Road to Grace

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Road to Grace Page 8

by Piper Davenport

“I want more.”

  He released my hands and stroked my cheek, kissing me quickly. “I fuckin’ love how your body responds, Grace.”

  “You do?”

  “I do.”

  “I don’t really have much control over my reaction,” I admitted. “Is that normal?”

  “If I’m doin’ it right, it is.”

  I cupped his face. “You’re doing everything right.”

  He grinned. “Just wait until we have unlimited time and privacy.”

  “I don’t know if I can wait.”

  He kissed me again. “It won’t be long.”

  “How are you so patient?”

  “I know you’ll be worth the wait.”

  I kissed him, my heart melting. I was excited he’d be my first. Even if he didn’t end up being my last, I knew he’d take care of me in the interim.


  I broke the kiss and pushed on Flea’s shoulders. “What the hell is my dad doing here?”

  We separated like guilty teenagers and Flea helped me sort out my clothing.

  “Grace?” Dad called again.

  “In here,” I said, just as Flea snagged my panties off the floor and shoved them in his pocket.

  I groaned, albeit silently, and headed for the front door.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked.

  “I brought a new shower head and shower seat for Grams.” Dad gave me an awkward smile. “And I wanted to check up on you.”

  “Flea’s here. I’m good.” I crossed my arms. “Shouldn’t you be with Grams?”

  “She’s asleep. Her surgery’s at nine tomorrow, so I’m going back early.”

  “Great. I’ll see you then.”

  “Gracie,” he whispered.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “I’m gonna say something, then I’ll go.”

  I squared my shoulders and glared at him.

  Where the hell is Flea?

  “I love you, Gracie. I know I royally fucked up when I didn’t take you with me and Merrick.”

  I stiffened. He’d never said this to me before.

  “I had no idea your mom found my service weapon, honey. I swear to Christ. I had changed the code on the safe the day before, made sure it was inside and unloaded. I have no idea where she even got the bullets. They were locked up separately… with a new code. I changed codes every week, just in case.”

  I bit back the sting of tears.

  “And I know I compounded everything when I shut down. It’s why I sent you to Maisie. I wanted you to feel loved and protected, but I should have fought harder to stay present.”

  “Except, in the end, you refused to let me stay,” I hissed.

  “It was complicated, sweetpea.”

  “I need you to go now,” I whispered, Flea’s chest hitting my back and I realized he’d been close all along. I leaned back against him and took comfort from his strength.

  Dad studied me, his eyes wet, his face tortured. “I want to make this right, sweetpea.”

  “Maybe let her process what you’ve told her,” Flea suggested, sliding his hand around my waist. “Go from there.”

  My father nodded. “I can do that.”

  “I’ll see you tomorrow,” I repeated, and Dad walked out the door.

  “Where were you?” I demanded, locking the door and spinning to face Flea.

  “I was right here, baby, but he needed to say something, and you needed to hear it.”

  “My side!” I slapped my chest. “You’re supposed to be on my side.”

  I stalked to the kitchen and angrily poured a glass of wine. Flea followed, slowly, and leaned against the island watching me.

  “What?” I snapped.

  He shrugged, but he had an annoying grin on his face that incensed me. It wasn’t quite shit-eating level, but it was close.

  I took a sip of wine. “He’d never said any of that before.”


  I shook my head.

  “How does that make you feel?”

  “Fuck you,” I growled, and pressed the cork back into the wine bottle. “I’m the one with the psychology degree. You aren’t authorized to shrink me.”

  “Grace,” Flea said gently. “You need to process this.”

  “You were supposed to be there.”

  “I was there.”

  “You didn’t stop him from saying all that… shit.”

  “Tryin’ to give you the space to fight your own battles, honey.”

  “Well, he is the exact definition of the dragon I require your assistance vanquishing.”

  Flea moved around the island and got in my space. Close.

  “What are you doing?” I asked, stepping back.

  He reached for me, keeping me from escaping. “Tending to my woman after an emotional evening.”

  I tried to pull away, but he held tight. “Flea.”

  “Baby, your dad’s tryin’. And if I really believed you were done, I’d step in and tell him to fuck off.”

  “You don’t know me well enough to say that.”

  “You don’t think?”

  “It’s been, like, a month.”

  “It’s been more than ten years.”

  I rolled my eyes. “I was a kid. We didn’t know each other back then.”

  “You forget I was part of all of that. I was there when you and your brother came to the club that night. I was there when you woke up screaming in fear. I was there when you fell asleep against me, and I was there when Hatch and your dad sat down to figure out how to best handle you and Merrick so you felt safe.”


  He frowned. “You didn’t know?”

  “Hatch hates my dad.”

  “No, he doesn’t.”

  “I mean, he doesn’t hate him, just doesn’t trust him.”

  “Nope, not even that,” Flea countered.

  I frowned. “What am I missing?”

  “I didn’t hear the entire conversation, but Ryan came to the compound and asked Hatch to watch out for you guys. He was a mess. You know Hatch enough to know that he loves you like a daughter, so you know he was gonna do whatever he needed to do to protect you.” He lifted my face and stroked my cheek. “You’re an adult now, Grace. Try to see it through that filter. Not the filter of the traumatized girl. It doesn’t mean you have to forgive him, but give yourself a chance to heal, honey. Completely. Whether or not you let him back into your life, you need closure.”

  I wrinkled my nose and dropped my head to his chest. “I was thinking I’d just grow old and bitter and push everyone I love away.”

  “I know it doesn’t feel like it sometimes, but I’ve got your back.”

  I sighed. “Honestly, I shouldn’t really expect that from you so soon.”

  “You don’t think?”

  I met his eyes. “You do think?”

  “Grace, I’m in. I’m not goin’ anywhere. I obviously can’t predict the future, but we’re friends… we’re a hell of a lot more than friends, and I want to take this as far as it’ll go. So, yeah, you can fuckin’ expect anything you want to expect from me.”

  “Why can’t you just be a dick?”

  “Can’t be somethin’ I’m not.”

  I groaned. “I know.”

  He chuckled, leaning down to kiss me. “Don’t worry, I’m sure I’ll rise to the occasion sooner than later.”

  “Don’t go changing on my account.”

  “We gonna watch a movie and make out some more?”

  “Yes, please.”

  He grabbed a new beer and we headed back into the living room to find a movie.


  GRAMS WAS ORDERED to stay in the hospital for at least two days after her surgery, so Merrick and I were free to go to the pig roast. Dad had taken time off so he could stay with her which made things easier. I’d spent a few hours with her on Saturday, but she’d shooed me out when she wanted to sleep. I headed back to her house and got ready for a night of drinking and food with my

  I heard the pipes of Flea’s bike and grabbed my purse. I’d already fed the cats, but I made sure there was fresh water before heading to the front door. I pulled it open just as Flea walked up the walkway. “Baby, don’t do that!”

  “Do what?”

  “Open the door before you know who it is.”

  I closed the door in his face and heard him laugh on the other side. “Grace.”

  “Sir, I haven’t determined if you are a stranger. Please knock and announce yourself.”

  “My name is Billy Jameson. My woman’s bein’ funny and cute, which means I’m havin’ a hard time not getting’ hard, so it’d be good if she opens the door or I’m gonna have to take care of that on the porch.”

  I pulled open the door. “Hi.”

  “Hey.” He grinned, leaning down to kiss me. “How’s your grandmother?”

  “Ornery,” I replied.

  He chuckled. “Good sign.”

  “Really good sign.”

  “You look gorgeous.”

  “Thank you.” I licked my lips. “So do you.”

  He wore dark jeans, motorcycle boots, a black shirt and his leather cut under a leather jacket. I wanted to peel him out of each layer.

  “Stop,” he ordered.

  “Stop what?”

  “Lookin’ like you want to lick me,” he said.

  “But I do want to lick you.”

  He closed his eyes briefly. “Get your shit, Grace.”

  I giggled and led him into the house where I grabbed my keys and bag. We locked up and he stowed my purse in one of his saddlebags while I shoved a helmet onto my head. I had a leather jacket and gloves on as well, but I was still a little cold, so I hugged him tight to stay warm. By the time we pulled into the compound, I was pretty sure I was frozen in place.

  “Baby, why the fuck are you shakin’?” Flea demanded as he helped me off the bike.

  I removed my helmet, then rubbed my gloved hands together, trying to get them warm. “Because I’m freezing.”

  He took my hands between his and frowned. “These gloves are shit, Grace. No wonder you’re so cold. Let’s get you inside and warm you up.”

  “Wine. I want wine.”

  He grinned, grabbing my bag and setting our helmets on his seat. “Okay. We’ll get you wine.”

  Heading inside, Flea led me toward the stairs, bypassing the guests already there. He did a couple of chin lifts on the way, but otherwise, didn’t acknowledge their existence. We were early, so there weren’t a whole lot of people there yet, but I recognized a few of the brothers.

  “Where are we going?” I asked.

  “My room.”

  We went up two flights of stairs, then turned right and walked down a long hallway. Flea pulled his keys out and unlocked a non-descript door, pushing it open and turning on the light.

  “Top layer off,” he ordered, closing the door.

  “What?” I squeaked.

  He grinned as he peeled off his jacket, then his cut. “Body heat, Grace. Get your shit off.”

  He pulled off his shirt and I couldn’t breathe. “Oh, god,” I whispered.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked, dropping his shirt on the bed.

  “How many hours a day do you go to the gym?”

  He shook his head. “Grace, we need to get you warm.”

  “Oh, I’m warm,” I said, swallowing. “Rapidly approaching hot.”

  Apparently, he was not amused by the fact my pussy was now dripping at the sight of his perfectly formed chest. He let out a quiet sigh and began to assist me with my clothing.

  “Lift your arms,” he directed.

  I did, and he slid my shirt off, then reached behind me to unhook my bra. “I hope this isn’t a ruse to get a look at my sweater yams.”

  He cracked a smile, but didn’t acknowledge my extremely funny joke.

  Dragging a blanket off the end of his bed, he wrapped it around his shoulders, then pulled me against him. “Arms around me, baby.”

  I pressed into his warmth and he enfolded us both in the blanket, kissing my temple. I sighed, closing my eyes and letting his heat infuse my bones. He started slightly when I flatted my palms to his back and I grimaced. “Sorry.”

  “Fuck, baby, why didn’t you tell me you were so cold?”

  “You mean, stop the ride?”

  “Yeah, honey. That is a thing.”

  “I just wanted to get here as fast as possible.”

  He gave me a gentle squeeze and I kissed his chest, unable to stop myself from tasting him.

  “Fuck, Grace, don’t do that.”

  “I can’t stop myself. You taste good.”

  He shifted and used a free hand to raise my chin. “I can’t handle you doin’ that, baby.”

  “So, do something about it.”


  I nodded. “I’m ready.”

  “We do this, you’re mine. I don’t let go of what’s mine.”

  I smiled. “Neither do I, so gird up your loins.”

  He chuckled, leaning down to kiss me. “You warm enough?”

  “So, so warm.”

  “You sure you don’t wanna wait?”

  “Until when?”

  “Later? Next week… next month?”

  I shook my head. “No, because tonight I want to drink, and I don’t want that to impair me.” I slid my hands across his back. “I want to remember everything. And, there’s no way I can wait another month.”

  His mouth landed on mine and I squeezed him tighter to keep from falling. He broke the kiss, but kept the blanket around us as he yanked the comforter and blankets down the bed. “I want you to take your clothes off and climb under the blankets. I’m gonna get some heat going.”

  “So romantic,” I retorted as I did as he told me.

  He chuckled, stepping to the thermostat on the wall and adjusting it. I couldn’t stop a gasp at the sight of his back. The Dogs of Fire logo spanned the entire thing and it was gorgeous.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Your back,” I said. “It’s awesome.”

  He smiled, sitting to unzip his boots. “You like it?”

  “Yes. Why don’t you have more?”

  He sighed. “Scared shitless of needles.”


  “Yeah. Almost passed out halfway through this one.”

  “Why did you get one so big? It must have taken forever.”

  “Three fuckin’ days,” he said, kicking his boots into the corner, and crawling up the bed to me. “I wanted to prove to myself that I could do it.”

  I grinned, reaching for him as he closed the distance between us. “Well done, big man. You survived and got something beautiful in the process.”

  “I’m lookin’ at somethin’ even more beautiful right now.”

  “Even with helmet head?”

  “Especially with helmet head.”

  “I’m nervous,” I whispered.

  “Understandable.” He smiled. “We can stop anytime you want to.”

  “Why are you still dressed?”

  “Gonna leave my jeans on for a little bit.”


  “To help you not be so nervous.”

  I stroked his face. “I trust you.”

  “I’m glad, Grace, but if you want to stop, we’ll stop, okay?”

  I nodded. “Okay.”

  He kissed me as he continued to hover over me, and I wrapped my arms around his neck, letting the covers fall to my waist. His hand slid between my legs, cupping me and I squirmed at his touch. “Yes,” I rasped.

  “Open, honey.”

  I shifted so he could slide his hand further between my legs and then he slipped a finger inside of me as he threw the covers further off me and knelt between my legs. Gripping my thighs gently, he settled his face between them and kissed the top of each. “Gorgeous.”

  “Flea,” I rasped as his mouth covered my core. I wove my fingers into his hair as he gently sucked my clit and I couldn
’t stop myself from bucking against his mouth. This made him grip my thighs harder and keep me in place, but he kept his mouth right where it was. I bit my lip when his tongue slipped inside of me and my stomach fluttered as he added another finger.

  His mouth moved back to my clit as he twisted his fingers inside of me… I was so unprepared for the sensation, I cried out as an orgasm flooded me.

  “Fuckin’ perfect, Grace,” he whispered, kissing his way back up my body, ending at my neck and cupping my breast as he kissed me again.

  “I want to see you.” I reached up to stroke his cheek. “All of you.”

  He kissed me once more, then stood, pushing his jeans and boxer briefs off, and facing me again. I licked my lips. I wasn’t so sheltered that I’d never seen a man’s dick before, but never one in person or up this close. His was a work of art, and I wanted to taste every delectable inch.

  Flea chuckled. “You’re doing it again.”

  I frowned, leaning up on my arms. “Doing what?”

  “Looking like you want to lick me.”

  I sat up all the way and bit my lip. “Can I?”

  He closed his eyes and dropped his head back. “Fuck.”

  I giggled, sidling toward him. “Please.”

  “Give me some space.”

  “You’re big, honey, but do you need the whole bed?”

  He laughed, stretching out on his back. “I like it when you call me honey.”

  I leaned over him. “Ditto.”

  He reached up and ran a lock of my hair through his fingers. “I think you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”

  “You think I am?”

  He hooked his arm around my waist and pulled me on top of him. I squeaked in surprise as I shifted to get my balance. His hand slid to my neck and he guided my head down to his mouth. “You are so fuckin’ adorable, Grace.”

  I settled my chin on his chest and smiled. “You think so, huh?”

  “I know so.”

  I ran my finger over his collarbone. “Question.”


  “We both know this is new to me.”

  He cocked his head. “Yeah.”

  “But I’m not entirely naïve.”

  “Good to know.”

  “That being said… is this foreplay, or are you doing it wrong?”

  He bellowed with laughter, rolling me onto my back and kissing me. “You want foreplay, beautiful?”

  “I’d rather you just punch my V-card right now, but if you insist on foreplay, I’ll allow it.”


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