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A Mountain in Tibet

Page 28

by Charles Allen

Henry Strachey, 123;

  Richard Strachey, 144;

  Ryder and Bailey, 189;

  Landor, 208–9;

  Kawaguchi, 219;

  Hedin, 239, 243–4

  Manasarovar (q.v.) linked to, 94–6, 144–5, 146, 189, 208, 219, 243

  rivers flowing from, 93, 94, 144, 189, 244

  Rama, 24

  Ramayana, 14

  Ranjit Singh, 56, 143

  Raper, Captain Felix, 63–70, 72, 80

  Rawan Hrud, lake, see Rakas Tal

  Rawat clan, 141, 146, 159–61, 174, see also individual names

  Rawling, Captain Cecil, 189, 239, 260–1, 266

  Rennell, Sir James, 7, 58–9, 74–5, 76, 108

  Rhins, Dutreuil de, 235

  Richthofen, Baron von, 223

  rivers, four, sources of, 6–8, 17, 23, 25–6, 38;

  see also Brahmaputra; Ganga; Indus; Sutlej; Tsangpo

  Rotung, 191–2, 197

  Rown Rudh, lake, see Rakas Tal

  Royal Geographical Society

  and Sven Hedin, see under Hedin

  and Nain Singh, 168, 174

  and Henry Strachey, 146

  Rudok, 36

  Rudra, 24

  Rungpore, 109–10

  Russia, 9, 159, 187, 229, 231, 232

  Ryder, Captain/Major C. H. D., 188–90, 198, 239, 244, 260, 266

  Sadiya, 110–1, 112, 117, 190

  Sagar, King, 15

  St Paul’s Cathedral Library, Calcutta, 31

  Salween river, 39, 125, 175

  Samye, 17

  Sanchi, 17

  sanyasi, 16

  Saraswati, river, 35, 68

  Sarat Chandra Das, 214

  Savage Club, 256

  Schlagintweit, Adolf and Robert, 146–7

  Scott, David, 109, 112, 113, 114, 116, 126, 127–8, 129, 131

  Segauli, treaty of, 101

  Senge, Chhu, 166, 167

  Senge-Khambab (lion-mouth river), 26, 128, 245–7

  Shaivas, 24

  shakti, 18, 24–5, 28

  shamans, shamanism, 24, 25, 27–8

  Shigatse, 163, 236–8

  Shimang, river, 197

  Shiva, 15–16, 18–19, 22–5, 28, 33, 64, 145

  Shivling mountain, see Mahadeo-ka-Linga

  Sikhs, 143

  Silk Route, 224

  Sindhu (Indus, q.v.), 27

  Sita, river

  in Chinese cosmography, 27–9

  in Vishnu Purana, 17, 19

  Skrine, Sir Clement, 5–6

  Smyth, Edmund, 141–2, 147–58, 159–60, 161–2, 241, 262–3

  Sobraon, battle of, 143

  Speke, John, 148–50

  Srinagar (Garhwal), Rajahs of, 33–5, 41, 63, 82

  Srinagar (Kashmir), 41

  Stanley, Henry, 228

  Stein, Sir Aurel, 266

  Strachey, Henry, 144–6, 244

  Strachey, Richard, 146, 244

  Subansiri, river, 114

  Sumeru (Meru q.v.), 26

  Sutlej (see also rivers, four)

  exploration of, 8, 23;

  Desideri, 48, 50;

  Moorcroft and Hearsey, 90, 93, 94;

  Webb, 105;

  Henry Strachey, 144–5;

  Ryder and Bailey, 189;

  Hedin, 239, 242, 244, 261, 268

  Swarga, 13

  Tabsi La, Takhu pass, 157, 241–2

  Tage Chhu, 242

  Takhu pass, see Tabsi La

  Takla Makan, 225–7, 228

  Taklakar, 143, 153, 211

  Tamchok-Khambab (horse-mouth river), 26, 241, 247

  tantra, tantric cults, 24–5, 27, 28–9

  Taoism, 18

  tara goddesses, 25

  Tarim, river, 27, 228, 229

  Tasam highway, 43, 162, 164, 238

  Tashi (Panchen) Lama, 237–8

  Tashigang, 43–5

  Tengri Nor, lake, 173, 230

  Thok Jalung, 167

  Thomas, General George, 57


  Bhotia trade with, 141–2

  China and, 9, 53, 141, 159, 190, 270

  Christian community in, 31–2, 35–6, 54

  exploration of, 8–9;

  Jesuits, 32–55;

  Webb, 80, 104–5;

  Moorcroft and Hearsey, 86–97, 100;

  Henry Strachey, 144–6;

  Smyth and Webber, 153–8;

  Pundits, 159–68, 171–4;

  Nem Singh, Kinthup, 174–80;

  Ryder and Bailey, 187–90, 260;

  Kawaguchi, 202, 214–21;

  Landor, 202–14;

  Hedin, 228–32, 233–45, 249–52, 255–6, 260, 266

  geography of, 11–12, 18–21

  ‘Little’ and ‘Second’, 41

  neutrality/isolation of,

  Russia and, 9, 187–8, 232, 258

  oldest monastery of, 17

  religions of, see Bon-Po; Buddhism

  Sikh invasion of, 143–4

  see also Kailas; Lhasa, Manasarovar; Trans-Himalayan range; Tsangpo

  Times, The, 5, 257

  Tirthapuri, 93

  Tisé (Kailas, q.v.), 7, 25

  Totling, 35

  Tradom, 162–3, 164

  Traill, G. W., 143

  Trans-Himalayan range, 210, 239 251, 253, 259–60, 261, 264–5, 267

  Trisul, 89, 213

  Trotter, Sir Henry, 259

  Tsangpo (see also rivers, four) and Brahmaputra connection, 51, 59, 108, 113, 115, 118, 125, 169, 185, 199–200

  exploration of: Desideri, 50;

  Smyth and Webber, 152–58, 262;

  Pundits, 161–3, 171, 172, 173–80;

  Ryder and Bailey, 188–90;

  Bailey and Morshead, 199–201;

  Kingdon Ward (gorge), 201;

  Landor, 209–11;

  Kawaguchi, 217;

  Hedin, 133, 236, 238–6, 240, 259–60, 261, 267

  and Irrawaddy, 108, 112–3, 118, 123–5, 174–5

  in Tibetan myth, 12

  Tsaparang, 35, 36–7, 48

  Tsarang, 216–7

  Tsetang, 173, 175

  Turkestan, Chinese, 225, 266

  Uma, 24

  Unta Dhura pass, 141

  Urghien, 48–9

  Uttarakhand (Kedarkhand), 16, 19

  Vaisnavas, 24

  Vajrayana, 28

  Vakshu, river, 27

  Victoria, Queen, 92

  Vishnu, 16–17, 19, 23–5, 33

  Waddell, Dr, 181

  Walker, General, 172, 174, 175

  Ward, F. Kingdon, 201

  Webb, Lieutenant William, 62–70, 71–7, 80, 104–6, 142–3

  Webber, Thomas, 152, 152–8, 262

  Whymper, Edward, 148–9

  Wilcox, Richard, 111, 113–29, 130–1

  Williamson, Noel, 191–2

  Wilson, Dr Harkua, 205–6, 207, 211–12

  yab and yum, 18, 25, 28

  Yamne, river, 197

  Yangtse, river, 125

  yantra, 18

  yin and yang, 18

  Younghusband, Colonel Francis (‘Frank’),

  Younghusband Mission, 187–8, 225, 232–5

  Zaskar range, 20

  Zoji pass, 41

  Zuhur-ul-Missa, 58




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