Muhammad Ali: A Tribute to the Greatest

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Muhammad Ali: A Tribute to the Greatest Page 6

by Thomas Hauser

  Mother: “Well, I seen you was all right.”

  JF: “I felt a little sad that she wasn’t happy like I felt. It would have been better if she’d just come to visit without seeing the fight. She’d never seen me act like that before. I felt she must be thinking, ‘My son has become a killer.’ I got the feeling she wouldn’t want to see too many more fights.”

  First meeting with Clay. In Madison Square Garden basement. Clay sparring for Folley fight. Joe in ring for picture session. Clay condescending; mocks Joe’s suspenders.

  JF disappointed when Clay was stripped of title for refusing induction. Wanted to win title from him. Had worked three years for shot at Clay. Felt Clay shouldn’t lose title except in ring. Didn’t want to capitalize on Clay’s misfortune.

  Respected Clay’s draft stand. Believed a man should stand up for his religious beliefs . . . While most press and even many blacks attacked Clay early, Joe often defended Clay in street arguments. Argued with Yank about him.

  WBA sanctions eight-man tournament for championship . . . Durham convinces Cloverlay to pass up tournament. Didn’t like fixed money; $50,000-$75,000-$125,000 for three fights. Doesn’t want so many risky fights. Frazier angered by Yank’s decision. Later sees it was correct.

  WBA dropped Frazier from #2 to #9. Jimmy Ellis won WBA title.

  Joe knocks out Buster Mathis to win New York State championship at Madison Square Garden.

  JF: “I knew I’d never feel like the champ till I beat Clay in the ring.”

  Clay moved to Philadelphia . . . JF met doing roadwork . . . Clay seemed down and out. Said he had financial problems. Unable to leave U.S. to fight. Unable to get license to fight in U.S. Buried by legal fees and alimony problems . . . Muslims wouldn’t loan him money. Told Joe his friends and supporters had abandoned him. Very depressed.

  Beginning of strange relationship that existed during next few years . . . JF felt sorry for Clay. Wanted to help Clay because black brother . . . Once joined Clay at mosque.

  Contact during next few years mostly by phone. Got to know Clay better.

  One time, JF teased Clay about car. Felt bad when Clay seemed embarrassed.

  Phone conversation: Clay said he wished he’d gone in Army. Said he’d been misled; lawyers told him he’d get off easy.

  JF began to wonder about Clay’s relationship with Muslims . . . Clay seemed trapped . . . Joe convinced Muslims are phony. Learned hypocrisy of leaders . . . No longer respected Nation of Islam. Impressed they are anti-drug and for black business. Respects their pride in blackness. But feels they are hypocrites. Their ministers don’t practice what they preach. Leaders live in luxury; followers are poor. They are violent, even against each other. They use the black movement and the little man as a front.

  Clay asked JF for publicity . . . “Don’t leave me out here alone.” . . . Said he didn’t care what name JF used. Joe originally used “Ali” and “Clay” interchangeably. Joe asked what name he wanted: “I don’t care. Call me nigger.”

  Chance meeting. Joe doing roadwork in Fairmont Park. Clay suggested mock fight. Joe rejected: “I don’t go for crap.”

  Yank and Clay press Joe to knock Clay. Joe reluctant. Really, nothing against each other . . . Clay encourages . . . Joe doesn’t like it but goes along. Inner suspicion Clay will turn on him and “use this stuff on me” . . . But dismisses idea: “He’s a brother and a religious man.” Assumes Clay will eventually defuse phony feud.

  JF calls Clay “un-American” . . . Not true feelings. Believed much Clay said was valid. Joe opposed Vietnam war . . . “It does no good” . . . He opposed killing. People assumed opposite because he was Clay’s rival . . . Didn’t speak out against war because he knows little and doesn’t presume to tell others.

  JF agrees to series of staged confrontations with Clay.

  PAL 23rd Street Gym in Philadelphia. Joe got angry at “real champ” taunts. Police called.

  Mike Douglas taping, next day. Clay friendly in private. Joe asks him before show to “cool it” . . . On set, Clay whispers “hold me” and starts scene. Joe angry.

  Cheetah in New York City, next night. Joe invited Clay into dressing room . . . “But cut the shit.” . . . Clay beats on and breaks door. Joe angry. Disliked surprise scenes.

  Joe tiring of Clay’s act . . . “He’s like a little kid that can’t stop.” . . . Dislikes role that has so many blacks down on him. Frustrated that people, especially blacks, appear to be against him and for Clay . . . Complained to Yank: “It’s making us look bad” . . . Yank dismissed: “Don’t worry; there’s no harm.” . . . Yank saw big money down the road.

  Frazier reputation growing. Perceived as legitimate opponent for Clay.

  Regardless of rivalry, Yank not convinced Joe is ready. Bruce Wright [Frazier’s attorney] told Joe he could avoid Clay: “You don’t have to fight him. He won’t get a license if you say you won’t fight him. Clay is finished if you say ‘no’.”

  Joe always said “yes.” When promoters or writers called about Clay, Joe said he would fight him. At banquets, told [New York State Athletic Commission chairman] Dooley and [Pennsylvania State Athletic Commission chairman] Wildman that he wanted them to license Clay.

  JF victories over Manuel Ramos, Oscar Bonavena [rematch], and Dave Zyglewicz.

  June 1969, Joe training for Quarry fight . . . Yank told Bruce Wright, “Joe’s ready for Clay.”

  Movement to get Clay-Frazier . . . Yank had kept contact and had good relationship with Herbert Muhammad [Ali’s manager]. Yank and Herbert agreed to 50-50 split.

  Series of false alarms . . . Murray Woroner offer, $1.2 million [for Ali-Frazier fight] in Tampa or Orlando. Vigorous political and veterans opposition . . . Astrodome offer. Roy Hofheinz promises governor will license. Contracts sent to Texas. Hofheinz admits governor wouldn’t go along. Deal killed by Texas politics . . . Joe met with Detroit promoters at Yank’s house. Clay parties at meeting. Contract signed. Nothing happens.

  Joe began to doubt fight would take place. Yank pessimistic. Convinced Clay going to jail. Bruce Wright to Harry Markson [president of Madison Square Garden boxing]: “Get Ellis.”

  Eddie Futch comes in to help train JF for Ellis fight. Much to Yank’s credit, he accepted Futch. Delicate situation. Futch importance grows. Works well with Yank. Futch did the fine-tuning.

  JF destroys Jimmy Ellis, KO 5.

  Prospects for Ali fight brightened as mood of nation changed . . . Campaigns of Bobby Kennedy and Eugene McCarthy . . . Cambodia, Kent State . . . Feelings grew against war . . . Much draft resistance. Ali stayed while others fled . . . Ali an athlete whose battle to avoid military service transformed him into a kind of folk hero.

  Clay license for Atlanta . . . Boxes exhibition . . . Fights Quarry in Atlanta. Treated like conquering hero . . . Clay licensed in New York . . . Beats Bonavena. Frazier unimpressed, feared Clay might lose.

  Now JF knows Clay fight inevitable if Clay doesn’t go to jail first . . . Wanted Clay bad . . . People bugged him on street, reporters’ questions.

  Negotiations for fight, simmering for several months, boil. Ante rising fast. Clearly headed for richest purse in history . . . Garden offered $1.3 million; Astrodome offered $1.3 million . . . Yank, Herbert, and Arum pushing for Houston. Bruce Wright suspicious; felt offer too low. Frazier not aware of specific negotiations.

  Series of meetings in Arum’s office. Jesse Jackson roughly rebutted. Christmas coming when Bruce Wright calls Joe and says it looks like something about to happen . . . Jerry Perenchio offer; $2.5 million for each fighter. Fight set for Madison Square Garden.

  Nation polarizing . . . Ali becoming hero of left and Frazier hero of right . . . Clay escalates feud to unsettle Frazier for fight . . . JF: “It got out of control.”

  JF hurt by Clay’s better ability to communicate to white press . . . JF becomes symbol of Ali’s oppression. Clay trying to make him appear enemy of black people.

  JF becoming aware of unpopularity with blacks. Began to f
ind self perceived as “Uncle Tom.” Unfair but inevitable.

  JF: “Clay is a phony. He never worked. He never had a job. He don’t know nothing about life for most black people. He talks out both sides of his mouth. Doesn’t act as he preaches. Lies to the public. Gets people riled up. Exploits race problems and real black pride. No real minister would act that way.”

  Clay issues more inflammatory quotes. JF hurt and surprised when he intensifies insults. Real dislike growing.

  JF often teased in street . . . Reaction to being called ugly.

  JF: “Black people are ashamed of me. They don’t know what I’m really like.”

  JF thought Clay liked him . . . JF: “He never did. He wants to be bigger than everyone else, so he tries to make them small. Even when we signed to fight, he still looked down on me as nothing. I’m his black brother, but he used me.”

  Night before the fight. Joe tense, didn’t sleep . . . Believes he’ll win, but will feel no shame if he loses.

  In dressing room before fight, Futch is calm center of storm.

  Joe beats Clay in the most famous fight of all time. Knockdown, unanimous decision, little press disagreement. JF says afterward, “He’s the greatest I ever fought.”

  Traditionally, fighters who achieve great victory allowed to enjoy acclaim that goes with it. Loser treats winner with respect of fellow athlete, even if momentary controversy or rivalry very intense.

  JF victory tarnished. . . . Ali attacks Frazier after fight: “I didn’t lose the fight. The white people said I lost it.” . . . Spends next two years trying to diminish JF victory. Occasionally admitted he lost. But most often, in public, claimed he had won; that fight was “stolen” for “political reasons.”

  Period of title not as pleasant for JF as might have been. Clay attacks make victory appear suspect. JF not fully appreciated as a fighter or a man.

  JF: “Clay was responsible for my time as champion not being as happy as it could have been.”

  What it’s like to be champ: People awed. Everyone recognizes you, feels it’s an honor to be in your presence. JF visits Nixon at White House. Invited to speak before South Carolina legislature. Requests to appear on major TV shows. Marvels at how far he has come.

  JF setting stage for losing title. Too involved with being champ. Demands on time.

  Relationship with Yank changed. Not together as often. Joe more assertive.

  JF much too involved with music group, Joe Frazier and the Knockouts. Argued with Yank over music. Yank caved . . . Bad reviews for group. European tour bombs.

  Yank privately hurt by Joe. But Yank had changed also. Much more abrasive and self-important. Decided secretly that Joe should avoid tough fights. Didn’t tell Joe, who thought no contender would fight him.

  For 22 months, no tough fights . . . Two overmatched opponents, Terry Daniels and Ron Stander . . . JF didn’t work as hard. Overweight for both fights. Put less pressure on opponents, not doubling up. Wins came too easily.

  Eddie Futch saw changes in Joe. Tried to tell him. Can’t when still winning. JF feeling invincible.

  JF: “I lay my hands on and they fall.”

  JF: “Nobody can knock me out.”

  Joe decides he wants to fight George Foreman . . . Loses in two rounds.

  Dealing with defeat . . . “The former heavyweight champion of the world.”

  Back to the drawing board . . . JF gives up most outside activity. Draws closer to Yank. Happy in training . . . Decision over Joe Bugner in London.

  August 1973; Yank dies.

  Eddie Futch takes over.

  Negotiations for Clay II . . . Fight made.

  JF feelings about Clay had mellowed . . . Thought attacks were over . . . Clay escalates feud, stirs racial issue again.

  Joe cries in back of car . . . Still not accepted or understood by many blacks . . . Many painful incidents . . . Hassled by people in street.

  JF: “We’ll never get along. I got the best of him in ring, but he caused a lot of my own people to turn on me.”

  Bombardment continues.

  Joe bothered by lack of formal schooling. Can’t read.

  JF: “Clay goes out of his way to mock my education. Makes this image of me that I’m dumb and ugly. I don’t think this guy have any kind of feeling for anybody. Maybe his wife and his kids. But general people, I don’t think so.”

  Problems in training . . . Joe misses Yank . . . Inconsistent and unimpressive in gym. Up too high, taking too many rights . . . Complaining about sore shoulder and other aches, lingering cold.

  Studio brawl when Clay calls Joe “ignorant.”

  Joe increasingly paranoid, restless . . . Self-doubts without Yank . . . Futch admits JF uptight too soon [before the fight]; fears JF losing confidence in him.

  On fight night, dressing room too chaotic . . . Confusion on exit time. JF warms up twice.

  First fight without Yank . . . Clay wins unanimous decision.

  Clay beats Foreman to regain championship.

  JF: “I admire him regaining the title. He KO’d the man who KO’d me.”

  Ali-Frazier III in Manila.

  Pre-fight, Ali labels Joe a gorilla.

  JF: “Every once in a while, the ugliness that’s behind that cocky smile sees the sunshine . . . Clay is a phony and a hypocrite who uses people, mostly his own people . . . He must be bigger than anyone else or he tries to make them smaller.”

  Wanted to actually kill Clay in ring, hated him so much.

  [Ali-Frazier III was contested on the outskirts of Manila at 10:45 A.M. on October 1, 1975.]

  Evening of September 29 . . . Joe on kingsized bed, watching TV, running fingers over guitar strings . . . “One day, I’m gonna learn how to play this thing.”

  Ali on TV, predicting, “The first combination, he will fall.”

  JF: He’s still trying to make himself believe. But it’s too late, way too late. I got the noose around that cat’s neck.”

  TV coverage of Ali workout . . . JF hand tightens around handle of guitar when Ali jokes, “Joe’s so ugly, when he was a baby and cried, the tears turned around and ran back up his face into his eyes.”

  Commentator in ring with Ali says, “He calls you ‘Clay’ because he can’t spell ‘Muhammad.’” . . . JF face clouds and he shakes his head silently . . . “Shut it off.”

  September 30 . . . JF up at 3:30 A.M. Walks one mile . . . Back in room, pulls off boots, strips to underwear, pours alcohol on chest, lets it run down . . . Discusses letters he’s getting from Christians.

  JF: “They say don’t worry about the fight. God will take care of everything . . . That’s cool. When the bell ring, I’ll just sit on the stool and say, ‘Okay, God; take over.’ . . . Maybe I better not take no chances. I’ll do a little fighting too.”

  Takes a nap. Sleeps till 10:30 A.M. . . . Stays in room playing blackjack most of afternoon . . . Face grim.

  Lies on bed, watches TV . . . The Flying Nun and Porky Pig . . . Chewing gum, cracking it.

  At 5:30, JF eats fried fish, peas, and rice.

  Florence comes into room and sits by bed . . . Florence sacrifices. JF doesn’t always appreciate her . . . JF and Florence have long quiet talk . . . Florence leaves.

  JF: “Florence been sacrificing for years to make things happen for me. When we got married, we was so poor, she needed her sister’s ring. Now she’s got her own Cadillac.”

  8:10 P.M.: JF shuts off light, goes to sleep.

  October 1, 1975 . . . Joe leaves room at 7:15 A.M. . . . Wearing green shirt, beige slacks, brown suspenders . . . Siren wailing . . . Arrives at arena . . . Sits on red couch.

  7:45 A.M. Ali-Frazier III in three hours . . . JF lays back with head on red pillow, closes eyes, and sleeps.



  In the 1960s and ’70s, Muhammad Ali’s most important contribution was to force an understanding of the divisions between black and white in American society and, ultimately, to help bridge that gap. Now t
here’s a more-threatening chasm; the horrible hatred that exists between the Islamic and non-Islamic world.

  Ali is only one man. But he might be the most recognized and most loved person on the planet. He has a reservoir of good will that draws upon the love and good feeling that he has earned from all races, all nationalities, and all religions.

  More than a decade ago, Ali told me, “I got a plan. Someday I’m gonna hitchhike from New York to California with no money, no clothes except what I’m wearing, nothing. Then I’m going from California over to Asia, and from Asia to Europe and Africa and South America. I’m going all around the world with just my face to see how people greet me and take care of me. I could go just about any place in the world, knock on any door, and people would know me and let me in. I might even march on foot through Egypt, Israel, Lebanon, all them countries, and tell people to stop fighting and agree on a peace that’s fair to everyone. Some people say that might be dangerous, but you gotta take risks. Columbus discovered America by sailing around the world when people thought he’d fall off. We got men on the moon by risking their lives.”

  It’s only a fantasy. But what if Muhammad Ali were to walk through the troubled regions of the world today on a year-long journey to promote tolerance and understanding among all people?

  It would be a dream-like quest. But Ali is a dreamer, as were Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela when they began their journeys.


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