Mirror Amour (Circotica Series)

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Mirror Amour (Circotica Series) Page 5

by Jade Hart

  Oh shit. Way to go and play on his instincts once again. What would he do?

  We all paused, breathing hard; breath mingling with the heavy air laced with sultry music. I didn’t think I could stand it any longer when Noah finally muttered, “I want to fuck you, Linden. You said I could take you first. You won’t break that promise, will you?”

  What could I say? I changed my mind? His cock was wedged between by buttocks, one small shift and he’d have me anyway. He stroked up and down, moving his warm erection, heading lower.

  I caressed Carson again, and nodded, staring into the many mirrors. Every angle was a delight for sexual hunger. Noah, Carson—and me in the middle, on my knees.

  Before Noah could move, Carson shook his head. “I want your mouth if he gets to have you first.”

  Noah’s hand captured the curls on my back, tugging. I was held suspended, waiting. Would he let me, or was this too much for him? After all, he wanted to watch.

  “Can I?” I asked softly, my mouth already filling with saliva at the thought. His eyes blazed in the mirrors, but he nodded once.

  My breath expelled in an eager rush, and we all shifted. Noah pulled me further back and Carson scooted higher. I was still on my knees and didn’t know what would come first. Was I expected to suck Carson before Noah took me, or should I wait? I didn’t want to run the risk of biting down in pleasure if Noah decided to take me fast. Which I had a feeling he would. His temper glowed on his skin, turning the bookish scientist into an untamed bad boy.

  “Lick him,” Noah ordered as his hand went between my legs, spreading me wider. I shivered but bent, inhaling Carson’s scent of musk and faint notes of sandalwood.

  Both men didn’t take their eyes off me as I slowly inched closer. My tongue snaked through my lips to lick him once—one long, sweeping, savouring taste. The moment my tongue touched cock, Noah plunged into me.

  My back arched as a feral moan wrenched from my lungs. Oh shit. I was right. There was nothing sweet about the way he bucked into me. It was possession—clear and defined. Noah claimed me, eyes blazing his right to my body. And I would never argue. The moment I saw him tonight, he’d turned me inside out. I’d be sore for days, but oh my God it was good. Better than good. Incredible. Out of this world.

  Noah gripped my hips, pulling back mind-bendingly slowly. “Fuck—if I can only have you one time, I’m going to make it the best you’ve ever had.”

  There he went again with the ‘one time’ bullshit. He was insane to think I wouldn’t pant after him daily after this. He owed me more. He couldn’t take me like that and not give me more until my soul passed out in delirium. I didn’t need to tell him this was the best I’d ever had. I doubted anything could beat it.

  Carson’s eyes hooded as he watched Noah withdraw and thrust into me again. My entire body rippled. My release dancing within reach. All I had to do was let go of my control to prolong it. I could have the most amazing orgasm of my life. But I wanted to wait. I wanted to savour and chase it because when I finally gave in to the firework it would be world changing.

  Carson pointed to his cock, his eyebrow quirked.

  I smiled lopsidedly and bent to my task. My lips slid over his length, and I hummed in my throat at his subtle taste. His erection jumped as I sucked. Two sets of eyes were glued on me in the mirror. I admitted we looked like a high-end porno. Noah on his knees behind me, his styled hair mussed and dangerous. Carson stretched below me, his stomach quivering from me tasting him. The look of dark desire in both men’s eyes made me feel like the most powerful woman in the world.

  To test my theory they would do anything I asked, I eased upright, shuddering at the fullness of Noah inside.

  “I want to ride Carson,” I panted as Noah grunted in my ear and thrust again.

  Carson surprised me by grabbing my wrist and biting the transparent skin beneath. “I thought you’d never ask.” His jaw tightened. “Get out of her. My turn.”

  I didn’t think my heart could race any faster, but fuck, hearing those words turned me on beyond belief.

  Not wanting Noah to go just yet, I reached behind me and laced fingers in his hair, tugging roughly so his mouth descended on mine. As our tongues danced, he pressed deeper, wrapping an arm around my waist to completely bury himself inside.

  I whimpered as the release teetered almost out of my control. My core rippled with need and I froze, trying to hold on, to ignore the almost brutal requirement to come.

  Noah bit my lip. Hard. “I give you permission. Come for me. Come around my cock.”

  And that was it.

  My entire body stiffened, not aware of anything but the relentless pace of Noah fucking me and his arms holding my back tight against his chest. I cried out as I bounced in his lap, being swept away on the galaxy of popping stars inside me. Starburst after starburst, comet after comet wrenched me in two, and I dove into myself to enjoy every single moment.

  Noah nuzzled my hair as I came back to earth. My eyes flickered open; small specks of light sparked in my vision—residue of such an intense orgasm.

  Carson chuckled. “Bravo, man. I don’t think I’ve seen a woman come that hard in years.”

  Heat flared my cheeks. Why was I embarrassed after everything we’d been doing? I was vulnerable, stripped—at the mercy of everything that shattered my body. I blinked, making eye contact with Noah in the mirrors. I panted and puffed; my curls like medusa around me; my eye-shadow dark around my sated eyes. “Noah…I… thank you.”

  He broke away from me, pulling out. The emptiness made me hollow, and I battled with the urge to bring him back. He hadn’t come. His cock was heavy and angry, glistening with my wetness.

  “Your turn,” he said to Carson.

  Oh my God, I was in for more of this erotic torture. Could I even move my body? Carson seemed to sense my inability to move, and sat up. He pushed my shoulder so I melted into a puddle beside him. The softness of the satin sheets whispered against my skin; I longed to relax, to enjoy the sated languidness of my blood.

  Could I handle more?

  Carson dipped his head and grazed his teeth against my nipple. Every part of me wound up again, recharging, zipping, zapping with life—building in my centre. How could I be ready for more?

  He murmured, “You don’t get such an easy release from me. You have to earn it.”

  Noah stood up and paced, hands running through his hair. The tortured but hungry look in his eyes seared me.

  Carson climbed on top. My fingers itched to make him as wild as I was becoming and I ran my nails down his back. He arched, a sly grin on his face. “I didn’t think you had it in you, but you’re already priming for your next one. I’m impressed.”

  His mouth crushed against mine, stealing my breath. I lavished in the rushing hotness of my blood. Gushing, pushing into my core.

  Fighting his tongue with mine, I ran hands up the warm planes of his chest and over his shoulders. His skin was as hot as a furnace—he was panting by the time I broke the kiss.

  I had no warning except for the flash of hunger in his purple eyes before he entered me. He was almost as rough as Noah, but I welcomed him. He filled me, pushing deeper and deeper, firmer and firmer.

  Noah paced around the bed, watching everything. I wished he’d come and kiss me. I missed him. I missed his body.

  Sex filled my brain as Carson withdrew and pressed in again. His butt clenched in the mirrors, my knees spread wide to accommodate him. I revelled in how I looked pinned beneath him. I looked so fragile, innocent, taken advantage of. Carson dropped a kiss on the side of my mouth. “Tell me what you’re thinking as I fuck you.”

  Noah froze, his cock rock-hard as Carson continued to rock against me.

  How did I answer that? What exactly was I thinking? That I liked not having any control, that I doubted I could push Carson off me if I wanted to, and the thought thrilled me that he could take me against my will? That I loved the power at being the only woman and the way they looked at me? That I
loved knowing Noah hated me being touched by another male?

  I said the simplest thing I could imagine. “I’ve decided I love mirrors.”

  A strangled laugh escaped Noah as he came closer, hands curled. Carson bent his head to kiss me fast.

  I bit my lip, looking up at the mirrored ceiling through my lashes. Carson’s long and well-toned form thrust above mine. The reflection blazed the heat in my blood to an inferno.

  I was going to combust.

  Unable to take the steady, claiming pace, I dug my heels into the sheets and pressed up with my hips to meet Carson’s pressure.

  His eyes widened, nostrils flared.

  My voice rasped with sex. “You have my permission to come.”

  “Oh fuck no,” Noah roared. I gasped as he reached for Carson’s ankles and dragged him off me. His cock pulled out, and I was left cold and unloved in the middle of an empty bed.

  Carson swore as Noah dumped him on the mirrored floor. “What the hell? You wanted to watch, you bastard. So watch!” He made to stand, but Noah pressed a foot against his naked chest. “You touch her again and my one hundred and fifty admission won’t cover the damages.”

  Every word left a glowing fire around my heart, my skin, my soul. He wanted me to himself.

  Noah narrowed his eyes. “You move, and I’ll punch you. It’s your turn to watch.” His gaze flickered to me and motioned for me to come.

  I unfolded myself from the sheets and rose to my knees, prowling toward him on all fours. He breathed hard; it rasped in his lungs.

  “You want me all to yourself?” I asked as I climbed his body, pressing fingers into his abs, sliding over sweat-slicked skin.

  “The only guy who’s gonna come in you is me. I gave you a release—I want to give you another one while I’m spilling inside you.”

  My eyes snapped shut as I absorbed the mental image. My body sung along with the dark and pulling music, twisting me, molding me into some wanton creature. I opened my eyes and kissed him. “What are you waiting for then?”

  “I took you the way I wanted last time. Tell me how you want me this time.” He cupped my cheek, running a calloused finger across my lips.

  I wanted him to smother me in missionary, but I didn’t think he’d like that seeing as Carson just did. I frowned, trying to think up a sexy position. My brain fired blank—who was I kidding? I wasn’t a temptress. I was already in way over my head.

  It was my scorching skin that gave me an idea. “I want you standing, pressing me against a mirror.”

  His chest puffed and in one swoop, he scooped me from the bed and strode across the room. I shivered as the cold, biting mirror smarted against my back; Noah pressed against me the next moment, sandwiching me between hot and cold. Sex and reflection. Body and object.

  His knee nudged, unashamedly opening my legs wider, and I startled to see my kitten heels were still on my feet. How they survived I didn’t know. And what an odd piece of wardrobe to keep wearing.

  Carson prowled around us. His face dark and broody, but a glint in his eyes flared my lust. He’d watch and be pleasured, the way he cupped himself told me that.

  Noah breathed in my ear. “Tonight you’re all mine.”

  I bit his lobe, clamping my teeth harder than I intended. He flinched as I whispered, “Not just for tonight.”

  His eyes flared as his body shuddered. His movements became jilted and eager, positioning himself between my legs and lowering a little to angle himself. Sucking in a breath, he entered me. The friction of the mirror behind me was odd as Noah picked me up with his thrust. Instinct made me wrap my legs around his hips as he buried deeper.

  He groaned as I rocked on him, loving the way he filled me, stretched me.

  He bit my neck, trailing teeth down oversensitive skin. “My cock belongs in you.”

  I shuddered as his hips pulsed against mine. I couldn’t agree more.

  His arms bunched as he secured me in his grip; his legs spread further to balance. I knew he was preparing himself for an unrelenting pace and my cells sat up, eager, aching.

  “Tell me you prefer me over him.” Noah’s voice grumbled, his eyes closed with concentration.

  For a moment I wondered what would happen if I lied and said I preferred Carson. Would his temper go out of control? Would he be rough with me? Attack me? My stomach twisted deliciously at the thought. But then I worried what would happen to Carson. Noah might knock him out.

  Noah thrust particularly hard, his muscled stomach kissing mine with every stroke. “You’re taking a long time to answer. Make up your mind fast, or I’ll forbid you to come again.”

  “You. I prefer you.”

  “Good answer.” Then everything else faded. Carson; the mirrored room; the night at Circotica. It was just me and Noah. Heat and need. He drove into me with powerful strokes, pressing me flat against the mirror. My spine bruised where each thrust bumped me hard.

  I lost myself in the rhythm, holding onto his hair, kissing him deep. Our breaths became one, and the ache inside increased until I flamed with urgency with each and every rock. The pain of riding on the knife-edge of an orgasm layered the pleasure, turning it into a sharp, almost unbearable delight.

  Noah ran his hands up my body. His voice betrayed where his thoughts were. “Only tonight.” He grunted as he increased his rhythm. “Tonight you’re mine.”

  I couldn’t think straight. Not just tonight. I was entranced, mesmerised.

  A loud groan wrenched my attention, and my eyes tightened with passion as Carson came in his hand. Spurts of white covered his fist as he watched Noah fucking me.

  Noah growled, not liking my attention on Carson. He captured my mouth, tongue pulsing savagely in time with his hips.

  My heart bucked in my chest; I couldn’t get enough oxygen. I moaned, tearing myself from his mouth to bite his shoulder. His arms trembled holding my weight, and he sucked in a breath. “Fuck, Linden. I can’t—I’m gonna…”

  I knew where he was. He was in the dark abyss I’d visited. The stars and comets and lightning bolts taking him on a high better than any drug. I gave up, following him there. “I’m with you.” I wrapped my legs harder, impaling myself deeper onto him.

  The moment the release found me, Noah’s eyes exploded open, and we drowned in each other. His hazel-green irises glimmered with lust, and it sharpened the bands of release, milking him inside me. My legs tensed, my stomach bunched.

  He cried out, pressing his forehead against mine as hotness spilled inside. On some basic level, I owned him in that moment. He’d mixed himself with me, and he could never take that back. He was mine as much as I was his.

  After the ebbs of orgasm faded down my legs, and I uncramped my toes, I sighed.

  “That was the best sex I’ve ever had,” I mumbled into his neck.

  Carson came toward us as Noah unlocked his arms and withdrew. Wetness slid down my inner thigh as he let me slither down his heated body. I shivered a little at the contact with cold mirror. Carson had put his jeans and shirt back on and looked the power house of a circus maestro. “I take it you enjoyed your visit to Circotica?”

  My lips twitched into a sated smile, unable to do much more after two mind-warping orgasms “Yep.”

  Noah grunted a reply I didn’t hear, and I let him go in search of clothes. He was pulling away already. No chance I would let him. I knew where he lived. He couldn’t give me tonight and shut down back into a stand-offish flatmate.

  Carson bent to whisper in my ear. “That man is an imbecile. He’s besotted with you so much he can’t think straight. If you want more, you’re going to have to break him.”

  Thrills of anticipation sparked my blood. Shit, how could I still be breathing let alone reacting to the thought of breaking Noah into admitting his feelings for me?

  Carson chuckled. “He doesn’t know what he’s got himself into letting his guard down tonight. But I have a feeling you’re going to be good for him.” He kissed my cheek. “I really enjoyed tonight.
I didn’t get to have you as much as I wanted but it was fun nevertheless.”

  Noah came toward us, frowning, holding my lingerie and black dress. “Time to go. I’ll walk you home.”

  I smiled at Carson. “Thanks for making this my favourite birthday ever.”

  The journey home was a walk of shame. Noah never looked at me. He jerked away every time I inched closer; his entire body language made me think he regretted what we’d done.

  How could he regret it? It was amazing. Better than amazing. It was amazeballs. Completely unreal.

  He unlocked the door and let me totter inside on my heels. I kicked them off the moment I crossed the threshold. Planting hands on my hips, I turned to face him. “What’s going on?”

  He ignored me while he closed the door with infinite care and went into the kitchen to get a glass of water. I followed, my heart palpitating, priming for a fight. I wanted it. I needed it. I couldn’t be flayed so expertly with sex and not have him be nice to me afterward. I wasn’t hardwired that way. I was fine with the knowledge I’d never see Carson again. After all, I went in knowing our relationship was only going to last a few hours, but Noah had punctured me to my soul. Closed off for eight months and then the passion he kept hidden sunrised, and I felt as if I’d been grazed with the most amazing eclipse only to lose the beauty the second it was over.

  Noah’s throat worked hard, gulping down water. His hair was spiky from dried sweat. A droplet of water escaped the corner of his mouth. I desperately wanted to lick it for a few reasons. One, I was still horny. How that was possible, I had no clue. Two, I wanted to show him it wasn’t over between us, and three, I was freaking dying of thirst.

  I pulled a mug from the cupboard and followed suit, drinking a gallon before wiping my mouth and piercing him with a glare. “So—are we going to talk about what happened tonight?”

  His eyes flickered to the petri dish shaped clock above the cooker. “It’s past one a.m. Nothing happened tonight. It was yesterday, and I said we wouldn’t talk about it.”

  I dragged hands through my hair, my head pounding with no warning. My nerves were too raw from this conversation. I snapped, “Fine. Be an idiot. I’m going to bed.”


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