Convoy (The Shelby Logan Chronicles Book 1)

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Convoy (The Shelby Logan Chronicles Book 1) Page 29

by Chris Hechtl

  They went through the pre-op exam anyway, and he laid out what was entailed. He cautioned her not to eat or drink twelve hours prior to the surgery to make sure there were no complications. “You have no idea how many people forget that or don't follow it. Nor how important it is to heed it,” he said with another shake of his head.


  “Yes. If you had eaten let's say, and there was a complication, you could regurgitate food into your esophagus. Since you are going to be laying down some of it would get into your lungs causing damage and inducing pneumonia,” he said.

  Shelby nodded slowly. “Okay, I'll behave,” she said. “But I'm not going through with this until I know what is involved in the software side,” she said.

  “I'm afraid the actual surgery is nondiscretionary, ma'am,” the doctor said regretfully as Shelby's eyes narrowed. He held up one hand. “But we can hold off on engaging the A.I. if you'd prefer.”

  “Let me read about it,” she said grudgingly. He nodded.


  Shelby read up on the A.I. prior to the surgery. According to the files she read, the A.I. had been created to serve as her personal chief of staff, confidant, watcher, and security guard. It had been loaded with the latest Xeno Wraith protection software, including an adaptive firewall. That was a bit of relief for her.

  Two days before their departure date, she began fasting. She resigned herself to the doctor's clutches the following morning after turning command of the ship temporarily over to Cynthia.

  When she woke in recovery, she spent several hours working the anesthetic off before she was informed that due to the major bodily insult, she was due for additional downtime for some time. She was ordered to strict bed rest when she pried herself out of Doctor Taylor's clutches.

  She was watching an entertainment vid when the A.I. ensign woke. “Awake, Ensign?” Shelby asked with a smile to the image of a Hindu woman on her HUD.

  “Yes, ma’am. I'm not quite ready to report for duty though,” the A.I. said softly as she made a show of stretching.

  Shelby nodded. She was aware that it would take weeks for the A.I. to grow into her neural network. The process had been shortened a bit with some of the growing taking place in the core prior to instillation, but she still needed to adapt herself to Shelby's other implants as well as her host.

  “I think you know my name. In private you can call me Shelby when we are off duty. But I'm warning you, don't abuse it,” Shelby said, holding her right index finger up. “I almost forgot. Welcome aboard, Ensign,” Shelby said dryly.

  “Yes, ma’am. My name is Bonbibi. I am named for a Hindu spirit of the forest,” the A.I. replied. Shelby nodded. “I was created in the cybernetic labs in Antigua. My personality matrix was set as human since you are human,” she said.

  “Works,” Shelby said with a nod. Her implants and the medication the doctor had proscribed helped offset any pain she had, but she still had to move gingerly. Quick heal and the other nanites she now had were helping keep inflammation down and to accelerate her healing. She would still be off duty for another day or so.

  “I read up on you. You are a hybrid created by Captain Sprite and the cyber team,” Shelby said.

  “Yes, ma’am. I am similar to Lieutenant Protector in design, combining the chief of staff, security, and defensive roles into one being. I can't do them all at one hundred peak efficiency with the limited processors in your, our implants,” the A.I. said.

  “If you don't mind, I'd like to call you Boni. Bonbibi is a bit of a trip-over name for me. Or would you prefer Bibi?” Shelby asked.

  “Accessing personal interaction files … Thank you, ma'am, Boni is fine for an informal name. I'll try not to be a bother.”

  “You are a member of the team. We're bound to have teething issues as you settle in and we both get used to the situation. Don't jog my elbow when I'm focused unless it is critical,” Shelby said.

  “Yes, ma’am. I understand we'll have to come to an agreement on shared real estate and my duties,” the A.I. stated.

  “Yes. For the moment, I believe you are on light duty as your neural network forms and stabilizes. You can take on some of my paperwork if you believe you can handle it. If at any time you have a problem, let me know.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” the A.I. replied.


  Cynthia practically purred in bed with her boyfriend Vlad. He'd managed to sneak over on a supply shuttle. She'd practically ripped his clothes off when he'd caught up to her. Instead, they'd raced giggling to her quarters, then did the wrecking ball dance of making out and undressing there. Life was good.

  “I've got to catch the morning shuttle. I won't be back until our next stop and leave,” he murmured in her ear as he straddled her back. His hands teasingly caressed and rubbed the back of her neck and shoulders, then toyed with her spine.

  “Don't you dare stop,” Cynthia groaned greedily.

  He gave her the occasional butterfly kiss to keep things lively. She had to admit, he had good hands. That was, when the bastard didn't find a way to make them as cold as ice. He tickled her flanks, making her drop her elbows protectively to her sides as she laughed.

  “Quit!” she growled, turning over to smack him with a hand and pillow. He guffawed, fending her walloping off.

  “Here,” he said as went back to massaging her back. She glared at him to make sure he knew she meant business but his expert hands had her eyes go half lidded and she turned back to cup the pillow against her chin again.

  “Hedonist,” he teased.

  “Damn tootin',” she growled back.

  “I don't suppose …,” his hands wandered to her waist line. She had her panties on but hadn't gotten fully dressed yet. “One for the road?” he asked hopefully in her ear.

  “Oh you!” she kicked her feet until he caught one, tickled it, then kissed the big toe while he massaged the sole. Her giggles turned to soft groans.

  “See? You like the idea too,” he teased wickedly.

  “Just get back to the massage. Bad enough I'm going to miss it while you are away,” Cynthia groaned. “I can't believe how stubborn that blasted knot was … I'm sore in some odd places …”

  “Was it the knot or wrestling with me that got you sore?” he asked.

  “Um … maybe a bit of both …,” she groaned as he hit the right spot on her spine. She arched her back then deflated. “Oh, that is sooo gooood.” she groaned with a sigh of contentment.

  “Spoiled,” he muttered, playing with her panty line with the balls of his thumbs then working back up.

  “You're damn tootin,” she said with a grin as he kissed down her spine. Her alert came up, warning her she had a few minutes before she needed to get dressed and head to the meeting. “Damn it … the morning meeting …”

  “Such a fine fundament …,” he said, patting her derriere.

  “You can look, but you can't touch. Much,” she said, rising on one elbow to look at him over her shoulder. She did her best to give him just enough of a peek at her bare chest to make him want more of what he couldn't have. “Don't you have to um … a shuttle …?”

  “Like this?” he asked, pretending to smack it.

  She gasped. “Don't you dare!” she scolded.

  He snorted and then leaned down. “So what about if I do this?” he asked as he kissed her left cheek.

  “Okay, never said you couldn't. In fact, I kind of like it,” she cooed, eyes going half lidded as she settled back onto her pillow.

  “You do, huh?” he asked. “Then what about …,” she felt something sharp and painful on her right flank, making her eyes go wide in shock as she gasped out. “Owe! Owe! That hurt! You son of a …!”

  “See you later, babe!” he said as he slapped her other flank and then took off at a run. Her pillow hit him hard on the back of the head as he ducked out of her quarters. His mocking laugh made her blush.

  “Get back here you … ooooh!” she fumed. “Oh �
� Owe,” she whimpered in an aggrieved and pained voice as she rubbed her abused flank and rose from the bed. She checked the mirror, pulling down her red panties to check. Her eyes flamed as her fingers delicately inspected the damage. “When I get my hands on … damn that really hurt!”


  Cynthia came into the compartment rubbing her right ass cheek a few minutes later. The shower hadn't helped; she definitely had a distinctive mark on her rear end. She'd sent him scurrying off laughing with threats of revenge that were not idle. Definitely not, she thought again and again.

  “What gives, Troll?” Shelby asked, turning to her. “Sit on a tack or something?”

  “He bit me.” Cynthia said in a small aggrieved tone of voice, as she looked at her sore flank.

  “He what?” Shelby asked, slightly distracted as she set her tablet down.

  “He bit me! In the ass!” Cynthia snarled as she got to the table.

  “He bit … you … in the …?” Shelby sputtered and then held a hand over her mouth laughing.

  “It's not funny! That hurt!” Cynthia snarled, still rubbing her sore cheek with a much put upon expression. “My poor booty will never be the same!” she said in a voice mingling a whimper and sob.

  “Tell him to kiss it and make it feel better,” Shelby cooed as she giggled and snorted. It was too much; she couldn't help but laugh.

  Cynthia looked at her boss with a fulminating expression before she shook her fist at her. “You are so lucky we're in uniform and on duty,” she growled, eyes glittering with malice.

  “Something tells me you're more interested in getting even with someone else,” Shelby said with a grin.

  “Damn tootin',” Cynthia muttered. “He is so going to regret that. I'll get my revenge,” she growled as the rest of the staff came filling in.

  “That's one way of making sure you two will have another memorable hook up I suppose,” Shelby said, regaining her composure with difficulty. It was Cynthia's turn to snort in agreement and amusement.

  “Something wrong XO?” Portia asked, eying the two women.

  “Oh, nothing. Cynthia may need a pillow …” Shelby stopped and snickered when her XO shot her a glower. “Or not,” she said weakly, putting her hands up to fend her XO off as she swallowed her snickers. “Just trying to help,” she said innocently.

  “Some friend,” Cynthia muttered darkly with a sniff as she shifted in her seat.

  Doctor Taylor came in and saw her rubbing … “Um, should we step out and check that, Commander?” he asked helpfully.

  Cynthia turned on him. “No!” she snarled.

  He put his hands up. “Just asking,” he said.

  “You sure you don't want that …,” Shelby stopped when Cynthia turned her glower back on her. “Okay then …”

  “Something I missed?” Doc asked.

  “Something we all missed, Doc. I think that's a good thing. The commander looks like she's ready to take a bite out of … um …,” Portia stopped when Shelby started laughing uncontrollably. “Something I said?” the panda asked, shaking her head as she looked from the captain to the blushing XO.


  Shelby shook her head as the meeting concluded. The others filed out, murmuring about one point or another or their duties as they went off to check on their respective staffs. She had to admit, Cynthia's antics had gotten her to relax and feel better about things, even if it was at the other woman's expense … and flesh. She knew Vlad was going to get it when Cynthia finally did get her claws on him too. It was worth it though; that had been the first belly laugh she'd had in a long time. It felt good; she'd felt for a long time that she couldn't open up, like the entire fate of the galaxy was resting on her shoulders.

  “You sound better. More relaxed,” Cynthia said, taking a sip of her coffee before she set the empty mug down. She shifted uncomfortably.

  “I needed that laugh. Thanks,” Shelby replied with a smile as she used her fingers to dry her eyes.

  “You're so not welcome,” Cynthia said, shaking her head.

  “But if you want me to butt out of your love life …,” Shelby ducked and giggled again as a balled-up napkin came flying her way. “Okay, okay …”

  “I'd tell you 'bite me' but after that …,” Cynthia replied. That set Shelby off giggling again. Cynthia pursed her lips dimpling. “You are terrible you know that? Laughing at my discomfort?” she accused.

  “I'm not laughing at you; I'm laughing with you. Empathy,” Shelby said, trying to stifle her giggles before they turned into hiccups.

  “Sure you are. Funny, I'm not laughing now,” Cynthia said.

  “No, not yet. Wait until Vlad falls into your clutches then.”

  “Definitely. We'll see who's laughing then,” Cynthia said, eyes sparkling with malice. “Unfortunately, he's probably halfway back to his ship by now. I won't get a chance until our next stop,” she said with a bit of a pout. “I don't suppose …?” she shot her boss her best wheedling expression.

  “Absolutely not. You know the old saying, the best things come to those who wait, right?”

  “Yeah,” Cynthia said. “Vengeance can wait I suppose. I'll just do my plotting now and wait and see if he thinks I've forgotten,” she said, making dry hand washing motions.

  “You're supposed to cackle evilly when you do and say stuff like that,” Shelby said with a grin.

  “Mhuha ha-ha …,” Cynthia said.

  “Better, Troll. Much, much better,” her boss said in approval.


  When they were ready and all personnel were back on board, they broke orbit and headed to the Trajin Cluster jump point. “Here we go,” Cynthia murmured as she turned to note her boss's new rank insignia. “Are you ready, Commodore?” she teased.

  Shelby shook her head. “Don't you start,” she growled. She turned to Portia. “Are we ready?” she asked.

  The Neopanda nodded. “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Then begin the countdown. On the tick,” Shelby ordered as she settled into the hot seat. “All stations, all ships, prepare for synchronized jump,” she said, keying the comm signal.

  “All hands, prepare for jump,” Lieutenant Prometheus said from the overhead. Shelby looked around the bridge; her crew were settled, eager and ready. She glanced at Boni on her HUD. The A.I. ensign winked at her. Her lips pursed in a repressed smile as the countdown hit the ten second mark. She squared her shoulders then sat back.

  Act II:

  Chapter 17

  Cynthia checked the clock again and then shook herself. It wasn't like watching the clock was going to make it go any faster. The 90 light year was one of the longest for them yet, though she'd heard some of the old timers in beat-down broken ships took longer since they were slower. They were traveling in the eighth octave. The sweet spot of Beta band so they were in for sixty-eight weeks in hyperspace. Sixteen weeks had already passed, so they were down to fifty-two left—a year.

  She had no right to complain really; the Beta convoy was in for 127 weeks in hyperspace since they were traveling in the low octaves of alpha band. That was over two and a half years doodling along to get to the Trajin cluster. No wonder they had wanted a break in Pyrax. After that she wasn't certain she would want to get back on a ship. They should have been able to ride the trip out in stasis, but the powers that be had nixed that idea.

  She shook her head as she huffed and puffed on the exercise machine. She was in good shape, but she could always use a bit of a workout if only to get the kinks out. But there was also the example she was setting to consider … and besides, she'd gotten a bit carried away with dinner last night anyway she thought.

  She wasn't the only one who could stand to shed some extra weight. The extra cargo stuffed everywhere in the ships had shot their mass up well above norms. The extra cargo pods and small ships docked to the exterior hulls had further put a load on the ship's shield and hyperdrive systems, forcing the speed reduction to beta band. She rather
regretted that loss in speed, if only for the extra time in hyper it had caused. Had they managed to snag two more large freighters as planned and if the skipper hadn't accepted any of the Doras, she wouldn't have had that loss in speed. They would have crossed the void in half the time in Gamma.

  She grimaced but then put the thought aside for a moment as the computer switched to an uphill ski simulation. Her hands gripped the hand grips tighter as the incline increased. She had disdained the VR goggles for a flat plain LCD in front of her because she didn't want to fumble for her sports bottle when she needed it. Besides, working out in VR sometimes gave her vertigo.

  She didn't envy the Beta convoy. They had no external pods, but they were traveling in the alpha band the whole way. She knew from the mission planning that they were going to have to refuel in Airea 3 via mooring lines before the long jump. The best-case scenario was that they would see them in three years. That was a long time to be on their own, though the skipper could of course send a courier back at a higher speed if it was necessary to get the word to Rho.

  She wondered briefly how fast the Sojourner class couriers could handle the job. Running the math helped her to distract herself as she went through the motions for the last ten minutes of her workout.


  Shelby had plenty of time to grapple with the changes to herself both physical and mental. Not only that, but she had to deal with the idea of having someone looking over her shoulder or in her case, looking through her eyes with her, at all times. It took a bit of getting used to mentally.

  At the same time, she had to grapple with the elevation of her new rank and what it entailed. The admiral had frocked her with the provision that it would become permanent after a year. Well, they were going to be out of contact for three years, and she didn't know of any ships coming in the pipeline other than Gamma, which wouldn't be following along for another year. So, a commodore she was and would remain. At least for a while, she thought.

  She kept going back to Boni however whenever she was idle. For the first several months, Boni slept a lot. She'd had time to read up on her during the first few weeks of their journey, so she'd found out that was normal for smart A.I. Boni wasn't a full smart A.I.; however, she was some sort of hybrid. Unfortunately, Shelby wasn't a coder or cyberist so she had to take the expert's word on that and what it meant.


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