My Secret Master (A Dark Billionaire Romance)

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My Secret Master (A Dark Billionaire Romance) Page 4

by Flite, Nora

  Everything came back to the college.

  I'd struggled for years, gone through so much.

  It's the only chance I have.

  I wasn't disillusioned enough to think three rejection letters wasn't a pattern.

  Crushing the pen, I scrawled my name and slid everything back to him. A new, thicker knot grew in my belly as I officially agreed to the situation.

  “Well done,” he said, signing as well. “I'll get you a copy later. For now, let me show you what you have to work with.”

  Seth brought me to a closet in the hallway, revealing the contents. It was full of every sort of paint brush, every color I could ever need. The supplies were high quality, I knew it all cost a fortune.

  It was a painter's dream, and my grin crossed ear to ear.

  “But,” I asked, walking to the long stretch of white wall, brushing my fingers over it lightly. “What do you want me to paint?”

  “Whatever you'd like.” He shrugged. “I've loved everything you've painted that I've seen, I trust you to make the right choice. It's you that I want.” His smirk turned my throat into a barren wasteland.

  Then, I noticed how close he was. The hall was tight, the railing inclining people to naturally stand near the wall. Seth stood over me, his face sharp as a knife in the deep shadows.

  In my ears, my heart was deafening, smothering my voice. “What do you mean, you want me?”

  “Your skill,” he whispered, eyes rich and heated. “What you can do, how you do it, that's what I'm after. Nothing you create could be wrong, because you made it, Ms. Starling.”

  Could he hear my rapid breathing, or smell my fear?

  What is this, what does he mean?

  Seth leaned back, erasing the magnetic pressure in a snap. He was closed off all over again. “Now, I have some things to take care of. If you need anything, just come find me. Barring that, call Corbin, you should have his number from when he texted you this morning.”

  On perfectly shined shoes, Seth turned, silently trudging down the stairs. I watched him go, only starting to control my pulse when I was sure he was out of earshot.

  Slumping against the cool wall, one hand clutched the front of my shirt. My laugh was weak and strained. Seth had cornered me without me seeing it happen. He'd hovered over me, stealing my awareness until I had focused on nothing but him.

  I'd known he was intense, but this...

  What have I gotten myself into?


  It was evening before I decided to take a break.

  I'd spent most of my time plotting out the general layout for the painting, then it was down to the slow process of prepping the wall. The section was long, it took me several steps to go from one end to the next.

  The left part ended at the staircase, the right connected with an archway that opened into other rooms, including my closet of paints, and the guest area I'd been offered.

  Wiping my forehead, I tested my sore muscles. I craved a shower, was I was allowed to use the facilities here? Seth has the contract, I don't have a copy still, hmn.

  Frowning, I decided it would be safer to find him and ask, instead of risking upsetting him.

  Wandering down the stairs, I passed by the gold door. Absently, I slowed down to stare at it. I surveyed the entrance room. There's no one here, is there? Would he know if I peeked?

  I chewed the inside of my cheek. The temptation was pulling at me, made worse by the demand that I not go inside. I wasn't the kind of person who broke the rules.

  I had the power to resist temptation.

  Think of the letter.

  Finally, I slumped my shoulders and forced myself to walk into the kitchen. I'm not ready to risk losing my chance at CCAD for something so dumb.

  Unsure where to find anything, I peered into the fridge, looking for water. I spotted a tray of glistening, chocolate covered strawberries. They made my stomach tight, reminding me I hadn't had lunch or dinner.

  Ugh, can I eat those? I can't recall any of the rules, where is Seth?

  Wanting to make an effort, I prowled the house. It was a futile search, I discovered nothing but more rooms and more books. After strolling blankly down some halls, I returned to the kitchen and peered out the large glass doors.

  The yard was dim, night starting to creep in. The lights in the trees, sparkling on silvery strings, gave everything a pretty glow. The pool, especially, was beautiful. It muted my hunger, reminding me instead about my sweat and filth.

  Pulling out my cellphone, I dialed Corbin.

  “Hello?” His voice was polite, precise.

  “Hey, this is Naomi. Listen, I can't find Seth and I have a question. Is it alright if I use the pool here?”

  “Of course, Mr. Hart instructed me to inform you, in this potential scenario, that there are bathing suites in the closet in the first guest room upstairs. Anything else?”

  “Yes.” I turned, eyeballing over my shoulder. “Are these strawberries up for grabs?”


  Sometime later, I was soaking in the delightfully warm water of the pool.

  The air was fragrant, I could hear insects chirping. My elbows were propped up on the smooth stone around the edge; my lower body, clad in a teal bikini from the closet, was submerged.

  The sensation of the crystal water was melting my knotted muscles. I'd had a pool when I was younger, but it had been years since I'd gotten to indulge like this.

  Gleefully, I reached into the mostly empty tray, plucking up another strawberry. They had been dipped in various chocolates; I'd eaten the dark ones, first.

  Chewing thoughtfully, I kicked my feet and sighed. Alright, this is pretty nice.

  “Enjoying yourself?”

  I painfully swallowed the chunk of food I had come close to choking on.

  There, standing in the open doorway of the kitchen, was Seth.

  He wore a tight tank-top that did nothing to hide the row of abdominals cascading down to his lower stomach. His long, navy shorts exposed his crafted calves where he leaned.

  After only seeing him in fancy outfits, I couldn't help but stare.

  The fact I could see his arms, his defined shoulders where they shone in the outdoor tree-bulbs, wasn't helping.

  “Uh, hey,” I said nervously, setting the fruit back down. “I asked Corbin if it was okay.”

  He smiled, his eyes hidden by the back lighting from the kitchen. “Oh, it's fine. I know. I can't blame you, the pool is very relaxing. Mind if I join?”

  I wasn't sure if I did, or didn't, want him in the pool with me. Sinking lower, letting my arms dip into the water, I calmed my voice. “It's your pool.”

  His grin was a bit toothy, his movements graceful as he shut the doors and approached. Watching him move, I was reminded of how he had called my own motions 'beautiful' at the gallery. Compared to his natural grace, I was a damn klutz.

  I wanted to say something, anything, to break the silence.

  And then he took his shirt off.

  It was a quick process, his fingers hooking at the hem, tugging it over his head. It was like watching something in slow motion. I'd known he was in shape, I could tell from his slim figure in his well fit clothing, but this...

  His torso was solid, the body of a runner. A line led the way down his sternum, a path taking me on a journey of perfection. He was pale all over, but not unhealthy looking. Creamy white, I could pour him into a cup of coffee and take a deep drink.

  He's way too sexy, dear lord. This is like some ridiculous cologne ad. When does the music start up?

  Seth slid into the water, hardly making a sound. The pool wasn't gigantic, but it seemed even smaller as he crossed over to me. In the shallows, his eyes glinted. I was acutely aware of the fact I was only wearing a bikini.

  He must work out twenty-four hours a day! Tensing with mild shame, I hugged myself under the water. I wasn't in awful shape, but when compared to this man, I felt like a flabby slob.

  “Nice, right?” I blurted, looking fo
r a topic to crack the tension.

  “Yes,” he agreed, leaning on the edge beside me. I thought, if he leaned over, our shoulders would touch. “So, how is the mural coming?”

  “Oh, uh, good. I mean,” I corrected myself, trying not to ogle his chest, “Slow. Sort of. I did the base setting, can't really do much actual painting till tomorrow.”

  “I see,” he mused, looking upwards at the sky. It was cloudy, the only thing ruining this hilariously picturesque scenario. “Hmn. How early can you start tomorrow?”

  I peeked at his face, studying his strong profile. “How early can Corbin pick me up?”

  “As early as you need. But, like I said, you can stay the night.” His gaze shifted back to me, unblinking. He froze me like a mouse about to be attacked by a snake, and the idea of being his prey made me shiver.

  I whispered, “I know. Maybe another time. I think tonight I'll go home.”

  He nodded, then closed his eyes, sinking deeper into the pool until it brushed his chin. I joined him, letting it tickle my ears.

  For some time, we drifted in silence.

  I was awash in both the water, and my thoughts. I still don't think I'm getting the whole picture here. This guy doesn't seem to be married, but he's rolling in money and might as well be a fitness model.

  I don't even know how old he is, late twenties? Either way, guys like this aren't single.

  Not unless they have some sort of terrible history, or habits.

  Also, why do I even care if he's available!?

  Shooting a covert look at Seth's peaceful and dashing face, I endured a flash of frustration. This is insane. He's essentially my boss, plus, I don't have a chance with him. He likes my art, that's all.

  Isn't it?

  The kitchen doors slid open, a shadow casting onto both of us. Looking up, I saw Corbin standing there, a pair of towels in his hands. “Excuse me, but dinner is ready if you two are hungry.”

  I glanced at the plate of strawberries, blushing red as a beet. “I'm actually full. Honestly, would you mind taking me home, Corbin? I could use some rest.”

  And my poor hormones could use a break.

  “That's a good idea.” Seth pulled himself from the pool, water rushing down every inch of his hard figure. I knew I was gawking, so I yanked my eyes away, wondering if either of the men had noticed.

  He reached down, offering his hand. On reflex, I let him help me out of the pool. For a moment we bumped together, my knees wobbling. “Ah, sorry!” Stumbling back, I held my hands up—as if to keep him away.

  His smile burned as strong as ever. If I had to guess, he wasn't affected by my nearness the way I was to his.

  Dripping wet in my bikini, I hurried to grab the towel from Corbin, wrapping it around myself. Seth took the other towel, rubbing gently at his hair. The ruffled look worked for him.

  Dammit, did any look not work for him?

  “Well, Ms. Starling.” He bowed his head. “It was a pleasure, I'll see you tomorrow.”

  I smiled. “Right, tomorrow.” Looking down at my wet feet, I padded on them across the kitchen floor. Hurrying upstairs, I changed quickly, not wanting to make anyone wait around.

  When I returned, the pair of men were talking softly by the front door. They stopped as soon as they spotted me descending the stairs.

  “Goodnight, Seth.” I waved, unsure if I should shake his hand or not. Ugh, I'm so awkward.

  He inclined his head, vanishing into the kitchen. As he went, I caught myself staring at his naked, broad shoulders, his waist still wrapped in the towel.

  Corbin cleared his throat. I whipped my head around, and he opened the front door. “Shall we?”

  With heat blooming up my neck, I chased him out to the car.

  The drive back was just as lovely at night, the city below lit up like a sea of fireflies. It was faster as well, traffic no longer congested.

  We pulled up outside of my apartment, and I slid out once Corbin opened my door. Opening my mouth, I started to say goodbye, but he stopped me when he offered a thick packet of papers.

  “Oh.” I blinked, taking them carefully. “My copy of the contract. Thanks.”

  “Mr. Hart asked me to give you that. He wanted me to remind you to read over the rules.”

  Scowling like I'd been chided, I lifted my chin. “Fine. Could you remind him that he'd be better received if he made a summary of this dictionary?”

  Corbin chuckled. “Good night, Ms. Starling. See you early in the morning.”

  I gave a slight wave, watching him drive off quietly into the night.

  In my hands, the contract was as heavy as a cement block.

  - Chapter Five -


  As promised, Corbin came early in the morning.

  And, unlike I had promised, I hadn't read the contract at all. Initially, I'd been too irritated to. When that feeling had passed, I'd been flat out exhausted. I'd slept until my alarm blared at me, the contract used as a pillow.

  Yawning, I stumbled into the car.

  “Rough night?” Corbin asked. He handed me a cup of coffee, and I flared with gratefulness.

  “Thank you!” Sipping it, I sank low in the car seat. “And not rough, not exactly.” My dreams had been plagued by blue eyes and rock hard abs, but that hadn't been so bad. “I haven't spent so long on my feet in some time. Between the gallery and this, I guess the exertion is catching up with me.”

  “Make sure to eat well, and drink water,” he said sagely.

  Pursing my lips, I drank loudly from the coffee and smiled. “Yes sir.”

  Corbin dropped me off, saying he had errands. I waved after him, tossing the coffee cup in a small trash bin by the garage. I felt invigorated, ready to begin my day.

  Seth was ready to remind me of why my dreams had been so strange.

  He stood by the couches inside, his figure standing out in crisp slacks and a pale blue suit. He could have been waiting to do a photo-shoot for a magazine.

  “Ms. Hart,” he said. “Morning.”

  “Oh, morning,” I said, scrambling to make conversation.

  Lucky me, Seth had a topic at the ready.

  “The contract. Did you read it over?”

  Not wanting to lie, and consoling my guilt by deciding to read the contract later, I gave my most sincere smile and exclaimed, “Of course I read it!”

  He didn't inquire further.

  With a brisk now, he spun around, heading down a hall. “Then I'll leave you to it.”

  I didn't see Seth for some time, after that.

  Setting up my gear, I tied my hair back and began painting. I had a lot of work ahead of me, I needed to get going.

  Sometime into starting the first splotches of color, the tiny hairs lifted on the back of my neck. Turning, I noticed Seth standing in the foyer below.

  His blue eyes were fixed hotly on me.

  My stomach did a dive. Why is he watching me, does he think I'll make a mistake?

  “Did you need something?” I called out.

  Cocking his head, the man shrugged. “Not at all.”

  Hesitating, I debated probing further. This was very much like the time in the gallery. He'd crept up on me, watching me work... telling me I was graceful or beautiful or whatever...

  Trying to ignore him, I focused on my art.

  Greens melted into yellows, blacks danced with reds, the colors starting to blend and form the vague hint of what was in my head. The longer I kept at it, the easier it was to forget my audience. Eventually, I was only aware of my own motions.

  I lived art, breathed art, my body twisting as it made wide swatches or dainty details. This was my craft, this was what I loved, and it came out in the results.

  How long Seth watched me, I couldn't say. When I took a quick glance over my shoulder, some hours later, he'd disappeared. It should have made me glad. Strangely, instead, I endured the sour tang of disappointment.

  Wanting my boss to ogle me as I worked was... wrong.


  Setting my shoulders, I went back to painting. It was the only thing I had to distract me from the warm desire that craved more attention from that handsome, mysterious man.

  Focus, focus, focus.

  I had to stop thinking about Seth. I had to get a damn grip on my mind and my emotions and just... just...

  The doorbell blasted throughout the mansion, ripping me from my reverie. Jerking around, confused, I watched below as someone moved towards the front door. It wasn't Seth, I realized, but Corbin.

  I looked on as the chauffeur opened the door. Outside, I could see the blue hue of evening. How long had I been working for?

  Then they entered, and I stopped caring about the time.

  Silver and smoke, the pair was clad head to toe in expensive formal wear. On their faces were masks, hiding their expressions and identities. I was sure I wouldn't have known them, anyway.

  Corbin bowed his head, then motioned them inside. I leaned on the railing, curiosity bubbling hot. Together, the three of them approached the gold door below the winding staircase. I covered my mouth when Corbin opened it.

  Just like that, the strangers were gone.

  Corbin looked up at me, as if silently daring me to speak. Biting my tongue, I turned away nervously, trying to decide what to make of this.

  Who were those people, and why did they go in that door? What's down there?

  Lifting my paintbrush, I did my best to ignore the situation.

  The doorbell rang again.

  Trying to be sly, I peered with one eye as I worked. Corbin was letting in a new group, this time consisting of five people. As before, they were dressed nicely, but their masks hid who they might be. I could tell some were women, but that was all.

  Escorted to that alluring door, they vanished behind it in silence. Corbin didn't bother glancing at me, but I assumed he knew I was staring.

  This is strange, is there a party going on I didn't know about?

  Frowning in thought, I squinted at the wall. It was too difficult to focus, especially as the guests began arriving faster and faster. Soon, I abandoned all pretense, just standing by the rail to watch.

  One of the visitors, a man in a black mask, looked my way. His lips coiled into a smirk below that shining mask, an expression that made my heart throb. It was the sort of look that promised things. I couldn't see his eyes, but I imagined they were smoldering.


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