The Leira Chronicles- The Complete Austin Series

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The Leira Chronicles- The Complete Austin Series Page 126

by Martha Carr

  "Noticed, probably and decided to move that problem onto someone else's calendar. Pretty sure he had no idea it was more than a hole in the ground. Not much to look at but if you can see inside it becomes obvious pretty fast that it's man made. Well... Elven made or Wizard or some other magical creature." Hagan waggled his fingers in the air.

  "No more magic hands today, okay? Ready to go down inside?"

  "Just like that? Sure, why not. I've had my coffee. Let's get to it and do a little spelunking. What could go wrong?"

  "Knew you were up for it."

  "Itching to go. Can check this off my bucket list if I had one."

  "Anyone have a ladder we can put in the hole?"

  "Funny you should ask. Tricky part will be holding the ladder up and not letting it rest against the sides. I'm told that will stress the top of the cave we like to call the sidewalk." Hagan patted his belly. "Of course they may have only been referring to me." Hagan waved to the three-man crew in orange helmets standing in the street nearby with a tall aluminum ladder. "Fellas, it's show time. Like we practiced. No slip ups. This one's tough as nails but I'm more delicate and too close to retirement for shenanigans."

  Hagan swung his leg over the side, grumbling as the ladder wobbled. "Son of a bitch, this would be easier if you fellas didn't shake quite so much. I'm the one going down in the hole."

  "Might want to cut back on the coffee next time, Hagan." Leira put a finger against the ladder, sending a pulse of energy to steady it.

  Hagan disappeared down into the hole muttering, "Yeah, it's the coffee that's to blame."

  Leira watched him disappear further down the hole. "Have you hit bottom yet?"

  "Almost..." Hagan's voice echoed up faintly from the bottom. "Well, I’ll be. Get yourself down here, Berens. You will not believe it."

  "Thought you'd never ask." Leira swung a leg over and neatly maneuvered down the ladder. Toward the bottom Hagan was waiting with a small flashlight, shining it on the different walls. The pale light showed niches cut into the walls and a long, wide shelf big enough to be a bed. "Looks like early Elf."

  "You really think there was such a thing?"

  "No idea. Let's get what we came for if there's anything here and get out. If there's company coming I'd like for us to be long gone. Cut down on the suburban mayhem."

  "Let's try the two rooms. See if anything shakes out on its own. Otherwise this will take a magical assist." Hagan shone the light in the direction of the opening to another room. The room was bare except for another carving cut into the wall. "So far we're coming up bupkis."

  Leira followed him into the last room, smaller than the others as the ground shook beneath their feet. Hagan dropped the flashlight as it rolled along the ground sending shadows spinning along the wall, catching the light on something shiny embedded near the top of a corner. "What was that?"

  "I saw that too." Leira kept her focus on where she saw the glimmer and moved closer even as the ground shook again.

  "Please tell me that if this thing caves in you'll be able to magic us out of here. Buried alive was not one of the options I saw for dying." Hagan scrambled to the flashlight and picked it up, shining it across the wall till it picked up the shimmer again. "Bullet, maybe, but not a cave in." He pulled out his cotton handkerchief and wiped his face.

  Leira got up on her toes and scratched at the rock with her fingernail, exposing more of what was buried in the rock. "It's some kind of metal. Not gold, exactly." She felt the hum of her bracelet against her skin. Jackpot. "I think we have a winner." The ground shook even harder under their feet. "What the fuck is that? It's shaking from the top down."

  "No telling. Our competitors may be arriving on the scene in something heavy. Better speed this up any way you can. What? I think we both know this part is all you. I’ll hold the flashlight and tell myself I'm a necessary part of this operation."

  "You can buy the coffee later."


  Leira shut her eyes and focused, pulling in energy and setting an idea in motion. Remove the artifact without destroying the cave. She could feel the energy coming in through her feet and spreading up her legs and through her spine, out into her arms. Symbols lit up along her skin, flipping over as she took in a long, slow breath. The stone in the center of the bracelet began to hum, turning to liquid as it spun in a whirl inside the setting.

  "Never ceases to be an eye catcher." Hagan stood back, watching in awe as the settled dirt and stone around the artifact began to spill out into the room, exposing the oil lamp. "Well, fuck me. At long last, we have Aladdin's lamp. About time something like that showed up. Where do you think the flying carpet is buried?" The ground shook violently beneath them, knocking Hagan off his feet as Leira held steady, rising barely an inch off the ground.

  "Looks like your people did their flying without the rug," said Hagan as he mustered back to his feet as fast as he could, brushing off his pants. "Might want to hurry it along there, Berens. Whatever is making the ground shake, it's getting worse. Time to go. Tell me you can hear me inside that magical mystery tour you got going on."

  Leira reached out for the brass oil lamp even as the magic flowed through her and pulled it in close. The moment her hands touched it she shot across the room, her back hitting the opposite wall, knocking the wind and the magic right out of her. She fell to her knees, the symbols fading as she gasped for air, the lamp still clutched against her chest.

  "What the... Are you okay?" The ground shook again as Hagan made his way over to Leira, his arms out to steady himself. "Definitely time to go." He held out his hand to help her up but Leira gave him her best dead fish look. "So you're okay, then," he said.

  Leira sprang to her feet, hustling toward the ladder that was left leaning against the opening at the top.

  Hagan followed closely behind her, brushing a hand against the wall just in case. "No need to make it personal. I get it. You're the more nimble of the two of us. Damn doughnuts..."

  Leira got to the bottom of the opening and looked up to see no one waiting at the top. "Wait here. I'll figure out a way to steady the ladder for you."

  "I'll hold onto things for you on this end. What is that noise?" They both looked up and saw dirt and paper swirling overhead in the wind. Hagan grabbed Leira by the arm, his voice stern. "Be careful up there." He let go and grabbed both sides of the ladder, standing on the bottom as he held it away from the edge for her.

  Leira tucked the lamp inside of her jacket and zipped it up as she let out a breath and let the energy flow through her, setting an intention. Lighter than air. She easily went up each step, rapidly getting to the top, shielding her face against the wind storm with her hand. No one was left standing nearby. Small pellets hit her skin, digging in as she tried to get a look at the landscape. In the distance, at the end of the block she saw a familiar figure just beyond the swirling maelstrom, standing all by himself.

  A silver-haired Wizard in a long coat was directing pulsating waves of energy toward the hole. How the hell did you get away from the Dark Mist?

  Leira rolled out of the hole and across the ground, taking a chance the top would hold. She scrambled to her feet and knelt down by the opening, pushing the edges of the ladder away from the crumbling ground. Set an intention. Let the ladder stand on its own. Leira tested it, lightly removing her hands as the ladder held. "Hurry!" She glanced to the right, squinting into the wind as she saw the Wizard slowly approaching them.

  Hagan took each step as quickly as he could, grunting as he got to the top and reached for the edge, crawling the rest of the way on his hands and knees. He was pressing his lips together against the dust storm, shielding his face as he pulled his white undershirt up to cover his nose. "We're not in Kansas anymore. Like we went down a hole and landed in Odessa." He was shouting over the roar of the wind.

  "Look who's joined us. We need to get out of here." Leira shouted as she pointed down the street. The Wizard was getting closer and she could see the determined look on
his face. She didn't want to tangle with him again. Her powers may have grown but his skill set still outmatched hers and they were on what was supposed to be a quiet suburban street. A war of fireballs would be difficult to explain to the neighbors.

  The Wizard got close enough that Leira could see the jagged scar on his cheek from Patsy's gold thorns. The pupils of his eyes were deep pools of black that sent a shudder through Leira.

  "Motherfucker! The Dark Mist is inside the son of a bitch," she growled. "We may have to make a run for it. Get behind me." Leira pushed against the wind till she was standing upright, her hair blowing straight back.

  "Not a good goddamn chance in hell!" Hagan got as far as a crouch and drew his gun, shooting straight at the Wizard. Just as the bullet penetrated his skin it turned to liquid, sliding down the front, leaving only the barest impression.

  Hagan dropped his arm, tucking his gun away as he pushed against the wind to stand. "Running it is. You think the troll knows we're fucked right about now?"

  Leira put her hand on the bracelet, ready to take it off if it came to that and take her chances on her own energy. Better than dying at the hands of the Dark Mist... or worse. The wind pushed against her and she summoned all the energy she could through her feet with the bracelet still in place. Symbols flashed across her arms, quickly sliding up her neck. Set an intention, Leira. Do it. A thought occurred to her, left over from the battle on the top of Lavender Rock. Send me the strength of all the women in my line. Push back against this force.

  Hagan found his way beside her and got out his old weighted black leather blackjack, ready to fight.

  The Wizard's face contorted into a wide grin.

  So there's still something left of the asshole inside. Leira felt her mother's energy join alongside her own and it wasn't long before Mara's pulsed down the other side. Leira formed a ball of fiery blue light bouncing between her hands. She looked up at the Wizard and opened her hands wider. "Go where you're needed," she whispered.

  The ball shout out in a streak, leaving a sparkling trail behind it and slammed straight into the Wizard, knocking him backward onto the ground. A trail of black mist leaked out of his head and down the back of his body. The wind slowed down around Leira and the roar subsided, leaving a calm she knew wouldn't last. Round one to me.

  The Wizard got back to his feet, anger across his face as he moved his hands in different directions.

  "I thought he needed a wand to pull off any tricks." Hagan held his ground, pulling his undershirt down from his face.

  "I don't think he's calling all the shots anymore."

  "Fuck me, the magical walking dead. Wizard zombie!"

  The black swirl grew around the Wizard almost engulfing him as he crept toward Leira. She put out her hands and sent out waves of energy pushing him back. Much closer and I'm taking off this fucking bracelet. No way I'm letting Hagan die here.

  Only a few yards separated the two as Leira pushed as much energy as she could against the darkness coming at them. If it's the last good thing I do... She reached over to remove the bracelet but felt herself lift off the ground as her back arched, a blast of energy pouring through her back, taking her up on her toes, exiting through the scar on her belly, and pouring out in front of her. The artifact tucked inside of her jacket rattled, burning her skin.

  Leira knew at once who it was. "Dad..." Her voice came out in a whisper as her eyes widened. The energy slammed into the Wizard, rolling him end over end down the street. Leira's energy combined with her father's and pelted the Wizard, holding him against the ground as the black mist grew to cover him entirely until it absorbed him into itself, disappearing in a sudden gust into the void.

  Hagan and Leira were left standing alone on the street. Hagan blinked a few times, looking around at the quiet street. "I don't think anything was even broken. Usually we manage to bust up a few things at least."

  "This will still be tricky to explain." The stone in the bracelet had stopped swirling and solidified again. Explain to Jackson, for instance. No way he knew what I was thinking... Leira shook her head and unzipped her jacket slowly, taking out the lamp. She pulled her shirt gently away from her skin and looked at the small blisters along one side of her chest. "Note to self. Don't put artifacts near skin in a battle." She winced as she let go of her shirt, holding out the lamp by the curved brass handle, just in case.

  "That was some kind of magic show you pulled off there in the..." Hagan was cut off by a black tentacle wrapping around his ankle, pulling him off his feet and slamming him against the ground, rattling his teeth. More tentacles filled the street, wrapping themselves around Leira's ankles as others climbed higher, snatching the lamp from her grasp.

  "Katie..." hissed Leira, angry with herself for letting her guard down too soon.

  The black tentacles surrounded the lamp, carrying it along the ground, scurrying back to their owner. Katie came around the side of a white stone rancher as the tentacles came crawling up her leg, leaving the lamp in her hands as they climbed higher, reattaching themselves to her head. "Makes you sorry you're not an Atlantean, doesn't it? No hard feelings?” she said, walking closer. "This is better off in the Silver Griffins vault, anyway? You have to see the sense that makes? That way no one gets to play with the toy?"

  The blackjack flew through the air and hit her neatly on the side of the head, knocking her clean out. The artifact bounced along the road, making a loud, rattling noise before it came to a rest.

  "Really tired of getting knocked to my knees by anyone." Hagan walked calmly over and retrieved his blackjack, checking on Katie to make sure she was alright. "That's gonna leave a nice goose egg for a bit." He looked down at her unconscious body. There was a small trickle of blood along the side of his head. "Think about that the next time you send your smarmy pets out."

  Leira gave Hagan a crooked smile and went to retrieve the lamp. "Told you, you are necessary. Nice throw back there. All those dart games really paid off right there."

  "It's my eating arm. I keep the muscle toned. Do we leave her here or drag her with us."

  Leira heard the sound of cars approaching and saw the familiar fleet of minivans. "We leave her this time. Her cavalry is on the way and it's best if we don't get into a spitting contest over this thing. Come on, let's ride. For once, we got the damned artifact."

  "Wonder what it does."

  "Let's leave that for another day."

  "I have a government car here." Hagan glanced back at the Chevy as Leira pinged him with a small pebble of a fireball.

  "Ow! Right, let's go. I'll get it later. They can tow it away."

  Leira and Hagan sprinted for the Mustang, getting in as fast as they could as Leira gunned the engine and took off down the street in the opposite direction, away from the Silver Griffins approaching minivans. She looked in her rear view mirror as they came to a stop. "Let them do the never was, never will be this time."

  "What's that spell?"

  "Really handy. Call the general and let him know the artifact is secure. Let's leave out the part about the dark mist for now. That one's going to take some investigation. Something wicked this way is coming."

  "Don't do that. That's not funny. Too much spooky magic." Hagan waggled his fingers.

  "I'm going to let that magic hands go but only because you're bleeding, Hagan. We're making a stop at the hospital. No arguments. Rose would take me out if I let something happen to you. I'll get you doughnuts on the way."

  "At the very least. I'll wait in the car with the magic lamp and try out a few wishes."

  "Deal and don't do that. Just in case. I don't want to come back and find a frog where you're sitting."

  Hagan looked at her, surprised. "You think that could actually happen? What am I saying? What hasn't happened? Don't answer that one either. Go get my doughnuts. I'll keep my mitts to myself."

  Chapter Six

  Jackson was waiting for Leira when she finally made it home. He was sitting at a table just outside the guest
house, slouched down with his foot resting on his other knee, sipping an Independence amber beer. He was still dressed in his tall boots, leather pants and tunic, his hair tied back in a leather tie.

  Leira hesitated for a moment when she saw him, glancing toward the bar. Estelle was standing behind the bar waiting on a bridal shower, pouring shots.

  "Your barkeep put this down in front of me and walked off. Amazing powers."

  "She's not magical."

  "Agree to disagree. Have you tasted this beer?" He held it up before taking it back for another large sip. "Own kind of magic, knowing what a man wants to drink."

  Leira walked by him to the door of the guest house. "You might as well come in. You can bring the beer. We'll return the glass later."

  "Privileges of being family, I suppose."

  "Don't push it."

  Jackson followed Leira into the guest house as she dropped her purse onto the red velvet chair and carefully unzipped her jacket on the way to the kitchen. The troll was tucked into his shoebox with a pair of blue panties tucked under his chin, fast asleep. I'll bet that battle wore him out on this end. Correk was nowhere to be seen.

  "Troll's asleep early. What do you think that's about?" Jackson took a seat at the kitchen table and watched Leira peel off her jacket. She had left the artifact safely locked away at work before dropping off Hagan. He had gotten out of the car with a yawn, excited to tell Rose about the cave. Leira watched his face light up as Rose opened the front door and felt a pang inside her chest followed by a wince from the blisters.

  She draped her jacket over the back of a chair and sat down, folding her hands on the table. The bracelet banged against the wood, the light catching the stone. "How you want to do this?"

  "Some of that stubbornness you get from me." He finished off his beer and set the glass down carefully. "It's written in our DNA. You can't tell me what to do. That can be an asset and a chain around your neck, depending on the situation you find yourself in. Today it was a chain." His eyes were half closed and his chin was raised.


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