Böhm, Karl ref1
Böhme, Horst ref1
Bolivia: as goal for Jewish emigrants ref1, ref2, ref3
Bonhoeffer family ref1
Bonhoeffer, Dietrich ref1
Bonnet, Georges-Etienne ref1, ref2, ref3
Boris, Tsar of Bulgaria ref1
Bormann, Martin ref1, ref2
Bosch, Robert ref1, ref2
Bose, Herbert von ref1_note
Böss (SA chief in Oberdorf) ref1
Both, Jochen von ref1
Bovensiepen (Gestapo chief in Eisenstadt) ref1
Brandon, Captain Albert Ernest Acton ref1
Brandt, Karl ref1
Bratislava (formerly Pressburg) ref1, ref2, ref3
Brauchitsch, Bernd von ref1
Brauchitsch, General Walther von
Beck sends memoranda to ref1, ref2
and Beck’s call for resignation of senior officers ref1
differences with Hitler over prospective war ref1
on Fritsch court of honour ref1, ref2
and invasion of Austria ref1
leads army ref1, ref2
on leave ref1
at Nuremberg conference ref1
in Opposition ref1, ref2
and plan to invade Czechoslovakia ref1, ref2
proposed as successor to Blomberg ref1
Braun, Eva ref1, ref2, ref3_note
Brazil: closed to non-baptized Jews ref1
Bredow, General Ferdinand von ref1
Bredow, Wichard von ref1
Breitschneider, Josef ref1
Breker, Arno ref1, ref2
Brenner, Father Franz ref1
Brenner Pass: Hitler recognizes as Italian frontier ref1
Bresgen, Cesar ref1
Breslau ref1
Brinckmann, Dr Rudolf (of Reichsbank) ref1
antipathy to recruiting Soviet support ref1
appeasement policy ref1, ref2
attitude to German expansionism ref1
calls up reserves ref1
Christian Council to assist Jews ref1
donates money for relief of Sudeten Jews ref1
German Opposition hopes for declaration of war from ref1
Hitler foresees difficult fight with ref1
and Hitler’s threat to Sudetenland ref1
and impending German invasion of Czechoslovakia ref1
imposes quotas on Palestine immigrants ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7
indifference to Czechoslovakia ref1, ref2, ref3
intelligence network in Germany destroyed ref1
and Jewish child immigrants ref1
Jewish immigrants ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9
mobilizes fleet ref1, ref2
and proposed Czechoslovak settlement ref1
questions Versailles settlement ref1
raises money for German Jews ref1
rejects Hitler’s demands ref1
Secret Service penetrated by Abwehr ref1
tolerates illegal immigrants in Palestine ref1
unaccredited emissaries visit and advise ref1
writes off Austria ref1, ref2, ref3
British Board of Deputies
Aliens Committee ref1
and immigrant Jewish children ref1
on persecution of Austrian Jews ref1
warned about Gildemeester ref1
British Empire: admits Jewish immigrants ref1
British Guiana
admits Jewish immigrants ref1, ref2
proposed as Jewish state ref1, ref2
British Honduras ref1
Brno ref1
Broch, Hermann ref1
Bronner, Gerhard ref1_note
Brücklmeier, ‘Colombo’ ref1
Brückner, Wilhelm ref1
Brüning, Heinrich ref1
Buchbinder, Ernst ref1
Buchenwald concentration camp
conditions and treatment ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
deaths in ref1
Forster executed in ref1
Jews in ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6
releases from ref1, ref2
Bülow-Schwante, Vicco von ref1
Bunzl & Biach paper concern, Austria ref1
Bunzl, Oskar ref1
Bürckel, Joseph
Biblical first name ref1
Catchpool wishes to meet ref1
and Catholic compliance ref1
curbs Nazi excesses ref1
denounces Church ref1
given free hand in Austria ref1
installed in Vienna ref1, ref2
maintains Austrian export trade ref1
manages Austrian plebiscite ref1
replaces Papen ref1
on repression of Jews ref1
sends Aryans to Dachau ref1
Burckhardt, Carl ref1
incorporated into Niederdonau and Styria ref1
Jews expelled ref1
Burstyn brothers ref1
Butler, Richard Austen (later Baron) ref1
Cadbury, Emma ref1, ref2
Cadogan, Sir Alexander ref1, ref2
Canada: and Jewish immigrants ref1, ref2, ref3
Canaris, Admiral Wilhelm
attends Abwehr meeting ref1
in Austrian dirty tricks ref1
believes Britain prepared to fight ref1
and Churchill’s support for Kleist ref1
and Goerdeler’s mission ref1
Hitler greets in Czechoslovakia ref1
meets Weizsäcker ref1
in opposition to Nazi regime ref1, ref2
summoned to see Keitel ref1
tours Gaue in Czechoslovakia ref1
warns against cooperation with British Secret Service ref1
warns Kleist ref1
Carlsbad ref1
Cary, Richard ref1
Case Otto ref1, ref2
Catchpool, Corder ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
Central America: and Jewish immigration ref1
Central Bureau for the Settlement of German Jews ref1
Central Jewish Council ref1
Central Office for Jewish Emigration, Vienna ref1
Ceylon (Sri Lanka) ref1, ref2
Chamberlain, Neville
alarm at Hitler’s Nuremberg speech ref1
appeasement policy ref1
on Austria and Czechoslovakia ref1
belittles Czechoslovakia ref1
Brüning dismisses ref1
declines British interest in Austria ref1
defends British Jewish immigration policy ref1
denies existence of opposition in Germany ref1
and Eden’s resignation ref1
Groscurth on ref1
grouse shooting ref1
Hitler’s view of ref1, ref2
and immigration of Jewish children ref1
and Italy’s Mediterranean empire ref1
lacks interest in defending Czechoslovakia ref1, ref2
letter to Hitler proposing solution to Czech crisis ref1
low opinion of Ribbentrop ref1
mobilizes fleet ref1
at Munich conference ref1
reluctance to go to war ref1, ref2
Schacht meets ref1
and Sudeten question ref1
tells Commons of no German intentions against Czechoslovakia ref1
visits to Hitler in Germany ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6
Chiang Kai-shek, Madame ref1
Jewish immigrants ref1, ref2
visas for Palestine ref1
Christian Churches: support for Jews ref1
Christian Council (British) ref1
Christie, Malcolm ref1, ref2
Christmas: mocked by Nazis ref1
Church (Catholic)
and Anschluss ref1, ref2
associations closed by Nazis ref1
on Czech crisis ref1
Der Stürmer attacks ref1
actions against ref1, ref2
Nazis claim indifference to ref1
unpopularity in Austria ref1
Church of England Committee for Non-Aryan Christians ref1
see also Anglican Church
Churchill, (Sir) Winston S.
Goerdeler meets ref1
Hitler attacks ref1, ref2
Kleist meets ref1
Chvalkovsky, Frantisek ref1
Ciano, Count Galeazzo
on Austrian plebiscite ref1
believes Britain unwilling to fight ref1
dislikes Ribbentrop ref1
and Emmy Göring ref1_note
on German-Polish relations ref1
and Göring’s rearmament plans ref1
on Hitler’s visit to Rome ref1
learns of German plans for Austria ref1, ref2
meets Göring in Vienna ref1
mistrusts Hassell ref1
at Munich conference ref1, ref2
predicts war ref1
and Ribbentrop’s proposed Axis pact ref1
and Ribbentrop’s visit to Rome ref1
Clare, George ref1, ref2, ref3
Cohen, D. (of Dutch Committee for Special Jewish Affairs) ref1
Colbert, Ernst ref1
Collard, Rev. Fred ref1, ref2, ref3
Colonna, Prince ref1
Colvin, Ian ref1, ref2, ref3
banned and arrested in Austria ref1
blamed for Nazi excesses in Austria ref1
in Dachau ref1, ref2
concentration camps
expansion and inmates ref1
see also Buchenwald; Dachau; Sachsenhausen
Confessing Church, Germany ref1
Cooper, Alfred Duff (later 1st Viscount Norwich) ref1, ref2, ref3
Corporate State see Austria
Council for German Jewry ref1
Cramm, Gottfried von ref1, ref2
Csokor, Franz Theodor ref1
Cuba: and Jewish immigrants ref1
Cyprus ref1, ref2, ref3
arms industry and goods ref1
army and defences ref1
Austrian Jews flee to ref1
British indifference to ref1, ref2
in Chamberlain-Hitler talks ref1, ref2
ethnic German resistance in ref1, ref2
fate decided by Munich Agreement ref1
German army moves into ref1, ref2, ref3
German claims on ref1, ref2, ref3
German Jewish refugees in ref1
Hitler divides into Gaue ref1
Hitler orders liquidation of rump ref1, ref2
Hitler plans attack on ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8
Hitler tours defences ref1
Jewish emigration ref1
Jews evicted ref1
non-mobilization on invasion of Austria ref1
origins as state ref1
position of Jews in ref1, ref2, ref3
proposed plebiscite ref1
rapprochement with Germany ref1
raw materials ref1
seals borders against Austrian Jews ref1
and status of Teschen ref1
Dachau concentration camp
conditions and life in ref1, ref2
and Czech crisis ref1
deaths in ref1
Himmler visits ref1
inmates transferred to Buchenwald ref1
Jews in ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6
numbers in ref1
releases from ref1,ref2,ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6
transports to ref1
Daily Express ref1, ref2
Daily Herald ref1
Daily Mail
interviews Henlein ref1
publishes interview with Hitler ref1
Daily Telegraph ref1, ref2
Daladier, Edouard ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
Daluege, Kurt ref1
Danneberg, Robert ref1
Britain prepared to accept reversion of ref1
Goerdeler demands return of ref1
Poles offer solution to ref1
Poles refuse to surrender to Germany ref1, ref2
Ribbentrop demands return to Germany ref1
under Versailles settlement ref1
Deedes, Sir Wyndham ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
Degenerate Art exhibition ref1, ref2
Degenerate Music show ref1, ref2
Delbos, Yvon ref1
Deloge, Colonel ref1
Denmark: and Jews in transit ref1
Dietrich, Otto ref1
Dirksen, Herbert von ref1, ref2
Dobkin, Eliahu ref1
Dohnányi, Ernö ref1
Dohnányi, Hans von ref1
Dollfuss, Engelbert ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Dollfuss, Malwine ref1
Don, Alan ref1
Dornier, Claude ref1
Dostal, Nico: Extrablätter (opera) ref1
Draga (ship) ref1
Draxler, Ludwig ref1
Dresdner Bank ref1
Dudas, Steve ref1
Durbin, Deanna ref1
Duschnitz, Willibald ref1
‘Eagle’s Nest’ ref1
East Prussia ref1
Ebner, Karl ref1
Eden, Anthony (later 1st Earl of Avon)
and Czech situation ref1
Der Stürmer attacks ref1
Hitler attacks ref1, ref2
and Kendrick crisis ref1
resigns and replaced as Foreign Secretary ref1, ref2, ref3
Eger, Czechoslovakia ref1, ref2
Egger family ref1
Egk, Werner: Peer Gynt (opera) ref1
Ehrenhaft, Leo ref1
Ehrlich, Jakob ref1,ref2
Eichmann, Adolf
announces solution to Jewish problem ref1
called to Berlin ref1
differences with Göring ref1
and emigration of Jewish children ref1
emigration policy and procedures for Jews ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9
and Gildemeester ref1, ref2
on Jews remaining in Austria ref1
qualities ref1
on selection of Austrian Jews ref1
tolerates illegal migrants to Palestine ref1
in Vienna ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7
Eifler, Major Alexander von ref1
Eisenlöhr, Ernst ref1
Eisler, Hans ref1
Eisner, Kurt ref1
Eissler, Arnold ref1
Elkington, Howard ref1
Ely (ship) ref1
emigration tax see Reichsfluchtsteuer
Engel, Major Gerhard ref1
Engel, Emil (of IKG) ref1
Engelmann, Bernt ref1, ref2
Epenstein, Hermann von ref1
Epp, Samuel ref1
Ernst, Prince see Hohenberg, Princes Max and Ernst
Esterwege concentration camp ref1
Eternal Jew exhibition see Ewige Jude exhibition
Ethiopia: as prospective Jewish home ref1
Eupen, Belgium ref1
Evangelical Church: in Austria ref1
Evelyn, Rev. F.A. ref1
Evian Conference (July 1938) ref1, ref2, ref3
Ewige Jude (‘Eternal Jew’) exhibition, Vienna ref1, ref2
Falkenhausen, Alexander von ref1
Fall, Kitty ref1
Farkas, Karl ref1, ref2
Fatherland Front (Austria) ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
Faulhaber, Cardinal Michael von, Archbishop of Munich ref1, ref2, ref3
Feigl, Fritz ref1
Felsenburg, Bela ref1
Festival of German Art ref1
Fey, Emil ref1
Figl, Leopold ref1
Fiji ref1
Final Solution see Jews
Fips see Rupprecht, Philipp
Fischböck, Hans ref1, ref2, ref3
Flesch (baptized Erfurt lawyer) ref1
Flick (co
mpany) ref1
Flossenburg concentration camp ref1
Foley, Frank ref1, ref2, ref3
Foreign Office (German): staff and policies ref1
Forster, Peter ref1
Forwood, Dudley ref1
alarm at Hitler’s Saarbrücken speech ref1
and Austrian unification with Germany ref1, ref2
bars Jewish immigrants from Austria ref1
Britain pledges to support ref1
Cabinet split on action over Czechoslovakia ref1
calls up reserves ref1
and crisis over Czechoslovakia ref1
Declaration with Germany on frontiers ref1
ends alliance with Czechoslovakia ref1
German exiles in ref1
grants transit visas to Jews ref1
guarantees Czech borders ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Jewish refugees in ref1
military strength ref1
mobilizes and mans Maginot Line ref1
presence at Munich conference ref1
and proposed Czechoslovak settlement ref1
tightens policy on Jewish immigrants ref1
François–Poncet, André ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Frank, Hans ref1
Frank, Karl Hermann ref1, ref2, ref3
Frankau, Mr & Mrs Friedrich ref1
Frankel, Viktor ref1
Frankfurter, David ref1
Frankfurter, Salomon ref1
Freistadt: Poles occupy ref1
Freud, Anna ref1
Freud, Sigmund ref1, ref2
Freundeskreis Heinrich Himmler ref1
Frick, Wilhelm ref1, ref2
Fried, Erich ref1
Friedell, Egon ref1
Friedmann, Desider ref1, ref2, ref3
Friedmann, Captain Siegfried Edler von ref1, ref2
Friends International Centre, Berlin ref1
see also Quakers
Frischauer, Eduard ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Frischauer, Willi ref1
Fritsch, Werner von
and Blomberg–Fritsch affair ref1, ref2
and Blomberg’s marriage ref1
charged with political unreliability ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
death in Poland ref1_note
Hitler excuses ref1
and Hitler’s vision for Germany ref1
and opposition to Nazis ref1, ref2
removed from office for homosexual scandal ref1, ref2, ref3
Fröhlich, Peter (later Peter Gay) ref1, ref2
1938: Hitler's Gamble Page 38