It's Only Acting_A Secret Billionaire Romance

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It's Only Acting_A Secret Billionaire Romance Page 19

by Jackson Kane

  “You saved my life, Bastien.” Olivia glanced behind her. “Hopefully twice. All I ever wanted was to be with you.”

  “I know that now.” I said. “Can you forgive me? It’ll be the last time you’ll ever have to.”

  Olivia sighed, biting her lip. Then she looked up at me. “No more secrets between us?”

  “I promise.”

  Olive nodded, her eyes drifted down to the tattoo on my chest.

  “When did you get that done?” She asked, probably wondering why she hadn’t seen it until tonight.

  “A long, long time ago.”

  “That can’t be right.” Her face twisted up in confusion. “I’ve seen you—”

  “Makeup.” I half frowned.

  “Makeup?” The confusion on her face melted into bemusement. “You’ve been covering that this whole time?”

  “Not my proudest moment.” I sighed, instinctively flexing and cracking knuckles. “My father was a Marine. The idea of using any kind of makeup… I guess I was a little embarrassed.”

  “Why?” Olive slowly shook her head in disbelief. “Why cover something like that at all?” She carefully dragged her fingers across the pendant tattoo on my chest.

  “I didn’t cover it.” I paused, then corrected myself. “Not until I came back as your bodyguard.

  Olivia raised her eyebrows more out of concern this time than anything. I could only imagine what was going on behind her beautiful eyes. What she must be thinking of me.

  Looking down at the tattoo, I said, “It’s a reminder of why I fought so hard every night. An impossible dream that kept me going.” I glanced back up at her. “You had so much going on when I came back. With your father being an asshole and freezing your accounts, the new movie you were trying to get, coming off the scandal with Samantha, and people attacking your family…I just didn’t want to add anymore stress to your life.”

  “Knowing you’ve always cared so much for me isn’t a bad thing, you dork.” Olive’s eyes started to water, then she hugged me tightly, filling me with a warmth I hadn’t felt since the second time I kissed her on prom night.

  My adrenaline was still up so much that I didn’t feel the full weight of all my wounds, even with her squeezing me as much as she was.

  This moment, as fucked up as it was, was all I ever wanted.

  “Well that’s all nice and touching,” Sylvester Mangold, the notorious loan shark, said as he entered the small concrete room. “But what’s all this about doubling Delvin’s gambling debt?”

  “You heard right, Sylvester,” I said.

  Abeo had introduced us several years back. Sylvester was always hovering around the underground circuit. We knew each other, but fortunately I was never stupid enough to get involved with him professionally.

  “Bash?” He said, finally recognizing me.

  All my interactions with Mangold showed me that he wasn’t in the leg-breaking business because of a love of violence. There was enough of that in the ring. No, he was in the money-making business whenever possible.

  I had no doubt in my mind that we could work out a deal.

  “I heard about Warwick. My condolences.” He turned to his two enforcers and dismissively waved for them to put their pistols away.

  I nodded in thanks.

  Mangold knew that I left fighting to exclusively work for Warwick. With as much of a loose cannon as Warwick was, it wasn’t much of a reach for him to put me in his will.

  “How much is Delvin in for?” I asked.

  “Ten mil.”

  “Jesus!” Olivia scoffed, then glanced at me. The expression on her face was that of complete shock and utter disgust. “I didn’t know it got that bad!”

  “Your father’s debts were so high that the only way he was going to pay them was by cashing in on either yours or his wife’s life insurance policies,” Mangold replied coolly.

  “The failed attack on himself was just to avoid suspicion.” My eyes narrowed and expression darkened. Simmering anger poured into me.

  “Did my father come up with that plan?” Olive swallowed down a wave of nausea. She desperately wanted to be wrong, to think that, despite his heartlessness, Delvin wasn’t that cruel.

  Seeing the anguish on her face Mangold paused for a moment, then slowly nodded.

  “That fucking bastard.” I growled. All this time, the man who put all this into motion just to save his own ass was right under our noses. “Twenty million to end the contract and you give me enough evidence to convict him.”

  Sylvester considered the offer. “I’ll need a day or two to remove myself from the equation, but yeah. I can dig up what you need to put him away.”

  We worked out the rest of the agreement, then shook hands.

  “Bastien, are you alright?” Olivia asked as we were making our way out through a back entrance that Sylvester told us about. She looped her arm around me to help me walk straight. “You don’t look so good. I think we need to get you to a hospital.”

  “I’ll be alright,” I said, feeling my limbs getting heavier. “I just need to…”

  Then I heard Olivia cry out for help as everything went dark. The last thing I felt was hitting the ground.

  Chapter 25



  I woke up to the sound of pounding on the front door downstairs at Olivia’s apartment.

  At first, I thought it was all in my head, but that pounding was different. I had no idea what time, or even what day, it was. Olivia had blackout curtains over her balcony windows and glass door.

  Between my injuries and the medication, the day and night after the fight had been a blur. I had no idea when I got out of the hospital or how I got to her apartment, but I must’ve slept for a long time.

  I called out to Olivia in the near pitch-black room, but she wasn't here.

  The pounding continued.

  It was too aggressive to be housekeeping or maintenance, and the media couldn't get past building security.

  So, who the hell was at the door?

  When Romeo started barking, I decided to go check it out. Maybe it was Olivia; she could've locked herself out while getting us food. Rolling to my feet, I felt like I was hit by a bus. I couldn't find a square inch of me that wasn't sore. Getting downstairs was going to be a project.

  Constant barking and arguing voices drifted up the stairs. Angry voices.

  The memory of Olivia being attacked in NYC quickened my labored walk. I took the steps by twos until I reached the bottom. Pain shot up my legs, threatening to make them give out, but I powered through it.

  I had to make sure Olivia was alright.

  The first thing I saw was the pages of some tabloid rag splayed out on the floor. 'Ward Family Scandal' was in bold letters across the front page. It always amazed me at just how fast garbage like this could be printed.

  That also explained who was pounding on the door.

  “And there he is,” Delvin pointed at me, he looked like he hadn't slept in days. His eyes were red-ringed; his fine suit was uncharacteristically loose and shabby. He looked like a man on the run, or maybe one at the end of his rope. “You couldn't leave well enough alone, could you—Will you shut that fucking dog up!”

  My memory was hazy from just waking up, but was quickly clearing. The facts were coming back to me. I remembered that he was at my fight.

  “I take it you didn't enjoy the fight? Never should've bet against me, Delvin.” I shook my head, feigning sympathy. I had no idea if he did bet against me, but knowing him he probably did. “Romeo. Come here, boy.”

  Romeo stopped barking and trotted over to my side like the good, harmless dog he was. He smartly kept a wary eye on the strange man in the house. It was only now that I wished I'd trained him to attack on command.

  “You think this is about the money you lost me?” Delvin roared. I'd never seen him this unrefined before. He had the look of angry desperation, like his sins were breathing down his neck. “You should've stayed in that
greasy warehouse, where you belonged.”

  “Father, stop it!” Olivia protested.

  “And you.” He turned to back to Olivia, seething. I pushed myself off the wall, readying myself. I didn't care if he was her father or not, he'd better watch his fucking mouth about Olivia in my presence. “Embracing your bodyguard in an illegal, underground blood sport? Do you have any idea the damage you've done to our Legacy! And for what, this street trash?”

  “I will not have you talk about Bastien like that.” Olivia's back straightened. A steadfast resolve coated her words. She wouldn't be easily cowed this time. She wasn't that timid ghost of a girl any longer. “And you were there, too.”

  “I wasn’t foolish enough to be caught on video.” Delvin dismissed her and pulled out his cell phone. Holding the camera on her, he gave her orders. “You will apologize for your temporary bout of insanity. You will tell the public that you have been unwell for some time now and will be checking yourself into a mental hospital. Then you will beg for forgiveness—”

  “No.” Olivia's deep blue eyes turned icy. It was the hardest look I'd ever seen her give anyone, let alone the man that controlled her entire life.

  “You will,” Delvin growled at her disobedience, “or I will turn you into a pariah. I will crush your career, and take everything from you!”

  “No.” Olivia refused to back down. I could see her cutting the strings that once held her. She was no one's puppet anymore.

  “You ungrateful, bitch. After everything I’ve done for you?” Hate flared in Delvin's eyes. “I gave you wealth and fame, and this is how you repay me? I own you! I made you a Ward, Goddammit!”

  I stepped toward Delvin, my hands balled painfully into fists. This was quickly getting out of control. My full body ache was dulled with a spike of adrenaline. I just hoped it would be enough. On any other day I could put Delvin on his ass with ease, but after that last fight a stiff breeze might be able to knock me down.

  Olivia's outstretched arm stopped me. She must have known what I was going to do.

  Don't give in now, Olivia. I looked at her, worry flashing across my features.

  I could've pushed past her and handled this my way, but I didn't. Whatever happened next was Olivia's decision. If I made the choice for her, I would be no better than Delvin.

  “What do you mean you made me a Ward?” She asked.

  “Your mother was seduced by a wealthy charlatan and when she died giving birth to you I buried the affair for good to keep from getting my family’s brand dragged through the mud. You became the heir of a noble acting family instead of some motherless bastard of a lunatic eccentric.”

  “Wealthy eccentric?” My eyes widened into perfect circles. That’s way he was so interested in Olivia. That’s why he wanted me to protect her. “Delvin isn’t your real father. John Warwick is.”

  “Warwick.” Delvin nearly choked on the name as he coughed it out of his black lungs. “That unhinged billionaire waste.”

  “What?” Olivia gasped, nearly too stunned for words. “That. That’s impossible. That can’t be—”

  “I can’t have children.” Delvin snapped back. “Taking responsibility for you was the biggest mistake of my life. I should’ve let you die with your mother. You wouldn’t have grown up to be such an embarrassment to my name.”

  A thick, lingering silence at the revelation strangled the air like a hand around a neck. Even Romeo could sense the weight of everything, and had lowered his head quietly onto the floor.

  “You can keep your last name. It means nothing to me.” Olivia paused, taking in a long breath. Her bubbling anger was the only thing keeping her tears in check. Her words were sharpened by a long overdue defiance. “Now get the hell out of my house.”

  I was nearly as surprised as Delvin by her definitive tone. She had finally done it. She had stepped out from under her father's shadow.

  I couldn't have been any prouder of her.

  Delvin wasn't as shocked as I would've figured. No, he was just angry. I got the sense that things were unraveling for him. His plan to get the insurance money had failed. As far as he knew he was still indebted to Sylvester and had to make that right somehow or his head was next on the chopping block.

  Romeo broke the moment by resuming his barking, but this time it wasn't at Delvin. He barked at the sound hustled footsteps up the hallway to the apartment. Shortly thereafter, a detective and four cops barged into the room.

  I instinctively stepped backwards, assuming they were there for me. The footage of the illegal fight was all over the place. I guess it was only a matter of time before I was picked up for my involvement.

  I’d do whatever I could to keep Olivia out of it.

  “Delvin Ward?” The detective asked, scanning the room. Satisfied that he'd found the man he was looking for, he nodded to the other cops. They turned Delvin around, shoved him up against the wall and cuffed him. “You are under arrest for attempted murder and conspiracy to commit murder.”

  Woah, what?

  How’d the cops know where to find Delvin? I grabbed Olivia's hand, but she didn’t share my confusion. She turned to me and gave me a look that said she’d handled everything.

  Had she already gotten the evidence from Mangold?

  “How?” I whispered to her as we watched Delvin protest in outrage. They just read him his rights and dragged him away.

  “I knew he’d come here first,” she said wearing a satisfied, determined look that was full of sorrow. It’s was still so hard to believe that her own father would try to have her killed. “Even with everything crashing down around him, I knew he’d try to salvage his reputation. That’s why I had the police come here.”

  I didn’t think it was possible but I was even more impressed with her.

  Trisha showed up a few minutes later, the concern on her face melted into relief.

  “Thank God you're alright.” She hugged us both.

  One of the detectives took a statement from Olivia then explained the situation to Trisha. Trisha was appropriately horrified and took some time to calm down. They encouraged her to contact her lawyer as soon as possible. Trisha was already on the phone with their law firm before the officer finished the sentence.

  “You alright?” I asked Olivia, when the last of the police left. I knew it was over, but this kind of thing wasn’t something you easily forgot about. There were going to be sleepless nights and anxious moments ahead for both Olivia and Trisha, but this time I was going to be around to help them through it.

  “No. I’m definitely not alright,” Olive said, brushing away tears. Then she offered a weak, but honest smile. “But I am free, aren't I?”

  “As free as you want to be.”

  Olivia took a few long breaths, trying to stem the tears before they welled up too much in her eyes. She wanted to be strong, but not that the adrenaline was wearing off and all the hard facts were laid out in front of her she was struggling. “It's terrifying.”

  “You won't have to go through it alone.” I touched her forehead to mine.


  “Yeah.” I kissed her and she hugged me. “I’ll tell you everything I know about John Warwick.”

  “Thank you.” Olive paused as she buried her face into my shoulder. “Just not today OK? I can’t. Not just yet.”

  “Of course.” I agreed. She was reeling from so many things; I could understand her wanting to take everything as slow as possible. “Whenever you’re ready.”

  The sting from all my wounds was a sharp reminder that I had finally made the right decision for once in my life. We stayed like that for a while, my arms wrapped around her. I would protect her with everything I had for the rest of my life.

  “With Delvin about to be the next big headline, looks like the Ward name's a sinking ship.” I took in her beautiful eyes. “You should probably bail before it drags you down.”

  “Are you?” Olivia paused, carefully reading my expression. So much of that fear and doubt on her fa
ce was whisked away. “What are you saying exactly? I told you I wasn’t ready to think about being a Warwick.”

  “Not Warwick,” I said, the corner of my lips curling slightly. “I'm saying that Olivia Kontos has a nice ring to it.”

  “That has to be the worst marriage proposal I've ever heard.” Her face lit up. A disbelieving smile crept along her mouth as other things became real too, like that I was here to stay.

  “How many have you heard?” My face went stern in mock suspicion. “Is there something I should know?”

  “Oh. A few a week or so... I am famous.” Olivia laughed at my fading jealousy. “Don't worry. I’ve turned most of them down.”

  “Punk.” I squeezed her tighter. “I can't give you wealth or fame, so you're just going to have to settle for unconditional love.” I paused, then added. “And a dog, of course.”

  “Dammit, Bastien, I don't wanna cry anymore today!” Tears rushed back to Olivia's eyes. She laughed and cried some more, then looked over at Trisha, who had the phone's receiver covered and was absorbing our moment with smiling eyes.

  Olivia's upturned eyes asked Trisha if she thought it was alright.

  “Sweetheart.” Trisha ended the call, put her phone down, and walked over to us. “What are you looking at me for? I always knew you two belonged together.”

  Attempted murder was grounds for divorce.

  Trish smirked, then continued, “You're the only person that can get into that thick head of his and keep him out of trouble.”

  “Thanks for that.” I shook my thick head, disapprovingly. Trisha was, of course, talking about the fights. I brushed the hair from Olivia's red, puffy, beautiful face. “What do you say, Olivia? Marry me?”

  Olivia wiped her eyes again. She looked at me happier than I'd ever seen her, and nodded.


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  Chapter 26/Epilogue



  “Easy, boy.” Bastien stopped Romeo from jumping up on him. Instead, Bastien knelt down, scratched the dog's head and rubbed his stomach. Romeo was always excitable, but it was easy to see that he loved Bastien more than anyone else.


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