Shadow Wolf (Shinobi Saga)

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Shadow Wolf (Shinobi Saga) Page 42

by Sessha Batto

  “Maybe I should give it a try, senpai.” Hideaki's smooth tenor interrupted his efforts to soothe the crying child. “He knows you're upset.”

  “Hideaki, you came!” Yoshi moved to embrace his friend, shifting Kiyoshi so he wouldn't get squashed.

  “What's your name little one?” the solemn Shuhan murmured as he plucked the baby from the shadow wolf's arms.

  “That's Kiyoshi, the sleeping beauty in the stroller is his twin sister Ko. They're Tatsuya and Mayu's,” Yoshi explained. “I take care of them when they're both working.”

  “Indeed,” Hideaki replied drily as he rocked a now quiet and raptly attentive Kiyoshi in his arms. “Because your skills are so well suited to babysitting.”

  “I'm their godfather. I enjoy doing it. Well, most of the time. Still, I wouldn't give it up for anything.”

  “It's nice to see you happy, senpai. You deserve it.”

  “So, how have you been?”

  “I had a bad spell a few weeks ago, but I've recovered. Katsutoshi was worried, he almost sent for you.”

  “While you're here you should get the doctors to take a look at you, maybe there's something they can do,” the elite suggested. “Speaking of Katsutoshi, where is he?”

  “Off somewhere with your husband-to-be doing wedding stuff. After all, he's rather late for the fittings.”

  “We had Makoto stand in for him so it should be close,” Yoshi assured him. “I'm so happy you both came.”

  “We couldn't miss your wedding, senpai. You and Sasaki-san deserve all the happiness you can get.” Hideaki took a shaky breath. “Besides, it's time I came back home and faced the music.”

  “Don't be ridiculous. Daisuke would never let you be punished for what you did.”

  “I doubt the council will be as forgiving,” the last Oonishi retorted drily. “Still, my position as Shuhan should make them think twice about attempting to enforce any judgment.”

  “In all seriousness, Hideaki, you don't need to worry. I talked to all the council members before I asked you to come. I wouldn't risk your life over something so trivial.”

  “I hardly think marriage is trivial, senpai. Are you sure you want to go through with it? You don't have to. You can always come back with us.”

  “That's a generous offer, and I appreciate it, but I want to do this. I wasn't sure at first, but now I know it's what I want.”

  “As long as you're sure. You're always welcome to come stay with us.”

  “Well, we'll certainly come for a visit, but my home is with Makoto.” Yoshi bundled the twins back into their pram. “Let's drop these sweeties back home and go find our saner halves. I think it's time for some celebrating.”

  Halfway to Mayu's the pair was stopped by Genki and Jun. “My friend, I know you have much on your mind right now but the wise Genki and myself were just discussing your pre-nuptial festivities,” the combat specialist boomed, drawing the attention of everyone in a three block radius.

  “He means your bachelor party, brat.” the sage broke in. “Would you rather do it tomorrow night or after the rehearsal dinner?”

  “What exactly is a bachelor party?” the shadow wolf asked.

  “It's a celebration of your last night of freedom,” Genki explained. “You know, drink, go to the strip club, all the things you can't do once you're married.”

  “I don't think so. Thanks anyway.”

  “But, Yoshi, it is tradition,” Jun wailed. “To skip it may bring you bad luck.”

  “I'm just going to have to chance it.” Yoshi patted his shoulder. “I really, really, am not interested.”

  “But it isn't a wedding without a bachelor party,” Genki insisted.

  “Tell you what old man, check with Makoto, maybe he needs a last night of freedom. For myself, I'm more than ready to put it behind me.”

  “Aren't you at all concerned about your fiancé going out with those two?” Hideaki asked.

  “Makoto tattooed my name on his ass to convince me to say yes. He isn't going anywhere. Come on, let's get these two dropped off before they wake up and need something. We have a lot of catching up to do.”


  Yoshi fluttered around the bedroom nervously, choosing and discarding one outfit after another in an attempt to find just the right thing for the rehearsal and the dinner afterward.

  “Sweetheart, are you ready yet?” Makoto called.

  “Five minutes,” the elite yelled back, even though he was far from ready.

  “What's the problem?” The interrogator stuck his head into the room and noticed his fiancé hadn't even started dressing.

  “I don't know what's appropriate.” The shadow wolf gnawed his bottom lip. “I don't want to embarrass you.”

  “You could never embarrass me. Here, wear this.” Makoto plucked a pair of fitted pants and a silky shirt from the pile of discarded choices.

  “Are you sure this is nice enough? I don't want to offend anyone.”

  “No matter what you wear you'll be the best looking person there. Just get dressed, it will be fine. I would never be embarrassed to be seen with you.”

  “Easy for you to say. You'll change your mind when it happens.”

  “You have no idea just how hot you are, do you?” the interrogator rumbled. “You could be covered in shit and dressed in rags and you'd still get a dead man hard.”

  “Stop,” his fiancé muttered crossly, pushing past to get to the bathroom. “That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.”

  “No, you stop right there and listen to me.” The interrogator grabbed Yoshi by the shoulders and forced him to make eye contact. “I know you don't like attention, but you're far from stupid, you must know how attractive you are.”

  “I don't want to be attractive. I want to blend in.”

  “It's your wedding rehearsal. You're supposed to be the center of attention,” Makoto murmured. “Everyone is on your side. They're your friends and they want to share our happiness. Trust me. If it makes you more comfortable ignore them and just focus on me. I know I won't have eyes for anyone but you.”

  “But—” the elite started to protest.

  “No buts. This is our celebration. We're getting married tomorrow and I, for one, couldn't be happier.”

  “I'm very happy about that part. It's the rest that worries me.”

  “We can still elope,” the interrogator assured him. “All I care about is making you mine.”

  “Mayu would kill me,” Yoshi decided with a sigh. “Let's just go get this over with.”

  “Pants would probably be good first. I have no intention of letting anyone else see you like this.”

  “A lot of them already have. Does that bother you?”

  “I'd be lying if I said it didn't,” Makoto admitted. “But it's in the past. I'd love to erase all your history, for more important reasons than just my comfort, but I can't. All we can do is go forward.” He pulled his lover close, wrapping him in strong arms and showering him with kisses.

  “Thank you,” Yoshi murmured, scarlet face buried in the interrogator's chest. “I have a present for you. I hope you like it.”

  “I'm sure I'll treasure whatever it is,” Makoto assured him. “I can't believe you got me something.”

  “Just wait here and shut your eyes. I'll be right back.”

  The interrogator obediently shut his eyes and waited, resisting the urge to peek when he sensed the elite standing in front of him. “Hold out your hands. Closer together. Careful now.”

  Makoto almost jumped out of his skin when something soft, warm and wiggly was deposited in his outstretched hands. “Now open your eyes.”

  He slowly cracked open his eyes, only to find himself looking into the rapt pair of the tiniest wolf cub he'd ever seen. “Her name is Akiko. She's not trained yet but I thought it would cement your place in the pack if you raised one of them yourself,” Yoshi explained.

  “She's adorable, aren't you little one?” Makoto gently stroked her head. “We're going t
o be very good friends, you and I.”

  “I hope so,” his fiancé said uncertainly. “Is this alright with you?”

  “It's wonderful. You don't know how happy I am that you'd trust me like this.”

  “If I didn't trust you I wouldn't be here. This is permanent though. Do you want to change your mind?”

  “Never,” Makoto insisted. “You're all I've ever wanted.”

  “Then I guess we'd best go do this before our friends decide we've changed our minds. The last thing we need is an overly-emotional Jun on our hands.”

  “What should I do with Akiko? Will she be alright here on her own?”

  “I'll take care of her,” Oushi offered from under the kotatsu. “Send her in here.”

  “Thanks, Oushi, I appreciate it.”

  “I love cubs,” the massive wolf admitted. “Come snuggle in the warmth, little one, they'll be home later.”


  Yoshi was still fidgeting nervously when they arrived at the rehearsal, although he quickly forgot his concerns when Mayu pulled him in for a hug. “You look amazing,” she whispered in his ear, smiling to herself when the reclusive nin blushed bright red. “Seriously, Makoto is a very, very lucky man to be getting you.”

  “I'm the lucky one. But thank you, for everything. This never would have happened without all your hard work.”

  “It was my pleasure. You do so much for all of us, it's the least I can do to repay you.”

  “I don't know what you think I do that rated all this,” the elite replied with a shake of his head. “But I appreciate it. I'm sure Tatsuya is more than ready to have things go back to normal though. Why don't I take the kids this weekend so you two can have some time together?”

  “You are so very sweet. But I think your husband might object to canceling your honeymoon so you can babysit.”

  “We're not going on a honeymoon,” Yoshi retorted. “Whatever that is.”

  “Yes we are, sweetheart,” Makoto murmured in his ear. “I'm taking you away from everyone and everything for the next two weeks.”

  “Seriously?” Yoshi turned to face his lover. “Why didn't you tell me?”

  “It was going to be a surprise,” the interrogator grumbled. “But I can't stand here with my mouth shut and let you make plans. When we get back though, we'll have them for a weekend. This is all lovely, Mayu.”

  “I'm glad you like it. So, where are you going on your honeymoon?”

  “That's going to stay a surprise,” Makoto decided. “I need to make sure we don't have any visitors. But we'll be sure to take lots of pictures.”

  “Excuse me?” Yoshi snapped. “You are not taking pictures of us and showing them to people. I don't care if most of them have already seen me naked.”

  “I didn't mean those kind of pictures.” Makoto attempted to soothe his fiancé. “I'm far too possessive for that.”

  “Hey you two, everyone's waiting.” Daisuke poked his head out of the hall. “There will be plenty of time for that later.”


  It took another half hour before all the participants were finally assembled and the rehearsal could begin. Unfortunately, what should have been a quick ten minute walk-through rapidly turned into an hour long session of delays, disputes and false starts.

  “This is why you have a rehearsal, 'shi-kun,” Mayu whispered. “You want everything tomorrow to go perfectly.”

  “I thought we settled all these things though. I know I told Makoto to deal with Jun and his love song and I personally nixed the slide show. Why are we still going around about it?”

  “We aren't,” Makoto declared. “I just had a talk with Jun. The threat of losing the best man's position has him more willing to do things your way.”

  “You threatened him?”

  “I told him he had you in tears,” the interrogator teased. “I'm surprised he didn't kill himself on the spot.”

  “You are so cruel,” Yoshi retorted. “But thank you.”

  “Everyone back in position,” Mayu called. “Let's try this again.”

  Eventually after much wrangling all the details were finally worked out and the wedding party headed off to join their friends for the rehearsal dinner. “Finally,” Shouhei exclaimed when the group was seated. “We were about ready to send out a search party.”

  “Is everything alright?” Hideaki asked Katsutoshi as soon as he sat down.

  “Just a bit of nerves. It took a while to get the details of the ceremony straightened out.”

  “I would like to propose a toast,” an already inebriated Genki proclaimed, standing and lifting his saucer while he waited for silence. “Y'shi-san, I know I've been a lousy uncle, but I just wanted to say I'm glad you've found someone who makes you happy. I know your mother and father would be very proud of you right now.” He flopped back down onto the cushions, tossing back his saucer and pouring another. “Sasaki, you be nice to him or I'll have to kick your ass.”

  “You have had enough of this.” Mayu declared as she neatly plucked the sake bottle from the sage's hands. “Next thing you know you'll be dancing on the table.”

  “I'm just warming up for the stag party,” Genki protested. “It's tradition.”

  “Tradition my ass,” the kunoichi scolded. “It's an excuse to raise hell. Mess this up for them, old man, and I'll hunt you down and roast your ass.”

  “I have a toast,” Shouhei offered. “To Yoshi and Makoto. I hope you find as much happiness as Yuu and I have. To many wonderful years together.”

  “Kanpai,” the guests all chorused as they drank.

  “Enough already,” the shadow wolf grumbled. “Can we just eat, please?”

  “Sweetheart, they're just happy for us,” the interrogator whispered in his ear.

  “But it's ridiculous,” Yoshi whispered back. “We know they approve or they wouldn't be here. It's just embarrassing.”

  “I know you don't like compliments, but our friends are happy for us. Here, have a nice piece of squid.” Makoto silenced his protest by popping a piece into his intended's mouth.

  “Oh how sweet,” Mayu sighed. “You two are adorable together.”

  “Hey, Mayu,” Yoshi ventured in an attempt to refocus her attention. “Where are the babies?”

  “I hired a girl from down the block to watch them. I didn't want them to interrupt anything.”

  “That won't do at all,” a horrified Yoshi insisted. “We need to go get them.”

  “I'm sure it's fine,” the kunoichi soothed. “It's just for a few hours.”

  “But they're with a stranger,” the elite fretted. “Oushi will kill me if anything happens to them. We need to make sure they're alright.” He flashed through some kanji and disappeared, jaw dropping at the disaster that met his eyes. Both twins were screaming at the top of their lungs while a frazzled young girl tried to figure out what was wrong.

  “There, there.” Yoshi scooped them out of their cribs and held them close. “I've got you.” Both infants immediately calmed when they sensed his familiar ki. “Do you have any idea what you're doing?”

  The young girl staggered backward, quaking in fear at the menacing aura crackling around the infamous shadow wolf. “I've taken care of babies,” she squeaked, “just not two at once.”

  “Hmmph. That's obvious. Why don't you just go before you make things worse.”

  “But, Mayu-san,” the teenager began.

  “Will hear from me about this. Now go.” The panicked girl grabbed her things and fled as the elite packed a bag. He bundled the twins into their stroller before transporting them back to the restaurant.

  “'Shi-kun,” Mayu hissed in exasperation. “They were fine.”

  “They were crying and your so-called babysitter was panicking. I couldn't just leave them there like that. Could I, princess?” he cooed to his attentive goddaughter.

  “Sweetheart, it really is Mayu's choice,” Makoto ventured. “She needs to find someone besides you who can watch them.”

” Yoshi asked. “I love taking care of them.”

  “Well, among other reasons, we're going to be gone for the next two weeks. Someone will have to babysit while Tatsuya and Mayu are working.”

  “We can't go. I didn't think. They need me.”

  “I need you,” Makoto insisted. “Who's more important?”

  “You are,” Yoshi realized. “I'm sorry. I guess I over-reacted.”

  “You were just worried about your precious people, that's one of the things I love about you. But I want to take you away and spend some time alone together. Maybe Oushi could stay with the twins. He'd let you know if something was wrong.”

  “That's a good idea,” the shadow wolf decided. “Is that alright with you, Mayu?”

  “That would be lovely. I wouldn't worry at all with Oushi there too.”

  “Then it's settled,” the interrogator declared. “Let's eat.”

  Before long everyone was eating and chatting. Yoshi picked at his food and fussed over the twins, more than ready for the social situation to be over with. Finally the last of the dishes were cleared away and people began to leave.

  “Lover of my dearest friend,” Jun boomed as he clamped a heavy hand on the interrogator's shoulder. “It is time for the glorious tradition known as your bachelor party.”

  “I'd rather just go home and sleep,” Makoto decided. “Tomorrow is a busy day.”

  “You can't go home with Yoshi,” Mayu pointed out. “It's bad luck. You'll just have to wait until tomorrow.”

  “But,” the interrogator tried to protest, only to find himself flanked by Genki and Jun.

  “No buts,” the sage insisted. “This is your last night of freedom.”

  “Freedom is highly overrated.” Makoto leaned over and kissed his fiancé. “See you tomorrow, sweetheart. Sleep well.”

  “But I don't like this,” the shadow wolf pouted. “I don't want you to sleep somewhere else.”


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