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A Mountain in Tibet

Page 27

by Charles Allen

For Curzon see: David Dilks, Curzon in India, vols I and II (1970).

  Chapter 8

  Ekai Kawaguchi’s story is told in Three Years in Tibet (1909); Henry Savage Landor’s in In the Forbidden Land, vols I and II (1898), Nepal and Tibet (1905), Everywhere (1924). For the other side of the story see T. Longstaff, This My Voyage (1950), MS The Manasarovar-Sutlej Problem (1908), and other papers owned by Mrs C. Longstaff, Letters RGS. See also Hedin, II and III.

  Chapters 9 and 10

  Sven Hedin has yet to find a biographer who can write about him dispassionately. Dr Rutger Essen’s Sven Hedin, Ein Grosses Leben (1956) fills a few gaps. Hedin himself left almost too much about himself – see: Letters, Sven Hedin Institute; Life and Letters (in Swedish, 1964); My Life as an Explorer (for children) (1926); A Conquest of Tibet (1935); Trans-Himalaya, vols I–III (1913) Through Asia (1899); Central Asia and Tibet (1903); Adventures in Tibet (1904). The article on his discoveries that he had failed to sell to the Geographical Journal was eventually bought by Harper’s Monthly and published in Aug.–Sept. 1908. See also Sir F. Younghusband, The Heart of a Continent (1890); India and Tibet (1910); Letters RGS; and every edition of the Geographical Journal from Sept. 1908 to May 1909. For the last word see Prana vananda, op. cit., and the Columbia Lippincott Gazetteer (1952).


  Abors, 111–12, 115, 116–18, 171, 179–80, 182–6, 191–9

  Agra, 151

  Akbar, Emperor, 30–1

  Alaknanda, river, 17, 19–20, 33, 35, 67–9, 85

  Almora, 69

  Andrade, Father Antonio de, 32–9, 42–3

  Anglo-Nepalese treaty, 104

  Anglo Sikh war, 143

  Anglo-Tibetan Convention, 188, 190

  Ashok, Emperor, 20

  Asiatick Researches, 60, 63, 72, 85

  Assam, Assam valley, 107–121, 125–131, 170–1, 182;

  see also Abors; Brahmaputra; Mishmis

  Atkinson, E. T., 13, 21

  Badra, river, 17, 19

  Badrinath, 19, 33–4, 67

  Bailey, Lieutenant, F. M. (‘Eric’), 189–90, 195, 198–200

  Baltistan, 41

  Bareilly, 69, 73–4

  Bedford, Captain James, 113–16, 131

  Bedingfield, Richard, 109–10, 129–30

  Bengal Asiatic Society, 60

  Bhagirath (saint), 15

  Bhagirathi, river, 64–5, 66, 77

  Bhairava, 24

  Bharatpore, 104

  Bhotias, 33–4, 86, 87–8, 92, 141–2, 158

  Bhutan, 181

  Bir Singh Rawat, 88, 97, 161

  Bodhisattvas, 12, 19

  Bokar, Chhu, 246

  Bokhara, 102, 103

  Bon-Po, ‘black belief’, 25, 27–8, 221

  Bordak, 185–6

  Borobudur, 17

  Bower, Major-General Hamilton, 193

  Brahma, 13, 22, 23–4

  Brahmakund, 112, 116, 241

  Brahmaputra (see also rivers, four) exploration of (see also under Tsangpo), 8, 23, 39;

  Rennell, 58–9, 108;

  Anglo-Burmese war, Scott, Bedingfield, Burlton, Bedford, Wilcox, 107–132;

  Kishen Singh, 174–5;

  Needham (Dihong river), 185–6;

  Williamson (Dihong), 189–192;

  Lindsay (Dihong), 197–8;

  Hedin, see under Tsangpo and Tsangpo connection, 51, 59, 108, 113, 115, 118, 125, 169, 185, 199

  Buddha-Gaya, 215

  Buddha, Gautama, 215

  Buddhism, Buddhists, 7, 18, 19–20, 21, 25, 27–8

  Burlton, Philip, 109–12, 115–130

  Burma, 107–8, 109–10, 112, 118, 120, 121–7, 128

  Burnes, Alexander 103

  ‘Burrumpooter’, see Brahmaputra

  Burton, Richard 148–9

  Butler, John, 170

  Butler, John (son of preceding), 170

  Cakrasamvara, 28

  Capuchins, 52, 54

  Cawdor, Lord, 201

  Chaksu, river, 17, 19

  Chanden Singh, 204, 207, 208, 211, 212–13

  Chang, Tang, 11, 20, 43, 240

  Chemayungdung Chhu, 157, 240, 241

  Chemayungdung Pu (Limi), 157–8

  Cherrapunji, 129–31

  Chhumbel, 162–3, 172, 174

  Chimay, Lake, 39


  early cosmography, 26–7

  and Tibet, 9, 53, 141, 135, 159, 270

  mentioned, 214, 228

  Chini Lama, 215

  Chumik Ganga, 218

  Chumik Thonga Ranchung, 218

  Colebrooke, Henry, 60–1, 63, 72

  Colebrooke, Sir James Edward, 100

  Colebrooke, Robert, 60–2, 69–70, 74

  Columbia Lippincott Gazetteer, 264

  Conway, Sir Martin, 259

  Crimean War, 149

  Cuiller, Pierre, see Perron, General

  Curzon, Lord, 9, 187, 230–3, 258, 266–7

  Daba, 87, 90–1

  Daily Mail, 202

  Dakeo pass (‘wall of death’), 153–4, 242

  Dalai Lama, 53, 163, 236

  Dalgliesh, Andrew, 193, 235

  dam-dooms, 121

  damaru, 24

  Damroh, 180, 185

  Dane, Sir Louis, 190

  Darma La, 105

  Darma Yankti, 105, 261

  Darwin, Major Leonard, 254

  Dauli, river, 85, 87

  Deb Singh Rawat, 88, 97, 100, 144, 146

  Demchog, 25, 28

  Deo Tal, 35

  Deoprayag, 64, 67

  Desideri, Ippolito, 39–55

  Devi, 24

  Dibang, river, 112, 115

  Dibrugarh, 171

  Dihing, river, 111, 112, 114–15, 171, 180, 184, 186, 191, 193, 197

  Dolma La, 220

  Dorje Phangmo, 25, 176

  Drummond, Hon. Robert, 151–8

  Dun valley, 81–2

  Durga, 24

  East India Company, 9, 56, 82–3, 100, 102–3, 107

  Eden, Emily, 73

  Edward, Prince of Wales, 228

  elephant-mouth river, see Lanchen-Khambab

  Everest, George, 131

  Everest, Mount, 174, 200

  Fraser, James Baillie, 77

  Freshfield, Douglas, 259–60, 269

  Freyre, Father Emanoel, 40–53, 55

  Ganga (see also rivers, four) in Chinese cosmography, 27

  exploration of, 8, 23, 30;

  Andrade, 32–5, 38;

  Desideri, 48–50;

  Rennell, 58–60;

  Colebrooke, Webb and Hearsey, 7, 61–6 Fraser, 77;

  Hodgson and Herbert, 77–8;

  Moorcroft, 94;

  Kawaguchi, 218

  in Hindu myth, 14–18, 19

  sacred pilgrimage to, 14–16, 18–19, 33–4, 63

  Ganga Chhu, 244

  Ganga Mai, 14, 15, 77

  Gangadwara, 16

  Ganges, river, see Ganga

  Ganglung glacier, 242

  Gangotri, 66–7, 77

  Garbyang, 204–5

  Gardner, William Linnaeus, 101

  Garhwal, 8, 81, 104, 142

  Garo Hills, 108

  Garstin, John, 61, 71, 74–7, 80

  Gartok, 91–2, 141

  Gartong Chhu, 48, 166

  Gaumukh, 77, 78

  Geku, 197–8

  Gholam Hyder Khan, 85, 102–3

  Goalpara, 108

  Godwin-Austen, Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Haversham, 259

  Goes, Benedict de, 32

  goldfields, gold mining, 165, 167

  Grant, James, 149

  ‘Great Game’, the, 159

  Gregorson, Dr., 191–2

  Gugé, 35–6, 37

  Gunchhu, lake, 209

  Gurkhas, 63, 66–7, 81, 97–100, 101, 142, 193–4

  Gurla Mandhata, 93, 157–8, 213–14, 261–2

  Gyala, 177

  Gyala Peri, 176, 199

  Gyanema, 206

  Gyantse, 190

/>   Harballabh, 84, 94, 97

  Hardwar, 33, 63

  Harish Chandra Rawat, 174

  Harman, Lieutenant/Captain Henry, 175–6, 177, 178–80

  harmony, natural, 18

  Harmsworth, Alfred, 202, 212

  Hearsey, Colonel Andrew Wilson, 72

  Hearsey, Hyder Jung, 57, 62–70, 71–77, 81–101, 104

  Hedin, Ludwig von, 222

  Hedin, Sven Anders, 8–9

  birth and childhood, 222

  character, 222–3, 225–6

  and Curzon, 230–1, 231–2, 266–8

  death, 5, 270

  and Germany, 5–6, 223, 264, 268–9

  and Indus, 238, 240–1, 245–7, 261, 268

  and Kailas/Manasarovar, 239–45, 246, 268

  on Landor, 203

  and Lhasa, 228–31, 233–4

  and Parsee skulls, 224

  in Persia, 224

  and Pundits, 258

  and Royal Geographical Society, Keltie, 5–6, 221, 228, 231, 239, 247, 249, 251–2

  in Shigatse, 237

  on Silk Route, 224–5

  and Smyth/Webber expedition, 151–2, 154–5, 262–3

  Southern Tibet, 154, 268

  and Sutlej, 239, 242, 244, 261, 268

  and Takla Makan, 225–8

  to Tarim basin and China, 228

  Tibet, last visit to, 249–50

  and Trans-Himalayan range, 210, 239, 251, 252, 258–60, 261, 264, 267

  and Tsangpo/Brahmaputra, 152, 154–5, 233–6, 237–41, 247, 260, 261, 268

  and Younghusband, Younghusband Mission, 188, 225, 232–4

  Herbert, Captain James, 78, 104, 131

  Herodotus, 167

  Himalayas, 12, 18–19

  exploration of, 7–9, 30–2 and passim

  height of, 58–60, 105

  in Hindu myth, 13–16

  pilgrimage to, 15–16, 19–20

  rivers flowing from, or through, see rivers and world mountain, see mountain

  Hindus, Hinduism, 7, 13–16, 28–9, 145–6

  Hiru Dham Singh, 141

  Hodgson, Henry, 152–8

  Hodgson, Captain John, 64, 71–78, 81, 104, 105–6, 113, 127, 128, 131

  Holdich, Sir Thomas, 255–6, 258–9

  horse-mouth river, see Tamchok-Khambab

  Hughes, Thomas, 147

  Humboldt, Baron, 146

  Hurruck Dao, 84–5, 96

  Hwang Ho, river, 27


  British in, 9, 56–7, 107, 170, 181–2

  Survey of, 58–9, 60, 70–1, 132, 159–61, 165, 180–1

  Indra, 13

  Indus (see also rivers, four)

  in Chinese cosmography, 30

  exploration of, 8, 23, 27

  Desideri, 48, 49–51;

  Rennell, 59;

  Moorcroft and Hearsey, 91–2;

  Pundits, 165–9;

  Hedin, 239, 240–1, 245–7, 261, 268

  Irrawaddy, river, 39, 108, 112–13, 118, 123, 124–5, 175

  Isa, Mohamed, 235–6, 238

  Jacquement, Victor, 86

  Jaintia hills, 108

  Java, 17

  Jerko La, 48, 49

  Jesuits, 31–3, 37–40;

  see also Andrade; Desideri

  Johar valley, 141

  Joseph (servant of Andrade), 38

  Juliana, Donna, 40

  Kailas, Mount, 7

  in Chinese cosmography, 26–9

  circumambulation of, 21–2, 49–50, 219–21, 242–6

  descriptions of, 21–2, 145–6, 242–3

  exploration of, 7;

  Desideri 48–9;

  Moorcroft and Hearsey, 93;

  Henry Strachey, 145–6;

  Richard Strachey, 146;

  Webber and Hodgson, 156;

  Kalian Singh, 168;

  Kawaguchi, 218–21;

  Hedin, 239, 243–5, 246–7, 268

  height of, 145, 146

  in Hindu myth, 14–15, 21, 22–5

  names of, see Kang Rinpoche; Meru; Sumeru; Tisé

  sacred, 7, 14–15, 22, 28–9

  and Shiva, 22–5, 145

  and Tibetan religion, 24–5, 26–9, 47–9; 219–20, 243–5

  Kailas range, 18–21, 89, 245–6, 264

  Kali (goddess), 24

  Kali, river, 104

  Kalian Singh, 161, 166, 168, 172, 245

  Kalidasa, 22

  Kanchenjunga, Mount, 181

  Kang Rinpoche (Kailas, q.v.), 7, 25, 27

  Kangri Karchhak, 25

  Karnali, river, 105

  Karnaprayag, 97

  Kashmir, 40–1, 92

  Kawaguchi, Ekai, 202–3, 214–21, 242

  Kebang, 191, 195–7

  Kedarkhand (Uttarakhand), 16, 19

  Keltie, John Scott, 221, 228, 231–2, 238, 247–8, 249, 251–3, 264–6

  Khamtis, 123, 128

  Khasis, Khasi hills, 108, 127–8, 129–31, 230

  Kinthup, 176–81, 199

  Kipling, Rudyard, 54, 159, 214–5

  Kircher, Athanasius, 38–9

  Kishen Singh Rawat, 161, 172, 174, 197

  Klaproth, Heinrich Julius von, 112–13, 125

  Komsing, 191–2

  Krishna (god), 24

  Krishna, river, 95

  Kubi-Gangri, 240

  Kubi-Tsangpo, 240–1

  Kumaon, 62, 69, 81, 97–100, 101, 104–6, 142–3

  Kumbh Mela, 63

  Kun Lun mountains, 225

  Kuti valley, 205

  Ladakh, 37, 41–3

  Lampiya Dhura pass, 144, 205–6

  Lanchen-Khambab (elephant-mouth river), 26, 105, 242

  Landor, Henry Savage, 202–15, 241

  Landor, Walter Savage, 203

  Leh, 42


  as goal of exploration, 8

  and Gugé, 37

  Hedin and, 229–10, 232–3

  Jesuits at, 51–5

  Kawaguchi at, 221

  Landor aims for, 207

  Pundits at, 162–4, 172

  sacked by Tartars, 53

  Younghusband Mission to, 187–9, 232–3

  Limi (Chemayungdung Pu), 156–8

  Lindsay, Major Alec, 193–6, 197, 198

  lion-mouth river, see Senge–Khambab

  Lipu Lekh pass, 152, 204–5

  Lohit, river, 112, 115, 116, 190

  Longstaff, Dr Tom, 147, 213–4, 253, 254–5, 261–2, 263

  Lucknow, 150

  Lungdep Chhu, 246

  McIntyre, Major-General Donald, 152, 158

  McMahon, Sir Henry, 195, 199

  Mahabharata, 13–14, 16

  Mahadeo-ka-Linga (Shivling mountain, Mount Moira), 64, 79

  Mallory, George Leigh, 200

  Mana, 68

  Manasarovar, Lake, 21–2

  exploration of: Jesuits, 31–2, 35, 39, 48–50;

  Rennell, 59;

  Webb, 80;

  Moorcroft and Hearsey, 91–7;

  Henry Strachey, 144–5;

  Richard Strachey, 146;

  Webber and Hodgson, 153, 155–7;

  Ryder and Bailey, 189;

  Landor, 208;

  Kawaguchi, 218–9;

  Hedin, 239, 242, 243, 247, 268

  in Hindu myth, 14, 21–3

  and Rakas Tal, 94–7, 145, 146, 189, 208–9, 219, 243

  rivers flowing from, 38–9, 94–7, 144–5

  sacred, 21–3, 28–9, 219, 242–3

  mandala, 18,

  Mani Singh Rawat, 146–7, 160–1, 162, 166, 172

  mani-stones, 20, 246

  Manshang pass, 205–6

  Mansing, 208

  Manucci, Niccolo, 30

  Mapchhu-Khambab (peacock-mouth river), 26, 105

  Mapham Tso, 25

  Marathas, 57, 58

  Markham, Sir Clements, 259

  Marques, Manuel, 32–4, 35–7

  Maryum Chhu, 240

  Maryum La, 50, 164–5, 208–9, 239, 260

  Maxwell, Captain Ne
ville, 185–6

  Mekong, river, 39, 125, 173

  Membu, 117, 182

  Meru (see also Kailas), 7, 13, 14, 15–18, 23, 26

  Milam, 141

  Milarepa, 27–8

  Mill, James, 60

  Minto, Lord, 233, 251–2

  Mishmis, 111, 116, 175, 198–9

  Moira, Lord, 79, 101

  Moira, Mount, see Mahadeo-ka-Linga

  Mong Se, 123

  Monserrate, Father Antonio de, 31

  Montgomerie, Captain T. G., 160, 164–5, 171

  Moorcroft, William, 82–101, 102–4, 145

  Morley, Lord, 234, 257, 267

  Morshead, Captain Henry, 199, 200–1

  mountain, sacred, myth of, 7–8, 18; see also Kailas

  Munjam Chhu, 246

  Mussoorie, 165

  Mustang, 215–17

  Mutiny, Indian, 150, 151

  Naga hills, 108

  Nagas, 193, 194–5

  Nain Singh Rawat, 147, 158, 159–61, 162–5, 166–9, 171–2, 172–4, 189, 239, 261

  Naini Tal, 203

  Namche Barwa, 12, 176, 197, 199

  Nanda Devi, 89, 105, 143

  Nanga Parbat, 12

  Nansen, Fridtjof, 228

  Naro-Bonchung, 27–8, 220

  Needham, Jack, 181–7, 191, 195

  Needham, Jack (son of preceding), 195, 197

  Nem Singh, 175–8, 179, 180


  British invasion of, 101

  Anglo-Nepalese treaty, 104

  Landor in, 213

  see also Gurkhas

  Ngari, Niongar, 48–50

  Nile, river, 148–9

  Niti, Niti pass, valley, 87–9, 105

  Noa Dihing, river, 119

  Nobel, Emanuel, 228

  Nongkhlao, 127–30

  Nordenskiöld, Baron, 223

  Nyandi Gompa, 220

  Nyenchen Tanglha range, 264

  Om mani padme hum, 28

  Oscar, King, of Sweden, 228

  Oude, Nawab of, 62, 73–4, 104, 131, 150

  Oxus, river, 27, 187

  Panchen (Tashi) Lama, 237–8

  Panghi, 191–2

  parikarama, 21, 220, 244–5

  Parvati, 24

  pasham wool, 92

  Pasighat, 115

  Patkai hills, 108

  peacock-mouth river, see Mapchhu-Khambab

  Pema Tense, 245–6

  Pemako, 177, 198

  Pemakochung, 178

  Perron, General (Pierre Cuiller), 57

  Pindar, river, 97

  Pindu La, 217

  Pir Panjal range, 41

  Potala palace, 51, 53

  Prester, John, 31

  Pundits, 159–69, 214, 258;

  see also individual names

  Punjab, 143

  Puranas, 16–18, 21–2, 22–3, 25

  Purang, Purang valley, 143, 146

  Purchas, Samuel, 31

  Putao, 123

  Queen’s Hall, 256

  Rakas Tal (Rawan Hrud, Rown Rudh)

  exploration of: Webb, 80;

  Moorcroft and Hearsey, 93–6;


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