Steps to Submission Volume 1: Virgin Lesbian Erotic Romance (Steps to Submission Bundles)

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Steps to Submission Volume 1: Virgin Lesbian Erotic Romance (Steps to Submission Bundles) Page 2

by Lexie X

Her sigh fell short of Isabella's sudden moan. An inch away, the blonde mewled deeply and curled into her own hand a little as she audibly enjoyed herself.

  Instead of averting her gaze—just drunk enough to look without shame—Piper turned her head and watched her roommate work up to orgasm.

  Her neck flushing red with heat, the blonde held her eyes closed tight, and her bare thighs moved back and forth almost hypnotically. The bulge of her hard-working hand under her panties moved with speed, visibly pumping pleasure through her rather perfect body.

  Staring, Piper instinctively moved her own hand faster, her pleasure growing deeper. Completely forgetting the video, she watched the strangely powerful sight of her beautiful roommate getting off; before she could realize what she was doing, the pleasure overtook her. Her hand worked furiously, moving of its own accord, and an intense orgasm exploded upward through her.

  Isabella finished and gently relaxed, her eyes opening slowly to watch her loudly breathing roommate.

  Unable to stop mid-orgasm, unable to look away, Piper had no choice but to go through with it. Such was the force of her ecstasy, she didn't even want to stop; she was too drunk and too turned on to care that Isabella was watching her.

  With one last, deep sigh, she quivered and curled up against her hand as her insides clenched tightly. Scrunching up her face against the intensity, she hovered there in bliss for several moments.

  Finally, she was forced to expel a deep breath and collapse back into the pillows.

  "Wow," Isabella commented, glancing along the length of her flushed body. "Enjoying yourself much?"

  Piper just lay in place panting. The fact that her orgasm had been incredible was clearly visible on her face.

  Isabella watched her with a curious eye for a long moment, as if planning something. "Well, time to hit the hay," she finally said, and then smiled. "It was a fun night, roomie. I'm glad you came along."

  "Me too," Piper stammered back, embarrassment and reality returning as she closed her laptop. Isabella climbed off and crossed the room to her own bed, leaving her to turn and practically hide under the covers. In the dark, she grimaced, wondering what the hell had come over her, and why she'd just had the best orgasm of her life.

  Briefly, thinking about how Isabella had caught her masturbating earlier that day, she wondered why the blonde had supposedly come back to the room for her fake ID when she'd only been headed to a house party—but then she shook her head and chalked it up to a change in plans, or some other equally vague and simple explanation.


  Chapter 2

  The next day's classes went by in a blur. Rather than waking tired like she'd expected, Piper sat through each class with an almost frantic energy, tapping her foot and looking at the clock every few minutes throughout the day. The lectures were a fog of distant words while her thoughts instead churned through the previous night's events over and over.

  Was this really a thing? Did roommates watch porn and masturbate together? She'd suspected at points that it was a trick designed to ridicule her, but Isabella did seem to be sincere about it—and they were getting along much better than before. She also wondered what Isabella thought about the intense orgasm she'd had while watching her blonde roommate instead of the video at the last moment. She wasn't quite sure what to make of it herself.

  Still in a daze, she rushed back to her room when her last class let out. Pushing the door open a little too hard, she abruptly stopped just past the threshold.

  Isabella was already there, her laptop on her thighs as she browsed social media.

  Feeling slightly awkward, Piper closed the door softly and then moved to her bed while sneaking repeated glances at her roommate. Opening up her own laptop, she tried to act nonchalant despite her secretly pounding heart. After a few minutes of tense silence, she almost jumped when Isabella looked over at her and asked, "Horny?"

  "What?" she replied, almost too quickly. "Oh. Yeah, a little."

  "Then let's do this thing. I'm always hornier when it's so hot out. I have no idea why." The blonde chuckled as she settled in before her laptop.

  Across the room, Piper bit her lip. The first two times, Isabella had come over to her side of the room. Was she supposed to go over there instead now? Or were they supposed to do it in their separate beds? Or was Isabella doing this on purpose to see what she would do?

  No, she thought to herself, that couldn't be it. Not wanting to make an awkward situation worse, she made the quick decision to walk over to Isabella's bed. To her relief, after a small little smirk, the blonde scooted over.

  Sitting on the cool and unfamiliar sheets, Piper did her best to suppress her nervousness. For some reason, the shift to Isabella's bed had made her uncomfortable with what they were doing all over again.

  Isabella seemed unperturbed as she turned on a video and laid back to slide her hand down her shorts. "This one looks great."

  And, indeed, it did. Settling down on her side of the bed, Piper focused on the video. It was another of the kind she had an inexplicable fascination for—a woman bound up in leather was being dominated by several anonymous handlers. She thought briefly that she should be embarrassed to watch something like this with her roommate, but Isabella was already rubbing herself under her shorts.

  Shrugging mentally, Piper unbuttoned her own shorts and slid her hand down underneath her panties. As she was already warm and humid from hours of anticipation, her fingers brought immediate relief, and her nervousness abated somewhat. Her first breath came out as a small sigh.

  "I know, right?" Isabella said. "Feels good after a long day. I was honestly wondering what we were going to do without any privacy, but this is great."

  She worked up the nerve to glance over and smile weakly. "Yeah." She turned back to the screen.

  "You can look at me if you want to," Isabella said casually.

  Suddenly stricken with embarrassment, Piper replied, "What?!"

  "It's flattering," the blonde replied. "I just saw you watching me last time, and it seemed to really get you off."

  Completely flustered, she could only stammer. "I just happened to—I didn't even—I'm not—"

  "It's fine. Really. Getting off with another real person in the room is way different than some video."

  Seeing an opportunity for a neutral out, Piper took it. "Yeah, it is."

  "I want you to enjoy yourself. We're roommates, so it should be fair." Isabella pushed her shorts down a couple inches without warning. "Would seeing more help?"

  Her cheeks burning again as her neutral out was turned against her, Piper could only go back to stammering.

  "I'll take that as a yes," the blonde said, kicking her shorts off to free up her legs. Without further delay, she pushed her hand fully under her panties. "Much better. More room!"

  Piper gulped and stared at the bulge of her roommate's knuckles and fingers working under the pink fabric. As much as she wanted to call everything off and curl up in a corner, her pent-up arousal urged her onward. Her forgotten hand, still under her own shorts, began moving again.

  Half of her awareness cycled over whether this was weird, whether she should be freaking out, and whether she should be reacting differently—but the other half of her attention took in her roommate's subtly graceful motions of pleasure. Her vision traced up along lithe legs, past pink panties over a pumping hand, and up the blonde's partially visible toned tummy. When she got to Isabella's elegant face and saw that her green eyes were focused on the laptop, she felt somewhat more comfortable, as if she had some small amount of privacy to look where she wanted to look.

  And look she did. Not really understanding why she was so turned on watching her roommate pleasure herself, Piper slid a finger inside her own wet heat and put her whole hand into her task. Her body growing warmer, she focused on Isabella's hand moving under that pink fabric, and her pleasure rose sharply.

  Isabella moaned softly and arched up a little, her hand working faster.

hing that, Piper felt a surge of white fill her head. Her roommate's rising moans and visible pleasure were fuel for an intense fire. Transfixed, she watched the other girl's tummy tense and her body undulate with pleasure. The sheer grace and softness of the display seemed to directly charge her arousal, and she again found herself pushing past the barrier of self-control. As Isabella bent her head back and began moaning louder, Piper began making unbidden noises of her own, unable to hold back. The blonde's first little spasms of true orgasm sent her over the edge.

  Curling against her own furiously fingering and rubbing hand, she sat up on both knees while her eyes ran up and down Isabella's body, her sight capturing every little elegant detail of her roommate's orgasm.

  Panting hard, her face scrunched up against the overwhelming animal ecstasy, Piper shuddered and fought clenching muscles to keep her hand working. As her pleasure reached its mind-numbing peak, Isabella was coming down from hers. The blonde opened her eyes and, for the second time, watched her get off.

  Piper arched up, her whole body tingling, and then she let out a deep sigh. Catching her breath, she remained on her knees for a minute and slowly returned to reality.

  "That looked even more intense than the last one," Isabella said, her tone genuine and a little curious.

  Momentarily drained of all willpower and put rather on the spot, Piper just nodded and tried to still her racing heart.

  Isabella sat and calmly looked at her, waiting.

  Realizing her roommate's intent, Piper awkwardly climbed off of the bed and gave her back the space. Still breathless, she walked back to her own bed, questioning everything about what they were doing. How was this less weird than avoiding each other all year? Surely her roommate must think she was strange or crazy.

  "Be ready at nine," Isabella said cheerily. "We're going out again!"

  Throwing up her hands mentally and accepting that she had no idea what was going on, Piper lowered her head in acquiescence and mumbled something affirmative.

  Feeling attractive rather than ridiculous, and still adjusting to her heels, Piper followed her roommate to another dorm building where they met an average-looking guy in a hoodie. After a quick and quiet exchange, Isabella returned, and the guy took off.

  "Here you go, the best present you'll ever get."

  Piper took the plastic card and studied it, realizing that it was a driver's license for a brunette that looked almost exactly like her.

  "You're Tammy Ann from Georgia now, got it?" Isabella joked. She brought out her own fake ID. "And I'm Amy Wong."

  "Isn't that an Asian name?" Piper asked, looking at the picture. The girl had long hair, dyed blonde, and a naturally elegant face that was just out of focus enough to match Isabella's general characteristics perfectly.

  "Whatever works," the blonde quipped. "But really all we have to do is look good and smile. Do that, and the door guys won't care what our IDs say. Let's hit the bars! The girls are already there."

  Terrified at the prospect of using a fake ID, but far too caught up to flake now, Piper let Isabella drag her along to the first bar. Just as the blonde had claimed, the guy at the door didn't even ask for their IDs, and instead waved them on through with an appreciative ogling. Rather than feeling offended, she felt complimented. She even began thinking that maybe—just maybe—being friends with Isabella was going to lead to good things.

  As she accepted drinks from her roommate without a second thought, the night began passing in a blur of laughing girls, silly stories, and drunken antics. If Isabella became busy talking to some guy, Julie would take her place, keeping her included and busy. Even the walks between bars remained fun, because the large group of girls had acquired a dozen boisterous tag-alongs. Frankly, she couldn't believe just how lively Isabella's social life was. It seemed surreal to someone that had mostly spent her time one-on-one with friends or pursuing nerdy pastimes.

  Outside the last bar, Isabella waited outside as the rest of the girls and guys went in. "Hey, I wanna try something."

  Piper stopped next to her as they took up a place against the wall of the bar a few feet away from some smokers.

  Isabella pulled out a cigarette and a lighter. "Ever smoked before?"

  "Nope," she replied, wavering a little bit in place from the pleasant buzz blanketing her body.

  "Me neither."

  "You shouldn't then," Piper said automatically.

  Her roommate just smirked. "We're a week and a half into college. It's about trying new things, right? We can do whatever we want. Here, light it for me."

  Piper took the lighter and held it up to the blonde's cigarette, her fingers just short of those full lips. Clicking the lighter awkwardly, she tried her best, but the wind kept snuffing it out. Isabella moved closer, and Piper brought up her other hand to block the wind. In a subtly confusing way, standing close and alone with her hands up near Isabella's face, the moment became strangely intimate without warning.

  "Thanks," the blonde said, stepping back and taking a drag. After a hesitation, she coughed. "Oh, man, this is horrible!"

  "Seriously?" That was not the reaction Piper had expected.

  "God, why does anyone smoke?" Isabella screwed up her face in disgust, somehow only seeming prettier for it. She thrust the cigarette forward. "Here, you try."

  "What? No way!"

  "I'm not going to try new things all by myself. Do it."

  "Fine," Piper gave in, taking the cigarette gingerly. Lifting the end where Isabella's lips had just been, she took a drag—and immediately coughed roughly.

  "Ah, the hell with it," Isabella said, taking the cigarette back. She dropped it dramatically, and then crushed it out with the flat of her heels. "Accidentally burned my fingers, too."

  "Oh no, I'm sorry!" Piper replied, a little too expressive due to all the drinks she'd downed in the last few hours.

  "It's fine," the blonde said, her tone sincerely dismissive of the minor injury.

  Still, Piper watched her roommate as they went into the bar. Isabella ordered and picked up a cold drink, and then winced ever so slightly when the chill hit her fingers. She wasn't sure why that concerned her so much until a half hour of blurred goodbyes and drunken walking had passed.

  Stumbling back into their dorm room, Isabella slid her foot along the door and slammed it closed far harder than she’d intended. "Whoops!" she shrieked, before taking a running fall into her bed.

  Rather intoxicated herself, Piper wavered in place, not willing to say anything, but not willing to retreat to her own bed.

  Noticing her reluctance, Isabella sat up and lowered the angle of her face to give her a naughty, drunken smirk. She patted the open sheets. "Sit."

  Quietly, Piper moved forward, taking up her designated spot.

  Isabella slid out her laptop, opened it up, and found a good video in moments. Lying back with a sigh, she reached down below the edge of her dress—and then winced.

  Piper froze. She realized that she'd been worried about exactly this from the moment Isabella had burned her fingers; the whole thing might have to be called off.

  "Can you help me?" Isabella suddenly blurted, grumbling unhappily and fidgeting in place.

  "Help you?" she asked quickly, a sudden tension gripping her heart. What exactly was her roommate asking her to do?

  Isabella grabbed her hand and brought it down under her dress, placing it flat on her panties.

  Overcome by inexplicable terror, Piper pulled her hand back quickly. "That's just too much—I don't know, I just—"

  "I thought we were cool," the blonde responded. "It's not anything weird. I just can't do it myself tonight, so I need a little help."

  Too drunk to argue, and somehow swayed by her roommate's excuse, Piper didn't immediately jump off the bed.

  "Just over the panties," Isabella said, negotiating. "I'm so horny, it won't be hard at all."

  "Fine!" she replied, not exactly sure why she was giving in.

  "Great," her roommate said, grabbing h
er wrist.

  Piper shuddered involuntarily as her hand came up flat against warm panties. She sat unmoving for several breaths, completely out of her comfort zone and not sure what to do.

  "It already feels a little good," Isabella breathed, gripping her forearm. "Here. Like this."

  Piper watched, breathless, as her hand was moved up and down against another girl's underwear. She gulped as, despite herself, she began focusing on the physical textures and sensations moving against her unwilling fingers. She could feel light fabric sliding across smooth skin, and she could just barely detect a hint of humidity augmenting the very noticeable heat of female arousal on her hand.

  Squeezing her own thighs together, she fought a sudden twinge between her legs.

  Isabella noticed, looking first down at her legs, then up at her face—but she said nothing, and instead let go of her grip.

  Frowning deeply at her own weak will, Piper found herself too inexplicably aroused to pull her hand away. Almost unbidden, her palm pressed down a little, bringing more intimate texture through fabric. She could just barely feel the feminine curves of her roommate's most intimate area.

  Painfully turned on, she could only go with it, ever so slowly rubbing more intently.

  "Yeah, just like that," Isabella breathed, watching the video with half-open lust-filled eyes. "A little harder."

  Freaking out mentally, but still obeying the order, she pressed a little more forcefully against the heated fabric as her hand moved up and down.

  Isabella's full lips opened, and a breathy sigh escaped.

  Weirdly tingly, Piper stared at her roommate's slightly open mouth and curled her toes against certain sensations creeping up her body. Her gaze traveled down Isabella's tight dress until it reached her own hand. As she rubbed, she remained fixated on her flat palm curled between lithe thighs.

  Alive with strange urges, something tipped ever so slightly within her, and suddenly she was really doing it. She put the strength of her entire arm into it as she worked her beautiful roommate in earnest.

  "Fuck yeah, that feels great," Isabella murmured, her eyes still on the video. "Keep going."


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