Born to Ride

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Born to Ride Page 3

by Kasey Millstead

  “Lacey!” Jenn shouts, gesturing for me to go over.

  “Hey,” I smile at the man. His arms are wrapped tight around my best friend. He looks rough, but his eyes are gentle.

  “Switch,” he nods. “Uh, hey Switch. I’m Lacey.” “Know that,” he says, his lip twitching. “Let’s go on in and I’ll introduce you to the girls.”

  I follow Jenn inside and she leads me around, introducing me to the old ladies. Most of the girls seem nice. I meet Veronica, LuAnn, Sal and Brie, and we sit around talking for a while. I find out they’ve all got kids and they’re all really happy to see their men home safe.

  “Let’s get some shots.” Jenn suggests. Everyone agrees and we make our way over to the bar.

  “Tequila shots all round,” Veronica tells the girl behind the bar. I try not to take much notice, but as she reaches up to grab the bottle of alcohol off the shelf, her skirt rides up, exposing her bare ass cheeks. I blush and look away. Jenn shakes her head and whispers, “Club whore,” in my ear.

  We take our tray of shots and walk back to the table.

  “So, sweetie, Jenn tells us you been working at Twenty Two Oh Eight Bar?” Brie asks, before throwing her second shot back.

  “Yep. I’m loving it so far. I’ve only been there a week, though,” I reply.

  “Mitch is a great guy. He won’t do wrong by you,” Sal chimes in.

  “Cheers,” Jenn holds her glass out into the center of the table. “To our men being home safe, and to great friendships.”

  We all clink glasses and chorus, “Cheers.” I tip the glass to my lips and let the alcohol burn a trail down my throat.

  “Beer,” a deep, gravelly voice sounds from beside me. I turn to look at the man and I blink, slowly. Then I swallow the saliva that has suddenly pooled in my mouth. He is gorgeous. The noise of the party fades and unashamedly, I let my eyes travel his body. He’s massive, compared to me. He must be at least six foot three. His black hair is cropped shorter than some of the other bikers. His jaw is chiseled and his eyes are sparkling blue. I look down further. His skin is dark, like he’s got foreign blood running through his veins. His shoulders are broad and a black shirt stretches across his chest. The hem disappears into a pair of low slung, well fitted jeans and on his feet are chunky black motorcycle boots. I feel a cackle of energy zap between us, but I ignore it. He’s enchanting. I look up to meet his eyes and he smiles. Not one, but two, dimples appear in his cheeks.


  He winks at me and then drawls, “Evenin’, sugar.”

  I feel my face heat as I reply on a whisper, “Evening.”

  He grabs his beer off the counter and walks away. I turn, and my eyes are glued to his ass as he saunters off outside to the men.

  Oh my Lord. He’s a triple threat. Tall, dark and handsome. I squeeze my thighs together and shift on the spot. I want that man so badly. I can feel my nipples straining against the fabric of my bra and the friction only causes more wetness to dampen my panties.

  After we’ve all had something to eat and the kids have all gone off with babysitters, someone turns the music up and the party really starts. Jenn, the girls and I spend hours drinking, dancing, talking and laughing. I’ve never had so much fun in my life.

  In the early hours of the morning, the men come in and drag their women willingly off to their rooms for the rest of the night. Switch came in about an hour before and carried a drunken, passed out Jenn away, so I have no idea where I’m supposed to be sleeping. My inebriated mind doesn’t care too much though, and when I spy an old couch, I decide that’s where I will crash.

  I stumble over and face plant. It’s a bad idea for two reasons. One, it smells like stale alcohol, puke and bodily fluids. Two, it’s not very cushioned, so instead of falling into a floating cloud, like I expected, I meet a very hard wooden frame, with not much padding. I groan. Fuck my life.

  I stand and start walking down a hall, hoping I can find an empty bed. Before I can go any further than a few feet, I hear a rough voice speak behind me, at the same time as a firm, calloused hand wraps around my elbow. A shiver travels through me. “Lookin’ for something, sugar?”

  I stare straight ahead as I answer. “Just somewhere to sleep.” “Look at me,” he commands. “Why,” I mutter, still facing away from him. “Look at me, sugar,” he repeats, his voice gentler.

  I turn to look at him and my breath catches. God, he’s gorgeous. “Triple threat,” I whisper. My hand reaches out so my palm can cup his lightly bearded jaw. My thumb strokes lazy patterns through the rough stubble, occasionally grazing the edge of his bottom lip, as I look at him, completely mesmerized.

  He bends down and before I know it, our lips are sealed together.

  He takes my mouth in a searing kiss. It’s hot, wet and totally consuming. So consuming, I forget where I am and what I’m doing. My back slams into the wall behind me and I whimper when he grinds his hardness into my softness. His resulting growl only causes my panties to almost disintegrate. My hands wrap around his neck and my fingers thread through his hair, tugging him closer to me. My nipples strain against my bra as I push myself further into him at the same time as I pull him into me.

  We’re both panting when he pulls back slightly and looks down at me. We’re so close, he’s breathing my breath and I’m breathing his.

  “Wanna take a ride, sugar?” His voice is thick, husky and laced with the sexual tension that is radiating between us.

  Oh, Lord, do I ever!

  I moan and nod my answer. He kisses the tip of my nose before growling, “Good answer.”

  Taking my hand, he leads me down a hallway and into a medium sized bedroom. I don’t have a chance to look around before his mouth slams down on mine. My fingers find his hair and I tug him towards me as we devour each other. His tongue slides inside, tangling with mine and I suck it into my mouth, deep. My blood heats and moisture accumulates at the juncture of my thighs. I’m so wet, so ready, that I’m surprised I can’t feel my arousal running down my legs.

  I need my clothes off. My lips leave his and I whip my shirt over my head, followed closely by my bra, then I tear my jeans and panties down my legs before kicking them to the side. I look up at him through hooded eyes and watch as his gaze travels over my naked body.

  He shrugs his leather vest off his shoulders and places it on a chair beside the bed. My mouth waters as I take in his well-defined stomach when his shirt leaves his top half. He’s rippled with muscles - there are muscles in places I didn’t even know muscles existed!

  I hear the zipper of his jeans go down and I lick my lips in anticipation. Then, his hard length fills my vision. Standing erect and ready...and pierced? Holy shit, his junk is pierced.

  A shiver runs through my body as I imagine what he’ll feel like inside of me.

  He lays on the bed and then looks over at me, cocking his eyebrow, “Sit on my face, sugar,” he instructs.

  Hell yeah!

  Without hesitation, I climb up over and position my knees on either side of his head. His neck tilts up and he breathes in deeply.

  “Smell so fuckin’ good,” he murmurs, right before his tongue creeps out and he licks me from bottom to top.

  “Oh, god,” I moan. My voice is husky and high pitched, and whiny and deep, all at the same time. Even to my own ears, I sound like a cat in heat, mewing and purring as I ride his face.

  My fingers creep up my body until they make contact with my hardened nipples. I pinch them between my fingers as I look down at him through heavy eyes. His gaze flicks to my breast before returning to look at me.

  “Fuck yeah,” he growls, before sucking my clit into his mouth.

  My head falls back and I can feel my body coiling tighter and tighter as it prepares for release. That’s when I hear a popping sound come from behind me. I stop rocking just as his hands grip my waist. I turn my head and I feel my eyes widen so far, it’s painful. There’s a woman. A naked woman. And she’s crouched between his legs. A trail of saliva joins
the head of his cock to her lips. I blink, slowly. Then gasp as he begins slowly sliding a finger in and out of my vagina.

  “W-w-what’s going on?” I half stammer, half pant the question as he continues to pump his digit into me.

  I can’t take my eyes off the girl. She’s beautiful – in a rough kind of way. She reminds me of someone who has spent their life in this world.

  I hope she’s not his old lady. That would be awkward. No, I’m pretty certain if I had caught my husband getting his face fucked, I wouldn’t join in.

  “Christa is a friend of the club, sugar. She’ll get hers and then go, but don’t worry, your pussy feels half as good as it tastes, you’ll be getting more than just my cock.”

  Before I can answer, or even process the information he’s just given me – except to think that maybe he’s a bit of an asshole - he latches onto my clit and sucks deep. A moan involuntarily escapes my throat and my hips begin to rock again.

  “How do ya want it, baby,” Christa drawls, before taking him again in her mouth.

  He releases my nub, but sweeps long licks against my folds as he answers her.

  “Not gonna come in your mouth,” lick. “Want your pussy,” lick, “then I’ll finish in your ass.” Lick.

  “Mmmm,” she hums through a triumphant grin. I can’t seem to take my eyes off her. Her gaze meets mine, and she raises her eyebrows. “Watch,” she commands.

  Straddling his legs, she grips the base of his cock and I watch as he disappears inside of her.

  Never in my life have I ever even so much as fantasized about having a ménage, but in this moment, it’s all my drunken, lust filled mind can think about.

  Arousal floods my veins, and my body takes over on its own accord. Christa leans back, resting her hands on his knees for support as she moves herself on him. Her head falls back, thrusting her breasts forward, so I lean down and take one of her hardened, plump nipples between my teeth before sucking it to the back of my throat. She gasps and moans as she rides him faster.

  “Fuck, wish I could see what was goin’ on up there,” he groans as he continues his assault between my legs.

  I hear Christa’s breath begin to hitch and I know she’s close. I reach down between her legs, to feel their warm, wet connection. Finding her swollen flesh, I pinch it hard between my fingers. She screams and bucks through her orgasm as her clit pulses between my fingers. I release her and watch as she turns herself around, straddling him backwards. Then, his cock slides effortlessly into her backside.

  His hips surge upward as he finger fucks me mercilessly. His tongue swirls around my sensitive flesh and again, I feel myself building. He latches onto my clit and growls. The vibration sends me flying on a first class ticket to Orgasm Central. I brazenly grind myself against his face as he fills Christa’s ass with his own release.

  I collapse onto the bed, panting. My mind swims with a mixture of pleasure and alcohol as I close my eyes and try to regain a steady breathing pattern.

  What the fuck just happened? I totally got off. I’m stunned and shocked, but damn, I’m tired. I close my eyes and begin to drift off, but not before I absently realize that Christa has already left the room.

  Just as I am about to succumb to sleep, I hear the telltale sound of a foil wrapper being ripped open, then a set of lips close around my nipple. My back arches and I whimper.

  “Want your pussy, sugar. You gonna give it to me?”

  “Yes,” I mewl. All thoughts of sleep are forgotten, as he slides effortlessly inside of me. He begins to move, slowly at first. I can feel the ridges of his piercings as they scrape against my inside walls. I clench my muscles around him in rhythm with his thrusting.

  My blood starts to boil in my veins as my body breaks out in goose bumps. He slams inside of me, each time harder than the last. Each time hitting deeper than before. Every muscle in my body begins to contract; from the tips of my fingers, to the tips of my toes. I dig my heels into his ass and hold him tightly to me as I moan and shudder through my orgasm.

  “Fuck yeah, sugar. Tighten that sweet pussy around my cock.”

  “Oh, god,” I moan. He smashes into me faster. The room is filled with the sounds of our bodies colliding, his balls slapping against my ass, my heavy breathing and his grunting as he prepares to come. With one final thrust, he buries himself inside of me and groans through his orgasm.

  He slides out of me and I feel him get off the bed. I assume he’s getting rid of the condom, so I roll to my side and close my eyes. An arm slides around my waist a few seconds later and he pulls me into him just as I succumb to sleep.

  Chapter 5

  I wake early the next morning...well, early as in, mid-morning, but before everyone else. My mouth feels like it’s full of cobwebs, my head is pounding and stomach is churning.

  I quickly and quietly redress in my clothes from the night before and exit the bedroom. I need coffee. Stat. Then I have to get back to Jenn’s and have a hot shower. Then I am going to process the events of the previous night. I can’t believe I sucked another woman’s breasts. NO! I will think about that later. Now isn’t the time.

  I tip toe through the numerous bodies sprawled throughout the clubhouse. There are half naked and fully naked girls passed out on the furniture and on the floor. I don’t see any bikers though, so I assume they must all have bedrooms here.

  “Oh,” I shriek. I look down at the woman who has my ankle in her grip. Her bleach blonde hair is looking like a rats nest and her makeup is smudged all over face. The denim skirt she’s wearing has ridden up to her hips, leaving her g-string clad ass on display for the world.

  “Where you goin’, schexy?” She slurs, clearly still drunk.

  I give my leg a tug and her wrist turns limp, releasing me. “’Bye,” I give a tight smile and a small wave, before leaving as quickly as I can.

  After stopping to grab a Starbucks, I make it back Jenn’s and have a shower. I collapse on the bed and throw my hands over my face, falling asleep immediately.

  “Lace, you here?” I stir and open my eyes. “Lace?” Jenn calls again, her voice getting louder as she gets closer to me.

  “In here,” I try to shout, but my voice is husky and thick from sleep.

  “Oh, hey. How do you feel today?” She laughs, taking in my appearance.

  “Like shit,” I answer, dryly.

  “Ha! You look it, too.”

  “Bitch,” I grumble; feigning annoyance.

  “You know you love me.” Jenn lays beside me on top of the covers and asks how my night was.

  I flush. My face heats so quickly, and it’s so hot, I know I must look like I’ve kissed the sun.

  “What?!” Jenn shrieks.

  “Oh, god,” I groan, “don’t scream.”

  “Sorry, sorry. But your face...what did you do. Or, more to the point, who did you do.” She waggles her eyebrows at me, awaiting my reply.

  “I may or may not have slept with a biker dude...and there may or may not have been another girl involved.”

  “Oh my god, seriously?”

  My heart drops as I realize Jenn may think I’m a slut. I don’t think I am. I mean, it just happened. It wasn’t planned and it’s not something that will happen again. It’s not like I did it in public. It happened in the privacy of a bedroom. That doesn’t make me a slut or a whore, or anything but someone who had an awesome night that I’m not going to regret.

  “Whoa,” Jenn looks at me intently. I hadn’t realized I had said those words out loud. “I don’t think you’re a whore or a slut. I think it’s fucking hot that you had a ménage.”

  “Oh. Have you ever had one?”

  She scoffs. “I wish! But, Switch would never share me, and if I’m honest, I couldn’t share him either.”

  I nod. It must be nice to always have someone. Someone you can rely on, someone who will catch you when you fall and support you when you soar. Someone who loves you unconditionally – not because they have to, but because they want to. I only hope I
can find a love like that, one day.

  “So, was it good? Who was it with?” Jenn asks, excitedly.

  I blanch. “I didn’t ask his name,” I admit, quietly.

  Jenn doesn’t look at me in disgust, like I thought she might have. She simply smiles and demands I tell her all the gory details.

  I fill her in, leaving nothing out. By the end, her mouth is gaping wide. “That is fucking hot! I need a cold shower. I’ll be back.” She runs out the room and I burst out laughing.

  It was pretty hot.

  “Oh,” she pauses at the door to look at back me, “Just point him out next time we’re at the clubhouse and I’ll tell you who he is.” She winks and then she’s gone. Five minutes later, I hear her shower going.

  Chapter 6

  2 weeks later


  Fuck she’s beautiful. I know her name is Lacey. She’s the best friend of my brother’s girl. Lacey. She’s so fragile. So fuckin’ beautiful. Shiny dark hair falls down her back in waves like a chocolate ocean. Christ! Listen to me, soundin’ like some damn pussy poet.

  She’s the woman of my dreams. I haven’t stopped thinking about her since I first caught a glimpse of her beauty. She was standing at the bar, laughing with Jenn. I had to get closer to her; I don’t know why, so I put down my full bottle of beer and walked over to the bar to order another one. Just being that close to her, without even touching or talking, did something to me.

  I watch her. I’m always watchin’ her. I’m like a fuckin’ stalker. I shake my head at the thought. I don’t know what it is about her. That night we fucked at the clubhouse, all night I couldn’t take my eyes off her and I knew I had to have her. I thought, one night and she’d be out of my system. Man, was I wrong. I can’t stop thinkin’ about her. The way her skin tasted of salt with a hint of peppermint. The way her pussy tasted. Not like fuckin’ strawberries or honeysuckle or shit like that. It tasted like fresh, clean pussy. Best tastin’ cunt I ever had. I feel my cock start to swell and I adjust my junk in my jeans.


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