Born to Ride

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Born to Ride Page 57

by Kasey Millstead

  “It's fine, kitten. I'll do all the work. This time.”

  “Wait! What's the time?” I looked over to my alarm clock on my bedside table. “Oh, look-see, it's two. I have to pick Maya up from school soon. We'll-uh, have to get back to this another time.” I nodded.

  “We'll be quick.” He gave me a small smile and a wink.

  “No. I-uh, have a headache,” I said, rubbing at my forehead.

  “I'll make it better.” He smirked, grabbed my ankles, and pulled me so I was flat on my back.

  “Hang on. Goddamn it, Talon. Wait.” I crossed my arms over my chest and glared at him as he spread my willing legs, the hussy traitors, and moved to kneel in between them. “I just realized I'm still shitty with you.”

  “You'll get over it.” His hands went to each side at my waist.

  “Talon. We need to talk,” I breathed as he made his way up my body until he was leaning over me. His strong arms blocked my head in, with his crotch resting against mine and my drenched panties. I closed my eyes and prayed for some resistance. It was so flipping hard! The resistance and him.


  I opened my eyes. God, he was gorgeous.

  “You have a son?”

  He closed his own eyes and cursed. “Really, you want to do this now, kitten?”

  “Yep,” I whispered.

  No! My naughty bits screamed.

  He thrust his hardness into the right spot. “Oh, hell,” I moaned and wished my clothes and his would vanish.

  “Just tell me one thing before I give in to you,” he whispered.

  “Um. Okay.” I nodded.

  “You want this, between me and you?”


  “Uh...Oh.” He thrust against me again.

  Damn it, clothes, begone!

  “Tell me, kitten,” he said and kissed my temple. “Tell me,” he ordered and kissed my nose.

  Dear God.

  “Oh, all right.” I sighed. He smiled a smile of pure satisfaction. The prick. And then rolled to my side, bringing me flush against him.

  “What do you want to know about Cody?”

  Okay, clothes, you can stay. “Everything,” I uttered. Like, who the heck was his mum, and were you still seeing her?

  “He's a smart kid, quiet, but I think he'll grow outta that soon. His mum and I don't have the best relationship. We used to; we were wild together.”

  A pang of jealousy hit me.

  He picked up a strand of my hair and tugged it gently. Then scoffed and said, “Then she turned into a bitch. She had friends and family that saw themselves as better than anyone else. And eventually, taught her I was scum. After Cody was born, she left; said she didn't want him growin' up around me and the way I live. Funny thing though, she used to live this way as well and loved it. So now she's livin' the high, fancy fucked life with her new man.”

  I shouldn't have asked. To me it sounded as though he still had feelings for her. It hurt.

  I cleared my throat. “Uh, what did Cody mean last night, that she was busy?”

  “They had some friends over. Cody hates it. They always want him locked in his fuckin' room. I'm sure he came over just to piss her off. Can't say I blame him.”

  Poor Cody.

  “It seemed to me he'd like to stay with you.”

  He went up onto one elbow and looked down at me. “And I'd have him. But she won't have it. I've tried. I fought her, been through the courts. They always take one fuckin' look at me and say 'hell no'.” He took my hand in his, fingers entwined.

  “Um, are you still getting weekends with him?”

  He nodded. “Every second. This one comin'.”

  “Good. I'd like to get to know him.”

  Something flared in his eyes as he looked at me. I liked what I saw, but I couldn't trust it. He still loved his ex. The mother of his child.

  “He and I would fuckin' love that. Now—” He looked over his shoulder to the clock. “We still got time, kitten, to fool around.”

  “Uh, no.”

  He arched one brow. Am I the only loser who can't do that? “Kitten,” he whispered.

  “This, uh, shouldn't happen between us.”

  “Christ. What is going on now? You'd just said you're—”

  “Wait. That wasn't me talking; that was...ah,, fandola.”

  “You're fuckin' what?”

  “You know. My—” with my eyes I gestured to my privates, “—down there.”

  He smiled, and then burst out laughing. “Fuck me. You can't even say pussy, vagina, cu-”

  I jumped him and placed my hand over his mouth. Which brought me to lie across him. His arm tightened around my waist. “No. That word is not to be used in this house.” I glared.

  He grinned behind my hand, his eyes turning warm.

  “And anyway, we can't have anything between us when you still love your ex.”

  Shit, shit, shit. I shouldn't have said that. His eyes turned hard and scary. I thanked the high heaven when his phone chose that moment to ring. He sat up; I landed back on the bed.

  “What?” he hissed. “Right.” He hung up and turned toward me, leaning down so our noses just touched.

  Damn it, I should have taken that time to bolt for the door.

  “I don't know where you got that fucked up idea in your head, but it had better be gone when I get back.”


  “No. No ‘um’; I do not still love that bitch. If I did, I wouldn't be pursuing you so I could have your nice piece of ass in my bed. I don't play games, kitten. Now, kiss me.”


  “Kiss me, kitten. I have to go deal with shit.”

  “Uh, I have to go get Maya.”

  “I know that. So fuckin' hurry up and kiss me and I'll see you tonight for dinner.”


  “Dinner, I assume you eat it. I'll be over 'bout six.”

  “But Maya will be here.”

  “I also know that, babe. She’s gotta get used to the idea of us two; may as well start tonight, and then she can meet Cody when I get him tomorrow after school.”


  “Fuck it, you're takin' too long.” Then he kissed me a toe-curling, pantie-dripping, tongue-bathing kiss. He pulled back and leaned his forehead against mine. “I reckon you'll be worth it. See ya tonight, kitten.” And then he left.

  What in the hell just happened?

  Chapter Seven

  I had no time to process anything. As soon as Talon left, my door swung open and in piled Deanna, Mattie and Julian, holding a plate of crackers, cheese, and dip. While we ate, I told them what went down.

  “Oh my fuckin' God,” Deanna said when I got to the part about him coming back for tea, and Maya, and Cody, and every—freaking out—thing.

  “I know, I know.” I sighed and paced the room while munching on some crackers. “He thinks it's time to play family. I haven't even slept with the guy. What happens if he's no good, or he thinks I'm no good and runs a—”

  “Shut the fuck up,” Deanna said in her most mild-mannered way from where she sat on my bed, once again.

  I was really starting to get sick of people telling me to shut up.

  “You are both gonna rock each other’s world; no doubt about that shit. And I reckon he's right. If he don't step up and get the kids involved, you'll run a fuckin' mile scared outta ya brain again.”

  Oh, that was low, and cunning, and how come I never thought of it that way?

  “I think, hun, what this chica meant when she said 'oh my Gawd’, was regarding you thinkin' Captain America still loves his ex.” Julian smiled from the bed.


  “Yeah, oh—” Deanna began until I held up my hand.

  “Before you start telling me what an idiot I am, can we leave it, 'cause I have to go get Maya?”

  “You know I would have said more than idiot, but I shall delay my knocking some sense into your dumb-witted brain until later. Let’s scat people; we got a devil-ch
ild to pick up.”

  I rolled my eyes. Maya wasn't a devil child; she was just born thirty and smarter than Deanna most times.

  “Hey, where'd Vi and Warden get to anyway?” I asked as I exited my room.

  “Some PI crap. Said they'd catch ya sometime. Oh, and don't come in to work tomorrow since it’s Friday. Start back Monday,” Deanna informed me.

  I turned to face her once we were in the lounge room. “That's nice of her. But I need to keep my mind occupied, and work will do that.”

  “I'm sure Gladiator will keep you busy enough tomorrow.” Julian grinned and then looked to Mattie and back to me saying, “Hey, nut crackers, how 'bout you two go, and we'll make a start on dinner.” Julian did some weird gesture with his eyes.

  It took me a second to figure out what he was meaning. But then it clicked, Mattie was nervous about meeting Maya for the first time. Of course, it was better to have that moment between just the family. I smiled and nodded my understanding. Actually, I was excited to bring Maya home to meet her uncle. She’d seen photos of him from when he was younger, but I didn’t have any recent ones. I wondered if she would recognize him.

  A pang of hurt hit me.

  How was I going to explain to my six-year-old that she'd never get to meet her grandparents? I knew it would be harder for me to tell her than what it would be for her to hear.

  Oh, God.

  Before I was allowed to wallow in worry, Deanna pulled me toward the door and reminded me of yet another situation to worry about.

  “Don't forget Zee's human vibrator will be joining us tonight.”

  Spotting Maya in a crowd was easier than getting Deanna not to swear. Honestly, many things were a lot easier than stopping Deanna from cussing. Maya came bounding our way with a big smile on her face and her long, dark, curly locks tied in a ponytail on top of her head.

  I looked behind me at our tail. Talon had obviously asked Pick to follow us wherever we had to go. He was standing a few paces away, leaning against a car, waiting and watching. All Deanna wanted to do was go to the drug store and pick up some condoms, tampons, and pads, then call out to Pick and ask him if they were all okay. Thankfully, we didn't have time.

  “Hi, Momma. Aunty Deanna. Guess what we learned today?” Maya grinned as she reached us and handed me her backpack to carry.

  “Let me guess, that all boys have cooties?” Deanna asked. I smacked the back of her head.


  “You’re two times tables?” I asked, as we made our way home with Maya skipping beside us. And Pick following; I didn't understand why he wasn't just walking with us. On the way to school I went to ask him, but before I even had a chance to take a step toward him, he barked out a 'no' and 'keep walking.'

  Maya turned to me so I could see her eye roll. “Ma, I learned that in prep. You're never gonna guess, so I'll tell you. Do you know what lots of geese are called?”

  “No, baby, I don't.”

  “A gaggle.”

  “Wow,” Deanna said dully.

  “What about asses?” Maya asked.

  Deanna laughed; I hid mine with a cough. “I think you mean donkeys.”

  “That's what Mrs. Faith said, too. But Donny said they're also called asses, and 'cause she's a teacher she can't lie; so I asked if that was true and she said yes. So do you know what a group of them are?”

  “Men,” Deanna muttered.

  I shook my head at her and said to Maya, “No, I don't have a clue.”

  “A pace.”

  “That's interesting stuff, Maya. I'm glad you learned something today.”

  “Me too. So what's for dinner, Mum?”

  Was every child on the face of the planet programmed to ask that question after school? I think they were.

  “Not sure just yet. But I have a surprise for you,” I said as we walk up the front steps to the porch.

  “Oh, what, what?”

  I opened the front door; there was some noise coming from the kitchen, and then Mattie and Julian came running around the corner, excitement and concern held within their eyes.

  I gave Maya time to dissect the newcomers. She looked from one to the other, and then to me with a smile upon her sweet face.

  “That's my uncle, right?” She pointed to Mattie, who was grinning from ear-to-ear. Julian's hand went to his mouth; tears welled in his eyes.

  “Yes, sweetie. That's my brother, Mattie, your uncle. And with him is Julian, Mattie's partner.”

  Mattie's shocked eyes rose to mine. He was worried about me telling Maya he was gay, but I already knew it wouldn't phase her.

  “Cool,” she said, and walked over to Mattie. He bent to hug her, but she reached out first and placed her hand upon his cheek. “You got Mum's eyes. That's how I knew.” Her smile grew. “Hi, Uncle Mattie.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him tight.

  I pulled my lips into a tight line to hold back my own emotions.

  “Well, ain't this ducking grand,” Deanna said beside me. “I hate emotional sh...stuff.” I watched her wipe away a tear and laughed. “Flock off, you.” She glared at me.

  We both looked back to Maya as she stood in front of Julian. “Can I call you my uncle, too?”

  Julian looked to the ceiling and back down to Maya. “Oh, sweet honey dew, of course you can.” They hugged.

  I was leaning against the kitchen bench, watching Julian and Deanna sitting at the table arguing about some answers for Maya's homework. Maya was sitting with them, and doing a good job of ignoring them both and continuing her way through it. Not that there was a lot anyway, some reading and spelling words. She was only six, for goodness sakes. Mattie was busy next to me, finishing off the casserole for tea that he'd prepared earlier.

  Seeing this made me feel happy, yet sad. I loved to watch people; I was a watcher from way back, and what I was seeing was that I finally had a house full of family that I loved.

  Only I was never going to see my parents again, and that hurt.

  “All right, people, clear the table.” Mattie's raised voice made me jump. “And don't worry, Maya honey, I'll help you later, so you’ll have all the right answers.” He grinned. Maya sighed in relief and nodded at her uncle.

  “School sucks anyway, kiddo,” Deanna said. “You should just quit; become an actress and support your mum and me for the rest of our lives.”

  “Deanna,” I warned.

  “Don't listen to her, sugar plum. School is great. Learning is better, so then you can get a high paying job and then support us all.” Julian winked at Maya, who giggled in return. I rolled my eyes and thanked the high heaven that Maya knew they were talking nonsense.

  The table had been cleared of schoolwork when the front door opened, and I froze with knives and forks in my hands. All of us turned to the kitchen doorway to see Talon in his godly form walk in.

  “Talon!” Maya chirped.

  While my woman bits chirped for him.

  Maya ran at him; he lifted her up and twirled her around. Not something you'd see a hardcore biker do every day.

  “Maya, you been good today?” he asked after he placed her feet back on the floor.

  “I'm always good, Talon. What'cha doin' here?”

  Talon raised his eyes to me, questioning me in his silent way on what I'd told her. I chose to glance at a spot on the kitchen roof and bite my bottom lip.

  Is that a growl coming from him? Shit.

  “I came to have a word with your momma. Could ya give us a minute?” We all knew that wasn't a question. He stalked over to me, grabbed the knives and forks out of my hands, placed them behind me, then took my wrist and pulled me from the room, down the hall, and into my bedroom.

  Before he closed my door, we heard Maya squeal and announce to the people in the kitchen, “I hope he's going to kiss her. They're always lookin' at each other with yucky, love eyes.” They burst out laughing. Talon closed the door and faced me with a smirk.


  “No, kitten. Even y
our daughter can see something has been going on between us for a while now. All I want to know is what you’re going to tell her?”

  I raised my hands up and down, my eyes bugging out of my head—not a pretty look. “What am I supposed to tell her?”

  “That you're m'woman and I'm your man. That she'll be seein' a lot more of me around 'ere.”

  I sat on the edge of the bed and looked at the floor. This was it. I was going to have to be honest. “It's not that simple, Talon. I'm not one of your bimbos that you can screw over. I need stability for Maya and me. I need long term—”

  “Seriously, Zara,” he clipped. “If I thought you were just some bimbo to warm my fuckin' dick for the night, I wouldn't be here. Hell,” he rumbled. In the next second, he was on his knees in front of me. With one finger under my chin he raised my head. Our eyes met. My heart skipped a beat.

  I was about to have a heart attack.

  I watched him lick his lips, and then those lips turned into a smirk because he knew I was watching them.

  “I really hate this talkin' shit. I want you as my woman. Long-fuckin'-term. I know we still got a lot’ta shit we need to learn 'bout one another, but that's the best part. For once in my life, I'll try to be patient, for you.”

  Oh my flipping God.

  Was Talon worth risking my heart being broken?

  Especially now?

  Did I trust him?

  Shit. Heck. Dick—yes Talon's.

  “Okay,” I whispered.

  His eyes flared; he let out a breath, and he smiled a burn-your-eyes-out-'cause-it-was-so-hot smile. One I had never seen before on his lickable mouth.

  Then, thank the high heaven, his mouth was on mine. Demanding and sensual, I was all too willing to comply with whatever his needs were. My hands curled into his hair, pulling him closer; his groan of approval made me smile. One of his hands traced from my hip up to my breast.

  Shit, did he just press a magic nipple-button to send a wave of lust down to my core?

  Yep. I had magic nipples.

  Holy Moses, that feels great.

  Talon brought up his other hand to cradle the side of my face, and I wrapped my legs around his waist and moaned when I felt his large-oh-crap-will-it-fit-penis rub against my center.


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