The Leira Chronicles- The Complete Austin Series

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The Leira Chronicles- The Complete Austin Series Page 55

by Martha Carr

  "Stop joking. Even in this place, that place of nothingness is not to be toyed with."

  Leira grew more serious. "I can see you still don't trust me completely or you'd know I can handle myself. This protector thing you've got going on was cute for a minute and has been helpful once or twice, although I do have a permanent troll pet but you need to get this straight. I make the decisions for me and I don't take second guesses from fucking anyone."

  Correk shut his eyes, rubbing his face.

  "Don't do the weary elf thing to me, either," said Leira. "This is the way it is. Don't get me wrong. I'm glad you're here and I'm happy but the rules about who I am didn't suddenly all get thrown out the window. I'm a cop at heart." She placed a hand on her chest, leaning toward him. "Yeah, I'm some kind of paranormal super agent for the government now but in my core I'm still a detective. Always will be. And day one in detective school they tell you to act as a collective but mind your own shit. I'm gonna need you to respect that."

  "Quite the speech."

  "Well, I haven't had Hagan around to do one-liners with on a regular basis. The pressure was building. I was bound to blow. Do you want to know what I figured out or do you need to preen a little more so we know you're older than I am, know more about magic, can leap tall buildings in a single bound?"

  "I know that one," he said, chastened. "Superman. You're right, I apologize," he said with a sweeping bow.

  "What the fuck are you doing? A normal, I'm sorry will do for future reference. I'm figuring there will be a future apology from you at some point about something."

  "Tell me what you found out."

  "Two things," she said, holding up two fingers. "First one, there actually is a way out for the dead. Casey seemed to shift, like she made up her mind about something or found some courage to do the right thing. Not sure about that part just yet, but after she did that the darkness was taken over by a beautiful white light. There's really no other description for it. Don't go weird on me. I don't know what it was but she suddenly looked whole again. Alive. Happy. And then the light kind of took her over and she dissolved into it. Her energy just poof!" Leira spread her fingers in the air.

  She caught a glimpse of her mother standing next to the pastel-colored yellow, blue and green VW van from Scooby Doo. There was an oversized Scooby Doo doll leaning out the driver's side window. Eireka was getting her picture taken with her arm around the dog.

  "The dead can leave the world in between," said Correk, amazed, his eyes wide. "Two moons, in all these years no one has discovered that and you find out you have abilities and just like that..."

  "Yes, I'm amazing. We've established that. Let's get back to the other, and frankly more important thing to me. There is a definite way to get Nana out of the world in between but it involves a bit of risk and we'll need help."

  "I'm listening."

  "Toni! You're here!" Leira spotted the large, fluffy afro bouncing her way. Toni threw open her arms, wrapping Leira in her embrace.

  "Well, of course we're here! It's Comicon! It's reverse Halloween for us. We dress up like we normally look. You see that guy over there in the skin tight green suit with leaves all over himself. Wood Elf showing off. And the tall Ymir from Marvel Comics? That's a Crystal man from Oriceran walking around naked. Nobody can tell what's crystal and what he should be putting away. Although I admit, I've stood close to him a few times just to cool off in this crowd. He brings his own AC everywhere he goes. Just don't let him hug you tight, you know what I mean? You bring your mom?"

  Leira pointed to Eireka chatting up one of the men from Beverly Hills 90210.

  "Oooh, that's the cute one. Good job, Mom. She's not wasting any time. You turn on the magical antenna to figure out who's who yet? I figure it's at about seventy percent our folk and thirty percent humanoids out having a fun day. If they only knew they're rubbing elbows with the real deal!"

  Toni's joy was infectious.

  Leira took a deep breath to center herself in the middle of the noise, stepping off to the side and pulled in just enough energy to light up the magical beings in the room. More oversized fireflies everywhere. She smiled when she saw her mother light up and held out her hand to see there was light surrounding that as well.

  "Like a giant reunion," she said, awe in her voice.

  Correk stood back looking anxious. Leira knew he was busting at the seams to ask her about the world in between but Toni was who she needed to tell even more.

  "Toni, if we brought together the crowd that was at the Jackalope, how much combined energy do you think we'd have?" Leira waited patiently for her answer. Let her answer...

  "I don't know. Pretty powerful I would guess. That's not usually our thing. Dark magic is into that whole group orgasm."

  "What if there was a good enough reason?" Leira's voice grew serious and Toni stopped looking out at the crowd.

  "Like what kind of reason?" Toni tilted her head to one side, her afro brushing against her shoulder.

  "Like breaking someone out of the world in between." Leira stood stock still. She had to get Toni on her side if anyone else would even consider the risk. Correk cleared his throat like he wanted to say something but Leira glared at him, narrowing her eyes. He moved his jaw around but said nothing.

  "I have the beginning of an idea to break my grandmother out of the world in between."

  Toni gasped and put her hand to her throat. "No one tangles with that place. That's impossible for anyone to escape. Living or dead." The smile had dropped off her face.

  "That definitely seemed to be true but I have some evidence to the contrary. I saw a dead girl get out of there." It was all she could do to say the words as calmly as possible. She needed her usual cool demeanor if she was going to get the next part out and not chase off Toni in the process.

  Toni grabbed her by the arms. "You are such a remarkable young lady! You're like the stories I heard about Light Elves from the past. And I mean distant past! Millennia ago!" She shook her head. "So crazy. Well, of course we could help you with something like that."

  Here comes the hard part. "There's a catch. A big one. There's a sort of bad mambajamba dark mist thing rolling around in there too. Seems to be hunting me. We would have to combine our energy to fight it off long enough for my grandmother to get out."

  Leira looked Toni straight in the eye and said, "And not get dragged in." Everyone needs to realize the bottom line.

  "Hang on..." Toni drew back a step.

  Here it comes, thought Leira, bracing herself for the no.

  "This thing is hunting you," she said, pointing, making a sour face. "Did you tangle with it alone?" Toni was getting angrier and angrier. "How many times?"

  "Twice," said Correk, finally speaking. Leira looked at him.

  "Now you say something?"

  "Twice! Did you bring backup at least the second time? We don't go out on things like this alone. Basic rule, learn it in preschool. No movie-style heroics!" Toni waited for her to answer.

  "Oh, okay, you actually wanted an answer. Okay, I was doing my job and had no idea the freakish cloud was tracking me like a GPS or that it can show up at will. It was a surprise. I was surrounded by government humans at the time. It was fight it off or get eaten, so to speak. That last part was probably a little over the top."

  Toni slapped both sides of her face with her hands. "My dear, when was this? Earlier today! Damn, girl and you managed to get away from it twice?"

  "I feel we're getting a little off topic at this point." Leira smiled.

  "Okay, sorry. Habit. I'm very passionate. Go on. Pinch me if I do it again." Toni leaned in, listening intently.

  "I almost got pulled in the first time."

  Toni leaned back, her hands in the air, rolling her eyes dramatically. Leira waited till she stopped.

  "But my grandmother's energy showed up out of literally nowhere and combined with mine at the last crucial moment. Saved my ass. I could feel the pulse getting stronger and it seemed to cause the
aerie beast, well pain. Like it can feel."

  "That's a mass of pure dark energy," said Toni. "I've heard stories. Never knew if they were true. Of course it can feel. Magic works off of feelings. But dark magic does things to the air, the water, the earth. It leaves a residue that doesn't always go away. It sounds like somehow that residue is gathering itself together in the world in between. Two moons help us all!"

  "It was super powerful. I wouldn't have been able to escape on my own."

  "But your grandmother saved the day!"

  "It was just enough to at least hurt the thing's feelings, as weird as that sounds. It wounded the dark magic. Sparks and everything and the hole to the world in between closed up. But then it showed up again and this time I understood. It's out to get me."

  "I believe it." Toni threw up her hands.

  "Going toward a mass of dark energy trying to destroy you is not considered sane behavior." Correk was doing his best to control his anger.

  "And running from a fight because there's danger is not who I am," Leira retorted. "Besides, we get enough people to help us and that will move the odds in our favor. And rescue my grandmother. Can you find out how many would be willing to risk it?"

  "Oh honey, there will be droves lining up to help. We're a tight knit community and you're one of us. And if this thing is after you, it's because it realizes how powerful your magic energy is and he's trying to contain it, maybe steal it. That's a good enough reason to stop him right there. I want you to be around so I can see where this magical ride takes you!" Toni threw her arms around Leira's neck. "I'll ask around but do we know when the dark thing will come for you next?"

  "Not a clue. I'd also like to know what's it doing to open a hole like that between this world and the world in between. I don't want it dragging anyone else in there."

  Toni gasped. "I didn't think of that!"

  "And I want to see if we can get more people out."

  "First your grandmother."

  "But how to find her in all of that."

  "Oh, that's fairly easy if she's also looking for you. You go where the humans think a place is haunted. Those aren't ghosts. That's a thin place between this world and the world in between."

  "Like where?"

  "Well, best one I know of is the Driskill Hotel downtown on 6th Street. Lots of sightings there. I've known of a few of our kind who rent the haunted rooms hoping to see a loved one. Some even say it worked. Something moved, they found something. You're talking about a whole different thing, though. You're trying to attract a monster. If you go down there, be careful. Remember, that thing is hunting you and a place like the Driskill could make it easier to pounce."

  Correk looked at Leira and knew. She'll head there the first chance she gets. Okay, here's where I trust you.

  Chapter Ten

  Correk and Leira made a few more turns around the large convention center, occasionally catching sight of a small furry streak or hearing "Yumfuck!" over the crowd. No one seemed to be looking for a manager and at one point a small crowd of magical beings were chanting "Yumfuck!" Someone was spoon-feeding him ice cream.

  They found her mother by the set of the Starship Enterprise standing next to someone with a very deep voice who towered over everyone else. They were dressed in a futuristic formal ball gown, platform shoes and pearls with an oversized blond bouffant wig and a five o'clock shadow. Her mother was holding up her phone and chatting away, still smiling. Her face has to hurt by now from all that smiling.

  "Mom! Whatcha doing?"

  "Leira! That's my daughter. That's her friend, Correk. This is Dixie Normous, the esthetician for the Enterprise."

  "How you doing?" A booming voice came out as Dixie batted long false eyelashes.

  "Quite well," said Leira.

  "Take our picture!" Eireka wrapped an arm around Dixie's waist. She didn't even come up to Dixie's shoulder.

  Leira made a quick swipe looking through the camera roll. "You've been busy."

  "Come on, honey. Take the picture!"

  "You better hurry. The Chippenelves are about to start. They're setting up. You in it?" growled Dixie, looking Correk up and down.

  "He's been invited," said Leira, a crooked smile on her face. "Okay, everybody smile," she said, backing up enough to get all of Dixie in the picture. "Got it!"

  "Great, okay hon' gotta go. Want a front row seat and those go fast. See you there, sugar." Dixie gave Correk a long wink.

  "Come on. I want to see what everyone's talking about." Eireka grabbed Leira's hand and pulled her along as she followed Dixie Normous, Correk in tow behind them.

  "This will not end well," he muttered.

  They got to the main stage roped off at the sides but the crowd was already too packed to get near the front.

  "Hey there, fox." A woman dressed as Catwoman in skin tight lycra rubbed up against Correk.

  "Nice cape." Another woman in tights and a Wonder Woman suit wrapped his cape around her waist, pulling him closer and kissing him on the cheek.

  "You look like a tasty pop-tart!" A woman cooed at Correk, squeezing the muscles in his arm.

  "What's happening?" he shouted, trying to pull away from the increasing number of women.

  "Someone's pulled a practical joke and used a charming spell," said a round little man dressed as Spiderman. "Light Elves charm is ratcheted up to obnoxious level. My guess is a Gnome did it. They get a little tired of the disrespect."

  "You're a Gnome," said Correk.

  The man shrugged and smiled and quickly moved into the crowd where it was easier to hide.

  "Creative little prick," said Leira. "Have to give him that."

  "You, backstage. They're about to start." A large muscled guard held open the velvet rope to let Correk pass.

  "You'll be safer back there," said Leira, laughing, as they turned to go down the side.

  "Only one helper," said the guard.

  "You go, Mom, seriously. I'll worm my way closer. Go on!" Leira laughed again watching women reach out to paw Correk's muscular arms and tousle his hair. He grabbed onto Eireka's hand and headed toward the backstage.

  "See you on the flip side," Leira called after them. "This day has definitely improved."

  Leira stood at the back of the crowd, staying behind the pack of women, dancing and yelling, "Come on, take it off!" The line of men came out onto the stage as an old disco song, Disco Inferno blared over the loudspeakers.

  Leira thought she heard something over the noise but wasn't sure until she felt something trying to scurry up her leg.

  "Yumfuck!" The troll was calling to her, trying to get a better spot.

  Leira pulled him off her leg and set him on her shoulder.

  "Ladies and gentlemen..." The announcer was dressed like Elvis the later years and had a deep, leathery tan. He was holding a gold, jewel-encrusted mic with large rings on every finger.

  "Okay, I suppose that's a look," said Leira. The women just below him were rubbing his boots.

  "Definitely a Light Elf. The only explanation." Leira moved so she could get a better view behind two small women who were crying and screaming.

  "Never been so grateful to be part Light Elf and immune to this nonsense."

  An old man whose belly leaned far enough over his belt to hide the buckle sidled up next to her and blew her a kiss. Got to be an old wizard. Leira drew on the energy in the floor and lit up her eyes, smacking him in the back of the head with a magical swat. He looked surprised and slinked off.

  She got on her tiptoes trying to spot Correk as the men started gyrating but he wasn't on the stage. Eireka was just off to the side, dancing in the wings, keeping her eye on the men.

  "Mom, you're a Light Elf. The charm doesn't even work on you. What are you doing?"

  The men moved around the stage, pulling off their shirts on cue, getting a loud cheer from the crowd but otherwise they stayed off the beat and occasionally bumped into each other.

  "That is a hot mess of some nice man meat," sai
d Leira. "They are lucky they're good looking."

  They continued to bumble around the stage, as a tall Light Elf with long dark hair broke into a dance from Saturday Night Fever, shaking his hips, pointing a finger at the ceiling and then the floor, over and over again. Leira spotted Correk sticking his head out of the curtain shouting something at the dancers who continued to ignore him. The ladies at the skirt of the stage didn't seem to care. Some started throwing dollar bills.

  "I knew that ATM was a good idea." The troll bounced on her shoulder, pointing its little arm at the ceiling, then the floor, shaking its butt.

  "Oh, what's Correk doing. Oh, oh no." Leira covered her mouth with her hand, her eyebrows shooting up. "Oh, this has to be a spell." Correk had eased himself out on stage and was slowly starting to dance. The chorus started again, 'Burn baby burn, Burn that mother down', as something came over Correk. He strode to the lip of the stage, stood there with his hands on his hips for a moment and then on the upbeat of 'disco inferno' tore off his tunic.

  "My God, I want to look away but I can't." Leira let out a loud, "Woooooooohoooooooo," waving wildly from the back of the audience. Eireka spotted her and gave a thumbs up.

  Two of the muscular Chippenelves danced closer to Eireka and she reached out and felt their muscles, clapping in delight. One dancer stopped long enough to flex and let her squeeze his arm a little longer. She looks over the moon. Leira let out another yell, clapping her hands over her head.

  Correk was busy undulating his midsection on the edge of the stage, perfectly timed to the music. A few of the other dancers were imitating him and the crowd was growing louder. People were clapping over their heads. Correk broke into a line dance, stepping to the right, gyrating his hips and waving to the women in the front.

  "Holy crap! A two step! He got that off of YouTube!" She glanced at her shoulder and noticed the troll was rolling his stomach muscles, waving his arms over his head. "We are really bad parents," laughed Leira. "I'd feel worse but I think you're older than I am. And a troll."


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