Fake Bride

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Fake Bride Page 10

by Willow Cravings

“Exactly. You can't be upset with that.”

  “I guess not.” Sebastian rubbed his knuckles on my head. “Congratulations Charlotte, you did it.”

  I let out the longest breath. “Getting fucked like that after being so wound up all week was really the medicine I needed.”

  “What's the plan now?” he asked.

  “I don't know.” I waited a moment and started again. “All I know is that I want to explore this further. You've always been there for me and now I want to be there for you.”

  Sebastian kissed me and I lost myself in him again. He didn't have to do much to make me want him.

  I broke away and looked into his eyes. “At least for now, the plan is you're going to fuck me all day long until I say stop. And I haven't said stop.”

  Sebastian sat up, his cock standing at attention. “Only if you keep that gold medal on.”

  “Deal,” I replied.

  Chapter Six

  Except for the interviews I had to do for news stations, Sebastian and I rarely left the bed. Every night together was better than the next as we explored each other's body.

  We had to make up for all those wasted years.

  When the Olympics were over, it was finally time to go back home and face reality.

  It was going to be the most difficult challenge of our lives. Our parents were going to get more than a surprise than a gold medal.

  They might not accept us at first but with time, they would like everyone else.

  Sebastian and I belonged together.

  Plus I needed my emotional support as I trained for the next Olympics.

  I had a taste for gold and I had to get another now.

  The End

  Story Seven

  Copyright 2018

  All Rights Reserved.

  Disclaimer: This ebook is a work of fiction. Any resemblance characters in this story may have to real people is coincidental.

  No section of this book may be copied or reproduced without the author's permission.


  I hated Dr. Luke with a passion. He thought he owned every woman he ever came across.

  But not me.

  I thought I could resist him but there was nothing I could do when we got stuck in an elevator during a power outage.

  He would show me what a real man was.

  Chapter One

  Snow began to fall as I walked to Chicago General from the “L” train. The weather wasn't too bad for a December winter. Very cold but nothing I hadn't experienced before.

  I flipped my furry hood over my head and passed the hotdog cart that was all closed up. Ralph's dogs was perfect for a lunch snack but I wouldn't be able to get that during the night shift.

  I came to the ambulance bay and the red sign that said: Emergency shined bright in the night sky. This was always my first indication of how the shift was going to go. If there were a crowd of people and multiple ambulances, then I knew the day was going to be long and hard.

  Tonight the ambulance bay was empty. That meant tonight should be fairly easy. You can never count out the night shift in Chicago though. That was the prime time for shootings. I had gotten used to working on a lot of gunshot victims. I didn't think I would be able to when I first started here but now it had become second nature.

  The sliding doors opened for me and the warm air from the heater hit me right away. I pulled back my hood and snow fell off. Johnny sat at the admission desk eating a chocolate donut.

  He put it down and licked his fingers. “How are you doing, Emily? Do you want one?” He opened up the pink box and revealed every type of donut.

  My first instinct was to take one but I stopped myself. “Maybe later, Johnny. Thanks.”

  I had been fighting with my weight for years now. I had just a little too many curves for my liking. I tried almost every diet known to man and nothing really worked. I thought that being on my feet all day would help but I hadn't lost a pound.

  I started to lose hope that my body would ever change. I was stuck in this husk for the rest of my life.

  I unwrapped the scarf around my neck and draped it on my arm. “Do you know who the attending is tonight?” I asked Johnny.

  He looked at the big board on the wall. “Dr. Luke is going to be here all night.”

  I sighed. That's what I was afraid of. Dr. Luke was the biggest hound in the entire hospital. He'd been with every single nurse and female doctor he could get his hands on. He even set his sights on me but I knew they were empty threats.

  Dr. Luke wasn't interested in a relationship with me. He just wanted another notch on his belt. Something to tell his rich buddies during golf that he had taken every woman in this building. I wouldn't fall for his charms no matter how good looking he was.

  I wanted something real.

  The break room was empty when I entered. I went to my locker and put my combination in. I took off my heavy jacket that revealed my pink scrubs underneath. I stowed the jacket and my purse away and returned outside to the admissions desk.

  “What do you have for me, Johnny?”

  He rolled on his office chair to the opposite side of his “fortress” as he called it. “You have a guy in exam three that's complaining of a stuffy nose and itchy throat.” He handed me the patient's file.

  “Aren't we all complaining of that?” I asked him.

  Johnny nodded and continued eating his donuts and watching the TV that was in the waiting area. It was supposed to be for entertaining the patients while they waited but really it was to keep Johnny occupied so he didn't get into trouble.

  I walked down the hallway to exam three, looking down at the patient's file. His name was Carl Clane and he was sixty-three years old. I didn't get much further because I suddenly collided with someone and the file flew out of my hand.

  “I'm so sorry. I wasn't paying attention.” I looked up to see Dr. Luke with his short blonde hair and square jaw. He looked more like a doctor from a soap opera than someone who actually practiced medicine. As much as I hated him, I had to admit that there was a certain allure about him. I couldn't blame all the women who had been with him before.

  We both bent over to pick up the fallen papers. Dr. Luke's eyes examined my large breasts. My scrubs weren't very flattering but I could tell he was trying to imagine what was underneath. I put my hand over my chest to block his vision.

  “No it was my fault, Emily.” Luke collected my papers and put them in the folder. He handed them back to me. “I'll see you later,” he said with a wink.

  I flushed with red. That was a surprising encounter. He usually said something absurdly sexual or tried to pretend that we had already planned for a date after our shifts.

  This time he was shockingly normal. Except for the desire in his eyes but that was any man that I came across. My big boobs and ass always attracted men but not in the way I wanted.

  I collected myself and walked into exam three. A man looking older than sixty-three was sitting on the exam table. But then again every old person at a hospital looked older than they should. “You must be Mr. Clane?”

  He nodded. “Am I going to see a doctor?”

  That was almost always the first question I received when I was introduced to a patient. They always considered nurses so much lower on the ladder and that their illness required the expertise of a doctor.

  “Well let's see what's wrong with you first and then we'll see about a doctor. Can you tell me your symptoms?” I took out a pen and opened the file to the complaints section right after the patient history.

  Mr. Clane rubbed his throat. “I can barely swallow. It feels so swollen. And forget about breathing through my nose.”

  I wrote down the symptoms and breathed in and out slowly. Tonight was going to be very slow.

  Chapter Two

  “Let me check you out, Mr. Clane.” I put the patient file on the counter and put my hands on his neck, checking if his lymph nodes were inflamed. They seemed just a little bigger than normal. Nothing out of
the ordinary.

  I checked his heart and lungs and they were in normal ranges.

  “Now I'm going to look down your throat.” I put the tongue depressor in his mouth and shined my tiny flashlight in there. “Your throat does look a little red.”

  “Am I going to need surgery, nurse?” His hands were clenched together and sweat was dripping from his forehead.

  I'd seen plenty of older patients like this before. They were afraid that any small sickness was the beginning of something worse.

  “You're fine Mr. Clane. It looks like you just have a cold.”

  “You're not going to do any tests?”

  I wrote the exit instructions down on the file. “We don't want to waste your time and ours with expensive tests for just a little cold do we?”

  “Well how about some medicine then?”

  “We also don't just give out antibiotics anymore for every sickness. We don't want your system to build up an immunity.”

  “So that's it?”

  I pointed to the door. “You're free to go, Mr. Clane. If your symptoms get any worse, just come right back.”

  The old man got up and put his coat on. “Thanks for nothing.”

  I put on my best smile. “Try to stay warm out there and get plenty of rest.”

  I sighed after he left. Sometimes the trauma victims were easier to deal with because they almost never talked back.

  I took the long way back to the admissions desk. No reason to rush there when I knew there weren't many patients. “Anybody else, Johnny?” I asked.

  He checked the board and looked at the tray for files. “It looks like that's it for now. Dr. Luke did leave a note for you though.”

  It wasn't unusual for doctors to leave notes for the nurses and vice versa. It was hard to find them sometimes especially when it got really busy.

  But when it came to Dr. Luke, his notes were always sexual in nature. One time he drew a giant cock on it with hairy balls and everything. I thought about going up to HR for sexual harassment but chocked it up to an immature male.

  His jokes and advances were pretty harmless when I really thought about it.

  I took the note from Johnny and unfolded it. Luke had written down actual instructions. He wanted me to restock the pharmacy since it was so dead in here.

  I liked getting told what to do. It was better than spending my time wandering the hallways looking for something to occupy my time. “Can I get the pharmacy keys and the locker keys?” I asked Johnny.

  He handed me both sets of keys. One for the main floor and one for the bottom floor that kept most of our stock. I needed to first go to our small pharmacy section and see what needed to be restocked.

  “Can you believe this weather?” Johnny asked.

  “What do you mean?”

  He pointed to the TV and the weatherman was talking about the record amount of snowfall. I was only outside maybe an hour ago and everything was fine. I went out to the ambulance bay and the sliding doors opened to a wall of snow.

  Not actually a wall but about three feet. It was enough to guarantee that tonight was going to be slow. Ambulances would have a tough time getting here and sick people would rather stay home than come out and fight the weather.

  “Is it bad out there?” Johnny asked when I came back to him.

  “Let's just say that it's going to be pretty empty here tonight.”

  He relaxed in his chair and leaned back. “These are the best nights. I think I'm going to catch up on my reading.”

  “If anyone comes looking for me tell them I'll be in the pharmacy and then the supply room.”

  I took a pen and paper and walked to the small closet that held all the drugs. It was important to keep track of the painkillers and other substances that were normally abused. Patients who were drug-seeking who go to extreme lengths to find their next fix.

  I unlocked the door and proceeded to take an inventory of everything that needed to be replaced. It was boring and monotonous but when most of your shift was bordering on extreme excitement, you learned how to enjoy the quiet moments.

  I took the elevator down to the bottom floor of the hospital. This was where they kept supplies for almost everything. Bed sheets, pillows, trays for food, and toilet paper. They also kept old equipment down here. Outdated stuff that the hospital will probably never use again but it was incredibly expensive at one point.

  I opened the door to the pharmacy supply and realized that this was going to take a lot longer than I thought. Everything had become very disorganized. None of the medicine was in the right place.

  This was going to take hours.

  Chapter Three

  I brushed the sweat from my brow and wiped my hands off on my scrubs. I had finally put all the bottles where they belonged and taken what I needed for the pharmacy upstairs.

  I loaded everything into a small cart that looked like a large spice rack. I rolled it over to the elevator and pressed the button for the main floor.

  Before I could get there the doors opened at the next floor up and Dr. Luke waltzed right in. “I see you're almost done restocking the pharmacy. Thanks for doing that. I know it shouldn't be a job for the nurses but we have a small staff tonight.”

  I couldn't believe he was actually thanking me for my work. This Dr. Luke wasn't the same man I had been interacting with the past year.

  “It's no problem. Everything was out of place downstairs so I fixed it up. There's no excuse for it to look that way. Not when we might need to find something that's vital for a patient.”

  Luke was about to reply when the elevator halted before it reached our level. The lights flickered once and then turned off.

  “Uhh what's happening?” I asked, holding onto the rails for dear life. An elevator free-falling was a fear of mine.

  The lights came back on but this time they were dark red. “Looks like the power went out,” Luke said, taking look at the panel of buttons.

  “The power's out? What about the patients on life support?”

  Luke shook his head. “The generators kicked on which is why we have some light in here. They'll be fine.”

  I imagined Johnny upstairs freaking out and running around. But then I remembered who Johnny was. He lived for these moments. He was probably setting up a hockey game with trash cans with the janitors.

  “So what do we do then?”

  Luke pressed the call button on the panel. “I don't know if this works but is anyone there?”

  No answer.

  “We're never getting out of here,” I said, backing up to the wall. Suddenly everything felt so claustrophobic. I never used to have this fear but it felt like I wasn't able to get enough oxygen in my lungs.

  Luke turned to me and put his hand on my shoulder. “We're going to be fine. They'll get to us soon enough.”

  “Not with that blizzard out there,” I replied, my chest heaving in and out. I could tell that I was hyperventilating. Now I knew I wasn't very good in survival situations.

  Dr. Luke cocked his head to the side. He hadn't been watching the news.

  “There was already three feet of snow a few hours ago. Who knows how much has fallen since then.”

  “Okay...so it might take them a little longer to get to us. No big deal.”

  “What about our air supply? How long do we have?”

  Dr. Luke laughed. “Elevators aren't air tight for exactly this reason. We're going to be perfectly fine.”

  His unwavering attitude was actually calming. Maybe we were going to be all right. “So what do we do then?”

  “Let's see what we have here?” Luke went to the cart of drugs, picking up bottles and checking the labels.”

  “Okay be serious. We're not going to take painkillers to pass the time. If we were caught, they'd fire us so fast.”

  Luke tossed the bottle back into the cart. He turned to me with dark eyes. “Then how about a kiss?”

  All the breath in my lungs escaped at once. My skin turned a dark shade of red an
d I couldn't find the words. I was always so good at turning him down but now it was different. We were in such close quarters and he had been pretty nice to me lately.

  I couldn't fight back the thought that I had dreamed of him before. Even touched myself to the thought of him. He was most good-looking man I'd ever seen.


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