A Man Who Knows What He Wants Box Set 5

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A Man Who Knows What He Wants Box Set 5 Page 13

by Flora Ferrari

  Chapter Six


  I step under the cold water needing a release. I’m so hard for her right now. I even “forgot” to shut the door incase she wants to try sneaking into my room again.

  I know it was her even though I didn’t see her. How do I know?

  I could feel her. Feel her presence around me.

  She’s not even wearing any perfume. She rarely does anyways. So it’s not like the scent of her perfume woke me up.

  Then again maybe my body can smell her natural scent now. As ridiculous as it sounds we’re all animals and I know I need to breed with her. It’s driving me crazy.

  Maybe she’s in the equivalent of heat. It sure appears that way from the way her nipples were rock hard when she took in the sight of me.

  I take my cock in one hand realizing that although I know I’ve got a big one, it’s never been this big. Never.

  She brings out the best in me, in more ways than one. She makes me want to be an even better man and she makes my heart beat even faster, pumping even more blood to my rod which gets me even harder and longer than I’ve ever been.

  But I won’t please myself. No false victories.

  I’m saving myself for her and only her. The real thing.

  And tonight at some point I know I’ll have an opportunity.

  All I need is for Vince to step away for a second and when I see her there under the light from the night sky I won’t be able to control myself, nor will I want to.

  I hear the front door open and quickly reach for my towel. I already took one shower today just a couple hours earlier. I’m good to go for awhile.

  I just needed to cool off. The aircon is working fine, but it’s doing nothing to control this heat that I’m feeling for her.

  Absolutely nothing.

  Chapter Seven


  Three hours later and tonight’s plans have changed entirely.

  Vince gets off early from work to tell us that Gail had two connecting hotel suites in Vegas with the absolute best view of tonight’s fireworks.

  Apparently her boss had booked the suite for a big shot doctor they were planning on wining and dining but at the last minute he decided he’d rather watch the fireworks in New York than Vegas. Talk about a lifestyle that a military man can hardly fathom.

  But the hospital’s supposed loss is our gain. Supposed because who wants to hire someone like that?

  Gail had been doing a great job at work so her boss gifted her the suites.

  Vince had hurried home to let us know so we could all drive up to Vegas in time to check in and enjoy the evening.

  When I asked him how it would all work out and if I needed to get my own room or something he just laughed.

  “No, you and Victoria can just crash in the other room. It has a bed and a pull out couch so you’ll each have a place to sleep.”

  He didn’t even seem to consider the idea that we might not want to sleep in separate places, or that we’d even want to sleep at all.

  But I know Victoria did. I could see it on her face when he gave us the news.

  Now it was on. It was only a matter of time.

  We’d have privacy, an incredible view, and time to devote completely to each other without worrying about whether Vince could see what we were up to or not.

  And when I got to Vegas and saw Gail something else clicked inside me.

  Gail was four months along. She had a certain glow to her. There was something about her and the way she looked now that she was carrying her first child. It wasn’t really something I could describe or even put into words. If I tried I would say it was like she found some sort of inner peace and was experiencing what life was really all about. Making a family with the one you love.

  Seeing her and Vince and knowing they were my same age made me feel like an old man. I’m only thirty, but I felt like time was slipping away as I watched how they interacted.

  And maybe that’s it. Maybe Vince didn’t have time to really even notice what his little sister was doing because he was so focused on what he was doing. There was definitely a lesson or two in there and the biggest takeaway for me was that Victoria and I should be doing the same thing.

  But as much as Vince didn’t seem to notice what was happening right underneath his nose between Victoria and I how would he actually react if something did happen and we told him…or he found out?

  That’s a whole other story.

  And that chapter would be written after dinner when we went back to the suites.

  As much as I was looking forward to the hamburgers and chocolate cake that Victoria was preparing back in Baker, it was better to be here. Here where she could enjoy the night too, not be in a position to entertain a guest.

  Correction. I still wanted her to entertain her guest, but I wanted to entertain her even more. Show her not just a good time, but an amazing time.

  And in the process give her a night she’d never forget.

  Chapter Eight


  In a way this was all happening so fast, but then again it wasn’t. I’d wanted Sean for so long that in a strange way it felt like we’d been together or connected in some way for years.

  It felt like more of one of those things where you set a far off goal and work and work and work for it and then when you get close all the dominoes fall quickly and you get that thing you’ve wanted for so long. At the last moment it almost comes so easily that you wonder why it took so much work to get to that point.

  And today has taken a whole lotta work. So many times I’ve wanted him. This morning outside. When I looked in on him in his bedroom. When we were driving I was so tempted to slide a hand around from the back seat and into his pocket as he sat in the passenger seat.

  I felt like a kid for wanting to do those kinds of things. Maybe because I never got a chance to do them, because I only ever wanted to do them with him. And he was the guy I’d always crushed on and now he was here. It was like part of my mind saw time move backwards four years and I could experience all those awkward high school first type romance things right here and now…with him.

  But I resisted. Knowing we had the hotel tonight in our back pockets made it all worth it.

  After a very nice sushi dinner at the hotel, which we had early so we could enjoy the fireworks, Gail started feeling a little off. We all went back to their room for about half an hour but eventual it got to the point where Vince recommended that Gail spend the rest of the evening relaxing, basically giving us the green light to “retire” for the night to our room.

  The dominoes were falling and they were falling fast.

  Sean stuck the keycard into the slot and the door to our adjoining room opened.

  As he stood back so I could step inside first I felt my heart race.

  Would he take me right here in the entryway?

  As much as I like the idea was that really the fantasy I had for my first time?

  He followed through the door behind me, placing his hand on the small of my back.

  I felt my muscles tighten as I leaned back basically willing his hand into my palm.

  But his hand slid off and then without any effort it continued along it’s path until finding my hand.

  His hand was so much bigger than mine. I could fit my entire hand in his and it brought a feeling of safety and comfort over me.

  He was a big strong man to begin with and add in the fact that he was trained in the military for all kinds of ways to fight and protect and I just couldn’t help but feel even more relaxed than I’d ever been, even despite the sexual tension that was heavy in the room.

  Without missing a beat he guided me to the sofa where I sat down. He continued forward pulling open the blinds which opened up into the most magnificent view of the city.

  “Wow,” I say, the view literally taking my breath away.

  I reach down for my heels, slowly removing them and placing them on the floor next to me.

  I look up and
realize he is gone. Ever since we’d entered the room it was like he was just floating around, not even taking steps. Everything he did was so fluid and effortless and that continued when not more than a second later I heard a cork pop and champagne being poured. A few seconds later and he was back holding two flutes of the bubbly goodness.

  “I’d like to propose a toast,” he says as he hands me a glass.

  I take it and clutch it nervously to my chest.

  “But first I just want you to know it’s non-alcoholic champagne.”


  “Do I look like the kind of guy who’s going to get my underage best friend’s little sister drunk?”

  My eyes narrow. Where is he going with this?

  “And that’s exactly what this toast is about.”

  He squares up his shoulder a bit more to me and looks deep into my eyes.

  “It’s about coming clean. About the truth. For years you were just my best friend’s little sister, at least that’s how it was for a long time and how I treated you. But I knew, I always knew, that you were someone special…very special. There was just something about how you made me feel when we were kids, not even in a romantic kind of way at the time. We were too young back then, but still you had a way about you that was just so refreshing…so nice to be around. And as the years seemed to fly by and I left for the military I thought about you often…very often. And I always wondered how you were doing and how you were maturing, but for many years I was stationed overseas. There wasn’t a lot I could do about my feelings and I wasn’t able to get stateside for some R&R or to see you and it was killing me inside. I started to learn to play the political game more and more, and then when the time came I called in a favor and was able to get stationed in California to be closer to you. It wasn’t perfect being that I would still be a six hour or more drive away at best, but it was a huge improvement. And that’s why I came down for this holiday. I wanted to see you. Needed to see you. And then when I saw you there making that bed in the room you prepared for me I knew. I knew there were no more thoughts of us as kids. No more wondering of how you’d turn out to be when you grew up. No more wishing you were near. Because there you were. You had become the beautiful young woman I always knew you would and not just that. You’d become the perfect woman…perfect for me.”

  He steps in closer. I can feel the heat from his skin as he raises his hand and gently places the tips of his fingers on my cheek.

  He pushes back a lock of hair causing my heart to race as his fingers glide along my scalp ever so gently. I want more. I need more.

  And then I hear his glass gently clink against mine which we’re both holding at waist level. I’d completely forgotten, lost in the moment. And just as that soft clink began to carry across the room, his face carries itself forward closing the distance between his and mine and my eyes close.

  Just in time to feel his lips press against mine causing my hand to release the glass.

  It must have hit the floor, but I didn’t hear it or even notice. Both my hands were already moving upward taking his face in my hands pulling his kiss deeper into mine as I was completely lost in the moment…and knowing we were soon to be lost in each other.

  Chapter Nine


  I’d read scenes in romance novels before where the hero scoops up the heroine and carries her in her white virginal dress off to the massive and luxurious California King sized bed. But of course that’s why we pay for romance novels…to provide us the fantasies that don’t happen in real life.

  Until they do.

  When I feel my feet come off the floor my hands leave his face and wrap around his thick neck and off we go. There I am in my white dress having an out of body experience. The kind I’d only read about but never thought possible, and certainly not for me.

  But this was real and not only that it was with the one and only man I’d ever wanted…my sexy soldier. My experienced older man. My brother’s best friend.

  And soon to be my first.

  And I knew my only, no matter what happened next.

  He gently set me down on the bed before moving towards the curtains in the bedroom, opening those too.

  The view is equally as breathtaking, but I’m not here to look at that view, no matter how spectacular. I’m here to look at this view. The one you can’t get on a postcard and that only I will see. The one for me and only me.


  I reach for the bottom of my dress and slide it up and over my head. My bra and panty set are also white matching the occasion.

  He slowly unbuckles his belt and slides out of his pants, looking at me hungrily and with admiration at the same time.

  It’s not that he’s looking at me like a prize that he won, but more of with the admiration of someone who has a high level of respect for you mixed with desire at the same time. It’s almost impossible to explain but with his dilated pupils, narrowed brow and slowed motions his body language tells me this moment is just as special for him as it is for me.

  And once his pants are off I get to watch him slowly unbutton the white shirt he wore to dinner. One excruciatingly slow button at a time.

  I just want all his clothes off and him on top of me, finishing the undressing job I started.

  I don’t want to get completely naked. I want him to “unwrap” me and then receive his gift.

  I like the anticipation in his eyes and the feel of it filling my mind and sending pulses of excitement through my body.

  A few seconds later he’s there in front of me in nothing more than his briefs, backlit by the lights of the city.

  I take a mental picture and store it away for life. The sight of this big, hulking man there in the window just before coming to take me is something I’ll never forget and always cherish.

  And he shows me he will cherish me too when he moves closer to the bed, never taking his eyes from mine as he runs the pad of his thumb across my cheek.

  “You’re so beautiful and so perfect. And I’ve waited for this for so long.”

  “We’ve waited for this for so long,” I say.

  “I know and I knew. I always knew,” he says.

  His knee finds the bed and he slides in on top of me.

  His hands find my waist before sliding up my back, but making no attempt to unhook my bra. I like this. I know he wants me now…right now…but I know he wants to savor this moment just as much as I do.

  His lips lightly kiss the side of my neck making their way up to my jawline where he nibbles.

  My eyes close and my back arches in his hands.

  I feel his lips come off my skin and then feel them again, but this time moving across my collarbone causing me to breathe in deeply sending my chest heaving towards his mouth.

  One of his hands moves up grasping my shoulder from behind while the other moves down finding my behind and taking a firm squeeze. I feel like I’ve put on a bit of weight lately but when this wonderful man takes nearly your entire butt in the palm of his hand you suddenly feel light as a feather, feminine, and as beautiful as can be.

  And I’ve never ever felt more like a woman in my entire life.

  His other hand comes up and quickly finds the hooks of my bra. His fingers move in a quick scissoring motion and just like that my bra unhooks.

  “You have practice doing that?”

  “Only the million times before that I’ve fantasized about this moment with you,” he says.

  I’ve known him my entire life and also know his integrity is beyond reproach. His words that would have sounded like a line coming from any other man are as true as can be.

  And I can’t help but realize I’m still getting the romance novel fantasy. But again…this is real. Oh so real and oh so perfect.

  And it’s all because I waited for him and he waited for me.

  His hand come around and take the front of my bra removing it from my body.

  I hear a deep noise coming from within the depths of his diaphragm
as he unleashes a feral growl before burying his head between my breasts. One hand supporting my entire back bringing my chest closer to his mouth while the other hand takes one breast in its grasp massaging it while his lips come down on my other breast.

  He’s got me going in so many different parts of my body right now and that certainly includes the last covered area…but it’s not staying covered for long.

  I feel my back hit the sheets and his hand slide down my spine hitting each and every nerve ending before his fingers grasp the top of my panties and then he works them down to my mid thigh before I maneuver sideways in a way that allows him to slide them off me.

  I’m now completely naked. Bared in my entirety for him.

  And when he quickly slides out of his underwear he’s the same.

  My hand reaches for his cock, and it doesn’t have to reach far.

  It’s long, thick, and I’m unable to get my hand all the way around it. I’m not sure why, but I bring my other hand towards it…probably out of curiosity and stack it below my other hand. My two hands together, one on top of the other, aren’t even close to containing his length nor his girth.

  How he’s going to fit that inside me I have no clue, but I want nothing more than to find out as soon as possible.

  I slide my hands up and feel a wetness at the tip of his opening.

  “Uhhh,” he breathes out hard at my unintended stroke of his shaft.

  Suddenly I feel him slide down the bed as he takes my ass in both hands and lifts my middle toward his face, licking my pussy straight up the middle before giving my clit a flick on the follow through.

  Oh. My. God.

  My arms quiver and I fist the sheets.

  My glutes flex and I feel his jawbone pressing against my pubic bone just before his tongue enters me expertly searching for my G-spot.

  My breath changes to quick, short pants for air.

  He must sense it because I feel my midsection lower and him slide in close.


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