Carvalho, Solomon Nunes, 274–81, 297
Castro, José, 126–27, 132, 224
expulsion order, 128–30, 131, 148, 151–52
Frémont’s expedition, 126–27
Mexican-American War, 157, 158, 160–61, 167
Cathcart, Andrew, 208
Catlin, George, 1
Cecilia (girlfriend), 6–8, 9, 37, 128, 177, 333, 341
Central Valley, 116–17, 222–23
Cervantes, Miguel de, 236
Chagres River, 200–201
Champs-Élysées (Paris), 271–72
Charleston, South Carolina, 2, 4–9, 11–12
Charleston Courier, 11, 305
Charleston Harbor, 4–5, 341
Charleston Mercury, 324
Chase, Salmon P., 296, 298, 313, 341
Cherokee Indians, 12–13, 204, 249, 269
Cherokee removal, 12–13, 249
Cherry Grove, 20
Cheyenne Indians, 114–15
Child, David Lee, 89
Child, Lydia Maria, 318–19
Chinatown (San Francisco), 253, 260
China trade, 27–28, 38
Chinese immigrants, 219, 250, 253, 259
Chinook, William “Billy,” xix
Second Expedition, 72–73, 78
Third Expedition, 110
U.S. Army career, 344
Chouteau, Pierre, Jr., 25
Chouteau family, 15, 25, 47–48
Chouteau’s Landing, 48–49
chronometers, 42–43, 47, 53–54
Cincinnati and Charleston Railroad, 11–12
Civil War, xxvi, 341–46
Clark, William, 25–26, 196
Clay, Henry, 101–4, 237, 241–42, 247
Cochetopa Pass, 278–79
Cochrane, Thomas, 271–72
College of Charleston, 5–6, 8, 9
Colonel Fremont (ship), 220–21, 227
Colorado River, 190, 199
Colt, Samuel, 239–40
Colton, Walter, 227
Colton Hall (Monterey), 227–28
Colt Revolvers, 239–40, 241
Columbia River, 28, 40, 71–73, 344
Columbus, Christopher, 27–28
Commentaries on the Laws of England (Blackstone), 205, 235–36
Compromise of 1850, 241–43, 247–49, 269
Confiscation Act of 1862, 342–43
Conquest of California. See California Campaign
Constitution of California, 232–33, 240
Constitution of the United States, xxviii
Continental Divide, 40, 51–52, 278–79, 280
Cosumne Indians, 208
Crafts, William, 5
Crescent City (ship), 193–95, 200–204, 224
Crosby, Elisha, 229, 231–32, 233
Crow Nation, 48
Cuba, 274
daguerreotypes, 43, 54, 273–76, 278–81, 297–98, 343
Daily Madisonian, 99, 103
Dakota Territory, 344
Dalles, The, 72
Davis, Jefferson, 272
Dayton, William L., 314, 318–21
Declaration of Independence, 340
Declaration of Sentiments, 245
Defoe, Daniel, 149
de Haro, Francisco, 158
de Haro, Ramon, 158
Delany, Martin, 270, 343
Delaware Indians, 114, 116, 134, 137–38, 140, 143–44, 158, 276, 279–80
Democratic National Convention (1844), 92–94, 112
Democratic National Convention (1856), 298–99
Democratic Party, xxvi, 22, 95, 233, 256–57, 292
Kansas-Nebraska Act and, 284–85
presidential election of 1840, 35
presidential election of 1844, 92–95, 101–5
presidential election of 1852, 270–71, 272, 290–91
presidential election of 1856, 292–93, 295, 298–99, 315–16, 321, 331–32, 334–35
Des Moines River, 36
de Soto, Hernando, 150–51
Díaz del Castillo, Bernal, 44, 56, 200, 213
Dickens, Charles, 312
Dix, John Adams, 149
Dodge, Augustus, 251
Dodson, Jacob, 353
background of, 60
Benton and Senate job, 90–91, 342
during Civil War, 342
Mexican-American War, 166, 178, 247
government compensation, 309–10
Second Expedition, 59, 60, 78–80, 96
slavery and Compromise of 1850, 247–48
Third Expedition, xix, xx–xxi, 110, 140
Donelson, Andrew Jackson, 299
Donner Lake, 116
Donner Party, 228
Don Quixote (Cervantes), 236
Douglas, Stephen A., 242, 284, 340–41
Douglass, Anna. See Murray-Douglass, Anna
Douglass, Frederick, 86–87, 242–46
during Civil War, 342–43
Compromise of 1850, 242–46, 246, 269
Kansas-Nebraska Act and, 284
National Convention of Colored Citizens (1843), 86–87, 243
Polk and Mexican-American War, 167
presidential election of 1852 and, 270–71
presidential election of 1856 and, 319–21
Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Stowe), 269–70
women’s suffrage, 244–45
Dred Scott v. Sandford, 339–40
election of 1821, 28–29
election of 1824, 20
election of 1828, 22
election of 1844, 92–95, 101–4
election of 1852, 270–71, 272
election of 1854, 286–87, 291
election of 1856, xxii, xxiii–xxiv, 293–306, 308, 310–37
Academy of Music event, 333–34
American (Know-Nothing) Party nominee Fillmore, 299, 310–11, 325, 329, 330, 336
attacks on John’s character, 322–28
Benton and, 301–2, 329–30
Blair’s role, 294–97
Democratic Party nominee Buchanan, 298–99, 315–16, 321, 331–32, 334–35
electoral map, 331–32, 334–36
Jessie’s role, xxiii–xxiv, 293–95, 299–302, 311–12, 315–19, 323–25, 329, 333–34, 336–37
John’s life story and credentials, 299–301
Republican National Convention, 311–15
slavery and, 293, 295–96, 298–99, 302–6, 309–11, 314–15, 318–22, 331
election of 1860, xxviii, 341, 350
Ellsworth, Annie, 92
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 346
Emmett, Robert, 312
Empress of China, 28
Ericsson, John, 343, 376n
Erie, Lake, 184–85
Erie Canal, 11, 184
Exhibition of the Industry of All Nations (1853), 273
expeditions. See Fifth Expedition; First Expedition; Fourth Expedition; Second Expedition; Third Expedition
Farragut, David G., 10, 343
Federal Reserve, 113
Fifth Expedition (1853–1854), 274–81, 301
Filkins, Carrie, 318
Fillmore, Millard
Compromise of 1850, 242
presidential election of 1856, 299, 310–11, 325, 333, 335
First Expedition (1842), 47–55, 274
assembling equipment, 42–43
assembling men, 47–48
assembling supplies, 48–49
Benton’s role, 40–42
fame and recruitment, xix–xxi
Fremont Peak, 46, 52–55, 58, 67
media coverage of, 67–68, 69–70
br /> media reports, 49–50
Report on an Exploration, 56–59, 67, 68–70
Florida, statehood, 232
Floyd, John B., 292–93, 342
Foote, Henry, 239–42, 248, 251
Foreign Book Store, 21
Fort Laramie, 50
Fort Leavenworth, 176
Fort Sumter, 5, 10, 341–42
Fort Vancouver, 72
Foster, Stephen, 317–18
Fourth Expedition (1848–1849), 184–87, 189–214, 221–22
Frederick Douglass’ Paper, 270, 319–20
Free Democracy, 270–71
Free Soil, 167, 271, 315, 321, 334
Fremon, Charles, 3–4, 299–300, 325
Fremon, Elizabeth, 4, 13
Fremon, Francis, 4, 13
Frémont, Benton, 182–83, 185, 186, 260
Fremont, California, xxiv, 220
Frémont, Elizabeth Benton “Lily,” 56, 59, 96, 97, 110, 145–46, 147, 149–50, 175, 185, 194, 203, 212, 338, 351
Frémont, Francis Preston “Frank,” 294–95, 324–25, 337, 351
Frémont, Jessie Benton, 262, 338
arrest of John in London, 265–66
arrival in California, 217–21, 223–25
bond with father, 20–22, 31–32
California Senate career of John, 234–35, 246
during Civil War, 345–46
courtship with John, 35–37
death of, 352
early life of, 19–26, 29
education of, 31–33
elopement with John, 37, 39, 168, 300, 317
fame and celebrity of, xxiii–xxv, 98, 168, 204, 317, 324, 333, 347–48, 355, 357
family life and children, 43–44, 55–56, 97–98, 182–83, 191–92, 252, 256, 294, 324–25. See also specific children
Fifth Expedition, 276–77, 283–84, 285–86
first encounter with John, 17, 19, 32–33
First Expedition, 43, 55–56
Fourth Expedition, 184–87
legacy of, 350–53
Memoirs of My Life, 351–52
Mexican-American War and, 145–46, 147–51, 165, 167–71, 173–78
Monterey Convention, 231–32
Panama, 192–95, 200–204, 210–14, 252
in Paris, 268, 271–72
personality of, 20–21
presidential election of 1856, xxiii–xxiv, 293–95, 299–302, 311–12, 315–19, 323–25, 329, 333–34, 336–37
in San Francisco, 252–53, 256–57, 259–61, 263–64
Second Expedition, 59–64, 67, 95–99
slavery and, 29–31, 167, 193–94, 224–25, 233, 256–57, 271–72, 286, 294, 301, 318–19
Third Expedition, 109–10, 123–24, 145–46
letter, 147–51
trip to St. Louis, 23–26
A Year of American Travel, 348–49
Frémont, John Charles, 100, 237, 338
affair with Cecilia, 6–8, 9, 37, 128, 177, 333, 341
arrest in London, 265–66
business ventures and land holdings, 256–59, 264–65, 272–73, 288, 346–47. See also Las Mariposas
Catholicism of, 325–28
during Civil War, 344–46
Conquest of California, xxi, xxii, xxiii, xxv–xxvi, 165–76
court martial and resignation of, 176–82
death of, 349
early life of, 4–5
education of, 5–6
expeditions. See Fifth Expedition; First Expedition; Fourth Expedition; Second Expedition; Third Expedition
fame and celebrity of, xxi–xxv, 99, 181, 225, 246, 265–66, 347–48, 355, 357
illegitimate birth of, 3–4, 299–300, 325
legacy of, 350–53
name change of, 4
Nicollet’s mentoring of, 14–17, 37, 39, 116, 181, 277, 327
Poinsett’s mentoring of, 9–11, 13, 14–15
presidential election of 1856, 293–306, 310–37, 350
attacks on personal character, 322–28
life story and credentials, 299–301
Senator from California (1850-1851), 233–36, 246–56
gold-mining bill, 249–52, 254–56, 300–301
Indian tribes, 248–49
land titles bill, 248, 254
reelection campaign and legislature deadlock, 252–56
slavery issue, 247, 254
Frémont, John Charles, II “Charlie,” 260, 261, 263, 265, 294
Fremont, Nebraska, xxiv, 352
Fremont, New Hampshire, 181
Fremont, New York, 181
Fremont, Ohio, 181, 318, 348
Frémont Emancipation, 345
Frémont Family Hotel (San Francisco), 220
Fremontia vermicularis, 98
Fremont Peak, xxiv, 46, 52–55, 58, 67, 98, 353
Frémont’s cottonwood (Populus fremontii), xxiv
Fremont’s Exploring Expedition, 192–93
“Frémont’s Gold Bill,” 249–52, 254–56, 300–301
Fremont Street, San Francisco, 220
Fremont Street Experience, Las Vegas, xxiv
Frémont v. United States, 288
Fremont Weekly Freeman, 181
Frugal Housewife, The (Child), 318–19
Fugitive Slave Act, 241–42, 410n
Fuller, Oliver, 279
gag rule, 87
Garnet, Henry Highland, 85–86
Garrison, William Lloyd, 86, 319, 322–23
Gavilan Peak, 129–30, 131
Gerdes, F. H., 37
Geyer, Henry S., 256–57
Gilded Age, 347
Gillespie, Archibald H., 134–37, 143–44, 161, 162
ginseng, 362n
“Give ‘Em Jessie” (song), 317–18
Godey, Alex, 113
Fourth Expedition, 185, 205–8, 221
John’s court-martial, 176, 178, 185
Third Expedition, 113
Golden Gate, xxii, xxv, 122, 158–59, 182, 217, 222
gold-mining bill, 249–52, 254–56, 300–301
Gold Rush, xxi, 190–91, 212, 222, 224, 226–27, 257–58, 303
Gorgona, 201–2, 394n
Grant, Ulysses S., 346
Great Basin, 71, 75, 106, 115–16, 116, 123
Great Salt Lake, 71, 99, 106, 241
Greeley, Horace, 70, 341
Kansas-Nebraska Act, 284
presidential election of 1856, 298, 304, 310–11, 314, 321, 332, 333, 335
Green River, 85
Gwin, William M.
California Convention, 220, 228–29, 232–33
slavery issue, 228–29, 232–33
during Civil War, 343
Senator from California, 233, 246–47, 248, 251–52, 256, 272
Haitian Revolution, 7
Hale, John P., 271
Haler, Vincent, 208
Hall, James, 98
Hallowell, Mary, 244
Halstead, Murat, 314
Hannah (maid), 3–4
Harriot (maid), 193, 194
Harrison, Benjamin, 134
Harrison, William Henry, 35–36
Hastings, Lansford, 228
Hastings Cutoff, 228
Haussmann, Georges-Eugène, 271–72
Hayes, Rutherford B., 181, 348
Herald of Freedom, 304
Hernandez, Pablo, 96
Hill, George P., xxii–xxiii
Hoffman, David, 258, 264–65, 266–68
“horse-thief Indians,” 113, 121, 132
howitzer, 60, 61–62, 71
Hudson River, 184
Hultmann, F., 247
Humboldt, Alexander von, 16, 116
Huntington, Collis P., 211, 224, 349
Ide, William B., 152–56
Illinois, 69, 87, 205, 242, 284, 291–92, 335
Independence Rock, 58–59, 326
Indians, xxv–xxvi, 117. See also specific tribes
of California, 230, 248–49, 250, 264
Cherokee removal, 12–13, 249
Clark and, 25–26, 196
Fifth Expedition, 275, 276, 280
First Expedition, 51, 55, 58, 69–70
Fourth Expedition, 204, 206–7, 208
Second Expedition, 60, 61–64, 70–71, 72, 75, 76–79, 81, 96
Third Expedition, 113–15, 121, 133, 143–44
Klamath Lake Massacre, 137–40
Sacramento River Massacre, 132–33
Indian Removal Act, 12–13, 30, 303
Indian Wars, 26, 113, 126, 145, 343–44
Industrial Revolution, xxvi–xxvii
Iowa, 69, 232, 251
Iowa Constitution, 228, 229
Iowa State Democrat, 321
Irish Catholic immigrants, 101–2, 290–91
Irving, Washington, 25–26, 68–69
Jackson, Andrew, 32
Benton and, 22, 26–27, 39, 363n
Blair and, 295–96, 341
on Buchanan, 107
Cherokee removal policy, 12
presidential election of 1824, 20
presidential election of 1828, 22
slavery and, 9, 10
spoils system, 169
Jacob, Richard T., 194–95, 201
Janisse, Johnny Auguste, 49, 53, 54, 55
Jefferson, Thomas, 19, 28, 89, 352
Jefferson City, Missouri, 185–86
Jessie Circles, 317, 324
Jessie Clubs, 333
Johnston, Albert Sidney, 26, 342
Jones, Elizabeth Benton, 17, 23–24, 31–33, 169–70
Jones, William Carey, 169–70, 179, 191
kanakas, 80–81
Kansas-Nebraska Act, 284–85, 292, 299, 302–3
Kansas River, 41, 49, 50, 56–58, 275, 277, 284, 303, 304
Kansas Territory, 284–85, 292, 299, 302–5, 312–13
Kearny, Stephen Watts, 172–73
Battle of San Pasqual, 172
Benton and, 181, 184
command rivalry with Stockton, 172–73
John and, 173, 174–76, 345
court martial and trial, 177, 179–80, 181, 223, 253
Kearny Street, San Francisco, 253
Kennedy, John F., 344
Kern, Edward M., 114, 185, 197, 198
Kern, Richard H., 197–98, 206, 210
King, T. Butler, 255
King, Thomas Butler, 220, 229
King, William R., 299
King James Bible, 102
Kitty (maid), 187
Klamath Indians, 133, 136–40, 143–44
Klamath Lake, 74, 133, 136–40
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