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My Secret Master (A Dark Billionaire Romance)

Page 12

by Flite, Nora

  - Chapter Twelve -


  With long, labored strokes, I painted the mural.

  It was the first time I could remember not enjoying my art. For days it had held no joy, no satisfaction. Knowing the piece would be completed soon felt like a guillotine above my head.

  Filling my lungs, I pushed air between my tight lips.

  This sucks.

  There was no better way to frame it. The situation was unfair, I'd been forced to walk away from the thing I wanted most. The thing I hadn't even thought I could want.

  Dragging the brush over the wall, I saw I'd run out of paint. Scowling, I pulled out my phone to look at the time. Almost eight. Dammit. I'd wanted to be done, gone out the door before anyone arrived for this evening's event.

  Guess I messed that up, too.

  Rubbing my neck, I massaged my knotted muscles. I ached all over, mostly from how awful my sleep had been. All those nightmares.

  I couldn't stop thinking about his angry eyes, and in my dreams, he would shackle me to a wall, walking away without once looking back.

  Abruptly my phone came to life, I almost dropped it in my surprise. Eyeing the number, I brightened up and answered it. “Hey Veronica, what's up?”

  “Naomi! Hey! Just calling to check in, see how things were progressing.”

  “Well,” I sighed, facing the painting. “The mural is pretty close to done and—“

  “No, silly.” Veronica's voice dropped an octave, burning with humor. “I meant the progress with you and Seth.”

  Tightening my fingers on the phone, I scanned the foyer below. No one had entered the house yet for the auction, but I still felt this conversation was better in private. Scurrying over the floor, I slammed the door of the guest room behind me. “Right. That whole thing.”

  “'That whole thing.' What a way to phrase it!”

  “Veronica, listen. The stuff between me and Seth?” Sliding down the door, I sat on the ground. “It isn't going so well.”

  The girl on the line made a sympathetic sound. “Do tell.”

  “It just isn't going to work out. I—I guess you could say I messed up, thought he was someone else.”

  For a long minute, the willowy woman was quiet. When Veronica spoke next, she was dubious. “Okay, so is the person he really is someone bad, someone you don't like?”

  Looking down at my feet, at the bandage, I wiggled my toes. “No, he isn't bad. He's just more than I bargained for, maybe? I don't even know. Veronica, there's more to him than I initially suspected.”

  Her hard laughter wasn't unkind. “Who the hell doesn't have more to them than we think at first? Naomi, you're looking at this all wrong.”

  “I am?”

  “Yes! So your crush has more to him than on the surface. If it's good stuff, what's the big deal?”

  What's the big deal?

  The big deal was that Seth had a secret life, one I could never be a part of—because he would never let me. At least now I understood why a rich, dashing man like him was single.

  The sinister side of him, the person who wanted to claim and dominate, didn't belong in his everyday life.

  But then, he apparently doesn't want to keep anyone in his Dom life, either.

  What the hell did he want?

  A man who hides from everyone...

  My attention roamed over to the closet. “I think,” I said softly, “He might be ashamed of a big part of himself.”

  Veronica 'hummed' for a minute. “Then ask yourself this. He might be ashamed, but are you?”

  Something clicked, as if I had a clock inside of my skull. It made me think of the pocket watch, the way I'd identified Onyx as Seth. When I'd learned the truth, I hadn't run away. Hell, the closer I got to Seth's shadowy persona, the more addicted I became.

  Maybe he was ashamed of his secret.

  But was I?

  “I'm not ashamed of any part of him,” I said thoughtfully. “Not even a little bit.”

  “Then maybe you should tell him.”

  Again, I stared at the closet. Tell him? Onyx had made it abundantly clear that I wasn't worthy of belonging to him. I'd been a fool. There was no place for him at his side.

  Except... if I forced him to choose...

  “I need to go, Veronica.”

  “What? Already?”

  “Yeah,” I whispered, rising with determination. “I just remembered something I have to do.”


  Standing in front of the gold door was harder than it had ever been before.

  But I'd made up my mind.

  I wasn't about to back down.

  Stepping through, my silvery flats made no noise on my descent. Corbin waited by the curtain, I hardly gave him a glance. With my mouth in a tight line, I scribbled down my name.

  My dress was close to matching the curtain, a deep violet hue. Inside the main room, there was a clear, excited vibe.

  I know the reason. The auction is tonight.

  Glancing side to side, I spotted Roseli. The taller girl was clad in a flowing, wispy thing the color of burnt caramel. Her hair was wound up, elaborate and lovely. She looked proud, radiant as she awaited her fate.

  If I follow her, I'll know where to go, what to do.

  It wasn't a long wait.

  Helm strolled into the den, standing tall with a surety possessed only by kings. He was as intimidating as Master Onyx, but no where near as thrilling. Looking over the crowd, he gave a curt jerk of his head.

  Instantly, Roseli and a few other girls began to follow him. I took a slow breath, trailing in among the tiny group slyly.

  Onyx had told me I needed more training before being auctioned, but I had other ideas.

  We moved down a hall I'd never explored, a path that opened up into the largest room so far. It was wide, brighter than the rest. Candles illuminated the round platform in the center, a place that drew my attention and held it.

  That must be where we'll stand. We'll truly be like items in a showcase.

  How right I was.

  Helm motioned to Roseli, then one by one, the women began to ascend to the stage. I shook down to my marrow, avoiding the Master's gaze as I climbed the stairs. I thought he might say something about me being there, but he only smirked instead.

  The second we were all lined up, a new group of collared slaves entered through the doors. I didn't know who they were, or why they were there.

  “All of you are up for auction,” Helm snapped at us. “Disrobe, then hand off your clothing.”

  Closing my eyes, I forced myself to relax. Of course, of course they'd want that.

  The serene noise of fabric filled the air. Looking down at myself, I peeled away the purple gown. I wouldn't show fear.

  I was here on a mission.

  When everyone stripped off their under-garments, I held my chin high and copied them. The air was cool, my nipples firming in seconds. My small strip of soft curls between my legs was the only protection I had. I realized the other women were all completely shaved.

  Bending down, I offered my clothing to one of the slaves, watching her her collar glinted. “Your shoes as well,” the brunette whispered.

  Reluctantly, I crouched to tug off my flats. The first was uneventful, but the second...

  Oh shit, I almost gasped out loud.

  There, wrapped around one heel, was a tiny bandage. My wound had healed over the past few days, but I'd kept it covered out of habit.

  If Seth saw it, would he connect the dots between Opal and me?

  Handing off my shoes, sweat slid down the middle of my chest. Calm down. It's just a little bandage. No way he'll notice.

  “Now,” Helm called out, hands folded like a general. “All of you will kneel, and all of you will be silent. The Masters are about to arrive, assisting you in the grandest of your journeys. You will be sold tonight, you will become property. Do not speak unless spoken to, do not act unless instructed.”

  Drained from tension, I was grateful to
crumble to my knees. Turning sideways, I saw the other girls all held a particular position; backs straight, chest thrust, hands on their thighs.

  Had they received more proper training that I had? Licking my bottom lip, I emulated them as best as I could.

  It felt strange, sitting so quietly, my body exposed to the eyes of any who wandered around the circular stage. We were elevated, chest level with any Master who wandered close.

  For what felt like forever, we sat there. My muscles began to cramp.

  Helm spoke softly with his group of collared women, and they began arranging chairs around the room. They'd barely finished when the first footsteps down the hall reached my ears.

  Holding my breath, I looked up.

  They entered with cool grace, heads held high and jaws squeezed tight. Each of them masked, each of them a vision of pure, male dominance. Any one of them would have made me squirm.

  But only he could make me quiver to my core.

  Onyx entered like a shadow, his outfit as black as tar. Lifting his eyes, he scanned the stage, focusing on me instantly. His intensity, his calm disapproval, it stabbed me with absolute shame.

  He's angry that I came here. He told me he wouldn't let me, that I needed more training.

  Well, too bad, Master Onyx.

  Too bad, Seth Hart.

  Tonight I would find out what I needed to know. It would influence my decision to stay, or to leave and never return like I thought I had to.

  Tonight, if he doesn't choose me, I'll walk away.

  “Welcome, everyone.” Helm spoke with a rumbling baritone, standing in front of the sitting men. “Tonight we have five girls for you to bid on, all of them lovely in their own ways. They've been trained, and they're ready to serve. Let us begin, shall we?”

  He climbed on top of the stage, his boots clomping around us in a circle. “First, we have the beautiful Roseli.” Helm reached down, stroking her shoulder. The girl flashed a tiny, pleased smile. “She's the most patient of the bunch, and easily the most obedient.”

  Wandering around the girls, Helm talked about us as if we were livestock. The compliments were scant, and by the time he reached me, I was fidgeting from unease.

  Reaching down, he grabbed my chin, forcing my head up towards the crowd. No, I thought desperately, I don't want to look out there, I'm not ready to meet his eyes!

  “This girl,” Helm grunted, “Is the most feisty of the lot. If you don't enjoy a slave who will require you to punish them often, I would avoid her.” Freezing, I glanced up at Helm in surprise. His sneer was cruel, but his gaze was full of hunger. “I was thinking of taking her myself, honestly, as I do like girls who need a... firmer hand.”

  He let me go, but his threat stayed with me long after.

  No, I can't go with Helm. If he picks me, I'll never come back here.

  I'd draw blood to escape, if I had to.

  I was spared from more of the cold man's commentary. He moved back through the line, then dropped down to the floor. Folding his arms, he nodded at the gathering. “I imagine you all want closer looks. Go ahead, help yourselves.”

  Closer looks?

  The Masters rose in a gentle wave, coming to crash down upon all of us. They strolled around the stage, leaning close and talking to themselves. It was humiliating, yet still, it sent a rush through my blood.

  That feeling grew ever higher when Onyx appeared before me. Staring down at my face, locking me with his fierce gaze, he spoke under his breath. “So, little jewel. You felt you were wiser than I, ready to auction yourself off in spite of my instructions?”

  “No, I didn't think—”

  His fingertips gripped either side of my face, crushing hard. “Yes, you didn't think. I actually debated with myself, you know. The thought about purchasing you.” Those words had my heart soaring. “But,” he went on, letting me go. “Now I know better. You are too defiant, too keen to break the rules.”

  He let me go, and I hung my head, sorrow chilling my blood and blackening my mood.

  He might have chosen me, if I had just listened.

  Onyx paused, fixated on something. Peeking over, I swore he was staring at my foot.

  At my bandage.

  A clawed hand strangled my lungs. Shit. This is it. He's going to notice, and then, everything will end.

  But what did I care? Wasn't it over, anyway?

  Together, he and I shared a long, heavy look. I couldn't twitch a limb, I was waiting for him to do... anything.

  Crossing his arms, Onyx continued past me. He never said a word, there was no reaction that I could see. Had he not noticed that the cut was the very one he'd plucked glass from? That morning, he'd carried me away like I was a princess meant to be protected.

  Watching him, I was more lost than ever.

  He doesn't remember. That event meant more to me, than to him, after all.

  This should have been a relief. It meant my secret was safe.

  Why was I so defeated?

  The Masters conversed among themselves. Staring hotly at my hands, I worked to smooth my breathing.

  “So then,” Helm bellowed, getting everyone's attention. “Let us begin the bidding. You should all recall how it works, simply raise a finger to bid. If we have multiple bidders, the price doubles for every digit. I don't expect anyone to lift a whole hand, but if so, you should make sure you're willing to spend that money.” Climbing the stage, he gestured at the first girl. “Let's start with Roseli.”

  In their masks, with their stony mouths, it was impossible to see the Master's expressions. The subtle way they moved an arm, to wave a finger, showed a few wanted the tall woman.

  I glimpsed the proud smile Roseli didn't bother to hide.

  By the end, three of the men had lifted fingers, but the final one held up three. Helm grinned hungrily, sharing a look with Onyx. He seemed disappointed when the other man didn't look as delighted. “Well, there we go. Roseli, go join your new Master.”

  Easily she stood, entirely comfortable in her nudity and in her position here. Walking down the steps, she bent like a flower in the breeze at the feet of one of the sitting men.

  Reaching down, he touched the back of her neck, whispering into her ear. Whatever he said, it made the girl beam.

  The flicker of jealousy I felt boggled my mind.

  Helm was nearby, his presence so close it made my skin itch. He touched the top of my head, and I jerked. “Let's talk about Opal. As I said, she's been a bit of trouble. However, she was so very, very eager during the session Onyx put her through the other night.”

  He made me remember the show I'd been a part of.

  How I'd come multiple times for the crowd.

  My blush was furious, sweat spreading between my shoulder blades.

  “Who would like to bid on her?” he asked. I lifted my eyes, just enough to stare out at the emotionless sea of faces. At first, no one moved. On the nape of my neck, Helm gripped tighter, triumphant. “No one?”

  No one? Peering at Onyx, I tried to read his mind.

  Like a forgotten mountain, the dark man never moved.

  Despair sank into my veins. That's it. It's really over. My effort had been wasted.

  Onyx... Seth... they didn't want me.

  “Then,” Helm murmured, stroking the back of my ear. “I believe I'll happily—”

  “No,” Onyx cut him off. His hand was up, a finger pointed. “I'll bid on her. The little jewel belongs to me.”

  My lips spread in a relieved smile. I could have gotten up and danced. In that dim room, the lights brightened, colors saturating from my joy.

  Were my eyes watering?

  With my delirious grin, I tried to communicate my delight to Onyx. Oddly, he didn't seem pleased. If anything, his tense mouth hinted at something grim.

  Above me, Helm gave my throat a squeeze, then stepped away. “As you say, she is yours.” Moving around, he eyed me with petulant longing. “Go to him, girl. You belong to Master Onyx now.”

  I belo
ng to Master Onyx!

  Standing on wobbly legs, I was amazed I made it down the steps without stumbling.

  I'm his, I'm finally his.

  Staring into his face, I dropped to my knees in my first display of fluid grace. Onyx placed his hand in his lap, but he didn't touch me. He didn't even try.

  Unsure what was wrong, my smile broke. Why is he so angry with me? Is it because I came here when he told me not to?

  It didn't matter. His anger would fade with time. All I cared was that he'd shown his true colors.

  Seth—Onyx—he wanted me.

  For the rest of the auction, I knelt there in heavy silence. It wasn't until everyone began to stand, striding from the room, that Onyx finally spoke.

  “Come, Opal,” he whispered. “We need to talk.”

  - Chapter Thirteen -


  One of the woman handed me the clothing I'd arrived in. Redressing, sliding my feet into my shoes, I rushed to tag along after Onyx.

  Together we walked down the hall. I stayed just behind, watching his heels. His whole body was tight, an elastic at its limit. It actually scared me.

  I expected us to head off to a private room. What I didn't predict was that Onyx would lead us to the main area, and once there, continue on through the curtains.

  Pulling up short, I gaped after his vanishing back.

  Oh, no.

  I knew what had happened. Staring down at my flats, then back again, I grasped the situation firmly.

  He knows.

  Like a prisoner heading for the electric chair, I walked through the drapes.

  Upstairs, pushing past the door, I looked around. I didn't see him, not at first.

  “No regard for my rules, not even now. Right, Ms. Starling?”

  I spun, finding Seth sitting on the couch in the foyer. His legs were crossed, one arm on the back of the seat. In his other hand, he held his black mask. He turned it, as if he was seeing it for the first time.

  Lifting his head, he rolled his cold sapphire eyes over to me.

  Shaking like a leaf, I reached up, touching my own disguise.

  This is it.

  The game was done. He'd figured it all out.

  Even so, I hesitated, enjoying the last few seconds where our lives in the dungeon below didn't have to exist, here, in the real world.


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