Alien Contact

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Alien Contact Page 1

by Nicholas Kuvaas

  Chapter 1

  The spaceship begins to slow as it reaches the satellite. It is a shiny silver orb that effortlessly soars through space. Two orbs control the ship. They are on a mission to a planet, which they have never visited before. There, they hope to find intelligent alien life. First, the beings will examine the planet’s largest satellite.

  The satellite begins to grow in front of them. Light shines over half of it, but its surface is dull and ashy. Craters mar the surface. Still, it remains untouched, with gray dust that will never be blown by wind or carried by water. For hundreds of years, the dust has remained stationary, until today. The ship is close. It prepares to land on the surface. Pieces of dust rumble and slide. The perfect silver orb hovers over a crater that is flat enough to land, and the ship touches down without incident. The orb requires no landing gear as it balances without falter in the moon dust.

  A circular door opens and artificial light shines on the surface. A ramp extends from the ship and leads down into the moon dust. When it touches the surface, it kicks up some moon dust that just hangs there, tranquilly. The two spheres cast a silhouette in the doorway. One moves back and forth, nervous with anticipation. The other remains stalwart as it scans the satellite’s surface. Then, they roll down the ramp. The first orb down the ramp is completely red while the other is blue. At the bottom of the ramp, they kick up dust. It obscures their vision, so they move away from the ship. The blue one stops suddenly and begins to communicate. It vibrates a staccato base while simultaneously changing colors from a green spot to a red circle to an orange splatter, rapidly. The blue sphere vibrates a high constant hum and responds with a yellow and orange circle that expands then contracts, again and again.





  They roll toward a hill and stop briefly. The dust is slippery. In anticipation, little protrusions grow around their bodies like bumps on a sleqeozmighe, and they progress up the slope. The added friction keeps them from spinning in place. Upon reaching the crest, they stop to stare at the other orb floating in the sky. It is blue, green, and white but very small. They communicate nothing at the sight of this orb and let the gravity pull them down the slope. The duo spins backward to slow their decent. But, at the bottom of the hill, they spin forward again and accelerate to their top speed. They don’t spin for long before they find it. In the distance, a red, white, and blue rectangle stands. It stands in perfect, unchanging grandeur unable to sway or move. Slowly, they move forward where they see impressions in the dust. They roll over to the rectangle and see another rectangle on the surface. Something appears to be etched in it. They scan it but only gobbledygook is returned.

  The red ball moans and vibrates an alto tone while changing into a light blue with mottled green.




  The blue orb vibrates with a deep grunt followed by a green pulse which moves over it in concentric circles.


  Colors explode from each of the orbs. The blue one speaks first.


  It pauses for a moment.







  They roll back to the orb that now glimmers in the sunlight, but bump into each other in a sportive fashion. Upon entering the ship, they open holes which cover their bodies and allow them to breath. A small protrusion extends from the blue orb who pushes a button. The course for the planet is calculated and executed. They are so excited that colors radiate from each of them. The lift off protocol is complete, and they are ready for the blue, green, and white planet.

  Chapter 2

  The ship hovers over the surface of the satellite then it heads toward the planet. The ship jumps to an accelerated velocity and arrives within 30,000 miles of the planet in a matter of seconds. Smaller chunks of metal orbit the planet, but they are unsure what the objects are. However, a few give off a weak energy signature, and they gain a sense of their use. The red sphere hums a low, guttural sound mixed with quick flashes of variegated colors.



  The blue orb responds in a high frequency with red and yellow dots against a purple



  The beings only locate a handful of these signatures, but they assume it should be enough to locate the sentient beings. The ship orbits the planet several times to find an optimal landing space near the origin. This technique also eases their descent through the atmosphere, but their ship glows to a white hot. It is a bumpy couple of minutes before they finally navigate their way through the travails of the protective layer. In anticipation, the beings begin to bounce with excitement. The computer beeps and shifts colors like a kaleidoscope. A landing site has been found near the origin. Heat still radiates from the craft as it lands hard in the dust. The dust crystallizes into a hard, clear substance as the ship stabilizes. The atmosphere is checked for any poisons and breathable air. The readout flashes and hums an appropriate result. Protocol demands that they follow a shut down check list, but the beings speed through it quickly. Soon enough, the orbs are prepared to disembark.

  The blue orb rolls into a round hole and presses its exterior against the metal. The exit opens, and they egress from the craft. The ground is rougher than they expected and actually consists of tiny rocks. Rolling quickly to avoid burning, they travel towards their intended target. It is only a short distance, but they explore on their way. Green plants rise into the air covered in spikes, while life forms similar to ghaeighes and ohpipimeses capture their attention. As the beings near a ghaeighes, it soars away from them. The ohpipimeses scurry away from them on the granular surface. The creatures don’t seem to be interested in them, and there is little else to explore. This leaves only one destination, the signal.

  The orbs roll toward the destination. From a great distance, they can it. Metal rises high into the air with a wide base and an upside down cone sitting on top of it. The cone has a rod pointing out of it. Its components are older than they expected and covered in iron oxide. Exploring the rest of the structures, many cones are on the ground leaving them confused. The obfuscation is furthered by a building that has all but collapsed. They explore it, but there is nothing inside. Looking for clues about their contactors, they study the objects in close detail.

  Flashes the red ball with a baritone hum.



  Rumbles the blue ball while switching between blue and green rapidly.

  The orbs roll around extensively and scan the area. Finally, a life form is located that could be intelligent. The beings roll towards it and check out a black and orange creature. It hisses at them as they flash and hum at it.

The blue orb hums.

  The orb rolls back to the ship quickly and emerges with a smaller ball that it rolls along the ground. Once it returns to the creature, a small protrusion presses a button on the sphere. It stops in the granular surface and opens.


  The orb speaks. “We come to please you. Please, do not be afraid.”

  The creature doesn’t respond and just walks away. Realizing that this is not one of the beings who they are looking for, the orbs press the button on the orb and slowly push it back toward their space craft. The blue orb takes one last look around before they board and take off.

  Chapter 3

  An energy signature is their new destination. They move north and cross a large crevasse that has been carved by a line of fluid that spans beyond the horizon. Soon, the large rocks below them are replaced by smaller protrusions. Their direction changes to a northeast heading, and the ground becomes increasingly verdant until they cross another large winding line of fluid. The craft finally descends for landing after they cross a smaller line of fluid that is visible from the starship. It lands without a problem. A quick scan reveals that the air remains breathable, so they egress from the craft and roll around. They say nothing but search the area for signs of the sentient beings. No rolling paths scatter the landscape, but there are heaps covered with vegetation that they analyze. Traces of metals are found as well as several compounds that they have never encountered.

  The blue ball rolls onto something that crinkles. Protrusions emerge from the being and the blue ball picks up the foreign object between two protrusions squeezed together. As the orb rolls back and brings the object to a higher level, a fluid pours out. It is a dirty, brown liquid which gives off a sweet odor. Examining the bottle closer, it has a faded red seal with white writing. The red orb rolls over to its companion and examines the apparent container. They begin to converse with humming and explosions of color.



  Then, something grabs their attention. The orbs focus on a nearby sound. A four appendage creature emerges from some foliage. It eats some grass and has a brown coat with white spots. They move closer and try to communicate. The blue orb instructs the red orb to grab the sphere again. It looks at them with curiosity for a second before running into the woods. Its white protrusion seemingly waves goodbye to them. Rolling on with disappointment, they begin their search anew. It’s not long before their searching brings the attention of something new.

  The new creatures also have four appendages and move with great speed. Quickly, they surround the duo. They are a wide array of creatures ranging from a large and black creature to a small and white beast mottled with brown. Showing large sharp protrusions in an opening, the orbs become worried and their defensive protrusions emerge quickly. One of the beasts leaps. The blue orb’s protrusions turn into hard spikes. The beast immediately regrets its decision and crashes into the spikes which puncture it. Momentum carries it further into the spikes and it rolls over the orb, mortally wounded. The rest take the hint and head away from the orbs which are no longer defensive. A burst of colors explodes form the red orb.



  Moving forward, they continue to roll past heaps covered in vegetation. A large pile of clear containers and other rotting substances looms in the air to their left. The pile is monstrous, but they turn their attention away from it. Red, dirty remnants of buildings remain to their right and behind them. The air is becoming ominous, but they continue until they reach their destination. Streaks of white and brownish red rise into the air. A large three pedaled flower-like machine spins alone while the rest no longer spin at all. Many have even collapsed to the ground. Without warning, a pedal breaks off and flies away from them. Soon, the rotating becomes erratic and eventually stops, but they watch for a time hoping that something will attempt to fix the damage. It is already late in the day, and the light fades until an orange glow remains. Still, they still wait. Darkness doesn’t dissuade them, but a star eventually illuminates their surroundings again, and they decide to leave. The journey back to their ship is solemn. Reluctantly, they enter it. After taking off, they locate one more energy signature.

  The spacecraft moves east where it crosses extremely large fluid filled chasms. After the fluid disappears, the ground remains green with vegetation until an extreme expanse of blue fluid appears on the horizon. They move slightly southeast until they reach an island just off the mainland. Huge piles of rock lay on the ground while some large monolithic structures still remain. The landing is rough, but they disembark quickly. The energy signature is a white flat surface that remains lit up with red on top of the white. The beings have located the energy source. It makes a hum from spinning metal. For a second, they communicate with it, but it doesn’t respond. Then, they use their translator, but this, also, does not work. The beings search the area for a while, but there is no apparent sign of life. There are no lines on the ground or other signs of the sentient beings.

  The red orb bursts with a cornucopia of colors and sounds.

  The blue orb is immediately overwhelmed by the questions but remains calm. It hums with flashes of yellow, green, and red.


  He communicates nothing else because there is nothing else to communicate.

  They watch the white screen, but the air is sullen. Waiting for just a second, they head back to the ship. As they do, a slab of rocks falls to the ground. It reveals two huddled masses lying on an elevated surface. The blue orb recognizes that these are likely the beings they had hoped to meet, but it is too late. The beings have apparently gone extinct. Embarking the craft with sadness, the door closes. They prepare for takeoff and take one last look at the ruined city. The orb-like star craft blasts into the air where blue beauty quickly becomes black.

  Chapter 4

  The ship looks almost exactly like a satellite. It is uses solar power and wind to charge its engines. It is as black as the space it inhabits, and it maintains just enough power to keep the oxygen generators working. The crew is small consisting of only two members, but the ship carries precious cargo, the remains of the human race. In total, there are half a dozen men, two women, and four children on board.

  The captain, Jacob Taylor, helms this spaceship. He is tall with brown hair and a thin build and is a fifth generation survivor. Every day, he hopes for some sign that Earth is ready to welcome them again, without the claustrophobia of a protective suit. Routinely, they spend ten days in space and ten days on Earth. The Earth time is used to gather food and keep their bodies used to gravity. Taylor doesn’t love it, but he continues to follow protocol. This is day eight in space.

  Taylor stares out of the ship’s forward window, watching for impending danger. A meteor enters his view, and he sits up quickly, in surprise. It is only a few miles from their ship. Taylor climbs behind the controls and prepares for evasive action, but, then, he realizes it is traveling the wrong direction. Then, his eyes widen. He looks around the ship’s control panel for the intercom. On his first attempt, he misses the button the first time as he slams his hand down on the console. Then, on the second attempt, he hits it.

  “Hoffman, get up here now!” He exclaims sternly.

  Taylor hears a grumbled “ok.”

  “Now, get up here now!” He says trying to convey its importance.

  Hoffman appears on the bridge in the next fifteen seconds. Then, he sees it too and grabs the other seat next to Taylor.

  “What’s the procedure for this?” A
sks Hoffman unsure.

  “I don’t know. Contact them? What do you think that craft is?”


  “No way. We would have seen it come in. Wouldn’t we?”

  “We’re one ship. I doubt it.” Says Hoffman.

  “Contact them?”

  “They could be hostile.”

  “They came to our planet. I bet they aren’t.”

  “Alright, contact them. Ping them, and see what the response is.”

  Hoffman presses another button on the console.

  “Hi there. Can you identify yourself?”

  It takes a few seconds, but the returning sound is robotic and monotone.

  “Are you inhabitants of this planet? We have come to please you.”

  They both look at each other in disbelief. Hoffman takes his hand off the button.

  “Do you think it’s a ship full of women?” Says Hoffman

  “I doubt it. It’s probably a mistranslation. Ask if they want to meet us.”

  “Alright, roger wilco.”

  “Wait, let me talk.” He switches spots with Hoffman. Taylor presses the button.

  “Hello, this is Captain Jacob Taylor. We are former inhabitants of this planet. We have taken refuge in space for the time being. We were wondering if you would like to meet us.”

  “Yes, that would be nice.” Responds the robotic voice after a few second delay.

  The orb stops moving away from them and comes back. It stops a few hundred meters from their ship. Then, two orbs, one red and one blue, appear on the bridge in front of them. They also have some sort of device. Taylor deduces that it is a translator. He waves at them. They don’t understand the gesture.

  “Hello, it is nice to meet you.” Taylor starts.

  “What the hell? Where are the women?” Asks Hoffman, surprised.

  “Really? With that voice, you expected women? Well, clearly, they’re aliens.”

  The translator is not switched on yet, but the red orb switches it on before they begin communicating. Hums, flashes of color, and vibrations follow. The red orb looks at them and is immediately disappointed. It finds them to be hideous. It can’t hold back its disgust.


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