Baby Mama

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by Shaw Hart

  Baby Mama

  Chapter One


  “How did this happen?” I demand.

  Anger, shock and fear swirl inside me. I can’t believe that this is happening. How could this be happening? I’m freaking out here and I can feel myself starting to spiral. My hands go to my stomach, resting there as I look across the desk. The doctor gives me an embarrassed look as he shuffles some papers on his desk.

  “I can assure you, Ms. Day, that something like this has never happened here before.”

  “Well, it happened now.” I snap.

  I am quickly losing any composure that I had. This was supposed to save me. To pull me out of debt and help me start my life. I was going to use the money from the surrogacy to pay for college, get my degree and become a teacher. Now? Now, it looks like I’ll be a single mother. I love kids and I always wanted some of my own, but I can’t afford to feed myself. How am I going to take care of a baby?

  I live in a one room apartment above a Chinese take out place. It’s tiny and cramped and always smells like grease, but it’s all that I can afford. I work at a truck stop diner off the intersection during the mornings and the gas station attached to that diner in the afternoons. I barely make enough money to pay my bills. My small town doesn’t have many other choices in the way of employment. I’m lucky to have the two jobs that I do and I know that I should be grateful. There are more people in this town that are worse off than I am.

  I had signed up to be a surrogate and a cute couple contacted me within hours. I was surprised at how many people out there were looking for this service. I had to travel forty-five minutes to Charleston to find this couple and I had been prepared to move here as soon as we found out if the pregnancy had taken.

  I had signed up to be a surrogate when I found out how much money I could make. If I just rented out my uterus for a couple of months, then I could pay for all four years of college.

  Not only that, but the couple would take care of me while I was pregnant. I would get to live in their home and eat food that they provided while I grew their baby. I had even been placed with a sweet couple. They had tried for years but could never conceive and they were so happy when I agreed to be their surrogate. Now, they’re going to be crushed.

  “So, what happens now?” I ask.

  “Well, we need to contact the patient whose sperm was used to let him know.”

  “Ok, but wasn’t he a sperm donor? Will he really care? Wasn’t that the whole point of having his sperm here? I was asking more about what’s going to happen to me? Will Mr. and Mrs. McCall want this baby instead of the original sperm donor’s?”

  “Not every sample here is from a sperm donor. If something needs to be tested for any reason then samples are kept here as well. In this case, the patient wasn’t a donor. His sperm was only here to have some tests done. For now, just sit tight while we make a couple phone calls. I’ll be right back.”

  I sit numb as the doctor leaves the room, closing the door with a soft click after him. I’m breathing fast and I look around his office again trying to find some way out of this mess.

  I slump back in my seat as I picture telling the McCall’s about the mix up. Who am I kidding, the doctor is probably doing that right now. Maybe the guy from the mix up won’t want the baby and they’ll take this one instead of the sperm donor they had picked out. This could all work out after all.

  I sit up taller in my chair as the doctor walks back into the room to tell me my fate.


  I’m just leaving court after another victory when my phone rings. I shake hands with my latest client and he smiles at me before we go our separate ways. I pull my phone out of my inside coat pocket and check the screen. I don’t recognize the number but that’s not uncommon. I slip into the backseat of my town car and answer.

  “Haiden Luck.” I clip into the phone.

  “Mr. Luck. This is Dr. Heartstone with Northside Fertility Clinic.”

  “Fertility Clinic?”

  I rack my brain as I try to figure out why they’re calling me. I’m single and haven’t been with anyone in over a year so there’s no way that I knocked anyone up. Then I remember. I had a court case a couple of weeks ago and after we won, my clients ex-wife had attacked me. Slapped me and then kneed me right in the balls. I had gone to the doctor once the pain didn’t reside and they had taken a sample to run some tests. They must be calling with the results.

  “Right, Northside Fertility Clinic. Is this about the results?”

  “I’m afraid not, Mr. Luck. There’s been a mix up.”

  “Mix up?” My mouth goes dry as I force the words out. Dread curls in my stomach as I wait for him to explain.

  “We had a surrogate here to be implanted but instead of the sperm donor’s sample, they used yours.”

  “WHAT?!?” I shout. “How did you let this happen?”

  “As I said, Mr. Luck, there was a mix up and we are truly sorry for this. I can assure you that nothing like this has happened here before.”

  “So, you’re saying that I got someone pregnant?” I ask.

  My brain is working in overdrive as I try to comprehend what he is saying. I can’t believe that this is happening. I never wanted to be a father, I’m much too focused on my career and work, but now it looks like I might not have much of a choice. I would never let my baby grow up without being in its life.

  “We don’t know for sure yet. The procedure only happened an hour ago so we won’t know for two weeks. We will of course keep you up to date with any changes and-”

  “I want to meet her.” I interrupt.

  There’s a pause but I’m not going to take no for an answer. Some girl out there might be pregnant with my child and I’m going to meet her.

  “I’ll speak with her and give her your number. I’m sure she’ll be in touch soon, Mr. Luck. My office will call you with any changes. I’m sorry for the mix up once again.”

  I hang up the phone without responding. I need time alone, to sort through everything and figure out my next move. My mom says that I’m a planner and she’s right. I spend all day coming up with plans and to do lists and then I go through each one until I have accomplished all of it. Right now? I’m making plans to get ready for the birth of my child.

  I don’t know why, but my gut is saying that the treatment took. I’m going to be a father. Now, I just need to figure out how I feel about that.

  Chapter Two


  I stare down at the phone number in my hand. The doctor told me that the guy from the mix up wanted to talk to me but for some reason I can’t seem to find it in me to dial the number. It’s been a long day and I’m not sure what to say to the him. I just want to fall into my bed and forget about this new mess I’ve found myself in.

  I wish that I had someone to talk to about all of this but I’ve never had many friends. My mother died when I was young and so it’s always been just me and my father. He never recovered from her death though. We lost her and he crawled into a bottle and never came out. It was hard making friends in such a small town when you’re known as the town drunk’s daughter.

  Most kids my age spent their weekends partying and hanging out with friends. I spent it working. My father couldn’t be counted on to hold down a job, so I had to make sure that we had money for a roof over our heads and some food on our tables. My father took off a little over a year ago and I haven’t seen or heard from him since. I’m ashamed to admit that I felt relieved when I came home and he was gone. I was drowning trying to keep both of us alive.

  I crawl under the covers and sleep takes me instantly. I was drained after everything that happened today. I have nightmares of being pregnant and alone, trying to raise a kid by myself and failing.

  I wake
the next morning and stretch. Something crumples in my hand and I open and look down to see the phone number. The events from yesterday slam back into my mind and despair washes over me once again. I check the clock and see that I only have half an hour before I’m due at the diner.

  I shower quickly and then tug on my scratchy uniform before making the walk to the truck stop. I pour coffee and take orders until my shift finally ends. I stick my hands into my pocket to count my tips when my fingers brush over the paper with the phone number written on it. Might as well get this over with, I think.

  I pull my cheap cell phone from my pocket and hurriedly type in the number, hitting call before I can chicken out. It rings twice before a deep voice comes over the line.

  “Haiden Luck.”

  He sounds so powerful and confident. For a moment, I want to hang up the phone and throw it away.

  “Hello?” He asks impatiently and I summon my courage.

  “Hi, this is Regan. I’m, um, well I’m the girl who got your sperm.” I blurt.

  My face heats immediately. I can’t believe I just said that. Oh my god, this guy is going to think that I’m an idiot.

  “Right. Well, Regan, I was hoping to set up a time for the two of us to meet and clear some things up. Can you come to my office this afternoon? Around 4pm?”

  “I have work today. I won’t be off until 8pm.”

  “Fine, how about tomorrow? I can do any time in the morning.”

  “I’m afraid I work almost every day, Mr. Luck. I have my shift at the diner in the morning and next door in the afternoon. I have Monday’s off though. I can meet you then.

  “I don’t want to wait a week.”

  His impatience and brusque tone grates on my nerves. Where does this guy get off? He’s acting like I wanted them to mix up and for me to get his sperm. I didn’t ask for this and I certainly didn’t ask for some uptight jerk to boss me around. If Mr. Haiden Luck wants to see me so bad, then he can come to me.

  “Well, then why don’t you come to me, Mr. Luck. I’m at the Big Cat Truck Stop in Ladson. I’ll see you soon.”

  With that I hang up the phone and shove it back into my pocket, pushing through the doors from the diner to start my shift at the gas station. I’m sure he hated being talked to like that and I’m sure I won’t be seeing him anytime soon.


  I stare at my phone. No one has ever hung up on me. Who does this girl think that she is? I’ll admit that maybe I came off a little rough, but I’m never been in this situation and I’m not sure how to navigate it. She probably isn’t either, my subconscious says. I sigh as I replay our conversation. I came off as an impatient asshole, I realize.

  I hit the button on my desk and my assistant, Tracy, pops into my office a minute later.

  “Yes, Mr. Luck?” She asks.

  “Clear my schedule for this afternoon. I have an appointment.”

  She frowns at me as I gather up my things. It may be getting time to fire this one. She’s been a little clingy from the start but she got the work done, so I let it slide. Lately though, she’s been getting closer and closer. Wearing low cut shirts and too short skirts. I’m not interested in her like that and I’ve made that clear from the start.

  This keeps happening. Tracy will be my fifth assistant this year and it’s only June. Some people think that I’m difficult or hard to work for, but really, I’m just sick of getting hit on. I’m a pretty famous divorce lawyer and I’ve made the Charleston hottest bachelor’s list for the last four years.

  That’s when all of this trouble started. Random woman coming up to me at dinner or on the street and asking me out. At first, it was flattering but after a few dates, I realized that they were more interested in my wallet and social standing then in me. That’s one of the reasons why I’ve been single and celibate for the last year. The other is that I’ve just been so busy. It’s hard to stay positive about love when you’re surrounded by people who no longer are in it.

  I pack up my briefcase and head past Tracy and out the door. I grab my keys as I walk into the parking garage and throw my briefcase in the passenger seat as I slide into my Audi. I crank the engine and search for this Big Cat Truck stop. Ladson is a bit of a drive and I’m annoyed that I have to make it. At this rate I’m going to be driving home during rush hour traffic.

  I’ll just have to make this fast, I think as I shift into drive.

  Chapter Three


  I lean against the counter and watch as the last car pulls away from the gas pump. It’s been a slow night, but then again, most nights here are slow. I’ve already finished stocking shelves and pulling any expired food. I still have four more hours left until my shift ends.

  I stare out the window and daydream about moving out of this place one day. I’ll get a place close to the school campus and spend my days learning and going to class instead of stocking shelves and refilling coffee cups. I’ll make friends and maybe even find a boyfriend.

  My hand unconsciously drifts down to my stomach. I won’t be doing any of those things if I’m pregnant right now. My eyes flick over to the pregnancy tests. They’re in an aisle right in front of the register and my eyes have been drawn there all day. I know it’s too early to take one and so it only furthers my anxiety about what is going to happen.

  I turn away from them and stare back out the front window where a sleek black Audi has pulled up out front. I watch as a tall guy unfolds himself and stands, looking at the diner with his brow furrowed. I use his distraction to study him.

  He’s got trimmed brown hair that’s pushed back from his face with every hair in its place. He’s wearing a fitted black suit and tie with a crisp white shirt underneath. My eyes scan down to his feet to see polished black dress shoes neatly tied. His whole outfit probably costs more than I make in a year. Everything about him is so put together. So boring, I think. It’s like this guy hates color.

  I’m trying to guess his eye color, probably something equally monotone like dark brown, when he turns around and his eyes meet mine through the window. Ice blue. Guess I was wrong about the eye color. They’re so bright that I can see them all the way over here. He stares back at me and I can see him taking me in. I already know what he sees.

  Light brown hair with a round face, stretched too thin over my cheekbones from missing one too many meals. His eyes look down and I’m sure he’s taking in my cheap polyester uniform with Big Cat written over the left breast. If he could see further down, he would see faded black jeans and a pair of worn Nikes that needed to be replaced two years ago.

  His eyes meet mine once more in the window and I smile slightly at him. He must be lost, I think. He walks towards the door and I watch as he makes his way over to me.

  “You need directions?” I call, as I push away from the counter.

  His eyes scan down me once more, snagging on my name tag.

  “No, it looks like I’ve found what I need.” He says.

  I freeze. That voice. It can’t be. My eyes snap up and I look into the face of my potential baby daddy. Haiden Luck.


  My eyes scan the front of the rundown truck stop. She said he worked at the diner in the morning and “next door” in the afternoon. What the heck did she mean by next door? I look around but there’s nothing else here. Ladson isn’t exactly a bustling metropolis so I don’t have a lot of choices.

  I turn back to the truck stop and see a girl staring at me through the window. She’s leaning casually on the counter watching me. She’s beautiful. I wouldn’t mind getting her pregnant. My eyes scan down what I can see of her.

  Brown hair pulled back in a ponytail, a round face and plump, full lips. I watch as her tongue darts out to lick them before they curve up into a small smile. What I wouldn’t give to see those lips wrapped around my dick.

  My eyes dip further and I see her slim shoulders before they trace even lower to her high rounded tits. They look like they would be the perfect handful and now all I c
an imagine is taking them in my palms and feeling their weight. Rolling her nipples until they were sensitive peaks before I took them in my mouth. I wonder if I could fit my dick between them and fuck them as she sucked on the tip of my cock.

  My feet start walking towards her before my brain can give the signal. There’s something about this girl. We haven’t spoken a single word but I feel like my body would know where she was in a crowded room. I’m in sync with her.

  I pull open the door and zig zag through the small aisles, making my way to her.

  “You need directions?” She asks as I get closer.

  My eyes scan back down her slim body until they snag on her nametag.


  Well, damn.

  I can’t tell if I should be insanely happy that this girl might be pregnant with my child or still pissed off. I look up into her green eyes and think, insanely happy.

  “No, it looks like I’ve found what I need.” I say.

  I realize just how true that is. This girl is changing my life already. I’ve been drowning myself in work for the past couple of years, trying to grow my business, trying to be the best. That hasn’t left a lot of time for me to actually live though. Work has been all I’ve done but staring at her now, I decide that that’s over now. I’m going to be all about this girl from now on.

  “Mr. Luck?” She asks, looking wary.

  “Please, call me Haiden.”

  “Haiden. I didn’t think that you’d actually show up.”

  “This is important. I can be accommodating when it suits me.”

  She watches me and for a second, I’m sure that she can see right through me.

  “What did you want to figure out?”

  “This whole pregnancy thing.”

  “We don’t even know if I’m pregnant yet. Shouldn’t we wait until then before we discuss any of this?”


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