scarlett. She set me up. Never wanted her to kiss me. So fucking pissed at her for doing that.”

  I am relieved knowing he wasn’t into that woman. I should have known, deep down, he was still loyal to me. “I don’t care about that anymore.”

  “I care,” he retorts. “I know what you must have thought.”

  I lean up on my elbow to look into his eyes, and sweep the hair away from his forehead. Even with all these scrapes and bruises on his face, he is still so fucking gorgeous. “I know it wasn’t real, Wayne. I know that now.” I crank myself up toward his lips and kiss him. His hold around my shoulders tighten; his other hand grasps onto my waist, squeezing my flesh. I know he’s in pain - I can hear it when he struggles to bring me up closer - but he’s willing to be in pain, while our mouths and tongues collide. Our kiss is heavy, yet soft and loving. Once our lips part I tell him, “I’m done running.”

  His brows furrow. “What are you saying?”

  “I’m saying…I’m done being afraid. I’m done fighting my feelings, my insecurities, my love for you. I almost lost you - for good - three days ago,” I shake my head. “I won’t waste anymore of my life without you. My dreams, future, and career are worthless, without you in it. I love you Wayne Priest. With all of my heart and soul, I love you. I want to have a forever with you, Rocker Boy.” I think I shocked him. His eyes widen and he’s become speechless. I have never expressed myself like this to anyone and he knows this. I wouldn’t profess my love to just anyone.

  He wipes a hand down his face, still in shock. “These drugs I’m on must be making me hear things. Did you just say you love me and want a forever with me?”

  I chuckle, “Yes I did, and it’s not the drugs.”

  “Thank fuck,” he exasperates. “‘Bout time, Sweetness.” I kiss him again, wanting to take him right here, right now, but that is totally insane, considering he has a leg in a sling and we’re on a very narrow hospital bed. His hand draws up to my face, taking our kiss deeper. Holy shit, I have missed him so much. Then without warning, he murmurs against my lips, “Marry me, Babe.”

  It was as if a train had hit me square in the face, throwing me across a field in a sea of cactus. The brakes in my head come to a screeching halt. I am stunned beyond words. “You are so fucking high. You did not just ask me to marry you.”

  “I think I just did,” he smirks. His fucking smirk! OMG. “And I know for a fact you’ll say yes.”

  I start to laugh, but it’s not out of sheer happiness. He is crazy! “Oh really? How’s that, mister alpha, control freak?”

  “Alpha? I love that.”

  He tries to nuzzle my neck but I won’t have it, so I pull away. “Shut up,” I huff. “We’re not getting married.”

  He chuckles, “Yes we are.”

  “No, we are not!” Even with his leg up in a sling, and being unconscious for almost three days, the grasp he has on my waist is still as strong as ever. Ugh, he is unbelievable!

  “Love making you mad. Too fucking adorable,” he seductively snickers in my ear. He then kisses the side of my head and continues to devour my neck again.

  I know what he’s trying to do, he’s trying to make me fall into his sexy spell. Mmm, that tiny butterfly kiss he just gave me, behind my ear, sent chills down my spine. “You need to concentrate on getting better, not getting married.”

  “Concentrate on both. You’ll help me get better by marrying me.”

  “Oh for fucks sake,” I huff, climbing off the bed. “I am going to check on my sister and the others.”

  “I’m not letting this go, Sweetness.”

  I know he’s not and it’s terrifying the daylights out of me. I just admitted I loved him, and want to spend every waking day with him, but marriage? Marriage is certainly not in my vocabulary. Looking at his face I know for a fact he’s not going to let this go. He’s as serious as they come.

  I bend down and give him another kiss before I head out. “I’ll be back.”

  “Okay,” he whispers. “So glad you’re here. Missed you like hell.”

  I melt from those words and tell him the same thing. “I’ve missed you too. More than you’ll ever know.” One more kiss for the road.

  Walking toward the door he shouts out, “You’re gonna marry me!” I give him the finger, and the sound of his laughter follows me as I leave the room.

  He is just too much, but I love him anyway.

  AFTER A WEEK OF BEING in that damn hospital bed, I was able to go home. Same with the guys, except for Lyric. She had to stay a few more days. She finally woke up, and was going to make a full recovery. Something we didn’t know about Lyric: her dad was none other than Donovan Crow, one of the biggest Hollywood actors around. Lyric goes by a different last name - Newton. My guess is she hid herself from the fame, because Crow is a definite douchebag. I don’t know all the details, but from what I’ve heard he wouldn’t let anyone in her room - that meant Slim. Slim wanted to stick around until she was discharged, but Crow ordered him away and took control. Slim went back home with the rest of us. He was pissed as hell, and had a right to be.

  A day after I had woken up, my parents went back home. They felt I was in good hands with the doctors, nurses, and most of all, Melody. I was awake, alert and would make a full recovery. My leg, on the other hand was going to limit me from a lot of shit I would normally do on my own. I was going to need tons of support when we got home. Mom and Melody would be there for me and that’s all I needed. Being taken care of by the woman I loved, and who loved me back, was going to be fucking epic.

  Hearing Melody say I love you….fuck, there was nothing like it in this world. Blew me the fuck away. Asking her to marry me had always been on my mind. The second her mouth wrapped around my cock, for the first time, I knew I needed to put a ring on her finger. No questions. She was, and is the woman for me. I know she’s scared about the future, but she’ll say yes. I know she will. She can’t live without me or my cock. She’s got it good and she knows it. We’re the perfect match made in heaven. I can’t, nor will I live without her ever again.

  We came home on a plane. June had private services for us, so we didn’t have to be bombarded by the media. We got so much publicity from this accident; the fans outside the hospital had candles lit for us, and camped out until we all left. It was amazing. We felt so much love and support from them. It was definitely a trip.

  It was so good to be home. Mom, Dad and Raquel greeted us when we arrived at the house. My sister wasn’t able to be there, she was called out on a case. I was hoping she’d make it, but I get it. She’s a top lawyer in her firm, and so when duty strikes, she’s there. I do miss her, though.

  There weren’t any paparazzi at the house, so the pressure of being caught in a huge cast was lifted off my shoulders. The paps haven’t figured out our location yet, and I hope to fuck it remains that way.

  Slim’s dad, Slim Sr., was also at the house. He was from Ireland, born and bred there. He came to the states after Slim was born and still had a thick accent. He was the coolest dude around. My parents were good friends with Slim Sr.
and came to Louisiana together. I was lucky to have them all in my life.

  We finally settle inside. I have crutches to get me around, but they are fucking annoying and hurt underneath the armpits. Hate having to use them. When I lay down on my bed, I am overly excited. “Can’t tell you how good it feels to be in my own fucking bed again!”

  “Wayne, Raquel is right outside this door. Keep the language to a minimal, please,” Mom tells me, as she’s closing my door.

  Totally forgot Raquel is in the house. “Sorry, Mom.” I chuckle, “Oops.”

  “You are a bad boy,” Melody laughs along with me.

  “Never said I wasn’t. Come here and give me a kiss before you go.” I wiggle my finger to my woman, to get her beautiful ass over to me. She complies, then climbs on the bed, wrapping her body around mine. I devour her mouth, moaning, “Mmm. God, I want you so bad. Fucking hate this damn cast.”

  “In due time, Sexy.”

  “You can still blow me, you know?”

  She laughs, “I know, and I will.”

  “Yeah? Tonight?”

  “Maybe,” she whispers against my lips. “If you’re a good little boy.”

  “I’m always a good little boy,” squeezing the bottom of her ass.

  We start kissing again, feeling each other’s bodies. It’s getting really hot in here. I need to fuck her so bad, my dick is raging against the material of my workout shorts.

  In the middle of making out, my door flies open. “Ew!!!! Cooties!” Raquel screams out, slamming the door behind her. We hear her telling my mom about her discovery, and get to laughing so hard our sides start to ache. That was some funny shit. Love that kid.

  “Damn, can you imagine when we have kids, we’ll never be able to have sex without someone barging in.” I’m still chuckling over it, when I glance at Melody. She’s on her back, frowning at me. “What?”

  She sits up and leans her back against the pillow. “First marriage, and now you’re talking about us having kids?”

  “You know it, Baby. Want everything with you,” I grunt, as I lift myself up to meet her eyes.

  “Wayne…we’re just getting used to the idea of being a couple. Slow down. Why are you rushing things?”

  “Because I almost fucking died on that bus, that’s why,” I tell her straight out. I wrap my hand around her head, holding her tight. “Never letting you get away from me again. Gonna have a life together, raise a family. Want all of that. With you.”

  “I don’t want to have kids.”

  “You’ll want them with me.”


  She has got to know I am dead serious. I’ve never wanted anything so bad. “Never been more serious in my life.” Her eyes are petrified. How can I make her relax? I’ll bring some charm into this conversation. “Plus, I have good genes. Can’t beat my looks, Baby,” I wink, with a smirk.

  Her shoulders slightly slump. “You’re impossible, you know that?”

  I caress her soft, pink cheek. “Another reason….you’re stunningly gorgeous. I want to have a little girl who looks just like her mama. Can’t imagine my life without seeing you swollen in the belly, with my baby,” my hand moves to the middle of her stomach. “A baby we would have created through hours of phenomenal, mind-blowing sex.”

  She quickly jerks my hand away from her body and climbs off the bed. I suddenly feel like this isn’t going to go my way. “Can we please step back for a minute?” She paces a few times, leaving me feeling worried. Hope she doesn’t slip away from me again. Don’t know what I’d do if that happened, again. Once she stops pacing, she sits back down on the edge of the bed. “I totally understand why you want to dive into this marriage and baby thing so quickly, but I am not there yet, Wayne. Give me time to process everything. I want to have everything with you too, just not right this second. I am possibly going to be signing with June any day now. That’s a huge step for me. I need to get my career going before we have this family you want so badly. Please.” Damn, if that didn’t just fucking hurt. I look down, not wanting her to see how disappointed she made me. “Don’t be mad.”

  “I’m not.” My eyes move back over to hers. “Just really disappointed.”

  She closes her eyes, clearly feeling guilty. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry. Need some rest, right now. Go on home, do some stuff, alright?” I scoot my way back to lying down.


  “Tired, Sweetness. I’ll be fine. Mom is right outside.” I’m done talking about this and she knows it. I really am tired, but having her here I won’t get any sleep. Need to be alone.

  “I’ll be back later.” She gives me a kiss, says she loves me and leaves to go home. When Harmony moved in with Danny, she left the condo available for Melody, just in case she came back.

  I feel like crap the second she exits my room. Am I being selfish for wanting so much from Melody? I know her career is about to explode, she’s wanted this her entire life. I won’t stop her from going for it. She needs this like it’s her next breath, but I also need her to become my wife. I want it before any of this takes place.

  I try to close my eyes, but memories from the accident keep me from falling asleep. I’ve had a hard time with the whole thing. I almost died. Cannot wrap that shit around my head. I was advised to have therapy - all of us were. Post traumatic stress disorder is nothing to fool around with. I’m going to take this shit very seriously and deal with it. June, being the lifesaver she is, already arranged for a shrink to make a house call and come by this week.

  Also, my leg is starting to ache again. I won’t take anymore pain pills. Ibuprofen is enough for me. Can’t handle taking strong shit to help the pain go away. I’ve never done drugs and I won’t start now. Melody left the bottle of Ibuprofen and a bottle of water on my nightstand. I take a few and settle back down.

  Melody. Even though I finally have her, she seems so far away from me. She’s the one person who is like a drug to me. I can’t have enough of her. I’m addicted to my woman; I want to drink her down like tequila, take her sideways, upside down, any position until I’ve had my fill. Yet, that will never happen. I’ll never have enough of her. She’s my very own personal pain pill.

  “Uncle Wayne,” Raquel makes her entrance. Was too caught up in my own thoughts, I didn’t even hear the door open. She walks over by the side of the bed and asks, “You look sad. Why you sad?”

  “I’m good, Princess. Just tired.”

  “Can I wead you a stowy?”

  I chuckle, “Absolutely.”

  “Be wight back!” She runs off to grab a book. If I can’t have my pain pill, my adorable niece is the second best medicine. She comes back holding her pink, glittery teddy bear and her book. She jumps on the bed and gets comfortable in the crook of my body. I hold her like she’s my own little girl. Her sweet, fresh bubble bath scent makes me want a kid all the more so. “Mommy weads this to me evwy night.” She opens her book, The Giving Tree, by Shel Silverstein and begins reading to me. I am so impressed with how well she can read now; she started reading at the age of three and hasn’t stopped since. There are a few words I help her with, but other than that, she’s got this.

  I applaud her once she ends the story. “That was amazing. You’ve gotten really good at reading. So proud of you, Princess.”

  “I love weading!”

  “And I love that you wanted to read to me.” I hold up her hand, kissing the back of it. “Thank you.”

  “Feel bettoe?”

  “Much better.”

  “Good! Cuz Gammy has cookies foe me!” She hops off the bed and makes a run for the door. She suddenly stops, turns around and asks, “You want some?”

  “You know I do.”

  Those damn cookies were da bomb, I had way too many. After Slim got out of the shower, he had a few too many as well. Mom was going to have to bake more. I wanted to get out of my bedroom, so Slim helped me get my crutches and led me to the living room couch. I had enough of being inside
my room, on a bed without Melody. What does that say about myself? I am a complete pussy if I can’t spend a few hours without her. Really hate being a pussy.

  Once settled on the couch, Mom gathers her things and walks over to me to say goodbye. “There are plenty of things in the fridge and freezer for you both. Oh, and I stocked your bathroom too.” I have the best mother. The things she has done for me and Amber…she has been such a rock in my life. Don’t know what I’d do without her. “You sure you’ll be okay, Honey?” She feels my forehead like I’m eight years old all over again.

  “Yeah, I’ll be fine.”

  “I know you will be. You have Melody to help you.”

  “What am I? Chopped corned beef?” Slim jokes, while chewing on another cookie.

  Mom laughs. “Never in a million years would I forget you, you sweet boy,” giving him a hug. “Okay, I’ll be going now. I will call you tomorrow.”

  “Sure thing. Thanks Mom.”

  “Yeah, thanks Mama P.”

  “Anything for my boys. Come on Raquel, lets get you home.”

  Raquel gives me the biggest hug, a sweet kiss on the cheek, and promises to read me another book soon. Love that girl. She’s the apple in my eye, and treasure every little thing she does for me.

  Once Mom and Raquel leave, Slim says, “I just ordered pizza. You wanna beer?” He digs inside the fridge and pulls out a couple beers. “Mama P. knows how to stock it.”


  “Okay, what kind of shit is on Netflix?” Slim pops open his beer, sits in the recliner and finds the remote for the TV.

  “Whatev. Don’t care,” I mumble.

  “I heard The Killing is a good series.”

  “Fine. Like I said, don’t care.” I chug down a few gulps of my beer and lay my head against the sofa pillow.

  “What’s eatin’ you, bro? You still in pain? You need something?”

  “I’m good. Calm down.”


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